Specialized Indexes > Index to Notre Dame Press Releases, 1994 - 2003
The Archives’ online index to press releases is complete to mid 1999 and provides the full text of each release. Archived press releases on the News and Information website date back to 1997 and continue through the present.
This program searches the index for whatever words you indicate. It is not case-sensitive, and it will find the words you type regardless of the order in which they appear. If you type Theodore Martin Hesburgh it will also find records that say Hesburgh, Theodore Martin. But it makes more sense to put the less common name first and to omit the middle name, which the indexer might have omitted in making the index.
You can exclude records by placing a minus sign before any word except the first (with no space between the minus sign and the word you want to exclude). Sheed Fr -Sheedy will find Francis Sheed and Frank Sheed but not Fr Sheedy.
When you search for hyphenated words, you should substitute a space for the hyphen. Search for anti apartheid, not for anti-apartheid. If you truncate words, the program will find all records that have the letters you have included. If you type Sheed Fran it will find Francis Sheed, Frank Sheed and Frank Sheedy.