Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1956/1957 School Year
Play Title: Death of a Salesman
Author: Arthur Miller
Dates Performed: November 14-18, 1956
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: The University Theatre
Artistic Staff
Director: Rev. Arthur S. Harvey, CSC
Lighting Design: Gilbert Rathbun
Performance Coach: Fred W. Syburg
Set Designer: Gilbert Rathbun
Willy Loman: George O'Donnell
Linda: Carol Ann Cruise
Happy: Daniel Ferrone
Biff: Phillip Donahue
Bernard: Reginald Bain
The Woman: Paula Lawton
Charley: Robert Sasseen
Uncle Ben: Michael Sophy
Howard Wagner: Michael Kennedy
Jenny: Jackie Baumer
Stanley: Eugene Leyval
Miss Forsythe: Georgia Ann Weber
Letta: Betsy Finneran
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Joseph McArdle
Assistant Stage Manager: James Cooney
Electrician: David Neal
Sound: Mark Maley
Properties: Rudy Hornish
Publicity: Tom Plofchan, Jon Siddle
Construction: William Clark, William DeSeta, Fred Gade, Robert Ghelardi, John Harrington,
Peter Jandrisevits, Michael Koch, Michael Major, David Mayer,
Bernard McElroy, Patrick Mullady, Mickey Pavia, Eugene Pisano
Source(s) 1957 Dome, pp. 32 - 33; Original program courtesy Frederic Syburg
Play Title: Macbeth
Author: William Shakespeare
Dates Performed: March 13-17, 1957
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: The University Theatre
Artistic Staff
Director: Fred W. Syburg
Lighting Designer: Gilbert Rathbun
Performance Coach: Rev. Arthur S. Harvey, CSC
Set Designer: Gilbert Rathbun
Costume Design: Carol Ann Cruise
Costumes Executed by: Mrs. W. P. Walsh
Macbeth: Michael Kennedy
Duncan: Neil Ball
Macduff: Barney Morris
Malcolm: Reginald Bain
Donalbain: Edward Sullivan
Banquo: Frank Draine
Lennox: Paul Willihnganz
Ross: Thomas Brady
Menteith: Joseph Mocarski
Angus: William Chesson
Caithness: Rudy Hornish
Fleance: Richard Jones
Siward: Paul Kusbach
Young Siward: John Finneran
Seyton: George Newman
Doctor: Andrew Staniszewski
Sergeant: Robert Sasseen
Porter: John Kent
Macduff's Son: John Rappelli
Servant: Bernard McElroy:
Lady Macbeth: Marilee Young
Lady Macduff: Constance Stalma
Gentlewoman: Nancy Olsak
Witches: Fred Gade, Michael Herb, Donald Zeifang
Messengers: James Breedlove, Thomas Brennan:
Murderers: Thomas Brennan, Bruce Junius, George Newman
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Jerry Dodge
Assistant Stage Manager: Lester Murphy
Electrician: William Clark
Sound: John Kent
Properties: Edward Sullivan
Publicity: Stephen Pietrowicz
Construction: Neil Ball, William Clark, Daniel Ferrone, John Finneran, Eugene Kelley,
James Kubiak, Paul Kusbach, Bernard McElroy, Pat McNamara
Source(s) 1957 Dome, pp. 32 - 33; Original program courtesy Frederic Syburg
Play Title: Good News
Book: Laurence Schwab and B.G. DeSylva
Lyrics: B.G. DeSylva and Lew Brown
Music: Ray Henderson
Dates Performed: May 8-12, 1957
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: The University Theatre
Artistic Staff
Director: Rev. Arthur S. Harvey, CSC
Lighting Design: Gilbert Rathbun
Choral Direction: Rev. William J. McAuliffe, CSC
Set Designer: Gilbert Rathbun
Choreography: Allan J. Powers
Costumes Designed by: Carol Ann Cruise
Costumes Executed by: Mrs. W. P. Walsh
Performances Coached by: Fred. W. Syburg
At the Pianos: Terri Steinhoffer
At the Organ: Thomas Plofchan
Edward Thomas: Drums
Paul Willihnganz
Banjo: Jack Potash
Flo: Sue Brown
Windy: Joe Maier
Slats: Rudy Hornish
Millie: Peggy Barnish
Babe O'Day: Sue Clark
"Beef" Saunders: Bruce Junius
"Pooch" Kearney: George O'Donnell
Bill Johnson: Phillip Donahue
Tom Marlowe: Daniel Ferrone
Patricia Bingham: Barbara Ann Adamson
Sylvester: Jerry Dodge
Constance Lane: Marilee Young
Bobby Randall: Dave Shanahan
Charles Kenyon: Donald Zeifang
George: Bill DeSeta
Gateman: John Carlin
Glee Club Quartet: John Adams, James Simon, Martin Tierney, Robert Vrancken
Dancing Chorus: Peggy Barnish, Ann Conaghan, Carol Lucas, Pat Smith, Frances Tetaz,
Jerry Dodge, Alan Haesche, Rudy Hornish, Walt Janes, Gene Pisano
Singing Chorus: Judie Archambault, Mary Louise Ashley, Barbara Benford, Kathy Fitzgerald,
Mary Geary, Jean McCarthy, Peggy McIntyre, Eleanor Murphy,
Angela Polambit, Joyce Robinson, Donna Sullivan, Pat Wilson,
John Adams, William Chesson, Robert Daley, Frank Draine, John Funck,
Frances Lutz, Herbert Moeller, Jerry Reedy, Jim Simon, Gerry Smith,
Martin Tierney, Bob Vrancken
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Mike Koch
Assistant Stage Manager: John Carlin
Rehearsal Pianists: Walt Janes, Robert May
Stage Carpenter: Peter Jandrisevits
Electrician: Dave Neal
Assistant Electrician: William Clark
Properties: Robert Burns, Mary Carmody, Terry Dittrich
Publicity: George O'Donnell, Stephen Pietrowicz
Construction: Reginald Bain, Carol Casper, Pat Costello, Tom Crazier, Peter Jandrisevits
Elizabeth King, Gene Kelley, Sam Nigro, Gregory Rogers
Wardrobe: Sue Nessler, Sue Starshak
Source(s) Original program courtesy Frederic Syburg
The 1957 Dome includes an article describing the way in which the University Theatre was reorganized. Its new goals were
1. To provide an outlet for people interested in drama for the sake of drama or for an extra-curricular activity.
2. To provide a workshop for freshmen and sophomores with class instruction and stage experience.
3. To offer a major sequence of drama classes in the Department of Speech, allowing for a concentration in drama.
(1957 Dome, pp. 32-33)
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