Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1864-1865 Academic Year
Exhibition: Twenty-First Annual Commencement
Thursday, June 22, 1865.
Overture--"Twinkling Stars": Band
Ancient and Modern Eloquence: A. Tammany
Aria from the Opera of Don Giovanni: Orchestra
The Spirit of the Age:
J. C. Dunlap
"The Prisoner's Hope" Quartette: Messrs. Corby,
Scott, Hyland and Braunstein
De Immortalitate Anime:
M. J. Baasen
"Shells of Ocean":
Ancient and Modern Rome:
T. A. Corcoran
"The Old Flag," Quartette: Messrs. Corby, Scott,
Hyland, and Braunstein
True Liberty: E. M. Brown
Syracuse Polka: Orchestra
Valedictory: Hugh Gillen
"Dearest Spot on Earth":
Distribution of Premiums
Music: Field Band
A Scene--Ceremony of Initiation: [blank]
Music: Field Band
"Who Will Care for Mother Now?": Messrs. Corby, Scott,
Hyland and Braunstein
Conferring of Degrees
Anvil Chorus: Band
Closing Remarks, by Major General [William Tecumseh] Sherman [1820-1891]
Signal March: Band
Note: There was no play this year because Washington
Hall had been converted into a dormitory the last year of the Civil War
to accommodate increased enrollment. In addition, the April assassination of President Abraham Lincoln may have influenced the celebration of the day. See Washington Hall at Notre Dame, 42-43.
Source: Catalogue 21, 1864-65, 60.
last edited by Mark C. Pilkinton, June 25, 2012