Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1879-1880 Academic Year
Play: The Pound of Flesh or The Merchant of Venice Act IV
Author: William Shakespeare
Dates: December , 1879
Director: Professor Lyons
Producing Organization: Euglossians
Cast List
Duke of Venice: T. Simms
Antonio: T. Campbell
Bassanio: G. Donnelly
Gratiano: F. X. Wall
Shylock: P.H. Hagen
Portia: R. E. Russell
Nerissa: D. Donahue
Baliff: P. Maguire
Note: This was the first performance in Washington Hall since the fire of April 23. Hagen receives a less-than-glowing notice.
Source: Scholastic 13:14, December 6, 1879, 214.
Play Title: If I were a King
Author: Father Lemonnier
Dates Performed: December 20, 1879
Director: unknown
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: St.Cecilia Philomathean Association
Cast List
Genaro: T.F. McGrath
Ferdinand: W.J. Mc Carthy
Melchiore: M.G.Burns
Ruisco: C.A. Tinley
Don Gonsalvo: G. Orr
Bozza: E.A. Otis
Valerio: A.B. Mergentheim
Alberto: F.H. Grever
Orazzio: J. Weitzel
Banquo: A.A. Caren
Philippo: J.A. Gibbons
Baptisto: F.B. Phillips
Silvio: A. Rietz
Marco: A.J. Burger
Alonzo: G. Foster
Verdi: J.W. Guthrie
Beppo: F.A. Quinn
Giovine: C.J. Brinkman
Stephano: J. O'Neill
Lucio: E.G. Snugg
Padro: C.J McDermott
Ursro: W. Thompson
Marzzo: R.E. Fleming
Marine: J. Homan
Lino: C.F. Rietz
Cerano: A.P. Perley
Doria: J.L. Morgan
Leandro: H. Rose
Laurenzzo: R. McCarthy
Hugoni: N. Wenny
Lupo: J. Schobey
Notes: More on characters roles in the play are contained in
the source listed. The St. Cecilia Philomathean Soiety thanked Prof.
J.F. Edwards for favors received at the "last Entertaiment."
(presumably this show). This play was written specifically for the St.
Cecilia Philoathean Association.
Source(s) The Notre Dame Scholastic, December 22,1879, Vol. 13
p.251. The Notre Dame Scholastic, January 3, 1880,Vol. 13 p. 265. The
Notre Dame Scholastic, December 23, 1882, Vol. 16, p.249.
Play Title: New Brooms Sweep Clean
Date performed: January 31, 1880
Director: unknown
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: The Sorin Literary and Dramatic Association
Cast List
Testy: D. Taylor
Fred: A. Coghlin
Jacob: G. Woodson
Tim: G. Van Mourick
Swipes: T. Van Mourick
Song: A. Schmuckle
Comic Olio: G. Woodson and G. Knight
Grand Military Drill: Capt. O'Neill
Song: H. Snee
Source(s) The Notre Dame Scholastic, January 31, 1880. Vol. 13, p.329.
Play: Hard to Suit All
Date Performed: January 31, 1880
Director: unknown
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: The Sorin Literary and Dramatic Association
Cast List
Professor Grimes: Joe. Courtney
Mr. Fosdick: Jas. Courtney
Bill (His Son): J. Bannister
Mrs. O'Leary: H. Snee
Patrick (Her Son): W. O'Malley
Esq. Snyder: J. Smith
Jonas (His Son): W. Wright
Saunders (A Tippler): G. Knight
Jubey (His Son): H. Kitz
Song: G. Woodson
Source(s) The Notre Dame Scholastic, January 31, 1880. Vol. 13, p.329.
Play: Heartwell at Hamford or Firm Friends and Fast Friends
a drama in three acts
Date: Ferbruary 21, 1880
Author: Rev. Father Jones, S. J., St. Mary's College, Montreal
Director: Prof. Lyons
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: The Thespians
Venue: Washington Hall
Cast List
Mr. Sharp: Ben. Pollock
Loftus Swellington: John B. McGrath
Mr. Kyndwin,: Thomas Simms
Simon de Verde: Walter Reardon
Mr. Wells: Patrick Larkin
McGrubber: H.T.Howe
Larry O'Toole: Dan'l Donahue
Reinhard: Francis X. Wall
Ernest Heartwell: John B. McGorrisk
Doubleday: John B. Berteling
Willie Lovejoy: Frank Bloom
Raymond: Robert Keenan
Johnny Winkles: Wm. Arnold
Sordie Levi: John B. McGrath
Merriman: Bernard Claggett
Hon.W. Lovejoy: George Clark
Rufus: George Sugg
Mr. Heartwell: Dan'l Denahey
Redderville: Michael Burns
Source: Scholastic 13:25, February 28, 1880, 390-1.
Play Title: The Corsican Brothers
Date performed: March 16, 1880
Director: Professor J.E. Edwards
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: The Columbian Dramatic Associaton
Cast List
(Twin Brothers)
M. Louis dei Franchi: George Donnelly
M. Patricio dei Franchi: Harry Simms
Signor Savilio dei Franchi: Albert Zahm
M. de Chateau Reyard: Charles Hagan
M. Alfred Meynard: James Delaney
Le Baron Montgiron: William Connelly
Le Baron Martilli: Thomas Conlan
M. Beauchamp: Thomas Cavanaugh
M. de Veau (Gambler): Frank Reeves
M. Favrolles (Gambler): Sydney Smith
M. ----- ----- (Gambler): Frank Bell
Jules de Lesparre: Hector Dulaney
Antonio Sanola (Judge): William Wathan
Griffo (Domestic): Joseph Smith
Sancho (Domestic): Frank Kensilla
Bois-Sec (A Wood-cutter): Robert O'Brien
Orlando (Peasant): Hugh Deehan
Colonna (Peasant): Charles Caren
Domino: Frank Clarke
Tomaso (Coachman): Jacob Reitz
Francois (Valet de Chambre): Charles Zarley
M. Bellmone: William Jones
M. Formant: Warren Schofield
M. Courcelles: M. Falvey
Surgeon: M. English:
Villagers, Masqueraders, etc.
Source(s) The Notre Dame Scholastic, March 13, 1880. Vol. 13, p.426
Play Title: Humors of the Strike
Date Performed: April 24, 1880
Director: Professor Lyons
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: The St. Stanislaus Philopatrian Association
Cast List
Greenbax: F. Groenewalt
Hartshorn: E. Gaines
Trumps (Superintendent): J. V. Cabel
Knockdown: G. C. Castanedo
Whipstock (Ticket Agent): S. Livingston
Hardhead: J. Seeger
Finnegan (A Fenian): O. Farrelly
Dan: A. Conyne
Music: N.D.U. Cornet Band
Notes: Song and Chorus - "Cumming Threw the Rye" -Words by the aurthor of Price of Portage Prairie,
J. Guthrie and Society
Source(s) The Notre Dame Scholastic, April 24, 1880. Vol. 13, p.522.
Play: The Prince of Portage Prairie or The Burning of Bertrand
Date: April 24, 1880
Director: Professor Lyons
Producing Organization: St. Stanislaus Philopatrian Association
Cast List
The Prince (Facile Princeps): P. Fletcher
Alexander: P. Nelson
Duke of Goshen: M. Vedder
Marquis of South Bend: G. Rhodius
The Barber of Mishawaka: J. Devitt
B. Von Blenkensniderhausenblitzer: J. Larkin
Necromancer of Niles: A. Conyne
Hermit of the Valley (an Old Fogy): E. Croarkin
Water Spirit: H. Foote
The Original Arkansas Traveller: O. Farrelly
Dr. Pangloss: F. Phillips
A Buter , much reduced: F. Groenewald
1st Usher to the Prince: F. Becker
2nd Usher to the Prince: W. Coghlin
3rd Usher to the Prince: P. Nelson
4th Usher to the Prince: S. Dering
Bugler (who blows his own horn): J. Boose
Captain: M. Herrick
Sitting Bull (materialized): F. Rettig
Corporal of Zouaves: H. Devitt
Commodore of Steam Propeller: E. Litmer
Daniel Bonne Pompey: -----------
A Herald: V. Cable
Tecumseh: G. Castanedo
Seigel (2d Lieutenant): G. De Haven
Flascala (Corporal): A. Rohrback
Zachary (Courier): H. Guynn
Marmion (Sergeant): S. Livingston
Cleon (Sergeant): J. Kelly
Zouaves, Indians, Dancers, Drummers: Ruppe, C. Perry, F. Johnson, R. Pomy, J. Wilder, A. Hierb
Epilogue: N. Nelson
Notes: The Band and Orchestra were to provide music during the play, and the Zouaves were to be directed by Jos. O'Neill.
Source: Scholastic 13:?, April 24, 1880, 522-523
Play: Heartwell at Hamford or "Firm Friends" and "Fast Friends"
Date: June 22, 1880
Director: Professor J. A. Lyons
Producing Organization: The Thespian Association
Cast List
Mr. Kindwind, President: Thomas Simms
Mr. Sharp, Vice-President: A. J. Burger
Mr. Wells, Professor: Patrick Larkin
Larry O'Toole, servant: D. Donahue
Ernest Heartwell: John B. McGorrisk
Willie Lovejoy: Frank Bloom
Johnny Winkles: W. H. Arnold
Merriman: Bernard Claggett
Rufus: G. Snugg
Lottus Swellington: John B. McGrath
Simon de Verd: F. Wall
McGrubber: J. Noonan
Reinhardt, an Undergraduate: R. Stewart
Doubleday: John B. Berteling
Raymond: R. E. Keenan
Sordie Levi: John B. McGrath
Hon. W. Lovejoy: Geo. Clarke
Mr. Heartwell: D. Harrington
Redderville, Detective: Michael Burns
Source: Scholastic 13:?, June 19, 1880, 651.
last edited by Mark Pilkinton, May 31, 2012
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