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(1803) (Jun. 16)
Howard, Carlos
to Father T(h)omas Hasset(t) Howard wishes to fill the vacancy of the chaplain's office for his regiment. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Salcedo, Manuel de
to Father T(h)omas Hasset(t) Colonel Howard, commandant of the Louisiana Regiment, has told Salcedo the following: "The scarcity of priests in this province has kept him up to now from asking Salcedo to fill the post of chaplain of the 2nd Battalion, vacant since May 1800, especially since the former Bishop Luis Penalver y Cardenas had assured him of the difficulty of securing one from Cuba. But today Howard has been informed that Father Francis Bodkin, O.P. is in the city without assignment and Howard asks Salcedo to inform Hassett so that he may be named for the post." A.L.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas Hassett orders the title of temporary chaplain to be given to Bodkin. Nar(ci)so Broutin signs as notary. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas Hassett gives Bodkin the necessary faculties for acting as chaplain. Broutin states that this is a copy of the original given to (Bodkin). D.S. Copy (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas
to Carlos Howard Hassett has appointed as chaplain Bodkin, an Irish religious, recently arrived from Cuba where he has been a priest since 1797 according to his papers. He is a priest of good character and knows enough Spanish to hear confessions and carry out his other duties. Copy (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas
to Manuel de Salcedo Hassett has today sent credentials as chaplain of the 2nd Battalion to Bodkin. Broutin notes that this is a copy of the letter sent. Copy (Spanish)
Salcedo, Manuel de
to Father Thomas Hasset(t) Salcedo has sent the necessary letters to the Intendant and Commandant of the Fixed Regiment, notifying them of the appointment of Bodkin as Chaplain. L.S. (Spanish)
V-3-o A.L.S., A.D.S, D.S. Copy, Copies L.S. (Spanish)
19pp. 8.vo and folio