Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1896/1897 School Year
Play Title: Penmark Abbey
Dates Performed: Monday, November 30
Stage Manager:
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: St. Cecilians of Carroll Hall
Cast List
Jacques Perquin: Robert Funk
Monkton: W.F. Shea
Caleb: Francis Cornell
Edmund: P.M. Kuntz
Griffild: Charles Foley
Meriadac: John Morrissey
Squirrel: Roy Murray
Belgrip: Theodore Watterson, Jr.
Tom: John Walsh
Squivadan: James Taylor
Peasants: William Scherrer, Eugene Gimbel, Charles Wells, Jr., Ralph Wilson
Fishermen: Frederick Kasper, T.J. Murray, J.J. Murray, J.F. Fennessey, W.F. Dinnen
Guards: Adam Kasper, J.J. Kuntz, C.H. Pulford
Source(s): Notre Dame Scholastic, Volume 30, November 28, 1896, pages 192, 204-205.
Play Title: The Corsican Brothers
Dates Performed: Monday, February 22, 1897
Director: Father Maloney
Stage Manager: Not Found
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: The University Stock Company
Event: Washington's Birthday
Cast List
J. Francis Corr: Chateau Renaud
Joseph A. Marmon
Alfred de Meynard: Elmer J. Murphy
Le Baron de Montgiron: William A. Fagan
Griffo: John H. Shillington
Baron Martelli: Mr. Brennan
Signora Savilia: Roy A. Crawford
Emilie: Peter M. Kuntz
Marie: George P. McCarrick
Surgeon: W. Burnett Weaver
Mr. Bryan: Mr. Lowery
Mr. Gerardi: Mr. O'Hara
Source(s): Notre Dame Scholastic, Volume 30, February 27, 1896, pages 343-344.
Play Title: The Ticket of Leave Man
Dates Performed: March 17, 1897
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: The Columbians of Brownson Hall
Director: Rev.
Venue: Washington Hall
Event: St. Patrick's Day
Cast List
Bob Brierly: Thomas A. Lowery
Detective Hawkshaw: Robert E. Brown
James Dalton, "The Tiger": Louis H. Gerardi
Melter Moss: John H. Shillington
Mr. Gibson: Louis C. M. Reed
Sam Willoughby: William W. O'Brien
Willoughby's Grandfather: John T. Daly
Maltby: Eugene Campbell
Harry Edwards: Joseph J. Tuohy
Green Jones: Edward B. Falvey
Pat Carmody: Thomas J. Dooley
Sharpe: G. J. Hanhauser
Burton: V. B. Welker
Jackson: E. C. Brown
Detectives: James H. McGinnis, William P. Monahan
Citizens: W. T. Morris, F. J. McNichols, G. Stulfauth, James Bennett, A. V. Long,
R. E. Barry, Henry C. Stearns
Ushers: George P. McCarrick, Joseph J. Rowan, Charles M. Niezer,
Stephen J. Brucker, Peter E. Follen, John D. Landers
Source(s) The Notre Dame Scholastic, Volume 30, March 20, 1897, pp. 395.
Play Title: Her First Appearance
Author: Richard Harding Davis
Dates Performed:
Director: Father Maloney
Stage Manager
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: University Stock Company
Venue: Washington Hall
Cast List
Notes: This play was a part of the Athletic Association Benefit Performance.
Source(s): Notre Dame Scholastic, Volume 30,
Play Title: One Way to Make a Fortune
Author: Joseph A. Marmon, founder of the Company
Dates Performed
Director: Father Maloney
Stage Manager:
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: University Stock Company
Cast List
Miss Mollie Elliot Seawell Joseph A. Marmon
Source(s) Notre Dame Scholastic, Volume 30,
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