* indicates that this Bulletin contains information beyond what appears here.
Paduana, Joseph A.
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.34 - Research
Associate or Teaching Fellow, Department of Civil Engineering - -
"Paduana, Joseph A." (BSCE)
Paff, George Hugo
- 1928/29 v.24 #3 p.24 - Instructor, Biology - * - "Paff, George H." (BS)
- 1933/34 v.29 #3 p.27 - Instructor, Biology - * - "Paff, George Hugo" (PhD)
- 1934/35 v.30 #3 p.28 - Instructor, Biology - * - "Paff, George Hugo" (PhD)
Palermiti, Francis Michael
- 1943/44 v.40 #1 p.28 - Teaching Fellow, Chemistry - * - "Palermiti, Francis Michael" (AB)
- 1945/46 v.43 #7 p.36 - Teaching Fellow, Chemistry - * - "Palermiti, Frank Michael" (BChE)
- 1946/47 v.44 #7 p.36 - Teaching Fellow, Chemistry - * - "Palermiti, Frank Michael" (B.Ch.E.)
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.30 - Research Associate or Teaching Fellow, Chemistry - - "Palermiti, Frank M." (B.ChE.)
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.33 - Research Associate or Teaching Fellow, Chemistry - * - "Palermiti, Frank M." (BChe)
Pall, Francis
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.33 - Research Associate or Teaching Fellow, Chemical Engineering - * - "Pall, Francis" (BS in ChE)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.34 - Research Associate or Teaching Fellow, Chemistry - - "Pall, Francis" (BS)
Palmer, Leonard W.
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.24 - Professor, Military Science and Tactics - * - "Palmer, Leonard W." (Lt.Col., AC)
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.9 - Head, Department of Military Science and Tactics - * - "Palmer, Leonard" (Lt.Col., USAC)
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.26 - Professor, Military Science and Tactics - * - "Palmer, Leonard W." (Lt.Col., AC)
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.9 - Head, Department of Air Science - * - "Palmer, Leonard" (Lt.Col., USAC)
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.26 - Professor, Air Science - * - "Palmer, Leonard W." (Lt.Col.,AC)
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.9 - Head, Department of Air Science - - "Palmer, Leonard" (Col., USA)
Palmer, Ralph L.
- 1897/98 54th AC p.10 - Assistant, Physics - - "Palmer, Ralph L." (EE)
Palyi, Melchior
- 1937/38 v.33 #3 p.40 - Special Lecturer, College of Commerce - * Chicago, IL - "Palyi, Melchior"
Pam, Max
- 1911/12 v.7 #4 p.9 - Lecturer, Law - - "Pam, Max"
- 1912/13 v.8 #4 p.9 - Lecturer, Law - - "Pam, Max"
- 1913/14 v.9 #4 p.9 - Lecturer, Law - - "Pam, Max"
- 1914/15 v.10 #4 p.9 - Lecturer, Law - - "Pam, Max" (LLD)
- 1923/24 v.19 #5 p.8 - Member at Large, Associate Board of Lay Trustees - Chicago, IL - "Pam, Max"
- 1924/25 v.20 #4 p.8 - Member at Large, Associate Board of Lay Trustees - Chicago, IL - "Pam, Max" (LLD)
Pangborn, Thomas W.
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.11 - Member, Advisory Council for Science and Engineering - Hagerstown, MD - "Pangborn, Thomas W."
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.12 - Member, Advisory Council for Science and Engineering - Hagerstown, MD - "Pangborn, Thomas W."
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.12 - Member, Advisory Council for Science and Engineering - Hagerstown, MD - "Pangborn, Thomas W."
Pappalardo, John Anthony
- 1945/46 v.43 #7 p.36 - Teaching Fellow, Chemistry - * - "Pappalardo, John Anthony" (BA)
Paquin, Samuel S.
- 1938/39 v.34 #3 p.41 - Special Lecturer, Department of Journalism - * New York City - "Paquin, Samuel S."
- 1939/40 v.35 #3 p.45 - Special Lecturer, Department of Journalism - * New York City - "Paquin, Samuel S."
Paradis, J.E.H.
- 1890/91 47th AC p.7 - Assistant Professor or Instructor, Classics - - "Paradis, J.E.H." (AB)
Paradis, Jobson Emilien
- 1898/99 55th AC p.10 - Professor or Instructor, Painting & Artistic Drawing - * - "Paradis, Jobson Emilien" (AM)
- 1899/00 56th AC p.8 - Professor or Instructor, Painting & Artistic Drawing - * - "Paradis, Jobson Emilien" (AM)
- 1900/01 57th AC p.9 - Professor or Instructor, Painting and Artistic
Drawing - (Pupil of Gerome) - "Paradis, Jobson Emilien" (AM)
- 1901/02 58th AC p.8 - Professor or Instructor, Painting and Artistic Drawing - * - "Paradis, Jobson Emilien" (AM)
Parchem, John A.
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.26 - Assistant Professor, Aeronautical Engineering - * - "Parchem, John" (BS, AE)
- 1945/46 v.43 #7 p.27 - Instructor, Aeronautical Engineering - * - "Parchem, John A." (BS in AE)
- 1946/47 v.44 #7 p.26 - Instructor, Aeronautical Engineering - * - "Parchem, John A." (BS in AE)
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.24 - Instructor, Aeronautical Engineering - * - "Parchem, John A." (BS in AE)
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.26 - Assistant Professor, Aeronautical Engineering - * - "Parchem, John A." (BS in AeroEngr)
Parent, Dolor
- 1909/10 v.6 #1 p.9 - Professor, French - - "Parent, Dolor"
Parker, John L.
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.34 - Research Associate
or Teaching Fellow, Department of Chemical Engineering - - "Parker,
John L." (BS in ChE)
Parker, Samuel
- 1920/21 v.16 #4 p.279 - Department of Law - - "Parker, Samuel" (AB)
- 1926/27 v.22 #5 p.180 - Lecturer, Law - South Bend, IN - "Parker, Samuel"
Parle, Francis
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.34 - Research Associate or Teaching Fellow, Department of Physics - - "Parle, Francis" (BS)
Parnell, Charles E.
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.26 - Assistant Professor, Modern Languages - * - "Parnell, Charles E." (PhD)
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.26 - Assistant Professor, Modern Languages - * - "Parnell, Charles E." (PhD)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.26 - Assistant Professor, Modern Languages - * - "Parnell, Charles E." (PhD)
Parreant, Charles Jerry
- 1917/18 v.13 #4 p.10 - Professor, Band Instruments - - "Parreant, Charles"
- 1918 ss v.13 #3 p.7 - Band Instruments - - "Parreant, Charles"
- 1918/19 v.14 #4 p.10 - Professor, Band Instruments - - "Parreant, Charles"
- 1919/20 v.15 #4 p.10 - Band Instruments - Faculty Seniority - 51st - "Parreant, Charles"
- 1920/21 v.16 #4 p.14 - Wind Instruments - Faculty Seniority - 49th - "Parreant, Charles"
- 1921/22 v.17 #4 p.13 - Wind Instruments - Faculty Seniority - 47th - "Parreant, Charles"
- 1922/23 v.18 #4 p.14 - Music - Faculty Seniority - 47th - "Parreant, Charles"
- 1923/24 v.19 #5 p.15 - Violin and Wind Instruments - Faculty Seniority - 41st - "Parreant, Charles"
- 1924/25 v.20 #4 p.22 - Instructor, Music - * - "Parreant, Charles Jerry"
- 1924/25 v.20 #4 p.88 - Instructor, Violin and Wind Instruments - - "Parreant, Charles J."
- 1925/26 v.21 #3 p.23 - Instructor, Music - * - "Parreant, Charles Jerry"
- 1926/27 v.22 #5 p.25 - Instructor, Music - * - "Parreant, Charles Jerry"
- 1927/28 v.23 #4 p.24 - Instructor, Music - * - "Parreant, Charles Jerry"
- 1928/29 v.24 #3 p.24 - Instructor, Music - * - "Parreant, Charles Jerry"
- 1929/30 v.25 #3 p.25 - Instructor, Music - * - "Parreant, Charles Jerry"
- 1930/31 v.26 #3 p.25 - Instructor, Music - * - "Parreant, Charles Jerry"
- 1931/32 v.27 #3 p.25 - Instructor, Music - * - "Parreant, Charles Jerry"
Parrish, Richard Thomas
- 1933/34 v.29 #3 p.30 - Graduate Assistant, Economics - * - "Parrish, Richard Thomas" (AB)
Parry, Stanley J.
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.26 - Instructor, Political Science - * - "Parry, Stanley J." (Rev., CSC, AB)
Pasquini, Benedetto
- 1913/14 v.9 #4 p.10 - Professor, Italian - - "Pasquini, Benedetto" (DCL)
- 1913/14 v.9 #4 p.198 - Instructor in Preparatory School, Italian - - "Pasquini, Benedetto" (DCL)
Patino, Abelardo
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.33 - Research Associate or Teaching Fellow, Modern Languages - - "Patino, Abelardo B." (BS in Ed)
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.33 - Research Associate or Teaching Fellow, Department of Modern Languages - - "Patino, Alberlardo" (AB)
Patricia, M.
- 1949 ss v.46 #1 p.13 - Visiting Summer Session Instructor - * - "Patricia, M." (Sister, CSJ, MA)
- 1950 ss v.47 #1 p.87 - Visiting Summer Session Instructor - * - "Patricia, M." (Sister, CSJ, MA)
- 1951 ss v.48 #2 p.13 - Visiting Summer Session Instructor - * - "Patricia, M." (Sister, CSJ, MA)
Patterson, Guillermo Junior
- 1911/12 v.7 #4 p.195 - Instructor in Preparatory School, Chemistry - - "Patterson, Jr., Guillermo" (MS)
Patterson, John D.
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.34 - Research
Associate or Teaching Fellow, Department of Chemical Engineering - -
"Patterson, John D." (BS in ChE)
Patton, Tad L.
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.30 - Research Associate or Teaching Fellow, Chemistry - - "Patton, Tad L" (BS)
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.33 - Research Associate or Teaching Fellow, Chemistry - * - "Patton, Tad L." (BS)
Paul of the Cross
- 1867/68 24th AC p.6 - Assistant Prefect of Discipline - - "Paul" (Brother, JSC)
- 1868/69 25th AC p.6 - Assistant Prefect of Discipline - - "Paul" (Brother, SSC)
- 1869/70 26th AC p.6 - Assistant Prefect of Discipline - - "Paul" (Brother, SSC)
- 1870/71 27th AC p.5 - Assistant Prefect of Discipline - - "Paul" (Brother, SSC)
- 1872/73 29th AC p.5 - Teacher, Preparatory - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1873/74 30th AC p.3 - Assistant Prefect of Discipline - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1876/77 33rd AC p.3 - Ass't Prefect of Discipline, Junior - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1876/77 33rd AC p.6 - Teacher, Preparatory - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1877/78 34th AC p.3 - Assistant Prefect of Discipline, Junior - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1877/78 34th AC p.6 - Teacher, Preparatory - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1880/81 37th AC p.4 - Assistant Prefect of Discipline, Senior - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1880/81 37th AC p.8 - Teacher, Preparatory - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1881/82 38th AC p.4 - Assistant Prefect of Discipline, Senior - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1881/82 38th AC p.8 - Teacher, Preparatory - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1882/83 39th AC p.4 - Assistant Prefect of Discipline, Senior - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1882/83 39th AC p.8 - Teacher, Preparatory - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1883/84 40th AC p.4 - Assistant Prefect of Discipline, Senior - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1883/84 40th AC p.8 - Teacher, Preparatory - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1884/85 41st AC p.3 - Assistant Prefect of Discipline, Senior - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1884/85 41st AC p.7 - Teacher, Preparatory - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1885/86 42nd AC p.4 - Assistant Prefect of Discipline, Senior - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1885/86 42nd AC p.8 - Teacher, Preparatory - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1886/87 43rd AC p.3 - Assistant Prefect of Discipline, Senior - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1886/87 43rd AC p.7 - Teacher, Preparatory - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1887/88 44th AC p.4 - Assistant Prefect of Discipline, Senior - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1887/88 44th AC p.8 - Teacher, Preparatory - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1888/89 45th AC p.4 - Assistant Prefect of Discipline, Senior - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1888/89 45th AC p.8 - Teacher, Preparatory - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1889/90 46th AC p.3 - Assistant Prefect of Discipline, Senior - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1889/90 46th AC p.7 - Teacher, Preparatory - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1890/91 47th AC p.3 - Assistant Prefect of Discipline, Senior - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1891/92 48th AC p.3 - Assistant Prefect of Discipline, Brownson Hall - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1891/92 48th AC p.7 - Teacher, Preparatory - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1892/93 49th AC p.3 - Assistant Prefect of Discipline, Brownson Hall - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1892/93 49th AC p.7 - Teacher, Preparatory - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
Paul the Hermit
- 1888/89 45th AC p.4 - Secretary - - "Paul Hermit" (Brother, CSC)
- 1889/90 46th AC p.3 - Secretary - - "Paul Hermit" (Brother, CSC)
- 1890/91 47th AC p.3 - Secretary - - "Paul Hermit" (Brother, CSC)
- 1891/92 48th AC p.3 - Secretary - - "Paul Hermit" (Brother, CSC)
- 1893/94 50th AC p.4 - Secretary - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1894/95 51st AC p.4 - Secretary - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1895/96 52nd AC p.4 - Secretary - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1896/97 53rd AC p.4 - Secretary - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1897/98 54th AC p.5 - Secretary - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1898/99 55th AC p.5 - Secretary - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1899/00 56th AC p.5 - Secretary - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1900/01 57th AC p.5 - Secretary - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1901/02 58th AC p.5 - Secretary - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1902/03 59th AC p.5 - Secretary - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1903/04 60th AC p.5 - Secretary - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1904/05 v.1 #1 p.5 - Secretary - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1905/06 v.2 #1 p.5 - Secretary - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1906/07 v.3 #1 p.5 - Secretary - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
- 1907/08 v.4 #1 p.5 - Secretary - - "Paul" (Brother, CSC)
Paul, Damis
- 1880/81 37th AC p.9 - Director, Band and Orchestra (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1881/82 38th AC p.8 - Vocal Music (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1881/82 38th AC p.8 - Director, Band and Orchestra (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1882/83 39th AC p.8 - Director, Band and Orchestra (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1883/84 40th AC p.8 - Director, Band & Orchestra (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1884/85 41st AC p.7 - Director, Band & Orchestra (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1885/86 42nd AC p.8 - Director, Band & Orchestra (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1886/87 43rd AC p.7 - Piano and Violin (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1886/87 43rd AC p.7 - Director, Church Choir (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1887/88 44th AC p.9 - Piano and Violin (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1887/88 44th AC p.9 - Director, Church Choir - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1888/89 45th AC p.9 - Piano, Violin (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1888/89 45th AC p.9 - Director, Orchestra (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1889/90 46th AC p.8 - Piano, Violin (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1889/90 46th AC p.8 - Director, Orchestra (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1890/91 47th AC p.8 - Piano, Violin (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1890/91 47th AC p.8 - Director, Orchestra - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1891/92 48th AC p.8 - Piano, Violin (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1891/92 48th AC p.8 - Director, Orchestra (Fine Arts Dept) - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1892/93 49th AC p.8 - Piano, Violin (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1892/93 49th AC p.8 - Director, Orchestra (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1893/94 50th AC p.9 - Piano, Violin (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1893/94 50th AC p.9 - Director, Orchestra (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1894/95 51st AC p.9 - Piano, Violin (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1894/95 51st AC p.9 - Director, Orchestra (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1895/96 52nd AC p.9 - Piano & Violin (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1896/97 53rd AC p.9 - Piano and Violin (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1897/98 54th AC p.9 - Professor or Instructor, Piano and Violin - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1898/99 55th AC p.9 - Professor or Instructor, Piano and Violin - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1899/00 56th AC p.9 - Professor or Instructor, Piano and Violin - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1900/01 57th AC p.10 - Professor or Instructor, Piano and Violin - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1901/02 58th AC p.10 - Professor or Instructor, Piano and Violin - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1902/03 59th AC p.10 - Professor or Instructor, Piano and Violin - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1903/04 60th AC p.10 - Professor or Instructor, Piano and Violin - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1904/05 v.1 #1 p.10 - Professor or Instructor, Piano and Violin - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1905/06 v.2 #1 p.8 - Professor, Piano and Violin - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1906/07 v.3 #1 p.8 - Professor, Piano and Violin - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1907/08 v.4 #1 p.8 - Professor, Piano and Violin - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1908/09 v.5 #1 p.7 - Professor, Piano and Violin - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1909/10 v.6 #1 p.7 - Professor, Piano and Violin - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1910/11 v.7 #1 p.7 - Professor, Piano and Violin - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1911/12 v.7 #4 p.7 - Professor, Piano and Violin - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1912/13 v.8 #4 p.7 - Professor, Piano and Violin - - "Paul, Damis"
- 1913/14 v.9 #4 p.8 - Professor, Violin - Died Dec. 13,1913 - "Paul, Damis"
Paul, J.
- 1874/75 31st AC p.6 - Professor, Vocal Music (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Paul, J."
- 1874/75 31st AC p.6 - Assistant Professor, Piano & Organ (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Paul, J."
- 1874/75 31st AC p.6 - Leader, Orchestra (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Paul, J."
Payne, Joseph Elmo
- 1941/42 v.37 #2 p.43 - Instructor, Religion - * - "Payne, Joseph Elmo" (Rev., CSC, AB)
- 1942 v.38 #4 p.25 - Instructor, Religion - * - "Payne, Joseph Elmo" (Rev., CSC, AB)
Payton, Eugene John
- 1920/21 v.16 #4 p.16 - Economics - Faculty Seniority - 81st - "Payton, Eugene John" (BS)
- 1921 ss v.16 #3 p.10 - Economics - - "Payton, Eugene"
- 1921/22 v.17 #4 p.15 - Economics - Faculty Seniority - 68th - "Payton, Eugene John" (BS)
- 1922 ss v.17 #3 p.12 - Economics - - "Payton, Eugene"
- 1922/23 v.18 #4 p.15 - Economics - Faculty Seniority - 64th - "Payton, Eugene Joseph" (BS)
- 1923 ss v.18 #3 p.12 - Economics - - "Payton, Eugene" (BS)
- 1926/27 v.22 #5 p.25 - Instructor, Marketing - * - "Payton, Eugene John" (BS, LLB)
- 1927/28 v.23 #4 p.18 - Assistant Professor, Marketing - * - "Payton, Eugene John" (BS, LLB)
- 1928/29 v.24 #3 p.18 - Assistant Professor, Marketing - * - "Payton, Eugene John" (BS, LLB)
- 1928/29 v.24 #3 p.7 - Member, The University Council - - "Payton, Eugene J." (LLB)
- 1929/30 v.25 #3 p.19 - Associate Professor, Marketing - * - "Payton, Eugene John" (BS, LLB)
- 1929/30 v.25 #3 p.7 - Member, The University Council - - "Payton, Eugene J." (LLB)
- 1930/31 v.26 #3 p.18 - Associate Professor, Marketing - * - "Payton, Eugene John" (BS, LLB)
- 1930/31 v.26 #3 p.7 - Member, The University Council - - "Payton, Eugene J." (LLB)
- 1931/32 v.27 #3 p.18 - Associate Professor, Marketing - * - "Payton, Eugene John" (BS, LLB)
- 1931/32 v.27 #3 p.7 - Member, The University Council - * - "Payton, Eugene J." (BS, LLB)
- 1932/33 v.28 #3 p.18 - Associate Professor, Marketing - * - "Payton, Eugene John" (BS, LLB)
- 1932/33 v.28 #3 p.7 - Member, The University Council - * - "Payton, Eugene J." (BS, LLB)
- 1933/34 v.29 #3 p.21 - Associate Professor, Marketing - * - "Payton, Eugene John" (BS, LLB)
- 1933/34 v.29 #3 p.7 - Member, The University Council - * - "Payton, Eugene J." (BS, LLB)
- 1934/35 v.30 #3 p.22 - Associate Professor, Marketing - * - "Payton, Eugene John" (BS, LLB)
- 1934/35 v.30 #3 p.7 - Member, The University Council - - "Payton, Eugene J." (BS, LLB)
- 1935/36 v.31 #3 p.23 - Associate Professor, Marketing - * - "Payton, Eugene John" (BS, LLB)
- 1935/36 v.31 #3 p.7 - Member, The University Council - * - "Payton, Eugene J." (BS, LLB)
- 1936/37 v.32 #3 p.25 - Associate Professor, Marketing - * - "Payton, Eugene John" (BS, LLB)
- 1936/37 v.32 #3 p.7 - Member, The University Council - - "Payton, Eugene J." (BS, LLB)
- 1937/38 v.33 #3 p.26 - Associate Professor, Marketing - * - "Payton, Eugene John" (BS, LLB)
- 1937/38 v.33 #3 p.7 - Member, The University Council - * - "Payton, Eugene J." (BS, LLB)
- 1938/39 v.34 #3 p.26 - Professor, Marketing - * - "Payton, Eugene John" (BS, LLB)
- 1939/40 v.35 #3 p.28 - Professor, Business Administration - * - "Payton, Eugene John" (BS, LLB)
- 1940/41 v.36 #3 p.30 - Professor, Business Administration - * Died March 15, 1941 - "Payton, Eugene John" (BS, LlB)
Peach, Milton O.
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.26 - Associate Professor, Engineering Mechanics - * - "Peach, Milton O." (DSc)
Peak, John Elmer
- 1936/37 v.32 #3 p.37 - Special Lecturer, Department of Journalism - * - "Peak, J. Elmer" (LLB)
- 1942 v.38 #4 p.292 - Special Lecturer, College of Law - * South Bend, IN - "Peak, J. Elmer" (Hon., LLB)
- 1943 v.39 #1 p.32 - Special Lecturer, College of Law - * South Bend, IN - "Peak, J. Elmer" (Hon. LLB)
- 1943/44 v.40 #1 p.28 - Special Lecturer, College of Law - * South Bend, IN - "Peak, J. Elmer" (Hon, LLB)
- 1944/45 v.41 #1 p.21 - Assistant Professor, Law - * - "Peak, John Elmer" (Judge, AB, LLB)
- 1945 v.42 #1 p.19 - Assistant Professor, Law - * - "Peak, John Elmer" (Judge, AB, LLB)
- 1945/46 v.43 #7 p.27 - Professor, Law - * - "Peak, J. Elmer" (Judge, LB, LLB)
- 1946/47 v.44 #7 p.26 - Professor, Law - * - "Peak, J. Elmer" (Judge, AB, LLB)
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.24 - Professor, Law - * - "Peak, J. Elmer" (Judge, AB, LLB)
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.26 - Professor, Law - * - "Peak, J. Elmer" (Judge, AB, LLB)
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.26 - Part-time Professor, Law - * - "Peak, J. Elmer" (Judge, AB, LLB)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.26 - Part-time Professor, Law - * - "Peak, J. Elmer" (Judge, AB, LLB)
Peciulis, Hyginus A.
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.30 - Research Associate or Teaching Fellow, Economics - - "Peciulis, Hyginus A." (AB)
Pedtke, Daniel Herman
- 1936/37 v.32 #3 p.33 - Instructor, Music - * - "Pedtke, Daniel Herman" (BMus)
- 1937/38 v.33 #3 p.34 - Instructor, Music - * - "Pedtke, Daniel Herman" (BMus)
- 1937/38 v.33 #3 p.97 - Head, Department of Music - - "Pedtke, Daniel H." (BMus)
- 1938/39 v.34 #3 p.35 - Instructor, Music - * - "Pedtke, Daniel Herman" (BMus)
- 1938/39 v.34 #3 p.98 - Head, Department of Music - - "Pedtke, Daniel H." (BMus)
- 1939/40 v.35 #3 p.105 - Head, Department of Music - - "Pedtke, Daniel H." (BMus)
- 1939/40 v.35 #3 p.28 - Assistant Professor, Music - * - "Pedtke, Daniel Herman" (BMus, FAGO)
- 1940/41 v.36 #3 p.10 - Head, Department of Music - * - "Pedtke, Daniel H."
- 1940/41 v.36 #3 p.30 - Assistant Professor, Music - * - "Pedtke, Daniel Herman" (BMus, FAGO)
- 1941/42 v.37 #2 p.12 - Head, Department of Music - * - "Pedtke, Daniel H."
- 1941/42 v.37 #2 p.32 - Assistant Professor, Music - * - "Pedtke, Daniel Herman" (BMus)
- 1942 v.38 #4 p.11 - Head, Department of Music - - "Pedtke, Daniel H."
- 1942 v.38 #4 p.25 - Associate Professor, Music - * - "Pedtke, Daniel Herman" (BMus)
- 1943 v.39 #1 p.23 - Associate Professor, Music - * - "Pedtke, Daniel Herman" (BMus)
- 1943 v.39 #1 p.9 - Head, Department of Music - - "Pedtke, Daniel H."
- 1943/44 v.40 #1 p.21 - Associate Professor, Music - * - "Pedtke, Daniel Herman" (BMus)
- 1943/44 v.40 #1 p.9 - Head, Department of Music - - "Pedtke, Daniel H."
- 1944/45 v.41 #1 p.21 - Associate Professor, Music - * - "Pedtke, Daniel Herman" (BMus)
- 1944/45 v.41 #1 p.9 - Head, Department of Music - - "Pedtke, Daniel H."
- 1945 v.42 #1 p.19 - Associate Professor, Music - * - "Pedtke, Daniel Herman" (BMus)
- 1945 v.42 #1 p.7 - Head, Department of Music - - "Pedtke, Daniel H."
- 1945/46 v.43 #7 p.28 - Associate Professor, Music - * - "Pedtke, Daniel Herman" (BMus)
- 1945/46 v.43 #7 p.9 - Head, Department of Music - - "Pedtke, Daniel H." (BMus, FAGO)
- 1946/47 v.44 #7 p.26 - Associate Professor, Music - * - "Pedtke, Daniel Herman" (BMus)
- 1946/47 v.44 #7 p.9 - Head, Department of Music - - "Pedtke, Daniel H." (BMus, FAGO)
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.24 - Associate Professor, Music - * - "Pedtke, Daniel Herman" (BMus)
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.9 - Head, Department of Music - * - "Pedtke, Daniel H." (BMus, FAGO)
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.26 - Associate Professor, Music - * - "Pedtke, Daniel H." (BMus)
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.9 - Head, Department of Music - * - "Pedtke, Daniel H." (BMus, FAGO)
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.26 - Associate Professor, Music - * - "Pedtke, Daniel H." (BMus)
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.9 - Head, Department of Music - - "Pedtke, Daniel H." (BMus, FAGO)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.26 - Associate Professor, Music - * - "Pedtke, Daniel H." (BMus)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.9 - Head, Department of Music - - "Pedtke, Daniel H." (BMus, FAGO)
Pelissier, Raymond Francis
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.24 - Instructor, Marketing and Business Administration - * - "Pelissier, Raymond Francis" (MS)
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.26 - Instructor, Foreign Marketing - * - "Pelissier, Raymond F." (MS)
Pelton, Robert
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.26 - Instructor, Religion - * - "Pelton, Robert" (Rev., CSC, AB)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.27 - Instructor, Religion - * On leave of absence - "Pelton, Robert" (Rev., CSC, AB)
Pence, Raymond Vanover
- 1930/31 v.26 #3 p.25 - Instructor, English - * - "Pence, Raymond Vanover" (AM)
- 1931/32 v.27 #3 p.25 - Instructor, English - * - "Pence, Raymond Vanover" (AM)
- 1932/33 v.28 #3 p.24 - Instructor, English - * - "Pence, Raymond Vanover" (AM)
- 1933/34 v.29 #3 p.21 - Assistant Professor, English - * - "Pence, Raymond Vanover" (AM)
- 1934/35 v.30 #3 p.22 - Assistant Professor, English - * - "Pence, Raymond Vanover" (AM)
- 1935/36 v.31 #3 p.24 - Assistant Professor, English - * - "Pence, Raymond Vanover" (AM)
- 1936/37 v.32 #3 p.25 - Associate Professor, English - * - "Pence, Raymond Vanover" (AM)
- 1937/38 v.33 #3 p.26 - Associate Professor, English - * - "Pence, Raymond Vanover" (AM)
- 1938/39 v.34 #3 p.26 - Associate Professor, English - * - "Pence, Raymond Vanover" (AM)
- 1939/40 v.35 #3 p.28 - Associate Professor, English - * - "Pence, Raymond Vanover" (AM)
- 1940/41 v.36 #3 p.30 - Associate Professor, English - * - "Pence, Raymond Vanover" (AM)
- 1941/42 v.37 #2 p.32 - Associate Professor, English - * - "Pence, Raymond Vanover" (AM)
- 1942 v.38 #4 p.25 - Professor, English - * - "Pence, Raymond Vanover" (AM)
- 1943 v.39 #1 p.24 - Professor, English - * - "Pence, Raymond Vanover" (AM)
- 1943/44 v.40 #1 p.21 - Professor, English - * - "Pence, Raymond Vanover" (AM)
- 1944/45 v.41 #1 p.21 - Professor, English - * - "Pence, Raymond Vanover" (AM)
- 1945 v.42 #1 p.19 - Professor, English - * - "Pence, Raymond Vanover" (AM)
- 1945/46 v.43 #7 p.28 - Professor, English - * - "Pence, Raymond Vanover" (AM)
- 1946/47 v.44 #7 p.26 - Professor, English - * - "Pence, Raymond Vanover" (AM)
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.24 - Professor, English - * - "Pence, Raymond Vanover" (AM)
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.27 - Professor, English - * - "Pence, Raymond V." (AM)
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.26 - Professor, English - * - "Pence, Raymond V." (AM)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.27 - Professor, English - * - "Pence, Raymond V." (AM)
Pepper, Paul Milton
- 1938/39 v.34 #3 p.35 - Instructor, Mathematics - * - "Pepper, Paul Milton" (PhD)
- 1939/40 v.35 #3 p.38 - Instructor, Mathematics - * - "Pepper, Paul Milton" (PhD)
- 1940/41 v.36 #3 p.30 - Assistant Professor, Mathematics - * - "Pepper, Paul Milton" (PhD)
- 1941/42 v.37 #2 p.32 - Assistant Professor, Mathematics - * - "Pepper, Paul Milton" (PhD)
- 1942 v.38 #4 p.25 - Assistant Professor, Mathematics - * - "Pepper, Paul Milton" (PhD)
- 1943 v.39 #1 p.24 - Assistant Professor, Mathematics - * - "Pepper, Paul Milton" (PhD)
- 1943/44 v.40 #1 p.21 - Associate Professor, Mathematics - * - "Pepper, Paul Milton" (PhD)
- 1944/45 v.41 #1 p.21 - Associate Professor, Mathematics - * - "Pepper, Paul Milton" (PhD)
- 1945 v.42 #1 p.19 - Associate Professor, Mathematics - * - "Pepper, Paul Milton" (PhD)
- 1945/46 v.43 #7 p.28 - Associate Professor, Mathematics - * - "Pepper, Paul Milton" (PhD)
- 1946/47 v.44 #7 p.26 - Associate Professor, Mathematics - * - "Pepper, Paul Milton" (PhD)
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.24 - Associate Professor, Mathematics - * - "Pepper, Paul Milton" (PhD)
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.27 - Associate Professor, Mathematics - * - "Pepper, Paul M." (PhD)
Peretti, Ettore A.
- 1945/46 v.43 #7 p.28 - Associate Professor, Metallurgy - * - "Peretti, Ettore A." (ScD)
- 1946/47 v.44 #7 p.27 - Associate Professor, Metallurgy - * - "Peretti, Ettore A." (ScD)
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.24 - Associate Professor, Metallurgy - * - "Peretti, Ettore A." (ScD)
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.27 - Associate Professor, Metallurgy - * - "Peretti, Ettore A." (ScD)
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.27 - Professor, Metallurgy - * - "Peretti, Ettore A." (ScD)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.27 - Professor, Metallurgy - * - "Peretti, Ettore A." (ScD)
Perkins, Howard C.
- 1944/45 v.41 #1 p.21 - Associate Professor, History - * - "Perkins, Howard C." (PhD)
Persyn, Henry Anthony
- 1929/30 v.25 #3 p.27 - Graduate Assistant, Chemistry - * - "Persyn, Henry Anthony" (BS in ChE)
- 1930/31 v.26 #3 p.28 - Graduate Assistant, Chemistry - * - "Persyn, Henry Anthony" (MS)
- 1931/32 v.27 #3 p.28 - Graduate Assistant, Chemistry - * - "Persyn, Henry Anthony" (MS)
Pescetto, Alberto
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.24 - Assistant Professor, Spanish - * - "Pescetto, Alberto" (PhD)
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.27 - Assistant Professor, Spanish - * - "Pescetto, Alberto" (PhD)
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.27 - Assistant Professor, Spanish - * - "Pescetto, Alberto" (PhD)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.27 - Assistant Professor, Spanish - * - "Pescetto, Alberto" (PhD)
Peschel, Anthony Richard
- 1937/38 v.33 #3 p.38 - Graduate Assistant, Religion - * - "Peschel, Anthony Richard" (AB)
Peters, Roger Paul
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.27 - Professor, Law - * - "Peters, Roger Paul" (LLB)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.27 - Professor, Law - * - "Peters, Roger Paul" (LLB)
Petersen, Charles
- 1901/02 58th AC p.9 - Professor or Instructor, German - - "Petersen, Charles" (AM)
- 1902/03 59th AC p.9 - Professor or Instructor, German - - "Petersen, Charles" (AM)
- 1902/03 59th AC p.9 - Director, Band & Orchestra - - "Petersen, Charles" (AM)
- 1903/04 60th AC p.10 - Professor or Instructor, German - - "Petersen, Charles" (AM)
- 1903/04 60th AC p.10 - Director, Band & Orchestra - - "Petersen, Charles" (AM)
- 1904/05 v.1 #1 p.9 - Professor or Instructor, German - - "Petersen, Charles" (AM)
- 1904/05 v.1 #1 p.9 - Director, Band and Orchestra - - "Petersen, Charles" (AM)
- 1905/06 v.2 #1 p.165 - Instructor in Preparatory School, German - - "Petersen, Charles" (AM)
- 1905/06 v.2 #1 p.9 - Professor, German - - "Petersen, Charles" (AM)
- 1906/07 v.3 #1 p.175 - Instructor in Preparatory School, German - - "Petersen, Charles" (AM)
- 1906/07 v.3 #1 p.9 - Professor, German - - "Petersen, Charles" (AM)
- 1907/08 v.4 #1 p.175 - Instructor in Preparatory School, German - - "Petersen, Charles" (AM)
- 1907/08 v.4 #1 p.9 - Professor, German - - "Petersen, Charles" (AM)
- 1908/09 v.5 #1 p.187 - Instructor in Preparatory School, German - - "Petersen, Charles" (AM)
- 1909/10 v.6 #1 p.191 - Instructor in Preparatory School, German - - "Petersen, Charles" (AM)
- 1909/10 v.6 #1 p.9 - Professor, German - - "Petersen, Charles" (AM)
- 1910/11 v.7 #1 p.191 - Instructor in Preparatory School, German - - "Petersen, Charles" (AM)
- 1910/11 v.7 #1 p.9 - Professor, German - - "Petersen, Charles" (AM)
- 1911/12 v.7 #4 p.194 - Instructor in Preparatory School, German - - "Petersen, Charles" (AM)
- 1911/12 v.7 #4 p.8 - Professor, German - - "Petersen, Charles" (AM)
- 1912/13 v.8 #4 p.191 - Instructor in Preparatory School, German - - "Petersen, Charles" (AM)
- 1912/13 v.8 #4 p.8 - Professor, German - - "Petersen, Charles" (AM)
Petersen, Lawrence Louis
- 1946/47 v.44 #7 p.27 - Instructor, Economics - * - "Petersen, Lawrence Louis" (BBA)
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.30 - Research Associate or Teaching Fellow, Economics - - "Petersen, Lawrence L." (BBA)
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.32 - Research Associate or Teaching Fellow, Economics - * - "Petersen, Lawrence L." (BBA)
Peterson, Charles
- 1908/09 v.5 #1 p.9 - Professor, German - Peterson or Petersen? - "Peterson, Charles" (AM)
Peterson, Leroy Eric
- 1938/39 v.34 #3 p.39 - Graduate Assistant, Physics - * - "Peterson, Leroy Eric" (AB)
- 1939/40 v.35 #3 p.43 - Graduate Assistant, Physics - * - "Peterson, Leroy Eric" (AB)
- 1940/41 v.36 #3 p.44 - Graduate Assistant, Physics - * - "Peterson, Leroy Eric" (MS)
- 1941/42 v.37 #2 p.47 - Graduate Assistant, Physics - * - "Peterson, Leroy Eric" (MS)
- 1942 v.38 #4 p.25 - Instructor, Physics - * - "Peterson, Leroy Eric" (PhD)
- 1943 v.39 #1 p.24 - Instructor, Physics - * - "Peterson, Leroy Eric" (PhD)
- 1943/44 v.40 #1 p.21 - Instructor, Physics - * - "Peterson, Leroy Eric" (PhD)
- 1944/45 v.41 #1 p.21 - Instructor, Physics - * - "Peterson, Leroy Eric" (PhD)
- 1945 v.42 #1 p.19 - Instructor, Physics - * - "Peterson, Leroy Eric" (PhD)
Petrauskas, Alexander Anselmus
- 1936/37 v.32 #3 p.35 - Graduate Assistant, Physics - * - "Petrauskas, Alexander Anselmus" (BS in EE)
- 1937/38 v.33 #3 p.38 - Graduate Assistant, Physics - * - "Petrauskas, Alexander Anselmus" (BS in EE)
- 1941/42 v.37 #2 p.43 - Instructor, Physics - * On leave of absence - "Petrauskas, Alexander Anselmus" (PhD)
- 1942 v.38 #4 p.31 - Instructor, Physics - * On leave of absence - "Petrauskas, Alexander Anselmus" (PhD)
- 1943 v.39 #1 p.30 - Instructor, Physics - * On leave of absence - "Petrauskas, Alexander Anselmus" (PhD)
- 1943/44 v.40 #1 p.26 - Instructor, Physics - * On leave of absence - "Petrauskas, Alexander Anselmus" (PhD)
- 1944/45 v.41 #1 p.26 - Instructor, Physics - * On leave of absence - "Petrauskas, Alexander Anselmus" (PhD)
- 1945 v.42 #1 p.19 - Instructor, Physics - * - "Petrauskas, Alexander Anselmus" (PhD)
- 1945/46 v.43 #7 p.28 - Assistant Professor, Physics - * - "Petrauskas, Alexander Anselmus" (PhD)
- 1946/47 v.44 #7 p.27 - Assistant Professor, Physics - * - "Petrauskas, Alexander Anselmus" (PhD)
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.24 - Assistant Professor, Physics - * - "Petrauskas, Alexander Anselmus" (PhD)
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.27 - Assistant Professor, Physics - * - "Petrauskas, Alexander A." (PhD)
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.27 - Assistant Professor, Physics - * - "Petrauskas, Alexander A." (PhD)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.27 - Assistant Professor, Physics - * - "Petrauskas, Alexander A." (PhD)
Petrov, Vladimir
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.35 - Special Lecturer, In the College of Arts and Letters - * - "Petrov, Vladimir"
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.36 - Special Lecturer, In the College of Arts and Letters - * - "Petrov, Vladimir"
Petry, Albert
- 1891/92 48th AC p.6 - Assistant Professor or Instructor, French - - "Petry, Albert" (Rev., CSC)
Pettengill, Samuel
- 1916/17 v.12 #4 p.9 - Lecturer, Law - - "Pettengill, Samuel" (LLB)
Pettingill, John S.
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.33 - Research Associate or Teaching Fellow, Physical Education - - "Pettingill, John S." (BS in PE)
Pettit, Maurice Lorne
- 1946/47 v.44 #7 p.39 - Professor, Politics - * Appointed for 1947/48 - "Pettit, Laurice Lorne" (AM)
- 1927/28 v.23 #4 p.24 - Instructor, History - * - "Pettit, Maurice Lorne" (AM)
- 1928/29 v.24 #3 p.25 - Instructor, Politics - * - "Pettit, Maurice Lorne" (AM)
- 1929/30 v.25 #3 p.19 - Assistant Professor, Politics - * - "Pettit, Maurice Lorne" (AM)
- 1930/31 v.26 #3 p.18 - Assistant Professor, Politics - * - "Pettit, Maurice Lorne" (AM)
- 1931/32 v.27 #3 p.18 - Assistant Professor, Politics - * - "Pettit, Maurice Lorne" (AM)
- 1932/33 v.28 #3 p.18 - Assistant Professor, Politics - * - "Pettit, Maurice Lorne" (AM)
- 1933/34 v.29 #3 p.21 - Assistant Professor, Politics - * - "Pettit, Maurice Lorne" (AM)
- 1934/35 v.30 #3 p.22 - Associate Professor, Politics - * - "Pettit, Maurice Lorne" (AM)
- 1935/36 v.31 #3 p.24 - Associate Professor, Politics - * - "Pettit, Maurice Lorne" (AM)
- 1936/37 v.32 #3 p.25 - Associate Professor, Politics - * - "Pettit, Maurice Lorne" (AM)
- 1937/38 v.33 #3 p.26 - Associate Professor, Politics - * - "Pettit, Maurice Lorne" (AM)
- 1938/39 v.34 #3 p.26 - Associate Professor, Politics - * - "Pettit, Maurice Lorne" (AM)
- 1939/40 v.35 #3 p.28 - Professor, Politics - * - "Pettit, Maurice Lorne" (AM)
- 1940/41 v.36 #3 p.30 - Professor, Politics - * - "Pettit, Maurice Lorne" (AM)
- 1941/42 v.37 #2 p.33 - Professor, Politics - * - "Pettit, Maurice Lorne" (AM)
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.24 - Part-time Professor, Politics - * - "Pettit, Maurice Lorne" (AM)
Peyre, Henri
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.36 - Special Lecturer, In the College of Arts and Letters - * - "Peyre, Henri" (Dr.)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.36 - Special Lecturer, In the College of Arts and Letters - * - "Peyre, Henri" (Dr.)
Pfeifer, Gottlieb Orville
- 1943/44 v.40 #1 p.21 - Instructor, Engineering Drawing - * - "Pfeifer, Gottlieb Orville" (MS)
- 1944/45 v.41 #1 p.21 - Instructor, Engineering Drawing - * - "Pfeifer, Gottlieb Orville" (MS)
- 1945 v.42 #1 p.19 - Instructor, Engineering Drawing - * - "Pfeifer, Gottleib Orville" (MS)
Pflaum, Daniel Joseph
- 1931/32 v.27 #3 p.28 - Graduate Assistant, Chemistry - * - "Pflaum, Daniel Joseph" (AB)
- 1932/33 v.28 #3 p.26 - Graduate Assistant, Chemistry - * - "Pflaum, Daniel Joseph" (MS)
- 1933/34 v.29 #3 p.30 - Graduate Assistant, Chemistry - * - "Pflaum, Daniel Joseph" (MS)
Phelan, Gerald Bernard
- 1945/46 v.43 #7 p.39 - Director,
Institute of Mediaeval Studies - * Appointed for 1946/47 - "Phelan,
Gerald B." (Rev., PhD, FRSC)
- 1946/47 v.44 #7 p.27 - Director, Mediaeval Institute - * - "Phelan, Gerald Bernard" (Rev., PhD)
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.24 - Director, Mediaeval Institute - * - "Phelan, Gerald Bernard" (PhD)
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.27 - Director, Mediaeval Institute - * - "Phelan, Gerald B." (Rev., PhD)
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.27 - Director, Mediaeval Institute - * - "Phelan, Gerald B." (Rev., PhD)
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.8 - Head, Department of Philosophy - - "Phelan, Gerald B." (Rev., PhD)
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.8 - Member, The Graduate Council - - "Phelan, Gerald B." (Rev., PhD, FRSC)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.27 - Director, Mediaeval Institute - * - "Phelan, Gerald B." (Rev., PhD)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.8 - Member, The Graduate Council - - "Phelan, Gerald B." (Rev., FRSC)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.8 - Head, Department of Philosophy - - "Phelan, Gerald B." (Rev., PhD)
Phelan, James J.
- 1927/28 v.23 #4 p.5 - Member at Large, Associate Board of Lay Trustees - Boston, MA - "Phelan, James J."
- 1928/29 v.24 #3 p.5 - Member at Large, Associate Board of Lay Trustees - Boston, MA - "Phelan, James J." (KM)
- 1929/30 v.25 #3 p.5 - Member at Large, Associate Board of Lay Trustees - Boston, MA - "Phelan, James J." (KM)
- 1930/31 v.26 #3 p.5 - Member at Large, Board of Lay Trustees - Boston, MA - "Phelan, James J." (KM)
- 1931/32 v.27 #3 p.5 - Member at Large, Board of Lay Trustees - Boston, MA - "Phelan, James J." (KM)
- 1932/33 v.28 #3 p.5 - Member at Large, Associate Board of Lay Trustees - Boston, MA - "Phelan, James J." (KM)
- 1933/34 v.29 #3 p.5 - Member at Large, Associate Board of Lay Trustees - Boston, MA - "Phelan, James J." (KM)
- 1938/39 v.34 #3 p.10 - Second Vice President, The Alumni Board - '1917 - "Phelan, James M."
Phelan, John Edward
- 1930/31 v.26 #3 p.28 - Assistant, Public Speaking - * - "Phelan, John Edward"
- 1876/77 33rd AC p.6 - Teacher, Preparatory - - "Philemon" (Brother, CSC)
- 1887/88 44th AC p.4 - Assistant Prefect of Discipline, Junior - - "Philemon" (Brother, CSC)
- 1887/88 44th AC p.8 - Teacher, Preparatory - - "Philemon" (Brother, CSC)
- 1866/67 23rd AC p.4 - Teacher, Bookkeeping & English - - "Philip" (Brother, JSC)
- 1867/68 24th AC p.6 - Ass't. Teacher, Bookkeeping & English - - "Philip" (Brother, JSC)
- 1868/69 25th AC p.6 - Professor, English & Arithmetic - - "Philip" (Brother, SSC)
- 1869/70 26th AC p.6 - Adj. Professor, English & Arithmetic - - "Philip" (Brother, SSC)
- 1918 ss v.13 #3 p.5 - Landscape Gardening - - "Philip" (Brother, CSC)
- 1918/19 v.14 #4 p.8 - Professor, Landscape Gardening - - "Philip" (Brother, CSC)
- 1919 ss v.14 #3 p.5 - Landscape Gardening - - "Philip" (Brother, CSC)
- 1920 ss v.15 #3 p.6 - Landscape Gardening - - "Philip" (Brother, CSC)
Philip Neri
- 1874/75 31st AC p.6 - Assistant Professor or Instructor, Penmanship - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1874/75 31st AC p.7 - Commercial Faculty - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1875/76 32nd AC p.6 - Assistant Professor or Instructor, German & Penmanship - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1875/76 32nd AC p.7 - Commercial Faculty - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1876/77 33rd AC p.5 - Assistant Professor or Instructor, Penmanship & German - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1876/77 33rd AC p.7 - Commercial Faculty - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1877/78 34th AC p.5 - Assistant Professor or Instructor, Penmanship and German - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1877/78 34th AC p.7 - Commercial Faculty - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1878/79 35th AC p.7 - Assistant Professor or Instructor, Penmanship and German - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1878/79 35th AC p.8 - Commercial Faculty - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1879/80 36th AC p.6 - Assistant Professor or Instructor, Penmanship and German - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1879/80 36th AC p.8 - Commercial Faculty - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1880/81 37th AC p.10 - Commercial Faulty - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1880/81 37th AC p.8 - Assistant Professor or Instructor, Penmanship and German - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1881/82 38th AC p.10 - Commercial Faculty - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1881/82 38th AC p.7 - Assistant Professor or Instructor, Penmanship and German - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1882/83 39th AC p.7 - Assistant Professor or Instructor, Penmanship and German - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1882/83 39th AC p.9 - Commercial Faculty - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1883/84 40th AC p.7 - Assistant Professor or Instructor, Penmanship and German - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1883/84 40th AC p.9 - Commercial Faculty - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1884/85 41st AC p.6 - Assistant Professor or Instructor, Penmanship & German - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1884/85 41st AC p.8 - Commercial Faculty - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1885/86 42nd AC p.7 - Assistant Professor or Instructor, Penmanship & German - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1885/86 42nd AC p.9 - Commercial Faculty - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1886/87 43rd AC p.6 - Assistant Professor or Instructor, Penmanship & German - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1887/88 44th AC p.7 - Assistant Professor or Instructor, Penmanship & German - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1888/89 45th AC p.7 - Assistant Professor, Penmanship & German - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1889/90 46th AC p.6 - Assistant Professor, Penmanship & German - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1890/91 47th AC p.6 - Assistant Professor or Instructor, Penmanship & German - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1891/92 48th AC p.7 - Assistant Professor or Instructor, Penmanship & German - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1892/93 49th AC p.7 - Assistant Professor or Instructor, Penmanship & German - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1893/94 50th AC p.8 - Assistant Professor or Instructor, Penmanship & German - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1894/95 51st AC p.8 - Assistant Professor or Instructor, Penmanship & German - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1895/96 52nd AC p.7 - Assistant Professor or Instructor, Penmanship & German - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1896/97 53rd AC p.7 - Assistant Professor or Instructor, Penmanship & German - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1897/98 54th AC p.9 - Professor or Instructor, German - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1898/99 55th AC p.9 - Professor or Instructor, German - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1899/00 56th AC p.9 - Professor or Instructor, German - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1900/01 57th AC p.9 - Professor or Instructor, German - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1901/02 58th AC p.9 - Professor or Instructor, German - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1902/03 59th AC p.9 - Professor or Instructor, German - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1903/04 60th AC p.9 - Professor or Instructor, German - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1904/05 v.1 #1 p.9 - Professor or Instructor, German - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1905/06 v.2 #1 p.164 - Instructor in Preparatory School, Penmanship - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1906/07 v.3 #1 p.174 - Instructor in Preparatory School, Penmanship - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1907/08 v. 4 #1 p.174 - Instructor in Preparatory School, Penmanship - - "Phil Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1908/09 v.5 #1 p.186 - Instructor in Preparatory School, Penmanship - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1909/10 v.6 #1 p.190 - Instructor in Preparatory School, Penmanship - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1910/11 v.7 #1 p.191 - Instructor in Preparatory School, Penmanship - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1911/12 v.7 #4 p.194 - Instructor in Preparatory School, Penmanship - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1912/13 v.8 #4 p.191 - Instructor in Preparatory School, Penmanship - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1913/14 v.9 #4 p.197 - Instructor in Preparatory School, Penmanship - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1914/15 v.10 #4 p.197 - Instructor in Preparatory School, Penmanship - - "Philip Neir, ?" (Brother, CSC)
- 1915/16 v.11 #4 p.204 - Instructor in Preparatory School, Penmanship - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
- 1916/17 v.12 #4 p.228 - Instructor in Preparatory School, Penmanship - - "Philip Neri" (Brother, CSC)
Phillips, Anna L.
- 1925/26 v.21 #3 p.10 - Head Cataloger, The Library - - "Phillips, Anna L."
- 1926/27 v.22 #5 p.9 - Head Cataloger, The Library - - "Phillips, Anna L."
- 1927/28 v.23 #4 p.7 - Head Cataloger, The Library - - "Phillips, Anna L."
Phillips, Arthur William
- 1939/40 v.35 #3 p.43 - Graduate Assistant, Biology - * - "Phillips, Arthur William" (BS)
- 1940/41 v.36 #3 p.45 - Graduate Assistant, Biology - * - "Phillips, Arthur William" (BS)
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.27 - Assistant Research Professor, Bacteriology - * - "Phillips, Arthur William" (ScD)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.27 - Assistant Research Professor, Bacteriology - * - "Phillips, Arthur William" (ScD)
Phillips, Charles J.
- 1924/25 v.20 #4 p.19 - Assistant Professor, English - * - "Phillips, Charles" (MA)
- 1924/25 v.20 #4 p.96 - Instructor, English for Journalists - - "Phillips, Charles J." (AM)
- 1925/26 v.21 #3 p.20 - Assistant Professor, English - * - "Phillips, Charles" (MA)
- 1926/27 v.22 #5 p.20 - Associate Professor, English - * - "Phillips, Charles" (AM)
- 1927/28 v.23 #4 p.18 - Associate Professor, English - * - "Phillips, Charles" (AM)
- 1927/28 v.23 #4 p.7 - Member, The University Council - - "Phillips, Charles" (AM)
- 1928/29 v.24 #3 p.18 - Professor, English - * - "Phillips, Charles" (AM)
- 1928/29 v.24 #3 p.7 - Member, The University Council - - "Phillips, Charles" (AM)
- 1929/30 v.25 #3 p.19 - Professor, English - * - "Phillips, Charles" (AM)
- 1929/30 v.25 #3 p.7 - Member, The University Council - - "Phillips, Charles" (AM)
- 1930/31 v.26 #3 p.18 - Professor, English - * - "Phillips, Charles" (AM)
- 1930/31 v.26 #3 p.7 - Member, The University Council - - "Phillips, Charles" (AM)
- 1931/32 v.27 #3 p.18 - Professor, English - * - "Phillips, Charles" (AM)
- 1931/32 v.27 #3 p.7 - Member, The University Council - * - "Phillips, Charles" (AM)
- 1932/33 v.28 #3 p.18 - Professor, English - * - "Phillips, Charles" (AM)
- 1933/34 v.29 #3 p.21 - Professor, English - * Died December 29, 1933 - "Phillips, Charles" (AM)
Phillips, Leo Thomas
- 1938/39 v.34 #3 p.35 - Instructor, English - * - "Phillips, Leo Thomas" (Rev., CSV, PhD)
- 1943/44 v.40 #1 p.21 - Instructor, English - * - "Phillips, Leo Thomas" (Rev., CSV, PhD)
Philp, William George
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.27 - Assistant Professor, Business Administration - * - "Philp, William George" (MS)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.27 - Assistant Professor, Business Administration - * - "Philp, William George" (MS)
Pieper, Josef
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.36 - Special Lecturer, In the College of Arts and Letters - * - "Pieper, Josef"
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.36 - Special Lecturer, In the College of Arts and Letters - * - "Pieper, Josef"
Pierce, A. Lester
- 1926/27 v.22 #5 p.25 - Instructor, Education - * - "Pierce, A. Lester" (AM)
- 1927/28 v.23 #4 p.24 - Instructor, Education - * - "Pierce, A. Lester" (AM)
Pieronek, Valentine Raymond
- 1939/40 v.35 #3 p.43 - Graduate Assistant, Chemistry - * - "Pieronek, Valentine Raymond" (AB)
- 1940/41 v.36 #3 p.45 - Graduate Assistant, Biology - * - "Pieronek, Valentine Raymond" (AB)
- 1941/42 v.37 #2 p.47 - Graduate Assistant, Chemistry - * - "Pieronek, Valentine Raymond" (AB)
Pierre, Ann
- 1949 ss v.46 #1 p.13 - Visiting Summer Session Instructor - * - "Ann Pierre, M." (Sister, CSC, MA)
Pillsbury, Agnes Hope
- 1924 ss v.19 #3 p.14 - Piano - - "Pillsbury, Agnes Hope" (Miss)
- 1924/25 v.20 #4 p.25 - Special Instructor in Summer Session, Music - * - "Pillsbury, Agnes"
- 1924/25 v.20 #4 p.88 - Special Instructor (Summer), Piano - * - "Pillsbury, Agnes"
- 1925 ss v.20 #3 p.13 - Piano - - "Pillsbury, Agnes Hope" (Miss)
- 1926 ss v.21 #2 p.10 - Visiting Summer Session Instructor, Music - * - "Pillsbury, Agnes Hope"
- 1932 ss v.27 #2 p.9 - Visiting Summer Session Instructor, Music - * - "Pillsbury, Agnes Hope" (Miss)
- 1933 ss v.28 #2 p.9 - Visiting Summer Session Instructor, Music - * - "Pillsbury, Agnes Hope" (Miss)
- 1934 ss v.29 #2 p.7 - Visiting Summer Session Instructor, Music - * - "Pillsbury, Agnes Hope"
- 1935 ss v.30 #2 p.7 - Visiting Summer Session Instructor, Music - * - "Pillsbury, Agnes Hope" (Miss)
- 1936 ss v.31 #2 p.9 - Visiting Summer Session Instructor, Music - * - "Pillsbury, Agnes Hope"
Pino, Arthur
- 1915/16 v.11 #4 p.205 - Instructor in Preparatory School, Mathematics - - "Pino, Arthur" (EE)
- 1916/17 v.12 #4 p.229 - Instructor in Preparatory School, Mathematics - - "Pino, Arthur" (EE)
- 1916/17 v.12 #4 p.9 - Professor, Mathematics - - "Pino, Arthur" (EE)
- 1917/18 v.13 #4 p.9 - Professor, Mathematics - - "Pino, Arthur" (EE)
- 1918 ss v.13 #3 p.6 - Mathematics - - "Pino, Arthur" (EE)
- 1918/19 v.14 #4 p.10 - Professor, Mathematics - - "Pino, Arthur" (EE)
- 1919 ss v.14 #3 p.6 - Mathematics - - "Pino, Arthur" (EE)
- 1919/20 v.15 #4 p.9 - Mathematics - Faculty Seniority - 40th - "Pino, Arthur" (EE)
- 1920 ss v.15 #3 p.7 - Mathematics - - "Pino, Arthur" (EE)
- 1920/21 v.16 #4 p.13 - Mathematics - Faculty Seniority - 43rd - "Pino, Arthur" (EE)
- 1921 ss v.16 #3 p.8 - Mathematics - - "Pino, Arturo" (EE)
Piper, William
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.32 - Special Lecturer, In the College of Engineering - * - "Piper, William"
Pirchio, Pasquale Mario
- 1924/25 v.20 #4 p.22 - Instructor, Italian - * - "Pirchio, Pasquale Mario"
- 1925/26 v.21 #3 p.23 - Instructor, Italian - * - "Pirchio, Pasquale Mario" (BS)
- 1926/27 v.22 #5 p.25 - Instructor, Italian - * - "Pirchio, Pasquale Mario" (BS)
- 1927/28 v.23 #4 p.24 - Instructor, Italian - * - "Pirchio, Pasquale Mario" (BS)
- 1928/29 v.24 #3 p.25 - Instructor, Italian - * - "Pirchio, Pasquale Mario" (BS in EE)
- 1929/30 v.25 #3 p.25 - Instructor, Italian and Drawing - * - "Pirchio, Pasquale Mario" (BS in EE)
- 1930/31 v.26 #3 p.25 - Instructor, Italian and Drawing - * - "Pirchio, Pasquale Mario" (BS in EE)
- 1931/32 v.27 #3 p.18 - Assistant Professor, Italian and Drawing - * - "Pirchio, Pasquale Mario" (BS in EE)
- 1932/33 v.28 #3 p.18 - Assistant Professor, Italian and Drawing - * - "Pirchio, Pasquale Mario" (AM)
- 1933/34 v.29 #3 p.21 - Assistant Professor, Italian and Drawing - * - "Pirchio, Pasquale Mario" (AM)
- 1934/35 v.30 #3 p.22 - Associate Professor, Italian and Drawing - * - "Pirchio, Pasquale Mario" (AM)
- 1935/36 v.31 #3 p.24 - Associate Professor, Italian and Drawing - * - "Pirchio, Pasquale Mario" (AM)
- 1936/37 v.32 #3 p.26 - Associate Professor, Italian - * - "Pirchio, Pasquale Mario" (AM)
- 1937/38 v.33 #3 p.26 - Professor, Engineering Drawing - * - "Pirchio, Pasquale Mario" (AM)
- 1937/38 v.33 #3 p.267 - Head, Department of Engineering Drawing - - "Pirchio, Pasquale M." (BS in EE, AM)
- 1938/39 v.34 #3 p.26 - Professor, Engineering Drawing - * - "Pirchio, Pasquale Mario" (AM)
- 1938/39 v.34 #3 p.265 - Head, Department of Engineering Drawing - - "Pirchio, Pasquale M." (BS in EE, AM)
- 1939/40 v.35 #3 p.279 - Head, Department of Engineering Drawing - - "Pirchio, Pasquale M." (BS in EE, AM)
- 1939/40 v.35 #3 p.28 - Professor, Engineering Drawing - * - "Pirchio, Pasquale Mario" (AM)
- 1940/41 v.36 #3 p.30 - Professor, Engineering Drawing - * - "Pirchio, Pasquale Mario" (AM)
- 1940/41 v.36 #3 p.9 - Head, Department of Engineering Drawing - * - "Pirchio, Pasquale M."
- 1941/42 v.37 #2 p.12 - Head, Department of Engineering Drawing - * - "Pirchio, Pasquale M."
- 1941/42 v.37 #2 p.33 - Professor, Engineering Drawing - * - "Pirchio, Pasquale Mario" (AM)
- 1942 v.38 #4 p.25 - Professor, Italian - * - "Pirchio, Pasquale Mario" (AM)
- 1943 v.39 #1 p.24 - Professor, Italian - * - "Pirchio, Pasquale Mario" (AM)
- 1943/44 v.40 #1 p.21 - Professor, Italian - * - "Pirchio, Pasquale Mario" (AM)
- 1944/45 v.41 #1 p.21 - Professor, Italian - * - "Pirchio, Pasquale Mario" (AM)
- 1945 v.42 #1 p.19 - Professor, Italian - * - "Pirchio, Pasquale Mario" (AM)
- 1945/46 v.43 #7 p.28 - Professor, Italian - * - "Pirchio, Pasquale Mario" (AM)
- 1946/47 v.44 #7 p.27 - Professor, Italian - * - "Pirchio, Pasquale Mario" (AM)
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.24 - Professor, Italian - * - "Pirchio, Pasquale Mario" (AM)
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.27 - Professor, Italian - * - "Pirchio, Pasquale M." (AM)
- 1862/63 19th AC p.53 - Assistant Teacher, Deaf & Dumb Department - - "Placidus" (Brother)
Plante, Joseph Oswald
- 1914/15 v.10 #4 p.10 - Professor, Political Science - - "Plante, Joseph" (AB, LLB)
- 1914/15 v.10 #4 p.198 - Instructor in Preparatory School, Commercial Law and Economics - - "Plante, Joseph" (AB, LLB)
- 1915/16 v.11 #4 p.10 - Professor, Political Science - - "Plante, Joseph" (AB, LLB)
- 1915/16 v.11 #4 p.205 - Instructor in Preparatory School, Civics - - "Plante, Joseph" (AB, LLB)
- 1916/17 v.12 #4 p.10 - Professor, Political Science - - "Plante, Joseph" (AB, LLB)
- 1916/17 v.12 #4 p.229 - Instructor in Preparatory School, Civics - - "Plante, Joseph" (AB, LLB)
- 1917/18 v.13 #4 p.10 - Professor, Economics - - "Plante, Joseph" (AB, LLB)
- 1918 ss v.13 #3 p.7 - Economics - - "Plante, Joseph" (AB, LLB)
- 1918/19 v.14 #4 p.10 - Professor, Economics - - "Plante, Joseph" (AB, LLB)
- 1919 ss v.14 #3 p.7 - Economics - - "Plante, Joseph" (AB, LLB)
- 1919/20 v.15 #4 p.8 - Economics and Business Law - Faculty Seniority - 35th - "Plante, Joseph Oswald" (AB, LLB)
- 1920 ss v.15 #3 p.7 - Economics - - "Plante, Joseph" (AB, LLB)
- 1920/21 v.16 #4 p.13 - Economics and Business Law - Faculty Seniority - 32nd - "Plante, Joseph Oswald" (AB, LLB)
- 1921 ss v.16 #3 p.7 - Economics - - "Plante, Joseph" (AB, LLB)
- 1921/22 v.17 #4 p.13 - Economics and Business Law - Faculty Seniority - 33rd - "Plante, Joseph Oswald" (AB, LLB)
- 1922 ss v.17 #3 p.10 - French - - "Plante, Joseph" (AB, LLB)
- 1922/23 v.18 #4 p.13 - Economics and Business Law - Faculty Seniority - 34th - "Plante, Joseph Oswald" (AB, LLB)
- 1923 ss v.18 #3 p.10 - French - - "Plante, Joseph" (AB, LLB)
- 1923/24 v.19 #5 p.14 - Economics and Business Law - Faculty Seniority - 29th - "Plante, Joseph Oswald" (AB, LLB)
- 1924 ss v.19 #3 p.10 - French - - "Plante, Joseph" (AB, LLB)
- 1924/25 v.20 #4 p.22 - Instructor, French - * - "Plante, Joseph Oswald" (AB, LLB)
- 1925 ss v.20 #3 p.10 - French - - "Plante, Joseph" (AB, LLB)
- 1925/26 v.21 #3 p.20 - Assistant Professor, French - * - "Plante, Joseph Oswald" (AB, LLB)
- 1926/27 v.22 #5 p.20 - Professor, French - * - "Plante, Joseph Oswald" (AB, LLB)
- 1927/28 v.23 #4 p.18 - Professor, French - * - "Plante, Joseph Oswald" (AB, LLB)
- 1928/29 v.24 #3 p.18 - Professor, French - * - "Plante, Joseph Oswald" (AB, LLB)
- 1929/30 v.25 #3 p.19 - Professor, French - * - "Plante, Joseph Oswald" (AB, LLB)
Platner, Albert J.
- 1858/59 15th AC p.4 - Professor, German & Spanish Literature - - "Platner, Albert J."
Plotnick, Martin H.
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.36 - Special Lecturer, College of Commerce - * - "Plotnick, Martin H."
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.37 - Special Lecturer, In the College of Commerce - * - "Plotnick, Martin H."
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.37 - Special Lecturer, In the College of Commerce - * - "Plotnick, Martin H."
Plunkett, Devere Thomas
- 1929/30 v.25 #3 p.28 - Assistant, Greek - * - "Plunkett, Devere T." (AB)
- 1930/31 v.26 #3 p.28 - Graduate Assistant, Greek - * - "Plunkett, Devere Thomas" (AB)
- 1931/32 v.27 #3 p.25 - Instructor, Latin and Greek - * - "Plunkett, Devere Thomas" (AB)
- 1932/33 v.28 #3 p.24 - Instructor, Latin and Greek - * - "Plunkett, Devere Thomas" (AB)
- 1933/34 v.29 #3 p.21 - Assistant Professor, Latin and Greek - * - "Plunkett, Devere Thomas" (AB)
- 1934/35 v.30 #3 p.22 - Assistant Professor, Latin and Greek - * - "Plunkett, Devere Thomas" (AB)
- 1935/36 v.31 #3 p.24 - Assistant Professor, Latin and Greek - * - "Plunkett, Devere Thomas" (AB)
- 1936/37 v.32 #3 p.26 - Associate Professor, Classics - * - "Plunkett, Devere Thomas" (AM)
- 1937/38 v.33 #3 p.26 - Associate Professor, Classics - * - "Plunkett, Devere Thomas" (AM)
- 1938/39 v.34 #3 p.27 - Associate Professor, Classics - * - "Plunkett, Devere Thomas" (AM)
- 1939/40 v.35 #3 p.29 - Associate Professor, History - * - "Plunkett, Devere Thomas" (AM)
- 1940/41 v.36 #3 p.31 - Associate Professor, History - * - "Plunkett, Devere Thomas" (AM)
- 1941/42 v.37 #2 p.33 - Associate Professor, History - * - "Plunkett, Devere Thomas" (AM)
- 1942 v.38 #4 p.25 - Professor, History - * - "Plunkett, Devere Thomas" (AM)
- 1943 v.39 #1 p.30 - Associate Professor, History - * On leave of absence - "Plunkett, Devere Thomas"
- 1943/44 v.40 #1 p.26 - Associate Professor, History - * On leave of absence - "Plunkett, Devere Thomas" (AM)
- 1944/45 v.41 #1 p.26 - Associate Professor, History - * On leave of absence - "Plunkett, Devere Thomas" (AM)
- 1945 v.42 #1 p.19 - Associate Professor, History - * - "Plunkett, Devere Thomas" (AM)
- 1945/46 v.43 #7 p.28 - Associate Professor, History - * - "Plunkett, Devere Thomas" (AM)
- 1946/47 v.44 #7 p.27 - Associate Professor, History - * - "Plunkett, Devere Thomas" (AM)
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.24 - Associate Professor, History - * - "Plunkett, Devere Thomas" (AM)
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.27 - Associate Professor, History - * - "Plunkett, Devere T." (AM)
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.7 - Member, The Academic Council - * - "Plunkett, Devere T." (AM)
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.27 - Associate Professor, History - * - "Plunkett, Devere T." (AM)
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.7 - Member, Academic Council of the University - * - "Plunkett, Devere T." (AM)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.27 - Associate Professor, History - * - "Plunkett, Devere T." (AM)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.7 - Member, Academic Council of the University - - "Plunkett, Devere T." (AM)
Plunkett, Donald Joseph
- 1932/33 v.28 #3 p.24 - Instructor, Biology - * - "Plunkett, Donald Joseph" (BS)
- 1933/34 v.29 #3 p.27 - Instructor, Biology - * - "Plunkett, Donald Joseph" (BS)
- 1934/35 v.30 #3 p.28 - Instructor, Biology - * - "Plunkett, Donald Joseph" (BS)
- 1935/36 v.31 #3 p.24 - Assistant Professor, Biology - * - "Plunkett, Donald Joseph" (BS)
- 1936/37 v.32 #3 p.26 - Assistant Professor, Biology - * - "Plunkett, Donald Joseph" (BS)
- 1937/38 v.33 #3 p.26 - Assistant Professor, Biology - * - "Plunkett, Donald Joseph" (MS)
- 1938/39 v.34 #3 p.27 - Associate Professor, Biology - * - "Plunkett, Donald Joseph" (MS)
- 1939/40 v.35 #3 p.29 - Associate Professor, Biology - * - "Plunkett, Donald Joseph" (MS)
- 1940/41 v.36 #3 p.31 - Associate Professor, Biology - * - "Plunkett, Donald Joseph" (MS)
- 1941/42 v.37 #2 p.33 - Associate Professor, Biology - * - "Plunkett, Donald Joseph" (MS)
- 1942 v.38 #4 p.25 - Associate Professor, Biology - * - "Plunkett, Donald Joseph" (MS)
- 1943 v.39 #1 p.24 - Associate Professor, Biology - * - "Plunkett, Donald Joseph" (MS)
- 1943/44 v.40 #1 p.21 - Associate Professor, Biology - * - "Plunkett, Donald Joseph" (MS)
- 1944/45 v.41 #1 p.21 - Associate Professor, Biology - * - "Plunkett, Donald Joseph" (MS)
- 1945 v.42 #1 p.19 - Associate Professor, Biology - * - "Plunkett, Donald Joseph" (MS)
- 1945/46 v.43 #7 p.28 - Associate Professor, Biology - * - "Plunkett, Donald Joseph" (BS)
- 1946/47 v.44 #7 p.27 - Associate Professor, Biology - * - "Plunkett, Donald Joseph" (MS)
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.24 - Associate Professor, Biology - * - "Plunkett, Donald Joseph" (MS)
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.27 - Associate Professor, Biology - * - "Plunkett, Donald J." (MS)
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.27 - Associate Professor, Biology - * - "Plunkett, Donald J." (MS)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.27 - Associate Professor, Biology - * - "Plunkett, Donald J." (MS)
- 1917/18 v.13 #4 p.8 - Professor, Landscape Gardening - - "Pnilip" (Brother, CSC)
Poinsatte, Charles robert
- 1946/47 v.44 #7 p.36 - Teaching Fellow, English - * - "Poinsatte, Charles robert" (AB)
Polak, ____
- 1856/57 1856/57 p.2 - Professor, Natural Philosophy and Penmanship - - "Polak, ____"
Poland, Robert R.
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.34 - Serials Librarian, University Libraries - * - "Poland, Robert R." (BA, BSLS)
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.33 - Serials Librarian, University Libraries - - "Poland, Robert R." (BA, BSLS)
Pollard, Francis William
- 1945 v.42 #1 p.19 - Assistant Professor, Naval Science and Tactics - * - "Pollard, Francis William" (Lieut., USNR, BS)
Pollock, Robert Channon
- 1932/33 v.28 #3 p.24 - Instructor, Philosophy - * - "Pollock, Robert Channon" (PhD)
- 1933/34 v.29 #3 p.27 - Instructor, Philosophy - * - "Pollock, Robert Channon" (PhD)
- 1934/35 v.30 #3 p.29 - Instructor, Philosophy - * - "Pollock, Robert Channon" (PhD)
- 1935/36 v.31 #3 p.24 - Assistant Professor, Philosophy - * - "Pollock, Robert Channon" (PhD)
Polye, William Ronald
- 1938/39 v.34 #3 p.39 - Graduate Assistant, Physics - * - "Polye, William Ronald" (BS)
- 1939/40 v.35 #3 p.43 - Graduate Assistant, Physics - * - "Polye, William Ronald" (MS)
Post, Charlotte
- 1940/41 v.36 #3 p.12 - Assistant
Cataloger, The Staff of the University Libraries - - "Post, Charlotte"
(Miss, AB, BS in LS)
Post, Gaines
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.34 - Special Lecturer, Medieval Institute - * - "Post, Gaines" (Prof.)
Potter, Edward Earle
- 1936/37 v.32 #3 p.36 - Graduate Assistant, Politics - * - "Potter, Edward Earle" (AB)
- 1937/38 v.33 #3 p.38 - Graduate Assistant, Politics - * - "Potter, Edward Earle" (AB)
Potter, William C.
- 1934/35 v.30 #3 p.5 - Member at Large, Associate Board of Lay Trustees - New York City - "Potter, William C."
- 1935/36 v.31 #3 p.5 - Member at Large, Associate Board of Lay Trustees - New York City - "Potter, William C."
- 1936/37 v.32 #3 p.5 - Member at Large, Associate Board of Lay Trustees - New York City - "Potter, William C."
- 1937/38 v.33 #3 p.5 - Member at Large, Associate Board of Lay Trustees - New York City - "Potter, William C."
- 1938/39 v.34 #3 p.5 - Member at Large, Associate Board of Lay Trustees - New York City - "Potter, William C."
- 1939/40 v.35 #3 p.7 - Member at Large, Associate Board of Lay Trustees - New York City - "Potter, William C."
- 1940/41 v.36 #3 p.7 - Member at Large, Associate Board of Lay Trustees - New York City - "Potter, William C."
- 1941/42 v.37 #2 p.10 - Member at Large, Associate Board of Lay Trustees - New York City - "Potter, William C."
- 1943 v.39 #1 p.7 - Member at Large, Associate Board of Lay Trustees - New York City - "Potter, William C."
- 1943/44 v.40 #1 p.7 - Member at Large, Associate Board of Lay Trustees - New York City - "Potter, William C."
- 1944/45 v.41 #1 p.7 - Member at Large, Associate Board of Lay Trustees - New York City - "Potter, William C."
- 1945 v.42 #1 p.5 - Member at Large, Associate Board of Lay Trustees - New York City - "Potter, William C."
- 1945/46 v.43 #7 p.6 - Member at Large, Associate Board of Lay Trustees - - "Potter, William C."
Pouliot, Adrian
- 1930 ss v.25 #2 p.8 - Visiting Summer Session Instructor, Piano - * - "Pouliot, Adrian"
- 1931 ss v.26 #2 p.8 - Visiting Summer Session Instructor, Piano - * - "Pouliot, Adrian"
- 1932 ss v.27 #2 p.9 - Visiting Summer Session Instructor, Piano - * - "Pouliot, Adrian"
Pound, Roscoe
- 1942 v.38 #4 p.292 - Special Lecturer, College of Law - * - "Pound, Roscoe" (Hon.)
- 1943 v.39 #1 p.32 - Special Lecturer, College of Law - * - "Pound, Roscoe" (Hon.)
- 1943/44 v.40 #1 p.28 - Special Lecturer, College of Law - * - "Pound, Roscoe" (Hon.)
- 1944/45 v.41 #1 p.28 - Special Lecturer, College of Law - * - "Pound, Roscoe" (Hon.)
- 1945 v.42 #1 p.25 - Special Lecturer, School of Law - * - "Pound, Roscoe" (Honorable)
- 1945/46 v.43 #7 p.37 - Special Lecturer, College of Law - * - "Pound, Roscoe" (Honorable)
Power, Edward John
- 1946/47 v.44 #7 p.36 - Teaching Fellow, Economics - * - "Power, Edward John" (MS)
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.30 - Research Associate or Teaching Fellow, Economics - - "Power, Edward J." (MS)
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.32 - Research Associate or Teaching Fellow, Economics - * - "Power, Edward J." (MSE)
Power, John T.
- 1887/88 44th AC p.8 - Assistant Professor or Instructor, English - - "Power, John T." (AB)
Power, Thomas Francis
- 1940/41 v.36 #3 p.40 - Instructor, History - * - "Power, Thomas Francis" (AM)
Power, William
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.37 - Special Lecturer, In the College of Commerce - * - "Power, William"
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.37 - Special Lecturer, In the College of Commerce - * - "Power, William"
Powers, Edward Lawrence
- 1941/42 v.37 #2 p.43 - Instructor, Biology - * - "Powers, Edward Lawrence" (PhD)
- 1942 v.38 #4 p.26 - Instructor, Biology - * - "Powers, Edward Lawrence" (PhD)
- 1943 v.39 #1 p.24 - Instructor, Biology - * - "Powers, Edward Lawrence" (PhD)
- 1943/44 v.40 #1 p.21 - Assistant Professor, Biology - * - "Powers, Edward Lawrence" (PhD)
- 1944/45 v.41 #1 p.21 - Assistant Professor, Biology - * - "Powers, Edward Lawrence" (PhD)
- 1945 v.42 #1 p.19 - Assistant Professor, Biology - * - "Powers, Edward Lawrence" (PhD)
- 1945/46 v.43 #7 p.28 - Assistant Professor, Biology - * - "Powers, Edward Lawrence" (PhD)
- 1946/47 v.44 #7 p.27 - Assistant Professor, Biology - * - "Powers, Edward Lawrence" (PhD)
Powers, Francis Joseph
- 1894/95 51st AC p.8 - Assistant Professor and Demonstrator, Biology - - "Powers, Frank" (BS)
- 1895/96 52nd AC p.8 - Assistant and Demonstrator, Biology - - "Powers, Frank" (BS)
- 1896/97 53rd AC p.7 - Assistant and Demonstrator, Biology - - "Powers, Frank" (AB)
- 1897/98 54th AC p.8 - Professor or Instructor, Biology - - "Powers, Francis J." (BS)
- 1898/99 55th AC p.8 - Professor or Instructor, Biology - - "Powers, Francis J." (BS)
- 1899/00 56th AC p.8 - Professor or Instructor, Biology - - "Powers, Francis J." (MS)
- 1900/01 57th AC p.8 - Professor or Instructor, Biology - - "Powers, Francis J." (MS)
- 1901/02 58th AC p.8 - Professor or Instructor, Biology - - "Powers, Francis J." (MS)
- 1902/03 59th AC p.8 - Professor or Instructor, Biology - - "Powers, Francis J." (MS)
- 1903/04 60th AC p.8 - Professor or Instructor, Biology - - "Powers, Francis J." (MS)
- 1904/05 v.1 #1 p.8 - Professor or Instructor, Biology - - "Powers, Francis J." (MS)
- 1910/11 v.7 #1 p.9 - Attending Physician - - "Powers, Francis" (MD)
- 1911/12 v.7 #4 p.9 - Attending Physician - - "Powers, Francis" (MD)
- 1912/13 v.8 #4 p.9 - Attending Physician - - "Powers, Francis J." (MS, MD)
- 1913/14 v.9 #4 p.10 - Professor, Anatomy and Physiology - - "Powers, Francis J." (MS, MD)
- 1914/15 v.10 #4 p.10 - Professor, Anatomy and Physiology - - "Powers, Francis" (MS, MD)
- 1915/16 v.11 #4 p.10 - Professor, Anatomy and Physiology - - "Powers, Francis" (MS, MD)
- 1916/17 v.12 #4 p.10 - Professor, Anatomy and Pathology - - "Powers, Francis J." (MS, MD)
- 1917/18 v.13 #4 p.10 - Professor, Anatomy and Pathology - - "Powers, Francis J." (MS, MD)
- 1918 ss v.13 #3 p.7 - Sanitation and Hygiene, Lectures - - "Powers, Francis J." (MS, MD)
- 1918/19 v.14 #4 p.10 - Professor, Anatomy and Pathology - - "Powers, Franics J." (MS, MD)
- 1919 ss v.14 #3 p.7 - Sanitation and Hygiene, Lectures - - "Powers, Francis J." (MS, MD)
- 1919/20 v.15 #4 p.6 - Attending Physician - Faculty Seniority - 8th - "Powers, Francis Joseph" (MS)
- 1920/21 v.16 #4 p.11 - Attending Physician - Faculty Seniority - 9th - "Powers, Francis Joseph" (MD)
- 1921 ss v.16 #3 p.6 - Attending Physician - - "Powers, Francis Joseph" (MD)
- 1921/22 v.17 #4 p.11 - Attending Physician - Faculty Seniority - 10th - "Powers, Francis Joseph" (MD)
- 1922 ss v.17 #3 p.9 - Attending Physician - - "Powers, Francis Joseph" (MD)
- 1922/23 v.18 #4 p.11 - Attending Physician - Faculty Seniority - 7th - "Powers, Francis Joseph" (MD)
- 1923 ss v.18 #3 p.9 - Attending Physician - - "Powers, Francis Joseph" (MD)
- 1923/24 v.19 #5 p.13 - Attending Physician - Faculty Seniority - 5th - "Powers, Francis Joseph" (MD)
- 1924 ss v.19 #3 p.9 - Attending Physician - - "Powers, Francis Joseph" (MD)
- 1924/25 v.20 #4 p.11 - University Physician - - "Powers, Francis Joseph" (MD)
- 1925 ss v.20 #3 p.9 - Attending Physician - - "Powers, Francis Joseph" (MD)
- 1925/26 v.21 #3 p.11 - University Physician - - "Powers, Francis Joseph" (MD)
- 1926/27 v.22 #5 p.10 - University Physician - - "Powers, Francis Joseph" (MD)
- 1927/28 v.23 #4 p.8 - University Physician - - "Powers, Francis Joseph" (MD)
- 1928/29 v.24 #3 p.8 - University Physician - - "Powers, Francis Joseph" (MD)
- 1929/30 v.25 #3 p.8 - University Physician - - "Powers, Francis Joseph" (MD)
- 1930/31 v.26 #3 p.8 - University Physician - * - "Powers, Francis Joseph" (MD)
- 1930/31 v.26 #3 p.8 - Member, Committee on Student Welfare - * - "Powers, Francis Joseph" (MD)
- 1931/32 v.27 #3 p.8 - University Physician - Member, The Committee on Student Welfare - * - "Powers, Francis Joseph" (MD)
- 1932/33 v.28 #3 p.8 - University Physician, The Committee on Student Welfare - - "Powers, Francis J." (MD)
- 1933/34 v.29 #3 p.8 - University Physician, The Committee on Student Welfare - - "Powers, Francis J." (MD)
- 1934/35 v.30 #3 p.8 - University Physician, The Committee on Student Welfare - - "Powers, Francis J." (MD)
Powers, James Austin
- 1946/47 v.44 #7 p.36 - Teaching Fellow, Chemistry - * - "Powers, James Austin" (BS)
Powers, John Michael
- 1937/38 v.33 #3 p.38 - Graduate Assistant, Biology - * - "Powers, John Michael" (BS)
Powers, Joseph Leo
- 1941/42 v.37 #2 p.47 - Graduate Assistant, History - * - "Powers, Joseph Leo" (Rev., CSC, AB)
- 1942 v.38 #4 p.26 - Instructor, History - * - "Powers, Joseph Leo" (Rev., CSC, AB)
- 1943 v.39 #1 p.24 - Instructor, History - * - "Powers, Joseph Leo" (Rev., CSC, AB)
- 1943/44 v.40 #1 p.21 - Instructor, History - * - "Powers, Joseph Leo" (Rev., CSC, AB)
- 1944/45 v.41 #1 p.21 - Assistant Professor, History - * - "Powers, Joseph Leo" (Rev., CSC, AB)
- 1945 v.42 #1 p.19 - Assistant Professor, History - * - "Powers, Joseph Leo" (Rev., CSC, AB)
- 1945/46 v.43 #7 p.28 - Assistant Professor, History - * - "Powers, Joseph Leo" (Rev., CSC, AM)
- 1946/47 v.44 #7 p.27 - Assistant Professor, History - * - "Powers, Joseph Leo" (Rev., CSC, AM)
Poyle, William Ronald
- 1937/38 v.33 #3 p.38 - Graduate Assistant, Physics - * - "Poyle, William Ronald" (BS)
Prekowitz, William A.
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.27 - Part-time Instructor, Law - * - "Prekowitz, William A." (LLB)
Prelog, Vlada
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.36 - Special Lecturer, In the College of Science - * - "Prelog, Vlada" (Prof.)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.37 - Special Lecturer, In the College of Science - * - "Prelog, Vlada" (Prof.)
Prendergast, Richard
- 1892/93 49th AC p.70 - Assignments (Law) - - "Prendergast, Richard" (Hon.)
- 1893/94 50th AC p.67 - Assignments (Law) - - "Prendergast, Richard" (Hon.)
- 1894/95 51st AC p.73 - Assignments (Law) - - "Prendergast, Richard" (Hon.)
- 1895/96 52nd AC p.63 - Assignments (Law) - - "Prendergast, Richard" (Hon., LLD)
Prendergast, William Broderick
- 1937/38 v.33 #3 p.38 - Graduate Assistant, Economics - * - "Prendergast, William Broderick" (AB)
Prescott, Charles B.
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.31 - Research Associate or Teaching Fellow, Mechanical Engineering - - "Prescott, Charles B."
Preston, Newton A.
- 1893/94 50th AC p.9 - Vocal Music (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Preston, Newton A."
- 1893/94 50th AC p.9 - Director, Band & Mandolin Orchestra (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Preston, Newton A."
- 1894/95 51st AC p.9 - Vocal Music (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Preston, Newton A."
- 1894/95 51st AC p.9 - Director, Band & Mandolin Orchestra (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Preston, Newton A."
- 1895/96 52nd AC p.9 - Vocal Music (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Preston, Newton A." (Mus.Bach.)
- 1895/96 52nd AC p.9 - Director, Band & Orchestras (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Preston, Newton A." (Mus.Bach.)
- 1896/97 53rd AC p.9 - Vocal Music (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Preston, Newton A." (Mus.Bach.)
- 1896/97 53rd AC p.9 - Director, Band & Orchestra (Fine Arts Dept.) - - "Preston, Newton A." (Mus.Bach.)
- 1897/98 54th AC p.10 - Professor or Instructor, Vocal Music - - "Preston, Newton A." (Mus.Bach.)
- 1897/98 54th AC p.10 - Director, Band & Orchestra - - "Preston, Newton A." (Mus.Bach.)
Price, Charles Coale
- 1945/46 v.43 #7 p.28 - Professor, Chemistry - * - "Price, Charles Coale" (PhD)
- 1945/46 v.43 #7 p.8 - Member, The Graduate Council - - "Price, Charles C." (Professor, PhD)
- 1945/46 v.43 #7 p.9 - Head, Department of Chemistry - - "Price, Charles C." (PhD)
- 1946/47 v.44 #7 p.27 - Professor, Chemistry - * - "Price, Charles Coale" (PhD)
- 1946/47 v.44 #7 p.8 - Member, The Graduate Council - - "Price, Charles C." (Professor, PhD)
- 1946/47 v.44 #7 p.9 - Head, Department of Chemistry - - "Price, Charles C." (PhD)
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.24 - Professor, Chemistry - * - "Price, Charles Coale" (PhD)
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.7 - Member, The Academic Council of the University - * - "Price, Charles C." (PhD)
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.8 - Member, The Graduate Council - * - "Price, Charles C." (Professor, PhD)
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.9 - Head, Department of Chemistry - * - "Price, Charles C." (PhD)
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.27 - Professor, Chemistry - * - "Price, Charles C." (PhD)
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.7 - Member, The Academic Council - * - "Price, Charles C." (PhD)
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.8 - Member, The Graduate Council - * - "Price, Charles C." (Professor, PhD)
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.9 - Head, Department of Chemistry - * - "Price, Charles C." (PhD)
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.27 - Professor, Chemistry - * - "Price, Charles C." (PhD)
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.7 - Member, Academic Council of the University - * - "Price, Charles C." (PhD)
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.8 - Member, The Graduate Council - - "Price, Charles C." (Professor, PhD)
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.9 - Head, Department of Chemistry - - "Price, Charles C." (PhD)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.27 - Professor, Chemistry - * - "Price, Charles C." (PhD)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.7 - Member, Academic Council of the University - - "Price, Charles C." (PhD)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.8 - Member, The Graduate Council - - "Price, Charles C." (Professor, PhD)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.9 - Head, Department of Chemistry - - "Price, Charles C." (PhD)
Price, Stanley Raymond
- 1930/31 v.26 #3 p.25 - Instructor, Finance - * - "Price, Stanley Raymond" (BS in Comm)
- 1931/32 v.27 #3 p.25 - Instructor, Finance - * - "Price, Stanley Raymond" (BS in Comm)
- 1932/33 v.28 #3 p.24 - Instructor, Finance - * - "Price, Stanley Raymond" (BS in Comm)
- 1933/34 v.29 #3 p.21 - Assistant Professor, Finance - * - "Price, Stanley Raymond" (BS in Comm, CPA)
- 1934/35 v.30 #3 p.22 - Assistant Professor, Finance - * - "Price, Stanley Raymond" (BS in Comm, CPA)
- 1935/36 v.31 #3 p.24 - Assistant Professor, Finance - * - "Price, Stanley Raymond" (MBA, CPA)
- 1936/37 v.32 #3 p.26 - Associate Professor, Finance - * - "Price, Stanley Raymond" (MBA, CPA)
- 1937/38 v.33 #3 p.26 - Associate Professor, Finance - * - "Price, Stanley Raymond" (MBA, CPA)
- 1938/39 v.34 #3 p.27 - Associate Professor, Finance - * - "Price, Stanley Raymond" (MBA)
- 1939/40 v.35 #3 p.29 - Associate Professor, Accounting - * - "Price, Stanley Raymond" (MBA)
- 1940/41 v.36 #3 p.31 - Associate Professor, Accounting - * - "Price, Stanley Raymond" (MBA)
- 1941/42 v.37 #2 p.33 - Associate Professor, Accounting - * - "Price, Stanley Raymond" (MBA)
- 1942 v.38 #4 p.26 - Professor, Accounting - * - "Price, Stanley Raymond" (MBA)
- 1943 v.39 #1 p.24 - Professor, Accounting - * - "Price, Stanley Raymond" (MBA)
- 1943/44 v.40 #1 p.21 - Professor, Accounting - * - "Price, Stanley Raymond" (MBA)
- 1944/45 v.41 #1 p.21 - Professor, Accounting - * - "Price, Stanley Raymond" (MBA)
- 1944/45 v.41 #1 p.9 - Acting Head, Department of Accounting - - "Price, Stanley R."
- 1945 v.42 #1 p.19 - Professor, Accounting - * - "Price, Stanley Raymond" (MBA)
- 1945 v.42 #1 p.6 - Acting Head, Department of Accounting - - "Price, Stanley R."
Prigmore, William B.
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.27 - Assistant Professor, Naval Science and Tactics - * - "Prigmore, William B." (Lt., USN)
Prillo, Anthony J.
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.34 - Research Associate or Teaching Fellow, Department of Mathematics - - "Prillo, Anthony J." (BSc, MA)
Prinsen, Cornelius Peter
- 1945/46 v.43 #7 p.36 - Teaching Fellow, French - * - "Prinsen, Cornelius Peter" (AB)
Prochnow, Herbert V.
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.36 - Special Lecturer, College of Commerce - * - "Prochnow, Herbert V."
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.37 - Special Lecturer, In the College of Commerce - * - "Prochnow, Herbert V."
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.37 - Special Lecturer, In the College of Commerce - * - "Prochnow, Herbert V."
Proctor, Mary Margaret
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.33 - Assistant Cataloger, University Libraries - - "Proctor, Mary Margaret" (Miss, BS)
Proctor, Thomas G.
- 1935/36 v.31 #3 p.10 - Director, The Alumni Board - * - "Proctor, Thomas G."
- 1908/09 v.5 #1 p.10 - Director, Brownson Hall - - "Prosper" (Brother, CSC)
- 1908/09 v.5 #1 p.187 - Instructor in Preparatory School, Commercial Arithmetic - - "Prosper" (Brother, CSC)
- 1909/10 v.6 #1 p.10 - Director, Brownson Hall - - "Prosper" (Brother, CSC)
Provenzano, Francis A.
- 1944/45 v.41 #1 p.27 - Teaching Fellow, Mathematics - * - "Provenzano, Francis A." (Rev., CSC, BS)
Provost, Antonio Joseph
- 1924/25 v.20 #4 p.15 - Professor, Modern Languages - * - "Provost, Antonio Joseph" (AM)
- 1924/25 v.20 #4 p.54 - Head, Department of Modern Languages - - "Provost, Antonio J." (AM)
- 1925 ss v.20 #3 p.14 - French - - "Provost, Antonio" (AM)
- 1925/26 v.21 #3 p.16 - Professor, Modern Languages - * - "Provost, Antonio Joseph" (AM)
- 1925/26 v.21 #3 p.60 - Head, Department of Modern Languages - - "Provost, Antonio J." (AM)
- 1926/27 v.22 #5 p.20 - Professor, Modern Languages - * - "Provost, Antonio Joseph" (AM, Officier d'Acadamie
- 1926/27 v.22 #5 p.60 - Head, Department of Modern Languages - - "Provost, Antonio Joseph" (AM)
- 1927/28 v.23 #4 p.18 - Professor, French - * - "Provost, Antonio Joseph" (AM, Officier d'Acadamie
- 1927/28 v.23 #4 p.58 - Head, Department of Modern Languages - - "Provost, Antonio Joseph" (AM)
- 1928/29 v.24 #3 p.18 - Professor, French - * - "Provost, Antonio Joseph" (AM, Officier d'Academie
- 1928/29 v.24 #3 p.60 - Head, Department of Modern Languages - - "Provost, Antonio Joseph" (AM)
- 1929/30 v.25 #3 p.19 - Professor, French - * - "Provost, Antonio Joseph" (AM, Officier d'Academie
- 1929/30 v.25 #3 p.61 - Head, Department of Modern Languages - - "Provost, Antonio" (AM)
Pudentiana, M.
- 1951 ss v.48 #2 p.13 - Visiting Summer Session Instructor - * - "Pudentiana, M." (Sister, CPPS, MA)
Pupo, Salvatore Alfred
- 1946/47 v.44 #7 p.36 - Teaching Fellow, English - * - "Pupo, Salvatore Alfred" (BEd)
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.30 - Research Associate or Teaching Fellow, English - * - "Pupo, Salvatore A." (BEd)
Purcell, Richard
- 1922 ss v.17 #3 p.13 - History and Politics - - "Purcell, Richard" (PhD)
Putz, Louis Joseph
- 1939/40 v.35 #3 p.39 - Instructor, History - * - "Putz, Louis Joseph" (Rev., CSC, STB)
- 1940/41 v.36 #3 p.40 - Instructor, History - * - "Putz, Louis Joseph" (Rev., CSC, STB)
- 1941/42 v.37 #2 p.43 - Instructor, History - * - "Putz, Louis Joseph" (Rev., CSC, STB)
- 1942 v.38 #4 p.26 - Assistant Professor, History - * - "Putz, Louis Joseph" (Rev., CSC, STB)
- 1943 v.39 #1 p.24 - Assistant Professor, History - * - "Putz, Louis Joseph" (Rev., CSC, STB)
- 1943/44 v.40 #1 p.21 - Assistant Professor, History - * - "Putz, Louis Joseph" (Rev., CSC, STB)
- 1944/45 v.41 #1 p.22 - Assistant Professor, History - * - "Putz, Louis Joseph" (Rev., CSC, STB)
- 1945 v.42 #1 p.20 - Assistant Professor, Religion - * - "Putz, Louis Joseph" (Rev., CSC, STB)
- 1945/46 v.43 #7 p.28 - Assistant Professor, Religion - * - "Putz, Louis Joseph" (Rev., CSC, STB)
- 1946/47 v.44 #7 p.27 - Assistant Professor, Religion - * - "Putz, Louis Joseph" (Rev., CSC, STB)
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.25 - Assistant Professor, Religion - * - "Putz, Louis Joseph" (Rev., CSC, STB)
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.27 - Assistant Professor, Religion - * - "Putz, Louis J." (Rev., CSC, STB)
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.27 - Assistant Professor, Religion - * - "Putz, Louis J." (Rev., CSC, STB)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.27 - Assistant Professor, Religion - * - "Putz, Louis J." (Rev., CSC, STB)