Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1859-1860 Academic Year
Play Title: The Village Lawyer, a farce in two acts
[London: R. Grace, 1819; London: Sherwood & Bowyer, 1845.
Performed at the Haymarket, London, in 1826 and Laura Keene's Theatre,
New York City, in 1858.]
Author: David-Augustine de Brueys (1640-1723)
Dates Performed: Unknown
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Unknown
Venue: Exhibition Hall in east wing of Main Building
Cast List
Lawyer Scout: Joseph Healy
Sheep Face: Dan[ie]l Hibbard
Spout: Luke Hatch
Harry: D. J. Cook
Snarl: Ja[me]s Kennedy
Judge: Geo. Gardner
Play Title: The Doctor in Spite of Himself [Fielding's title is The Mock Doctor]
Author: Henry Fielding, adapted from Molière
Dates Performed: Unknown
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Unknown
Venue: Exhibition Hall in east wing of Main Building
Cast List
Doctor: Dan[ie]l Hibbard
Sir Godfrey: Joseph Healy
Dorcus: James Kennedy
Servants of Sir G: Breckenridge & Wallin
Lord Sotterl: W. Montgomery
Play Title: New Years Eve [but this may be the event]
Author: Unknown
Dates Performed: Unknown, but it may be New Year's Eve
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Unknown
Venue: Exhibition Hall in east wing of Main Building
Cast List
Uncle Anteek Yellow Leaf: Joseph Healy
Nephews of Anteek: E. Doul & E. Wallin
Smith: J. A. La Barthe
Brown: Dan[ie]l Hibbard
Jones: W. J. Montgomery
Play Title: The Family Failing (also known as Family Failings)
Author: Unknown
Dates Performed: Unknown
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Unknown
Venue: Exhibition Hall in east wing of Main Building
Cast List
Sir Samson Silliman: Joseph Healy
Harry Silliman: Max Nirdlinger
Lord Duckworth: Douglass J. Cook
Duke of Buckingham Secretary: W. J. Montgomery
Sir Sammpsons Servant: Joseph Dempsy
Lord Gawkey: James Kennedy
Play Title: Slasher and Crasher [John Maddison Morton (1811-1891), Slasher and Crasher, an original farce in one act, Duncombe's Acting edition of the British Theatre,
497, London: Duncombe and Moon, 1852. London: S. French,
1848. London: Lacy, 1848. First produced at the Royal Adelphi
Theatre, November 16, 1848.]
Author: John Maddison Morton
Dates Performed: Unknown
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Unknown
Venue: Exhibition Hall in east wing of Main Building
Cast List
Slasher: Max Nirdlinger
Crasher: James Kennedy
Blowhard: Edwin Wallis
Young Blowhard: Douglass J. Cook
Brown: James Donovan
Source for the above plays: Joseph Aloysius Lyons Papers (CLYS) 2/01-04 [clearly labeled 1859 but misfiled in a scrapbook folder dated 1877-1878], un.n,
UNDA. Since Lyons lists the above as "Plays. during. the. year.",
this could be the academic year 1858-59 (when he was prefect of discipline of the Juniors), 1859-60 (when he was principal of the Juniors), or the calendar year 1859 rather than an
academic year on either side of that date. These are very likely the plays produced by the St. Cecilia Philomathean Society (of Juniors--boys 13-17 years old).
Play: The Hidden Gem
Author: Cardinal Wiseman
Date: Commencement 1860
Alexis: James B. Runnion
Father of Alexis: John Collins
Carinus: F. C. Bigelow
Source: Scholastic 9:26, Feb. 26, 1876, 402-3.
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