Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1958-1959 Academic Year
The 1959 Dome includes a brief article on the new Department of
Communication Arts, which included courses in 1) Journalism, 2)
Broadcasting, and 3) Theatre. (1959 Dome, p. 158)
Play: A Hatful of Rain
Author: Michael V. Gazzo
Dates Performed: November 12-16, 1958
Producing Organization: The University Theatre
Artistic Staff
Director: Rev. Arthur S. Harvey, CSC
Lighting Design: Gilbert Rathbun
Performance Coach: Fred W. Syburg
Set Designer: Gilbert Rathbun
John Pope Sr.: Lee Lagessi
Johnny Pope: Joe Harrington
Celia Pope: Betsy Finneran
Mother: Rudy Hornish
Apples: Jerry Dodge
Chuch: John Smith
Polo Pope: Jim Cooney
A Man: Norm Ornellas
Production Staff
Stage Manager: John Toth
Assistant Stage Manager: Jerry Broderick
Assistant to the Director: Jack Curtin
Asst to the Stage Manager: Pat Ferris
Lighting: Dave Neal, Dan Omelianowski, George Ressler
Properties: Joe Collet, Jack Curtin, Joe DellaMaria, John Egan,
Lee Gorman, Frank Reiner
Publicity: Frank Reiner, Frank Smith
Wardrobe: Pat Ferris
Construction: Jerry Broderick, Jim Cooney, Art Di Sabatino, Phil Driscoll, Richard Guthrie, Ezio Sansoni, Tom Semmer
Source(s): 1959 Dome, pp. 38-39; Original program courtesy Frederic Syburg
Play: Murder in the Cathedral
Author: T. S. Eliot
Dates: February 12, 14, 19-21, 1959
Producing Organization: The University Theatre
Artistic Staff
Director: Fred W. Syburg
Lighting Designer: Gilbert Rathbun
Performance Coach: Rev. Arthur S. Harvey, CSC
Set Designer: Gilbert Rathbun
Costume Design: Joe McArdle
Costumes Executed by: Mrs. W. P. Walsh
Thomas: Rev. Peter Sweisgood, OSB
1st Tempter: Robert Love
2nd Tempter: Neil Ball
3rd Tempter: John Smith
4th Tempter: John Toth
1st Knight: Gerald Broderick
2nd Knight: Dave Barrett
3rd Knight: James Cooney
4th Knight: Dave McDonald
1st Priest: Leo Gorman
2nd Priest: Charles McCarthy
3rd Priest: John Curtin
Herald: Bill Flaherty:
Banner Bearers: John Oliver, Jerry Sebold, Bill Wright
The Chorus of the Women of Canterbury: Patricia Bramucci, Daine Crowley, Carol Ann Finn, Arlene Lagona,
Anne Rody, Kathleen Ryan, Constance Stalma, Frances Voorde
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Rudy Hornish
Assistant Stage Manager: Ed Sullivan
Construction: Gerald Broderick, James Cooney, Rudy Hornish, Joe McArdle,
Roberrt Nowicki
Lighting: Tom Elliot, George Ressler
Properties: Joel Phillippi, Fran Reiner
Publicity: Mortimer Keilty
Wardrobe: Joe McArdle, Tim Carroll
Source(s): 1959 Dome, p. 64; Original program courtesy Frederic Syburg
Play Title: The Boy Friend
Book: Sandy Wilson
Lyrics: Sandy Wilson
Music: Sandy Wilson
Dates Performed: June 5, 6, 1959
Producing Organization: The University Theatre
Artistic Staff
Director: Rev. Arthur S. Harvey, CSC
Lighting Design: Gilbert Rathbun
Choral Direction: Rev. William J. McAuliffe, CSC
Set Design: Gilbert Rathbun
Choreography: Allan J. Powers
Costume Design: Joe McArdle
Costumes Executed by: Mrs. W. P. Walsh
Orchestra Directed by: Dr. Charles A. Biondo
Hortense: Pat Wilson
Maisie: Karen Koehnemann
Monica: Katleen Ryan
Fay: Diane Crowley
Nancy: Terri Crosina
Dulcie: Barbara Benford
Polly: Anne Rody
Alphonse: John Oliver
Pierre: Tom Karaty
Marcel: Tony Mileto
Phillippe: Dick Nowery
Mme. Dubonnet: Eleanor Murphy
Bobby: Rudy Hornish
Percival Browne: John Toth
Tony: John Smith
Gendarme: Dave McDonald
Lord Brockhurst: Jim Cooney
Lady Brockhurst: Mary Vrancken
Waiter: Joe Maier
Guests: Mary Laska, Mike McKee
Pepe: Tom Karaty
Lolita: Mary Laska
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Felix Isherwood:
Assistant Stage Managers: Gregory Rogers, Tommy Scott
Assistant to the Director: Joe McArdle
Asst to the Technical Director: Rudy Hornish:
Lighting Crew: Tom Elliott, Dan Omilianowski
Stage Crew: Bill Flaherty, John Gillard, Leo Gorman, Francis Maher, Charles McCarthy,
Bobby Nowicki, Joel Phillippi, Mark Saha
Construction Crew: Esteban Chalbaud, Malachy Collet, John Egan, Rudy Hornish,
George Ressler, Frank Smith
Properties: Art Disabatino
Publicity: Bob Burns, Carol Fitzsimon, Lois Frederick, Fred Gade,
Tom MacLennan, Gene Pisano, Frank Smith
Wardrobe: Joe McArdle, Mary Laska, Mary Vrancken
Rehearsal Pianists: Jack Angley, Wally Jones, Charles Prawdzik
Orchestra: Jack Angley, Ralph Capasso, Jack Carr, Dave Christian, Paul Clulo
Terry Howard,: Wally Jones, Kevin McCarthy, Kenneth Nelson,
Charles Prawdzik, Andy Sullivan
Source: 1959 Dome, 76-77; Original program courtesy Frederic Syburg
last edited by Mark C. Pilkinton, July 1, 2012
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