Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1943/1944 School Year
[Academic "years" accelerated during World War II to eight consecutive semesters over two and two-thirds years years instead of four, and most students on campus were Navy V-12 trainees.]
Play Title: All-Campus Vaudeville Show [thirteen acts]
Author: varied
Date: Sept. 17, 1943, 8:00 P.M.
Venue: Washington Hall
Promoter: Grand Knight Bob Hallein
Stage Manager: not found
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Knights of Columbus
Judges: J. Earl Redden (Playland Park), Joseph F. Donahue (alumnus), William Richardson
Cast List
Master of Ceremonies: (Marine) Dave Curtin
Music: Johnny Boyle and his Victory Cavaliers
Acts included Gene Pechulis (singer), Ed Dunnigan (trumpet), Paul O'Connell (interpretations of Fred Allen, Socrates Mulligan, Frank Leahy, Jimmy Durante, and President Roosevelt), Brock Lynch (tap dancing), Dick Walker (harmonica), Tom Butler (drums--second prize), Ted Smironiotis (baton twirling--first prize), Vic Kulbitski and Larry Lynch (accordian and skates--third prize), Elmer Benedict (magic).
Note: Because the show was open to the public, students were denied seats, a situation the Scholastic deplored.
Source: Scholastic 79:11, Sept. 24, 1943, 4.
Play Title: Ruddigore
Author: Gilbert and Sullivan
Dates Performed: Feb. 9 - 12, 1944
Director: not found
Stage Manager: not found
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: The University Theatre
Cast List
Source(s) Play Program, PNDP 76-SA-01
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