Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1900-1901 Academic Year
Play: Hamlet
Author: William Shakespeare
Dates: March 16, 1901
Director: John Lane O'Connor
Venue: Washington Hall
Stage Manager: not found
Producing Organization: Students of the University of Professor O'Connor
Overture--"Morning, Noon and Night": Suppe
"Dance from Henry VIII": C. German
Intermezzo—"Evening Song": Beyer
Mazurka—" Aus Lieb zu ihr": Katsch
Gavotte—"Dolce far niente": Mittelstaedt
It is needless to say all the selections were well rendered. We might also add that Prof. Roche showed an excellent spirit by getting his band out last Sunday, St. Patrick's Day, and visiting the different halls.
Cast of Characters.
Claudius, King of Denmark: M. F. Sczelewski
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, nephew to Claudius: J. L. O'Connor
Ghost of King Hamlet, Father to the Prince: Leo J. Heiser
Polonius, the Lord Chamberlain: Wm. M. Wimberg
Laertes, son to Polonius: F. Schoonover
Horatio, friend to Hamlet: S. Highstone
Rosencrantz Courtiers: J. L. Putnam
Guildenstern: E. J. Fredell
Osric: Leo Kelly
Marcellus Officers: P. J. O'Grady
Bernardo: J. W. Kenny
Francisco, a soldier: E. J. Ellfredd
First Player: H. V. Crumley
Second Player: L. Leky
Player Queen: L. Best
First Gravedigger: W. J. Bervin
Second Gravedigger: Louis Best
Priest: L.J. Riser
Gertrude, Queen of Denmark, Mother to Hamlet: Orrin White
Ophelia, daughter to Polonius Louis E. Wagner
Note: John Lane O'Connor taught Elocution 1900-1902. There were no plays this year associated with the exchibitions related to St. Edward's Day, Washington 's Birthday, or Commencement. This production of Hamlet lasted for three and a half hours, suggesting the entire play was done.
Source: Scholastic 34:25, March 23, 1901, 422-425. Also see Program, UNDA PNDP 76-Mi-01 AB1.1
last edited by Mark C. Pilkinton, June 3, 2013
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