Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1893/1894 School Year
Play Title: The Seven Clerks; or, the Denouncer
Author: Not Found
Dates Performed: Nov. 2 , 1893
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: St. Cecilians of Carroll Hall
Venue: Festival of St. Andrew
Cast List
Claude Darnaud: J. Lanagan
Victor: G. McCarrick
Adolph de Briancourt: J. O'Neill
Simon Siegel: J. B. Murphy
Notes: This is not a complete cast list.
The names and roles were taken from a review of the entertainment, found in the Scholastic.
Source(s) The Notre Dame Scholastic, Vol. 27, Dec. 2, 1893, p. 200-201.
Play Title: Robert Macaire
Author: not found
Dates Performed: Feb. 22, 1894
Director: not found
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: not found
Venue: Washington's Birthday
Cast List
Germil: Roger Sinnott
Dumont: John Hervey
Robert Macaire: Hugh O'Donnell
Jacques Strop: Ernsy DuBrul
Arthur: Armstead Prichard
Charles: James Fitzgerald
Pierre: Christopher Fitzgerald
Sergeant Loupy: Daniel Murphy
Louis: William Correll
Baton: Thomas Quinlan
Flonflon: John Dempsey
Source(s) Notre Dame Scholastic, Vol. 27, Febuary 24, 1894, pp. 370.
Play Title: More Sinned Against Than Sinning
Author: not found
Dates Performed: March 17, 1894
Director: not found
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Columbians
Occasion: St. Patrick's Day
Cast List
Squire Hilton: B. Bates
Marmaduke Hilton: A. Cuneo
Alphonsus Belhaven: E. Duffield
Dick Harvey: R. Slevin
Major Lookout: C. Roby
Teddy O'Neill: J. Kelly
Captain de Balzac: J. Cook
Andy: J. McVean
Tom: T. Cavanagh
Joe: A. Galen
John Jemison: E. Callahan
Sergeant: F. O'Brien
Notes: An original drama in a prologue and three acts.
Source(s) Notre Dame Scholastic, Vol. 27, March 17, 1894, pp. 420.
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