University of Notre Dame

The Story of Notre Dame
The Golden Dome
Photography by Robert F. Ringel

The Golden Dome Whoever looks at the beautiful campus now and considers how different the whole thing would appear without the dome will not hesitate to entertain any other suggestion. The truth is that the dome upon the Administration Building assembles all the other buildings on the campus around it and contributes to each a dignity which, otherwise, it would not possess.

-- Rev. J. W. Cavanaugh, CSC, 1925.


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Education without religion or moral training, is a dangerous thing. . . . Every day we read of crimes . . . not committed by the uneducated only; no but by those who had received an education above the common, but devoid of moral training. . . . While these men's intellects were well trained, the heart and the morals were neglected. . . . It is time for the educators of the country to take this matter into consideration. The sooner they do, the sooner we may look for a nation of citizens whose lives will be an example of truth, honor, justice, and all that makes men noble. . . . It must therefore be the aim of all true educators to develop the moral as well as the mental faculties in those committed to their charge.

-- Fr. Wm. Corby
at the rededication of the New Notre Dame
after the 1879 fire

Traditions and legends which form the lore of the old place by the lakes are the things over which men in after-years reminisce, wondering how they absorbed so indifferently in their youth things which are the veriest romance of adventure in retrospect. You are going into these. Some, you will find, seek you out. Others you must discover in the nooks and corners and by-ways of your college life. May devotions are peculiarly attractive to Notre Dame men. Our lady is the patroness of every student. Cultivate devotion to her early. She will assist you in times of trial and need.

-- 1924-25 Undergraduate Manual, p. 28

© 2001 by Robert F. Ringel.
All rights reserved.