Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1906-1907 Academic Year
Play: King For a Day
Author: not found
Dates: Dec. 11 (President's Day), 1906
Director: not found
Stage Manager: not found
Producing Organization: not found
Cast List
King: Aloysius Dwan
Others: Hilton McElroy, Mr. Sorg, Mr. Downing, Mr. Von Puhl, A.
Dolan, and Mr. McGurty
Note: In Washington Hall at Notre Dame, I point out that "President Cavanaugh's patron saint was Saint John the Apostle," but the University moved the celebration of his day from December 27 to between December 6 and 13 "to be able to celebrate before students left campus for the Christmas holidays." Not to be confused with Presidents' Day in February today, it is also important to remember this is the celebration of the feast day of the saint of the President of the University and is not related to the President's birthday (360).
Source: Dome 1907
Play: Master Skylark
Dramatization: John Lane O'Connor, based on the 1896 novel by John Bennett (1865-1956)
Dates: March 19, 1907
Director: Brother Cyprian
Stage Manager: Not Found
Producing Organization: Philopatrians
Venue: Washington Hall
Cast List
Master Skylark: M. Otero
Gregory Goole: Carl Von Puhl
Gaston Carew: A. F. Dolan
Mrs. Attwood: R. Sieber
Carew's Daughter: E. Peil
Shakespeare: Berkley
Blacksmith: Broussard
Queen Elizabeth: Sheehan
Source(s): The Notre Dame Scholastic, Volume 40, March 30, 1907, p. 417.
Play: Richelieu
Author: Mr. Bulwer-Lytton
Dates: 2:30 p. m., Easter Monday, April 1, 1907, followed by a Prom
Director: Father Maloney
Stage Manager: not found
Producing Organization: The Senior Class of 1907
Cast List
Cardinal Richelieu: J. Aloysius Dwan
De Mauparat: Ambrose O'Connell
Marion de Larme: Homer S. Warren
Joseph: Ed Kenny
Julie de Mortemar: J. L. Weist
Louis: J. W. Wadden
Huget: E. F. O'Flynn
Francois: L. F. McElroy
Orleans: Mr. Kenefick
Gaston: M. J. Kenefick
Count de Baradas: J. T. Keefe
Sieur de Beringen: R. A. Kasper
Clermont: F. T. Collier
Captain of the Guard: J. L. Coontz
First Guard: C. L. Devine
Second Guard: D. E. Lannan
First Secretary: H. W. Hilton
Second Secretary: H. W. McAleenan
Third Secretary: C. A. Sorg
First Courtier: R. A. McNally
Second Courtier: R. R. Ribeyre
Third Courtier: A. M. Geary
Note: Seniors' Day (on Easter Monday)
Source: Dome 1907; Scholastic 40:25, April 6, 1907, 430-431.
last edited by Mark C. Pilkinton, June 4, 2013
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