Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1873/1874 Academic Year
Play: The Enchanted Hostelry
Author: Unknown
Date: Dec. 22, 1873
Director: Brother Basil
Producing Organization: Columbians
Event: Holiday Entertainment
Lord Aubrey: Wm.Gavitt
Aloysius: H. C. Cassidy
Landlord: P. O'Sullivan
Melancardios: J.ames B. Crummey
Peter: J.F. Wolfe
Bill: P.G. Lilly
Jem: W. Van't Woud
Tom: F.C. St. Aubin
Joe: F.B. Sanders
Teddy: G.W. Crummey
Mysticus: A. Horne
Fiends: J. Rofinot, W. Gaar,
J. Burnham, J. Flangieu
Musicians: R. Hutchings, J.S. Gregory,
Ghosts: !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
E. Kimm. T. Cashin: Pamphilus
J. Rofinot
Andrias: J.D.George
Geron: J.F. Burnham
Hypergeron: T.D. Flaningan
Callistus: W.W. Gaar
Chreocopos: J.M.O'Brien
Notes: Further review of play listed in source below. Reviwer found the play funny and "a spectactcular: melodrama."
Source: Scholastic 7:?, Dec. 27, 1873, 142; 12:?, Sept. 28, 1878, 54.
Play: Waiting for the Verdict
Author: Unknown
Date: February 24, 1874
Director: Professor J. A. Lyons
Producing Organization: Thespians
Event: Washington's Birthday
Jasper Roseblade: C.A. Berdel
Jonathan Roseblade: E.J. McLaughlin
Claude Roseblade: C.J. Dodge
Humphrey Higson: R.W. Staley
Jonas Hundle: W.J. Clarke
Owen Hylton: W.W. Dodge
Blinkey Brown: D.E. Maloney
Squinty Smith: H.W. Walker
Lord Viscount Elmore: H.V.Hayes
Lord Chief Justice: H.V.Hayes
Lieutenant Florville: L.S.Hayes
Sir Henry Harrington: T.A. Dailey
Serjeant Stanley: T.A.Dailey
Grafston: E. McSweeny
Clerk of the Court: J. Christy
Sheriff: T. Grier
Foreman of the Jury: T.P. White
Barristers, Jurymen, Policemen, Spectators, and Gamekeepers.
Note: There were no less than 15 scene changes during the play.
Source: Scholastic 7:?, Feb. 14, 1874, 198
Play: Sent to the Tower
Author: Unknown
Date: February 24, 1874
Director: Professor J. A. Lyons
Producing Organization: Thespians
Event: Washington's Birthday
Launcelot Banks: H.W. Walker
Perkyn Puddefoot: W.W Dodge
Jailer: D.E. Maloney
Turnkey: W.J. Clarke
Source: Scholastic 7:?, February 14, 1874, 198.
Play: A Public Benefactor
Author: Unknown
Date: April 11, 1874
Director: Unknown
Producing Organization: St. Stanislaus Philopatrian
Society and Columbian Literary and Debating Club
Event: Birthday of Rev. A. Lemonnier
Erastus Steele: J.McIntyre
Harry: F.J. Weisenburger
Solomon Longface: F. Claffey
Cyrus Caucus: W. Darst
Bobby Simpson: Harry Faxon
Barney Hoolan: T. McNamara
Declamation: F. Claffey
Source: Scholastic 7:?, April 18, 1874, 276.
Play: The Brigand and his Son
Author: Unknown
Date: April 11, 1874
Director: Unknown
Producing Organization: St. Stanislaus Philopatrian
Society and Columbian Literary and Debating Club
Event: Birthday of Rev. A. Lemonnier
Corporal Nicolo Gamba: F.J. Weisenburger
Matteo Falcone: T. McNamara
Fortunato Falcone: Henry Quan
Gianetto Sampiero: J. McIntyre
Brozzo: W. Darst
Some More Brigands, Soldiers, etc.
Source: Scholastic 7:?, April 18, 1874, 276.
Play: The Prince of Portage Prairie
Author: Unknown
Date: April 11, 1874
Director: Unknown
Producing Organization: St. Stanislaus Philopatrian
Society and Columbian Literary and Debating Club
Event: Birthday of Rev. A. Lemonnier
Cast List
Prologue: R. Walker
The Prince: Jno. D. McIntyre
Alexander: T. McNamara
Duke of Goshen: H. Quan
Marquis of South Bend: Harry Faxon
Barber of Mishawaka: T.F. Gallagher
Hermit of the Valley: R. J. Downey
Water Spirit: F. J. Weisenburger
Butler: Ray West
Bugler: J.P. Quin
Drill Sergeant: W.Darst
Captain Jack: M.J. Kinsella
Arkansas Traveler: F.J. Weisenburger
Old Man: Non Possum
Two Spies: A.H.Mitchell C.W.Welty
Two Servants: J.Quin E. Riopelle
Two Servants: R.Walker J.Delvecchio
Necromancer of Niles: F.Claffey
Corporal of Zouaves: J. Kielty
A Sailor: P.Daily
Tympanotypos: Chas. O'Connor
Zouaves, Indians, et hoc genus omne, ad libitum.
Source: Scholastic 7:?, April 18, 1874, 276.
Play Title: Handy-Andy
Author: Unknown
Date Performed: April 11, 1874
Director: Unknown
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: St. Stanislaus Philopatrian
Society and Columbian Literary and Debating Club
Event: Birthday of Rev. A. Lemonnier
Cast List
Handy-Andy: Thos. Cashin
Squire Egan: J.B. Crummey
Squire O'Grady: F.C. St. Aubin
Mr. Murphy: G.W. Crummey
Dick Dawson: P.G. Lilly
M. Furlong: H.C. Cassidy
Edward O'Connor: J.F. Wolfe
Simon: E.W. Kimm
Farrel: O. Tong
McQuade: A. Horne
Carrol: J. F. Klly
Jerry: J.E. O'Brien
Mad Nick: L.B. Sanders
Frank Dawson: L.C. Watson
Source(s) The Notre Dame Scholastic, Vol. 7, April 18, 1874, p. 276.
Play: Box and Cox
Author: John Maddison Morton (1809?-1891)
Date: April 11, 1874
Director: Unknown
Producing Organization: St. Stanislaus Philopatrian
Society and Columbian Literary and Debating Club
Event: Birthday of Rev. A. Lemonnier
Cast List
Mr Cox: J.A. Rofinot
Mr. Box: J.F. Burnham
Uncle Bouncer: R.A.C. Hutchings
Note: Not to be confused with the sequel, Cox and Box (1867), by F. C. Burnand and composer Arthur Sullivan (before Gilbert), Morton based his play on a French farce "The Room with Two Beds." (Uncle Bouncer is Mrs. Bouncer in the original.) Morton's play premiered in London in 1847. In In his obituary, the New York Times proclaimed Box and Cox "the best farce of the nineteenth century" (December 22, 1891).
Source: Scholastic 7:?, April 18, 1874, 276.
Play Title: The Great Elixir
Author: Unknown
Date Performed: April 11, 1874
Director: Unknown
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: St. Stanislaus Philopatrian
Society and Columbian Literary and Debating Club
Event: Birthday of Rev. A. Lemonnier
Cast List
Waldemar Wiggins: R.Downey
Gunnibag Greenbax: J.Kielty
Nervous Aspen: J. McIntyre
Major Fingers: F. Claffey
Charles Freedley: P. Daly
Harry Quilldriver: Ray West
Herbert Easel: W.J. Kinsella
Dennis McGrath: T. McNamara
Bob: J. Delvecchio
Source(s) The Notre Dame Scholastic, Vol. 7, April 18, 1874, p. 276.
Play Title: Filial Love
Author: Rev. A. Lemonnier, C.S.C.
Date Performed: June 2, 1874
Director: Rev. A. Lemonnier, C.S.C.
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: St. Cecilians
Event: The Cecilian Exhibition
Cast List
Bellarosa: A.K. Schmidt
Duke of Mantua: J.M.F. Beegan
Theodebert: N.J. Mooney
Bois Robert: W.P. Breen
Labrisse: J.F. Campbell
Gusman: J.G. Ewing
Gontrand: W.S. Meyer
Lafere: J.E. Marks
Albrantin: J.F. Soule
Herman: E.L.Ratigan
Leone: D.J. O'Connell
Gensano: J.P. McHugh
Servillius: F.M.Smyth
Amitus: R.B.Norris
Montreal: C. Hake
Bois Bien: B.J. Baca
Tristan: C.J. O'Connor
La Rovere: LP. Best
Godfrey: M. Burge
Ferrand: J.F. Cullen
Brisban: F. Miller
Guivala: C. Nichols
Raymond: J.W. Minton
Montalto: C. Burger
Bataglia: J.D. O'Hara
Siegfroid: J.L. Perea
Attivo: L.J. Loser
Reginald: E.J. Wood
Gonslan: W.C. Green
Sesmond: C.G. Furer
Rudolphe: C.A. Campeau
Hoel: L.J. Busch
Geronimo: B. LeFevre
Favorito: T.B.T. Solon
Musicians, Chanters, Villagers.
Notes: Written exclusively for the St. Cecilians
Source(s) The Notre Dame Scholastic, Vol. 7, June 6, 1874, pp. 333-4.
Play Title: Waiting for the Verdict
Author: Unknown
Date Performed: June 22, 1874
Director: Professor J. A. Lyons
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Thespians
Event: Commencement
Cast List
Jasper Roseblade: C.A. Berdel
Jonathan Roseblade: E.J. McLaughlin
Claude Roseblade: C.J. Dodge
Humphrey Higson: R.W. Staley
Jonas Hundle: W.J. Clarke
Owen Hylton: W.W. Dodge
Blinkey Brown: D.E. Maloney
Squinty Smith: H.W. Walker
Lord Viscount Elmore: H.V.Hayes
Lord Chief Justice: H.V.Hayes
Lieutenant Florville: L.S.Hayes
Sir Henry Harrington: T.A. Dailey
Serjeant Stanley: T.A.Dailey
Grafston: E. McSweeny
Clerk of the Court: J. Christy
Sheriff: T. Grier
Foreman of the Jury: T.P. White
Attendant to the Chief Justice: W.T. Ball
Usher of the Court: W.T. Ball
Barristers, Jurymen, Policemen, Spectators, and Gamekeepers.
Notes: There were no less than 15 scene changes during the play.
Source(s) The Notre Dame Scholastic, Vol. 7, July 4, 1874, p. 354.
last edited by MCP, April 5, 2014
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