* indicates that this Bulletin contains information beyond what appears here.
Vagnier, Thomas L.
- 1857/58 14th AC p.4 - Professor, Chemistry and Physics - - "Vagnier, Thos." (SSC)
- 1858/59 15th AC p.4 - Professor, Chemistry & Physics - - "Vagnier, T.L." (SSC)
- 1859/60 16th AC p.3 - Professor, Chemistry & Physics - - "Vagnier, T." (SSC)
- 1860/61 17th AC p.4 - Professor, Chemistry & Physics - - "Vagnier, T." (CSC)
- 1862/63 19th AC p.4 - Professor, Chemistry & Natural Philosophy -
*Printer's Error? - "Vagnier, T.L." (Rev., CSSC* [SSC?])
- 1863/64 20th AC p.3 - Professor, Chemistry, Natural Philosophy & Botany - - "Vagnier, T.L." (Rev., CSC)
- 1864/65 21st AC p.3 - Professor, Chemistry, Natural Philosophy and Botany - - "Vagnier, T.L." (Rev., SSC)
- 1865/66 22nd AC p.3 - Professor, Botany & Geology - - "Vagnier, T.L." (Rev., SSC)
- 1866/67 23rd AC p.3 - Professor, Botany, Natural Philosophy & Chemistry - - "Vagnier, T.L." (Rev., SSC)
- 1867/68 24th AC p.4 - Professor, Natural Philosophy & Chemistry - - "Vagnier, T.L." (Rev., SSC)
- 1868/69 25th AC p.4 - Professor, Natural Philosophy & Chemistry - - "Vagnier, T.L." (Rev., SSC)
- 1869/70 26th AC p.4 - Professor, Natural Philosophy & Chemistry - - "Vagnier, T.L." (Rev., SSC)
- 1870/71 27th AC p.3 - Professor, Natural Philosophy & Chemistry - - "Vagnier, T.L." (Rev., SSC)
- 1871/72 28th AC p.3 - Professor, Chemistry & Physics - - "Vagnier, T.L." (Rev., SSC)
- 1872/73 29th AC p.6 - Faculty of Theology - - "Vagnier, Thomas" (Rev., CSC)
- 1873/74 30th AC p.7 - Faculty of Theology - - "Vagnier, Thomas" (Rev., CSC)
- 1878/79 35th AC p.5 - Professor, Natural Sciences - - "Vagnier, Thomas" (Rev., CSC)
- 1878/79 35th AC p.5 - Assistant Curator of Museum - - "Vagnier, Thomas" (Rev., CSC)
Van Cleave, Harley Jones
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.37 - Special Lecturer, In the College of Science - * - "Van Cleave, Harley Jones" (Dr.)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.37 - Special Lecturer, In the College of Science - * - "Van Cleave, Harley Jones" (Dr.)
Van De Carr, William DuBois
- 1945 v.42 #1 p.22 - Assistant
Professor, Naval Science and Tactics - * - "Van deCarr, William DuBois"
(LtCdr USNR, AB in CE
Van De Velde, G./M. (?)
- 1871/72 28th AC p.55 - Professor, Music - * - "Van de Velde, G."
- 1871/72 28th AC p.5 - Professor, Music - - "Van De Velde, M."
- 1871/72 28th AC p.5 - Director of the Choir - - "Van De Velde, M."
Van Geloven, John
- 1883/84 40th AC p.7 - Assistant Professor or Instructor, French - - "Van Geloven, John" (CSC)
Van Hoomissen, John E.
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.30 - Research Associate or Teaching Fellow, Physics - - "Van Hoomissen, John E." (BS)
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.34 - Research Associate or Teaching Fellow, Department of Physics - - "Van Hoomissen, John E." (BS)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.34 - Research Associate or Teaching Fellow, Physics - - "Van Hoomissen, John E." (BS)
Van Roosmalen, William
- 1882/83 39th AC p.7 - Assistant Professor or Instructor, French - - "Van Roosmalen, William" (CSC)
Van Steenberghen, Fernand
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.35 - Special Lecturer, In the Mediaeval Institute - * - "Van Steenberghen, Fernand" (Prof., Canon)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.35 - Special Lecturer, In the Mediaeval Institute - * - "Van Steenberghen, Fernand" (Prof., Canon)
Van Winkle, Cortlandt
- 1924 ss v.19 #3 p.14 - English - - "Van Winkle, Cortlandt" (PhD)
- 1924/25 v.20 #4 p.25 - Special Instructor in Summer Session, English - * - "Van Winkle, Cortlandt" (PhD)
- 1925 ss v.20 #3 p.13 - English - - "Van Winkle, Cortlandt" (PhD)
- 1926 ss v.21 #2 p.10 - Visiting Summer Session Instructor, English - * - "Van Winkle, Cortlandt" (PhD)
Vance, Harold S.
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.12 - Member, Advisory Council for Science and Engineering - South Bend, IN - "Vance, Harold S."
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.12 - Member, Advisory Council for Science and Engineering - South Bend, IN - "Vance, Harold S."
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.12 - Member, Advisory Council for Science and Engineering - South Bend, IN - "Vance, Harold S."
Vandiver, H.S.
- 1947 ss v.44 #1 p.12 - Visiting Summer Session Instructor, Mathematics - * - "Vandiver, H.S." (PhD)
Vasa, James Joseph
- 1944/45 v.41 #1 p.24 - Instructor, Physics - * - "Vasa, James Joseph" (MS)
- 1945 v.42 #1 p.22 - Instructor, Mathematics - * - "Vasa, James Joseph" (MS)
Vaughn, Thomas Hunt
- 1931/32 v.27 #3 p.28 - Graduate Assistant, Chemistry - * - "Vaughn, Thomas Hunt" (BS)
- 1932/33 v.28 #3 p.27 - Graduate Assistant, Chemistry - * - "Vaughn, Thomas Hunt" (MS)
- 1933/34 v.29 #3 p.30 - Graduate Assistant, Chemistry - * - "Vaughn, Thomas Hunt" (MS)
Velez, Jaime Roberto
- 1946/47 v.44 #7 p.37 - Teaching Fellow, Spanish - * - "Velez, Jaime Roberto"
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.30 - Research Associate or Teaching Fellow, Modern Languages - - "Velez, Jaime R." (LLD)
Veneziani, Charles
- 1896/97 53rd AC p.6 - Professor, Romance Languages - - "Veneziani, Charles" (AM, PhD)
- 1897/98 54th AC p.8 - Professor or Instructor, Romance Languages - - "Veneziani, Charles" (PhD)
- 1898/99 55th AC p.8 - Professor or Instructor, Romance Languages - - "Veneziani, Charles" (PhD)
Vera, Jesse E.
- 1910/11 v.7 #1 p.191 - Instructor in Preparatory School, Mathematics - - "Vera, Jesse E." (ME)
- 1911/12 v.7 #4 p.194 - Instructor in Preparatory School, Mathematics - - "Vera, Jesse E." (ME)
- 1911/12 v.7 #4 p.9 - Professor, Mathematics - - "Vera, Jesse" (MEEE)
- 1912/13 v.8 #4 p.192 - Instructor in Preparatory School, Mathematics - - "Vera, Jesse E." (ME)
- 1912/13 v.8 #4 p.9 - Professor, Mathematics - - "Vera, Jesse" (MEEE)
- 1915/16 v.11 #4 p.9 - Director, Mathematics - - "Vera, Jesse" (EE)
- 1916/17 v.12 #4 p.229 - Instructor in Preparatory School, Mathematics - - "Vera, Jesse" (EE)
- 1916/17 v.12 #4 p.9 - Professor, Mathematics - - "Vera, Jesse" (EE)
- 1917/18 v.13 #4 p.10 - Professor, Mathematics - - "Vera, Jesse" (EE)
- 1918 ss v.13 #3 p.6 - Physics - - "Vera, Jese" (EE)
Verbanc, John Joseph
- 1935/36 v.31 #3 p.33 - Graduate Assistant, Chemistry - * - "Verbanc, John Joseph" (BS)
- 1936/37 v.32 #3 p.36 - Graduate Assistant, Chemistry - * - "Verbanc, John Joseph" (MS)
- 1937/38 v.33 #3 p.39 - Graduate Assistant, Chemistry - * - "Verbanc, John Joseph" (MS)
Verdin, J.
- 1880/81 37th AC p.6 - Professor, French - - "Verdin, J." (Rev., CSC)
Vernon, Janet
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.29 - Senior Librarian, Chemistry - * - "Vernon, Janet" (Miss, MS)
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.34 - Chemistry Librarian, University Libraries - * - "Vernon, Janet" (Miss, MS)
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.32 - Chemistry Librarian, University Libraries - - "Vernon, Janet" (Miss, MS)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.33 - Chemistry Librarian, University Libraries - - "Vernon, Janet" (Miss, MS)
Veronique, M.
- 1929 ss v.24 #2 p.9 - Visiting Summer Session Instructor, English - * - "Veronique, M." (Sister, CSC, AM)
- 1930 ss v.25 #2 p.8 - Visiting Summer Session Instructor, English - * - "Veronique, M." (Sister, CSC, AM)
- 1931 ss v.26 #2 p.8 - Visiting Summer Session Instructor, English - * - "Veronique, M." (Sister, CSC, AM)
- 1932 ss v.27 #2 p.9 - Visiting Summer Session Instructor, English - * - "Veronique, M." (Sister, AM)
- 1933 ss v.28 #2 p.9 - Visiting Summer Session Instructor, English - * - "Veronique, M." (Sister, AM)
Vial, Eugene
- 1921/22 v.17 #4 p.17 - Spanish - Faculty Seniority - 100th - "Vial, Eugene"
- 1850 1850/0101 p.4 - Prefect of Discipline - - "Victor" (Brother)
- 1909/10 v.6 #1 p.9 - Professor, Modeling - - "Victor" (Brother, CSC)
Viger, George W.
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.31 - Instructor, Accounting - * - "Viger, George W." (MBA)
Vignaux, Paul
- 1941/42 v.37 #2 p.49 - Special Lecturer, Department of Philosophy - * South Bend, IN - "Vignaux, Paul"
- 1942 v.38 #4 p.292 - Special Lecturer, Department of Philosophy - * South Bend, IN - "Vignaux, Paul"
- 1943 v.39 #1 p.32 - Special Lecturer, Department of Philosophy - * South Bend, IN - "Vignaux, Paul"
- 1943/44 v.40 #1 p.28 - Special Lecturer, Department of Philosophy - * South Bend, IN - "Vignaux, Paul"
- 1944/45 v.41 #1 p.28 - Special Lecturer, Department of Philosophy - * South Bend, IN - "Vignaux, Paul"
- 1906/07 v.3 #1 p.6 - Director, Brownson Hall - - "Vincent" (Brother, CSC)
- 1907/08 v.4 #1 p.6 - Director, Brownson Hall - - "Vincent" (Brother, CSC)
Virginia, M.
- 1949 ss v.46 #1 p.13 - Visiting Summer Session Instructor - * - "Virginia, M." (Sister, CSJ, MA)
Viser, Festus J.
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.31 - Assistant Professor, Marketing - * - "Viser, Festus J." (MS)
- 1896/97 53rd AC p.4 - Assistant Prefect of Discipline, Brownson Hall - - "Vital" (Brother, CSC)
- 1897/98 54th AC p.6 - Director, Brownson Hall - - "Vital" (Brother, CSC)
- 1898/99 55th AC p.6 - Director, Carroll Hall - - "Vital" (Brother, CSC)
- 1899/00 56th AC p.6 - Director, Carroll Hall - - "Vital" (Brother, CSC)
- 1900/01 57th AC p.6 - Director, Carroll Hall - - "Vital" (Brother, CSC)
- 1901/02 58th AC p.6 - Director, Carroll Hall - - "Vital" (Brother, CSC)
- 1902/03 59th AC p.6 - Director, Carroll Hall - - "Vital" (Brother, CSC)
- 1903/04 60th AC p.6 - Director, Carroll Hall - - "Vital" (Brother, CSC)
- 1904/05 v.1 #1 p.6 - Director, Carroll Hall - - "Vital" (Brother, CSC)
- 1905/06 v.2 #1 p.6 - Director, Carroll Hall - - "Vital" (Brother, CSC)
- 1906/07 v.3 #1 p.6 - Director, Carroll Hall - - "Vital" (Brother, CSC)
- 1907/08 v.4 #1 p.6 - Director, Carroll Hall - - "Vital" (Brother, CSC)
Vitry, Ermin
- 1948 ss v.45 #1 p.12 - Visiting Summer Session Instructor - * - "Vitry, Irmin" (Dom, OSB)
- 1949 ss v.46 #1 p.13 - Visiting Summer Session Instructor, Gregorian Chant - * - "Vitry, Ermin" (Dom, OSB, MusD.)
- 1950 ss v.47 #1 p.87 - Visiting Summer Session Instructor, Gregorian Chant - * - "Vitry, Ermin" (Dom, OSB, MusD)
- 1951 ss v.48 #2 p.13 - Visiting Summer Session Instructor, Gregorian Chant - * - "Vitry, Ermin" (Dom, OSB, MusD)
Vitter, Albert Leopold
- 1935/36 v.31 #3 p.33 - Graduate Assistant, Physics - * - "Vitter, Albert Leopold" (BS in EE)
- 1936/37 v.32 #3 p.36 - Graduate Assistant, Physics - * - "Vitter, Albert Leopold" (BS in EE)
- 1937/38 v.33 #3 p.35 - Instructor, Physics - * - "Vitter, Albert Leopold" (MS)
Vogt, Richard Rockhill
- 1919 ss v.14 #3 p.7 - Agriculture - - "Vogt, Richard R." (BS)
- 1919/20 v.15 #4 p.10 - Agriculture - Faculty Seniority - 58th - "Vogt, Richard Rockill" (PhD)
- 1920 ss v.15 #3 p.7 - Agriculture - - "Vogt, Richard R." (BS)
- 1920/21 v.16 #4 p.14 - Agriculture - Faculty Seniority - 57th - "Vogt, Richard Rockill" (PhD)
- 1921 ss v.16 #3 p.9 - Agriculture - - "Vogt, Richard" (PhD)
- 1924/25 v.20 #4 p.23 - Instructor, Chemistry - * - "Vogt, Richard R." (PhD)
- 1927/28 v.23 #4 p.26 - Research Assistant, Chemistry - * - "Vogt, Richard R." (PhD)
- 1931/32 v.27 #3 p.20 - Assistant Professor, Chemistry - * - "Vogt, Richard Rockhill" (PhD)
- 1932/33 v.28 #3 p.21 - Assistant Professor, Chemistry - * - "Vogt, Richard Rockhill" (PhD)
- 1933/34 v.29 #3 p.24 - Assistant Professor, Chemistry - * - "Vogt, Richard Rockhill" (PhD)
- 1934/35 v.30 #3 p.25 - Assistant Professor, Chemistry - * - "Vogt, Richard Rockhill" (PhD)
- 1935/36 v.31 #3 p.27 - Assistant Professor, Chemistry - * - "Vogt, Richard Rockhill" (PhD)
- 1936/37 v.32 #3 p.29 - Associate Professor, Chemistry - * - "Vogt, Richard Rockhill" (PhD)
- 1937/38 v.33 #3 p.29 - Associate Professor, Chemistry - * - "Vogt, Richard Rockhill" (PhD)
- 1938/39 v.34 #3 p.30 - Associate Professor, Chemistry - * - "Vogt, Richard Rockhill" (PhD)
- 1939/40 v.35 #3 p.32 - Associate Professor, Chemistry - * - "Vogt, Richard Rockhill" (PhD)
- 1940/41 v.36 #3 p.34 - Professor, Chemistry - * - "Vogt, Richard Rockhill" (PhD)
- 1941/42 v.37 #2 p.37 - Professor, Chemistry - * - "Vogt, Richard Rockhill" (PhD)
- 1942 v.38 #4 p.29 - Professor, Chemistry - * - "Vogt, Richard Rockhill" (PhD)
- 1943 v.39 #1 p.27 - Professor, Chemistry - * - "Vogt, Richard Rockhill" (PhD)
- 1943/44 v.40 #1 p.24 - Professor, Chemistry - * - "Vogt, Richard Rockhill" (PhD)
- 1944/45 v.41 #1 p.24 - Professor, Chemistry - * - "Vogt, Richard Rockhill" (PhD)
- 1945 v.42 #1 p.22 - Professor, Chemistry - * - "Vogt, Richard Rockhill" (PhD)
- 1945/46 v.43 #7 p.33 - Professor, Chemistry - * - "Vogt, Richard Rockhill" (PhD)
- 1946/47 v.44 #7 p.32 - Professor, Chemistry - * - "Vogt, Richard Rockhill" (PhD)
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.28 - Professor, Chemistry - * - "Vogt, Richard Rockhill" (PhD)
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.31 - Professor, Chemistry - * - "Vogt, Richard R." (PhD)
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.31 - Professor, Chemistry - * - "Vogt, Richard R." (PhD)
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.31 - Professor, Chemistry - * - "Vogt, Richard R." (PhD)
Voiland, Eugene E.
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.30 - Research Associate or Teaching Fellow, Chemistry - - "Voiland, Eugene E." (BSc)
Voll, Bernard J.
- 1934/35 v.30 #3 p.9 - First Vice-President, The Alumni Board - '17 - "Voll, Bernard J."
- 1935/36 v.31 #3 p.10 - President, The Alumni Board - * - "Voll, Bernard J."
- 1936/37 v.32 #3 p.10 - Director, The Alumni Board - '17 - "Voll, Bernard J."
- 1943/44 v.40 #1 p.6 - Alumni Member, Associate Board of Lay Trustees - South Bend, IN '1917 - "Voll, Bernard J."
- 1944/45 v.41 #1 p.6 - Alumni Member, Associate Board of Lay Trustees - South Bend, IN '1917 - "Voll, Bernard J."
- 1945 v.42 #1 p.4 - Alumni Member, Associate Board of Lay Trustees - South Bend, IN '1917 - "Voll, Bernard J."
- 1945/46 v.43 #7 p.5 - Alumni Member, Associate Board of Lay Trustees - South Bend, IN '1917 - "Voll, Bernard J."
- 1946/47 v.44 #7 p.5 - Alumni Member, Associate Board of Lay Trustees - South Bend, IN '1917 - "Voll, Bernard J."
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.5 - Alumni Member, Associate Board of Lay Trustees - * South Bend, IN '1917 - "Voll, Bernard J."
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.5 - Alumni Member, Associate Board of Lay Trustees - South Bend, IN '17 - "Voll, Bernard J."
- 1949/50 v.47 #8 p.5 - Alumni Member, Associate Board of Lay Trustees - South Bend, IN '17 - "Voll, Bernard J."
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.5 - Alumni Member, Associate Board of Lay Trustees - South Bend, IN '17 - "Voll, Bernard J."
Von Gottfried, Leo Rudolph
- 1950/51 v.48 #1 p.34 - Research Associate or Teaching Fellow, Physics - - "Von Gottfried, Leo Rudolph" (BSc)
Von Weller, C.A.B.
- 1867/68 24th AC p.6 - Professor, Drawing & Painting - - "Von Weller, C.A.B."
- 1868/69 25th AC p.6 - Professor, Drawing & Painting - - "Von Weller, C.A.B."
- 1869/70 26th AC p.6 - Professor, Drawing & Painting - - "Von Weller, C.A.B."
- 1870/71 27th AC p.5 - Professor, Drawing & Painting - - "Von Weller, C.A.B."
Voong, Sing Tuh
- 1945/46 v.43 #7 p.36 - Teaching Fellow, Chemistry - * - "Voong, Sing Tuh" (BS)
Vorbeck, John C.
- 1947/48 v.45 #8 p.31 - Research Associate or Teaching Fellow, Mechanical Engineering - - "Vorbeck, John C." (BS in ME)
- 1948/49 v.46 #8 p.33 - Research Associate or Teaching Fellow, Mechanical Engineering - * - "Vorbeck, John C." (BS in ME)
Vurpillat, Francis J.
- 1916/17 v.12 #4 p.9 - Professor, Law - - "Vurpillat, Francis J." (LLB, LittB)
- 1917/18 v.13 #4 p.9 - Professor, Law - - "Vurpillat, Francis J." (LLB, LittB)
- 1918 ss v.13 #3 p.6 - Law - - "Vurpillat, Francis J." (LittB, LLB)
- 1918/19 v.14 #4 p.9 - Professor, Law - - "Vurpillat, Francis J." (LLB, LittB)
- 1919 ss v.14 #3 p.6 - Law - - "Vurpillat, Francis J." (LittB, LLB)
- 1919/20 v.15 #4 p.9 - Dean, College of Law - Faculty Seniority - 43rd - "Vurpillat, Francis Jennings" (LittB, LLB)
- 1919/20 v.15 #4 p.9 - Law - Faculty Seniority - 43rd - "Vurpillat, Francis Jennings" (LittB, LLB)
- 1920 ss v.15 #3 p.6 - Law - - "Vurpillat, Francis C." (LittB, LLB)
- 1920/21 v.16 #4 p.10 - Member, Committee on Graduate Study - - "Vurpillat, Francis Joseph" (LittB, LLB)
- 1920/21 v.16 #4 p.13 - Law - Faculty Seniority - 39th - "Vurpillat, Francis Joseph" (LittB, LLB)
- 1920/21 v.16 #4 p.279 - Dean, College of Law - - "Vurpillat, Francis Joseph" (LittB, LLB)
- 1920/21 v.16 #4 p.8 - Member, Academic Council - - "Vurpillat, Francis Joseph" (LittB, LLB)
- 1920/21 v.16 #4 p.9 - Dean, College of Law - - "Vurpillat, Francis Joseph" (LittB, LLB)
- 1921 ss v.16 #3 p.8 - Law - - "Vurpillat, Francis" (LittB, LLB)
- 1921/22 v.17 #4 p.10 - Member, Committee on Graduate Study - - "Vurpillat, Francis Joseph" (LittB, LLM)
- 1921/22 v.17 #4 p.13 - Law - Faculty Seniority - 39th - "Vurpillat, Francis Joseph" (LittB, LLM)
- 1921/22 v.17 #4 p.277 - Dean, College of Law - - "Vurpillat, Francis Joseph" (LittB, LLM)
- 1921/22 v.17 #4 p.8 - Member, Academic Council - - "Vurpillat, Francis Joseph" (LittB, LLM)
- 1921/22 v.17 #4 p.9 - Dean, College of Law - - "Vurpillat, Francis Joseph" (LittB, LLM)
- 1922 ss v.17 #3 p.10 - Law - - "Vurpillat, Francis" (LittB, LLM)
- 1922/23 v.18 #4 p.13 - Law - Faculty Seniority - 39th - "Vurpillat, Francis Joseph" (LittB, LLM)
- 1922/23 v.18 #4 p.286 - Dean, College of Law - - "Vurpillat, Francis Joseph" (LittB, LLM)
- 1922/23 v.18 #4 p.8 - Member, Academic Council - - "Vurpillat, Francis Joseph" (LittB, LLM)
- 1922/23 v.18 #4 p.9 - Dean, College of Law - - "Vurpillat, Francis Joseph" (LittB, LLM)
- 1923 ss v.18 #3 p.10 - Law - - "Vurpillat, Francis" (LittB, LLM)