Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1945-1946 Academic Year
Play Title: The Mikado
Author: Gilbert and Sullivan
Dates Performed: May 26-29 and June 29, 1946
Director: Prof. Cecil Birder
Stage Manager: not found
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: University Theatre / Notre Dame Savoyards
Cast List
Mikado of Japan: William Mills
Nanki Poo: Vincent Meli
Ko Ko: Ralph Thorson
Pooh Bah: John W. Owen
Pish Tush: John Commerford
Yum Yum: Jennie Papandria
Pitti Sing: Patricia Czolgosz
Peep Bo: Irene Kuzmac
Katisha: June Anderson
Chorus of School Girls and Chorus and Nobles and Coolies of thirty-five
Source(s) Play Program, PNDP 76-Sa-01 (ND Archives)
The Notre Dame Scholastic, Vol 87, May 3, 1946, p. 7.
The Notre Dame Scholastic, Vol 87, May 10, 1946, p. 8.
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