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1802 (Oct. 13)
Solana, Father Domingo Joachin Petition of Solana about precedence. Fran(cis)co Bermudes, notary.
Solana, Father Domingo Joachin
to Father (Thomas Hassett Solana, an assistant, states that preference is given in choir to the Capuchins. Hassett has said that no distinction has been made between secular and regular clergy and that they await the arrival of the bishop to determine this. Today when Solana went to sit in the chair corresponding to that of Father Pedro Zamora, (O.F.M. Cap.), also an assistant, Zamora retreated in order to have precedence. Solana wants to protect his rights. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father (Thomas) The arrival of the Bishop-Elect is awaited for the decision in the matter which will be made known to the petitioner. In the meantime he is to occupy the place corresponding to his seniority as has been done up to now among the clergy, some of whom were priests in the time of the outgoing bishop. Bermudes adds that he notified Solana on the 13th. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Solana, Father Domingo Joachin Solana petitions to revoke the decision of April 12 giving him precedence to the religious and to have them refrain from wearing the cap, proper distinction of the secular clergy to distinguish them from regulars. He asks for the proceedings in the case so that he may appeal to His Majesty. P.S. Since there is a house supported by the Royal Treasury for the assistants, Solana asks to be allowed to live there. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas The decision of April 13 is to stand. Religious clergy have worn the cap from time immemorial. To ask them to stop is to start discord and scandal. The cap and cowl do not make the priest. The appeal to a higher court is granted and the testimony he asks for is to be given to him. A copy of the royal order is to be procured. D.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father (Thomas) The assistance of Intendant Juan Ventura Morales is to be asked to secure a copy of the Royal Order of March 20, 1795 about the Capuchins' house. D.S. (Spanish)
Morales, (Juan Ventura) The treasury office is to supply what (Hassett) asks. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Llaguno, Eugenio de
to (Francisco de Rendon) In view of the offer of Andres Almonester y Roxas in a letter of October 31, last year, to build at his own expense a house for the priests of this parish, the king approved the suspension of rebuilding the two houses of the mission, as had been provided in the royal order of April 15 last year, eliminating the expense explained in Rendon's letter of November 5. The king desires that Rendon continue to pay the rent on the house occupied temporarily by the Capuchins and that he give Almonester the consideration merited by so zealous a man. Copy (Spanish)
Rendon, (Francisco de) The (above) is to be turned over to the accountant's office for their information and two certified copies are to be made for this office. Copy (Spanish)
Leonard, Gilberto, Armirez, Manuel This is a copy of the original royal order which is to be copied for Hassett. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father (Thomas) The royal order shows that the house rented by the king is for the priests serving this parish, of which Solana is one. Since Solana has questioned the preference to the Capuchins and other points, to avoid dissension and scandal Hassett denies Solana's petition to live there. D.S. (Spanish) (1802)
Solana, Father Domingo Joachin Since (Hassett) has denied his petition Solana asks for a transcript of the royal order and that it be turned over to him with the rest of the proceedings. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas The petition is granted. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Solana, Father Domingo Joachin (Hassett) has appointed him to Galvestown, 39 leagues from (New Orleans). Solana petitions him to suspend this decision and let him continue as an assistant. Since this capital needs priests and there are two vacancies, two more should be appointed. That is the reason that when Solana arrived from Europe in March Hassett thought it advisable to appoint him in a letter of April 1, for the place he holds, or did hold, although Galvestown was then vacant. He wishes to continue his suit; his honor has been compromised by Zamora and erroneous information of the pastor, Father Ant(oni)o de Sedella. The king had appointed him to one of the parishes of the province and now Hassett cannot change him without express order of the king or a just cause. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas Copies are to be made of Hassett's letter to the Vice Royal Patron dated June 23, proposing Solana for Galvestown and the reply of the 25th. D.S. (Spanish)
Hasset(t), Father Thomas
to Manuel de Salcedo On the death of Father Constantino MacKenna, New Feliciana is vacant and Hasset must assign Father Pablo de San Pedro, pastor of Pointe Coupee to it, taking from him the charges of Iberville and Galvestown, also vacant, leaving this last one destitute up to now. Since the neighboring pastors each have two parishes, that of New Feliciana and the other LaFourche and Iberville, it is almost impossible for either one to minister to Galvestown. Hassett thinks it right to appoint solana to this vacancy where he would be much more useful since he knows only Spanish and this parish is wholly Spanish. Smallpox raging in the province and the excessive heat of the season are circumstances which call for immediate action. Hasset asks Salcedo's approval. Copy (Spanish)
Salcedo, Manuel de
to Father Thomas Hasset Salcedo has no objection to the appointment. Copy (Spanish)
Periera, Joset
to Antonio Silba ... Periera always intended to have a petition sent from the inhabitants asking for a priest and for Silba to present it to the commandant so that he could write to the vicar-general. People are dying without the blessing of the Church. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas This is to be added to the proceedings containing the letter which Hassett sent to the Vice Royal Patron proposing Solana for Galvestown and his reply. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas As seen by the certified copy of the letter to the Vice Royal Patron proposing Solana for Galvestown, it was not the lawsuit that was referred to but the urgency of the need of that parish as corroborated by the letter from Jose Pereyra, one of the parishioners. In this case one cannot introduce the royal provisio cited by Solana since His Majesty has never opposed or interfered with the obligations of the Holy Gospels. And if it does appear to Solana that Galvestown is a miserable country, it cannot be abandoned. Therefore Hassett is obliged to confirm the proposed appointment and to request solana to leave as soon as possible for his destination. He is to pay the costs of the suit. D.S. (Spanish)
Losada, Juan Losada lists the costs of the case. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Solana, Father Domingo Joachin Solana asks that his appeal be heard for both petitions and that the testimony and royal order be given to him. Also a copy of the license given him on April 1 and that the notary certify how many assistants there should be according to the royal proviso, the population of the district, and how many leagues in the parish. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas For the purpose of getting the appeal before the bishop of Havana, the testimony and certification is to be turned over. Bermudes adds that he notified Solana on July 27. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Hasset(t), Father Thomas Since one of the assistantships of the Cathedral is vacant, Hasset, with the consent of Salcedo in letter of March 28 and 31, appointed Solana, arrived from Santander by royal order and gave him faculties. Added to his salary of 70 pesos will be certain fees. Copy (Spanish)
Bermudes, Fran(cis)co Bermudes has searched the archives of the diocese for the royal order stating whether or not a pastor in this province can be removed and he found none. Also he does not know how many assistants there should be at the Cathedral but he has heard that there is to be one pastor and two assistants and a sacristan. The first place is held by Sedella, the other two by Zamora and Father Felis de (Quintanar) Quintanal, the sacristanship being vacant. Neither does he know the boundaries of the parish nor the population. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Solana, Father Domingo Joach(i)n Since the notary has not answered Solana, he asks (Hassett) to certify about the assistantships, the population and extent of the parish and also certification of the declaration about Ripalda's catechism. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas The main petition is to be granted as soon as (Solana) has left for his appointment and when he has named his attorney if he wishes to continue his case; with a warning that he is to be on his way in three days. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Solana, Father Domingo Joachin Solana (reviews the case adding the information that) he has heard that the population of the parish (of New Orleans) is more than 17,000 souls. He petitions the certification as in his letter of July 31 and that the notary make transcripts so that he may apply to a superior court. Finally, if the suit is finished and the heat subsides, if (Hassett) insists that he go to Galvestown, Solana asks that the Intendant be notified so that he may fit him out for the journey. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas The judgment is to be kept and it is to be understood that the letter he asked for the Intendant is to be passed along. D.S. (Spanish)
Solana, Father Domingo Joachin He asks for the matter denied him. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Domingo Joachin The judgment is to be kept and no writings are to be received except those from his attorney so that there may be no delay in his starting for his appointment. D.S. (Spanish)
Solana, Father Domingo Joachin Solana asks that the letter be sent to the Intendant to fit him out for the journey. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas No more petitions are to be received and (Solana) is to go to his appointment. D.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas Having sent Solana's credentials as pastor of Galvestown on June 26, and since he is still in the city in spite of this and other repeated orders including that of leaving in 3 days, Hassett imposes the punishment of suspension a divinis and arrest for his disobedience. Three more days will be given to carry out the order. D.S. (Spanish)
Solana, Father Domingo Joachin Solana gives power of attorney to Alderman Juan de Castanedo before the notary Nar(ci)so Broutin in the presence of the witnesses, Todos Santos Mossy, Antonio Fromentin and Antonio Boudousquie. Copy (Spanish)
Solana, Father Domingo Joachin Solana gives, through his attorney, (a complete review of the case. In regard to the Ripalda catechism he mentions the name of) Father Ubaldo Delgado, schoolmaster, as one of those who examined it. (In regard to Hassett's order of suspension and arrest he states that it was given) in the presence of Father Patricio (Walsh) Walhs. Solana petitions (Hassett) to release him. He also gives power of attorney to Castanedo who signs with him. D.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas The power of attorney is to be presented. D.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas The main petition is to be heard; the sentence is to stand and it is to be understood that until his departure is verified, there are to be no more petitions. It is not necessary to consult his attorney about his rebellious disobedience as this is a canonical point. As to the other petitions, copies of the proceedings are to be prepared for his attorney. D.S. (Spanish)
Zamora, Father Pedro de
to Father Domingo Joaquin de Solana No. 1 Ever since Solana came to the Cathedral it seems that he has been working against Zamora, disputing his decisions and threatening him. Since Solana has recently come, he is like an apprentice and it is a mistake to assume more than that station. Zamora begs him to cease these wranglings. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Zamora, O.M.Cap., Father Pedro de
to Father Domingo Joachin Solana No. 2 Although Zamora's letter of the 14th did not merit an answer, Solana's of the 15th does merit a full one. Both of them are laymen in certain matters. They are obliged to accept decisions on certain points. Did the Apostles wear cap, hood, or cowl? In Zamora's order there is no law to compel them to put on the cowl. Zamora is only one of the humble assistants. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Estevan, Thomas
to Father Domingo Joq(ui)n Solana No. 3 Estevan and all the inhabitants rejoice at the news that Solana has been appointed to this parish. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Masias, Miguel
to Father Domingo Joaquin Solana No. 4 Masias rejoices at the news the Commandant has given him that Solana will soon arrive in Galvestown. He had decided to go to Galvestown to be at his service but since his wife is almost always ill he will not have the pleasure. They have no wax candles, only a few sperm ones, so if Solana will buy some and charge it to the church. Also, as from time to time priests have said Mass, there remain only three bottles of wine. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Castanedo, Juan de Solana presents the attached letters from Zamora marked No. 1 and 2 as testimony. Solana asks that (Hassett) order them to be shown before the superior court. Also he presents the letters marked No. 3 and 4 showing he had notified Estevan, Commandant at Galvestown that he was coming. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas The principal petition is denied and Hassett will keep the letters No. 1 and 2 in the confidence they merit. It is surprising that there has been published what should have been buried in silence especially in this province where there are so many sects. D.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father thomas Having called Solana to appear and warning him again about the fulfillment of the order to go to his appointment, Solana showed the petition he had sent to the Intendant General, asking him for the money assigned by the king to each priest for his transportation to a new appointment. Hassett releases him from the suspension and arrest so that he may take the first occasion to go to his parish. D.S. (Spanish)
Castanedo, Juan de In Solana's name Castanedo asks Hassett to disregard yesterday's decree about keeping Zamora's letters. D.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas Solana has withdrawn the power of attorney he gave Castanedo and has gone to Galvestown without appointing another or paying the costs. He is to be charged with them and to pay them from his salary. A letter is to be sent to the Intendant General to his effect. D.S. (Spanish)
Broutin, (Narciso) Broutin notified Manuel Losada of the above decree. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Losada, Juan Losada lists the costs of the case. A.D.S. (Spanish)
V-3-j A.L.S., A.D.S., D.S., Copies (Spanish) 86pp. folio 1802 (Oct. 13)
Zamora, O.M.Cap., Father Pedro de Proceedings of Zamora as collector of fees, concerning the annotation of records of burials.
Zamora, O.M.Cap., Father Pedro de Zamora, assistant at the Cathedral, states that: Being charged with the office of collector in this parish, Zamora has seen various items in the Book of Deaths of Whites as well as in the Book of Deaths of Negroes which state that they were buried in the Church without giving the sections nor aisle. He asks that Hassett order them to be written up and corrected so that an authentic document may be had. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas Father Antonio (de) Sedella, (O.M.Cap.), pastor of the Cathedral is to examine the books. Fran(cis)co Bermudez acts as secretary. D.S. (Spanish)
Sedella, Father Antonio de The registers of the dead state that: Salvadora de Prados was buried by the assistant pastor, Father Domingo (Joachin) Solana. In the 12 foregoing items by Solana it is stated that church burial was given without telling where. The same imperfect method was used in the register for colored which stated that the little negress, slave of Mariana Marcos was buried; other like omissions are noted. A.D.S. (Spanish)1802 Jun. 5
Hassett, Father Thomas The errors could result in heavy burdens for the collector of fees; Solana is to annotate and sign in the margin in each case of omission and be warned not to depart from the formulary. D.S. (Spanish) (1802)
Solana, Father Domingo Joachin Solana asks that the notary be ordered to make a copy of the items which would be added to the proceedings. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas The order is to be carried out in three days and Sedella is to certify whether the marginal notes have been made. D.S. (Spanish)
Solana, Father Domingo Joachin Solana has never been summoned or heard. He asks that the notary make a copy of the items and that it be turned over to him. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas Sedella is to report whether the decree of June 5 has been carried out. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Sedella, Father Antonio de The errors made by Solana and cited by Sedella on June 2 have been annotated. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas A copy of the testimony is to be given to Solana warning him that a delay in verifying them would not be an excuse for putting off his departure for a new appointment. D.S. (Spanish)
Bermudez, Fran(cis)co Bermudez extracts the items as follows from Book 4 of the Register for Whites: Solana buried Maria, daughter of Jose Dugue and Felicitas Fouranguin; Bartolome, son of Santiago Duverge and Alis Bienvenu; Godefico Olivier, son of Godefico and Mariana Bienvenu; Carlos, son of Carlos Lorty and Julian Lave; Juan Benites of the Canary Islands, age 40; Eugenia, daughter of Bernardo Domive and Paulina Latil; Andres Carrier y Mombren son of Jose Carrier y Mombren and Margarita Trepagne, age 75, married to Luisa Debira; Adelayda, daughter of Mr. Dufarar and Anrrieta Delessar; Delfina, daughter of Juan Luis Laremo and Pelagia Delatre; Rafael Bernabe Leon, son of Bernabe Lenes and Maria Rosa Sanchez; Jose, son of Federico Estocman and Catalina Tete; Bernardino Duboywon, son of Francisco Duboywon and Ana Kresp; Salvadora de Prado, wife of Juan de Torres. In Book 2 for Negroes; a child of Fanchonete, slave of Mariana Marcos; Jose, slave of Mr. Moor; Catalina, slave of Miguel Ba(u)tista Sargento; Luisa, slave of Mr. Marigny; Luisa, a free negress of Mobile, 80; Angela half-breed, 42; Maria Teresa, daughter of Maria, slave of Mr. Guinot; Magdalena, 54, widow of Francisco, slave of Eufrosina Hinand. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Solana, Father Domingo Joachin Being about to leave to take charge of the parish of Galvestown, Solana returns the transcript. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father (Thomas) Since Solana is about to leave, the costs of the case are to be drawn up. D.S. (Spanish)
Losada, Juan A list of the costs of clarifying the books. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Solana, Father Domingo Joachin Solana gives power of attorney to Councilman Juan de Castanedo. Witnesses: Todos Santos Mossy, Antonio Fromentin, Antonio Boudousquie. Nar(ci)so Broutin, public notary, certifies this is a copy of the original in his possession on August 9. Copy (Spanish)
Castanedo, Juan de Castanedo asks that (Hassett) order the proceedings turned over to him. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas The document is to be added to the proceedings. D.S. (Spanish)
Losada, Juan Losada lists the costs of the proceedings. A.D.S. (Spanish)
V-3-j A.D.S., D.S. (Spanish) 39pp. folio