Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1951/1952 School Year
Play Title: Faust
Author: Goethe, adaptation by Stephen S. Phillips
Dates Performed: October 21-24, 1951
Producer: William Elsen
Director: Leonard Sommer
Set Design: John Tumpane
Stage Manager: Bill Hand
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: University Theatre
Cast List
Faust: Joseph Tunney
Mephistopheles: Steve Hauser
Vallentine: John Dockray
Margaret: Ann Duncan
Also appearing on stage:
Ray Kennedy, Joseph Daley, Jerry Godwin, Robert Fleming, George
BaBesien, Joe Huebner, Don Reid, David Rogers, Bill Crimmins, Joe Weis,
John Blessington, Tom Cassidy, James Harrington, Tom Matthews, Henry
Cushing, Charles Blair, Hildegarde Vargyas, Leitha Wermuth.
Notes: postponed from spring 1951
Source: Scholastic 93:3, Sept. 22, 1951, 12
Play Title: Old Heidelberg
Author: adaptation from Sigmund Romberg's operetta The Student Prince
Dates Performed: December 10-13, 1951
Producer: William Elsen
Director: Leonard Sommer
Set Design: Richard Byrne
Costumes: Eaves of New York
Technical Direction: John D. Tumpane
Stage Manager: Bill Hand
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: University Theatre
Cast List
Karl Heinrich: Jack McDermott
Von Haugk: Richard Bennett
Von Passarge: Robert Roeny
Baron Von Metzing: John Wallace
Baron Von Breitenberg: John Hilbert
Dr. Juttner: Gerald Godwin
Lutz--Valet de Chambre: Charles Schubert
Detlev Gros Von Asterberg: Harvey Mueller
Karl Bilz: Dan Yaeckel
Karl Engelbrecht: George Van Bessien
Von Wedell: Richard Walke
Ruder: Patrick Sweeney
Frau Ruder: Patricia Smanda
Frau Dorffel: Hildegarde Vargyas
Kathie: Ann Duncan
Schelerman: Paul Murphy
Kellerman: Jack Corcoran
Notes: Glee Club Chorus of sixteen under the direction of Daniel Pedtke; music from Sigmund Romberg's The Student Prince
Source: Scholastic 93:8, Nov. 2, 1951, 12; 93:11, Nov. 30, 1951, 11; 93:13, Dec. 14, 1951, 16.
Play Title: Stay Tuned For Addleman
(an original student musical)
Book (author): Jerry Costello, Jack Hines and Charles Hubert
Music and Lyrics (author): Jerry Costello
Dates Performed: May 4-8, 1952
Director: Jack Hynes
General Manager: Bill Hank
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: The Student Council
Cast List
Bill Touhy, Walt Swift, Charles Hubert
Source: Scholastic 93:14, Jan. 11, 1952, 15; Dome 1952, 334.
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