Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1968-1969 Academic Year
Faculty 1968-69
Reginald F. Bain, Director
William T. Byrd, Jr., Designer/Technical Director
Rev. Arthur S. Harvey, Director (on leave)
Evangeline Permenter, Director
Fred W. Syburg, Director
Mary Kay Vrancken, Costume Coordinator
Marjory Mickelsen, Secretary
Play: Rhinoceros
Translation: Derek Prouse
Author: Eugene Ionesco
Dates Performed: October 18-20, 24-26, 1968
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame/Saint Mary's Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Director: Reginald F. Bain
Designer: Reginald F. Bain
Costume Design: William T. Byrd, Jr.
Masks: William T. Byrd, Jr.
Technical Direction: William T. Byrd, Jr.
Costume Coordination: M. Kay Vrancken
The Waitress: Missy Smith
The Proprietor: Warren Bowles
The Grocer: Dick Riehle
The Grocer's Wife: Judy Doffin
The Housewife: Lenore Wright
Berenger: Lance Davis
Jean: John R. Sheehan, Jr.
The Logician: Don Dilg
The Old Gentleman: P. Kelly Knauer
Daisy: Amanda Crabtree
Dudard: John-Paul Mustone
Botard: Mark O'Connell
Mr. Papillon: Richard Homan
Mrs. Boeuf: Margo Endres
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Margo Endres
Assistant Stage Managers: Warren Bowles, Missy Smith, Stephanie Black
Lighting: Mary Doonan, Kimberly Erb
Construction& Painting Crew: Maryann Bardello, Kathy Bartley, Gail Conley, Marianne Dineen,
Diane Dingleberry, Mary Fitzharris, Mary Ann Funk, Joan Gifford,
Teresa Gurucharri, Margaret Murphy, Sue Slavin
Properties: Eileen Muench, Mary Ann Torell
Wardrobe Crew: Peggy Birmingham, Cathy Kearney, Christine Kelly
Makeup: Nancy Bartoshesky, Mary Ann Wright
Sound: Melanie Baer, Thomas Pojunas
Promotion and House: Connie Cistone, Eileen Connolly, John Harkins, Maureen Phillips,
Sr. Deborah St. Julien, Missy Underman
Poster / Program Design: Zack L. Brown
Stage Crew: David Hirschbock, Barb Gorman
Source(s): 1969 Dome, p. 96; Original Program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play: Candida
Author: George Bernard Shaw
Dates Performed: November 15-17, 21-23, 1968
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame/Saint Mary's Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Director: Fred W. Syburg
Setting and Lighting by: William T. Byrd, Jr.
Costume Design: Zack L. Brown
Technical Direction: William T. Byrd, Jr.
Costume Coordination M. Kay Vrancken: Wigs
Carolyn Schlipf
Proserpine Garnett: Christine Hall
Rev. James Mavor Morell: Daniel C. Diggles
Rev. Alexander Mill: John W. Zeller
Burgess: Willem T. O'Reilly
Candida: Patricia Moran
Eugene Marchbanks: Charles Perrin
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Catherine Belanger
Assistant Stage Managers: Zack L. Brown, M. Catherine Benjamin
Technical Assistants: Zack L. Brown, Jules DeCoster, Daniel Diggles,
Robert Harrington, Andrew Wyrobek
Lighting: Ken Plesha, Vickyann Chrobak, Eric Sandeen
Construction &
Painting Crew: Christine Anne Kuharic, Terri Salzman, Mary Ann Farina, Anne Lavelle,
Barbara L. Marley, Carol McGuire, Ann Tiedmann, Patsy Moran,
Janice Mattei, Betsey Beitzinger, Rick Grawey
Stage Crew: Maureen Cefalu, Casey Cassidy
Properties: Cecelia Flaherty, Janice Kenny, Patti Kane, Brenda Oates, Marsha Lynneliff,
Paulette Petretti, Claire Simonitsh
Costume &
Wardrobe Crew: Shirley Johnson, Ann Jones, Jane Leahy, Christine Balousek, Meg Bruckner,
Mary Brennan, Patty Lipscomb, Patty Pantano, Nancy Shine
Makeup: Kate O'Neil, Kristin Purkrabeck
Sound: Barbara Greany
Publicity: Martha Coyne, Becky Golubski, Kathy Letcher, Susan Orlaski,
Sue Tavery, Mary Vieson, Kim Erb, John R. Sheehan
Poster Design: Zack L. Brown
Source(s): 1969 Dome, p. 96; Original Program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play: Antigone
Author: Sophocles
Dates Performed: February 28, March 1, 2, 6-8, 1969
Director: Sr. M. Xavier Coens, B.V.M.
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame/Saint Mary's Theatre
Venue: O'Laughlin Auditorium
Artistic Staff
Director: Sr. M. Xavier Coens, B.V.M.
Setting and Lighting: William T. Byrd, Jr.
Costume Design: Jeannie Brown
Music Composition & Arrangement: W.D. Beyer
Antigone: Margo Endres
Ismene: Missy Smith
Creon: R.E. Keefe
Sentry: Richard Riehle
Haimon: John-Paul Mustone
Teiresias: Willem T. O'Reilly
Messenger: Bill Fiorini
Eurydice: Paulette Petretti
Chorus: Stephanie Black, Warren C. Bowles, Jeff Davis, Christine Hall,
Jean Marie Meier, Mike Nash, Diane Naylor, Anne Patterson,
Rob H. Souders, Lenore Wright, John Zeller
Production Staff
Stage Manager: John-Paul Mustone
Assistant Stage Manager: Christine Riley
Technical Assistants: Jules DeCoster, Bill Elliott, Robert Harrington, John-Paul Mustone, Andy Wyrobek
Lighting: John M. Boyle, Ken McGurty, Marian Maher
Construction &
Painting Crew: Paul Antus, Bill Beyer, Warren Bowles, Jeff Davis, Patrick Green, Christine Hall,
Mary Ann Klemm, Michael Nash, Willem O'Reilly, Chris Ramming,
Michael Rehak, Mary Beth Schoen, Bob Souders, Lenore Wright, John Zeller
Stage Crew: Karen Gorzkiewicz
Costume &
Wardrobe Crew: Mary Kowalczyk, Velma Lemankski, Anne Meagher, Ann Siebenaller,
Donna Delorenza, Patty Lipscomb, Grace Logan, Patty Pantano, Nancy Shine
Make-up: Cecilia Fortune, Cecilia LaFrossia
Sound: Owen Pieper
Publicity: Maureen Casey, Linda M. Dougherty, Mary Orrino, Corinne Scalzitti,
Mary Anne Werner, John R. Sheehan, Jr.
Poster Design: Zack L. Brown
Ensemble: Tympany - W.D. Beyer, Bassoon - Robert Syburg, Flute - Cathy Schmidt
Source(s): 1969 Dome, p. 96; Original Program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play: Camelot
Author: Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewe
Dates Performed: May 1-4, 8-10, 1969
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame/Saint Mary's Theatre
Venue: O'Laughlin Auditorium
Artistic Staff
Director: Reginald F. Bain
Set and Costumes Design: William T. Byrd, Jr.
Lighting: M. Kay Vrancken
Costume Execution: Bil Pfuderer
Musical Direction: Thomas Doyle
Choral Direction by: Bro. Daniel Kane, C.S.C.
Choreography: Janetta McNamara
Merlyn: Gary Gerdes, O.P.
Arthur: Lance Davis
Guenevere: Phyllis Redgate
Sir Dinadan: John R. Sheehan, Jr.
Flower Girl: Kelly Ann Laughlin
Sir Lionel: John Polk
Ladies: Anne Patterson, Nancy Bartoshesky
Nimue: Carol Lacey
Page: Jim Boland
Lancelot: Tom Broderick
Heralds: Mark Genero, Dave Castegnaro
Squire Dap: Kelly Knauer
King Pellinore: Willem O'Reilly
Horrid: "Azim"
Clarius: Joe Carroll
Lady Anne: Barbara Gorman
Sir Sagramore: Patrick Kealy
Colgrevance: Daniel Oberst
Bliant: Jim Moran
Mordred: Chuck Perrin
Morgan LeFay: Patricia Moran
Singer: James Moran
Tom of Warwick: Bill McGlinn
Knights and Ladies: Kathy Bader, Nancy Bartoshesky, Gretchen Bartzen, Embie Benjamin,
Joe Carroll, Connie Cistone, John Colton, Gary Gerdes, O.P.,
Francis Herbert, C.S.C., Patrick Kealy, Kelly Knauer, James Moran,
Dan Oberst, Anne Patterson, Marie Perunko, John Polk, Bob Rossi,
Diane Shahade, Mary Ellen Stoltz, Mary Joan Zaremski
Dancers: Donna Berlinger, Zack Brown, Judy DeVliegher, Barbara Duening,
Carol Hladnik, Christine Kelly, Anne Kirby, Richard Lavely, Virginia Meagher,
John-Paul Mustone, Cindy Phillips, Joan Quinlan, Missy Smith, Jose Velez
Enchanted Forest: Bob Dowd, Paul Duffy, Christopher Dunn, Bill Elliott, Mark Herro,
Evan LeDuc, Bill Patrick, Christine Riley, Larry Russick,
Missy Underman, Patricia Zabek
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Warren C. Bowles
Asst Stage Managers: Embie Benjamin, Judy Doffin, Christine Hall, Anne Kirby
Technical Assistant: Maureen Phillips
Box Office Manager: Joseph Doyle
Box Office Assistant: Larry Christensen
Lighting: Jean Ann Allen, John Boyle, Eilleen Chin, John David, Daniel Diggles
Don Dilg, Ed Isely, Tim Fisher, Karen Gorkiewicz, Sharon Hodges, Patty Kane
Construction &
Painting Crew: Deborah Blackwell, Jane Blanchard, Connie Brion, Kathleen Cotter,
Judi Goodpaster, Mary Lou Gorko, Susan Griffin, Peggy Jones,
Lynne Mastriana, Irish McNamara, Richard Merritt, Mary Patten,
Thomas Romano, David Stevens, Anne Sullivan, Kathy Sylvester
Stage Crew / Properties: John David, Patricia Dobek, Debbie Duff, Bill Fiorini, Tom Kronk,
Jayne Lupe, Bonnie Peplowski, Debbie Riehle
Costume Crew: Robin Byrnes, Gail Garvey, Kim Holland, Patricia Lyons
Makeup/Wardrobe Crew: Julie Bevington, Kathy Hendrick
Publicity: Sheila Britton, Bobbi Butz, Margaret Conwell, Terri Hanson,
Suzanne Kerth, Ginna Lucke, Michele Magazzu, Eileen Reynolds
Rehearsal Pianists: Ann Postorino, Tom Stocky, Victoria Van Patten, Ruth Fischer
Orchestra: Flute - Terri Haus; Oboe - Frank Amussen; Clarinet - Bill Madden;
French Horn - Paul Cahill, Tim Lipps; Cello - Steve Gregoire;
Trumpet - Steve Brion, Chris Mardorff, Frank Ruggieri;
Trombone - Nick Talario, Phil Cannata;
Bass - Tom Reed; Drums - Chuck DelMonaco;
Violins - Dr. Charles Parnell, John Walkowiak, Tom Wellin
Source(s): 1969 Dome, p. 96; Original Program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Studio Productions
An Evening of Tennessee Williams
Dates Performed: December 5-9, 1968
Venue: Little Theatre at Saint Mary's
Play: The Strangest Kind of Romance
Author: Tennessee Williams
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame/Saint Mary's Theatre
Artistic Staff
Directed and Designed by: Mary Kay Vrancken
Little Man: Mark O'Connell
Landlady: Lenore Wright
Old Man: Willem T. O'Reilly
Boxer: Dick Riehle
Boarder: Jean Marie Meier
Doctor: Warren Bowles
Other Boarders: Mary Proctor, Christine Riley
Stage Manager: Dick Riehle:
Asst Stage Manager: Warren Bowles
Play: The Purification
Author: Tennessee Williams
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame/Saint Mary's Theatre
Artistic Staff
Director and Designer: William T. Byrd, Jr.
Choreography: Charlene Shock, Barbara Lykowski
River Park Academy of Dance
Music: Richard Homan, John Fonseca
Judge: Christopher Wycliff
Son: John-Paul Mustone
Mother: Cynthia Strobel
Father: Don Dilg
Rancher: Jim Hawthorne
Luisa: Christine Hall
Elena: Nancy Bartoshesky
Chorus: William Sieman, Jean Marie Meier, Mary Proctor, Tito Trevino
Thomas Kronk, Pat Gaffney, P. Kelly Knauer, Christine Riley
Guitar Players: Richard Homan, John Fonseca
Indian Boy: Warren Bowles
Stage Manager: Warren Bowles:
Asst Stage Manager: Don Dilg
Production Staff for both Studio Productions
Construction &
Painting Crew: Mary Ann Bardello, Marianne Dineen, Diane Dingleberry, Kay Belle Doyle,
Mary Ann Funk, Judy Kachik, Richard Grawey, Barbara Marley, Jean Marie Meier,
Mark O'Connell, Willem T. O'Reilly, Dick Riehle, Diane Wolf, Lenore Wright
Stage Crew: Patricia Kane, Michael Kelly
Sound: Michael Kelly
Lights: Daniel C. Diggles, Ilene Chin, Patricia Zabek
Props: Carol Barina, Kerry Durr, Cindy Marywall, Eileen Muench, Diane Shahade
Makeup: Kerry Durr, Cindy Marywall
Costumes: Patricia Dingleberry, Ann Galloway, Janice Mattei, Patricia Moran
Promotion and House: Amy Alsopiedy, Lonnie Donahue, Mary Ann Kerins,
Debbie Lane, Carol Migliore, Robyn Olson
Source(s): 1969 Dome, p. 96; Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
A Readers' Theatre Presentation
Play: Fashion
or Life in New York
Author: Anna Cora Ogden Mowatt Ritchie
Dates: March 13-15, 1969
Producing Organization: Notre Dame/Saint Mary's Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Director: Frederic Syburg
Narrator: Richard L. Homan
Adam Trueman: Rev. Gary B. Gerdes, O.P.
Count Jolimaitre: Daniel C. Diggles
Colonel Howard: Wallace Goulet
Mr. Tiffany: Mark O'Connell
T. Tennyson Twinkle: Zack Brown
Augustus Fogg: Larry Russick
Snobson: Don Dilg
Zeke: Mike Kelly
Mrs. Tiffany: Patricia Moran
Prudence: Maureen Phillips
Milinette: Kimberly Erb
Gertrude: Kerry Durr
Seraphina: Judy Doffin
Production Staff
Technical Direction: William T. Byrd, Jr.
Stage Manager: Chuck Perrin
Technical Assistants: Jules DeCoster, Bill Elliot, Robert Harrington, John-Paul Mustone,
John R. Sheehan, Jr., Andy Wyrobek
Stage Crew: Patricia Fisher, Sue McGuire, Daisy Duckworth
Lights: Susan Dorn, Jean Ann Allen, William Berg
Source(s): 1969 Dome, p. 96; Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play: A Company of Wayward Saints
Author: George Herman
Dates: Touring spring 1969
Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Touring
Artistic Staff
Director: Reginald F. Bain
Designed by: William T. Byrd, Jr.
Music by: Richard Homan
Scapino: Lance Davis
Pantalone: Daniel C. Diggles
Columbine: Patricia Moran
Harlequin: Charles Perrin
Isabella: Amanda Crabtree
Ruffiana: M. Catherine Benjamin
Capitano: John R. Sheehan, Jr.
Tristano: Daniel C. Diggles
Dottore: Lance Davis
Note:This production was developed in conjunction with Saint Mary's College 125th anniversary celebration during 1969. It was conceived and designed especially for touring to allow travel of actors and properties in a single station wagon and the performance of the play in almost any environment.
Source: Reginald Bain Collection, Touring program that also includes short biographies of the actors.
Play: The Trials of Brother Jero
Author: Wole Soyinka
Dates Performed: not known, 1969
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame/Saint Mary's Theatre
Artistic Staff
Director: M. Kay Vrancken
Designed by: William T. Bryd, Jr.
Brother Jero: Jim Hawthorne
Chume: Richard Gross
Amope: Olinda Douglas
Old Prophet: Mike Joyner
Member of Parliament: McCullough Tabb
Drummer Boy: Chriss Joyner
Trader: Joyce Young
Woman Swimmer: Peggy Adkisson
Man I: Danny Chambliss
Man II: Kevin Ivory
Penitent I: Shirley Tribble
Penitent II: Chere Dickerson
Woman I: Jackie Maxwell
Woman II: Beverly Hall
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Patti Kane
Asst. Stage Manager: Karen Gorzkiewicz
Stage Crew: Jean Ann Allen, Sharon Hodges, Barbara Kilduff, Kathy Poeder,
Rosemary Rogers, Sue Shutrump
Props: Meredith David, William Elliott, Pat Fisher
Costumes: Jeannie Brown, Patty Limpscomb, Grace Logan, Cynthia Maher,
Patty Pantano, Nancy Shine
Lights: Embie Benjamin, Albert Filice, Kathleen Grima
Promotion and House: Corinne Scalzitti, Mary Ann Werner
Sound: John David, Kyra Quinlan
Construction and Painting: Jules DeCoster, William Elliott, Clare Liebenderf, John-Paul Mustone,
Robert Harrington, Andy Wyrobeck, Charles Wordell
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
The Little Theatre Repertory Company 1969
Summer Program
June 20 - August 3, 1969
Play: Luther
Author: John Osborne
Date: Summer 1969
Producing Organization: Notre Dame/Saint Mary's Theatre in a Little Theatre Repertory Company production
Venue: Little Theatre at St. Mary's
Artistic Staff
Director: Reginald Bain
Designed by: William T. Byrd, Jr.
Knight: James H. Hawthorne
Prior: Don Dilg
Martin: Lance
Davis: Hans John R. Sheehan, Jr.
Lucas: Richard Riehle
Reader: John Polk
Weinand: Ron Greene
Tetzel: Daniel C. Diggles
Staupitz: John-Paul Mustone
Cajetan: Douglas S. C. Kline
Leo: John R. Sheehan, Jr.
Miltitz: Don Dilg
Eck: Richard L. Homan
Katherine: Patricia A. Moran
Monks, Peasants, Etc.: Members of the Company
Production Staff
Technical Director/Designer: William T. Byrd
Stage Manager: Stephen R. Way
Public Relations: John R. Sheehan, Jr.
Costumer: Delores B. Blicher
Master of Apprentices: Donna J. Haley
Master of Voice/Movement: Lance Davis
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play: The Importance of Being Earnest
Author: Oscar Wilde
Date: Summer 1969
Producing Organization: Notre Dame/Saint Mary's Theatre in a Little Theatre Repertory Company production
Venue: Little Theatre at St. Mary's
Artistic Staff
Director: Frederic W. Syburg
Designed by: William T. Byrd, Jr.
Chant Directed by: Rev. Thomas Waldron, C.S.C.
Lane: Don Dilg
Algernon Moncrieff: Richard L. Homan
John Worthing, J.P.: Daniel C. Diggles
Lady Bracknell: Jane Syburg
Hon. Gwendolen Fairfax: Donna Haley
Miss Prism: Patricia A. Moran
Cecily Cardew: Anne Hendricks
Rev. Canon Chasuble, D.D.: Lance Davis
Merriman: John-Paul Mustone
Gribsby: Douglas S.C. Kline
Production Staff
Technical Director/Designer: William T. Byrd
Stage Manager: Stephen R. Way
Public Relations: John R. Sheehan, Jr.
Costumer: Delores B. Blicher
Master of Apprentices: Donna J. Haley
Master of Voice/Movement: Lance Davis
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play: The Private Ear and The Public Eye
Author: Peter Shaffer
Producing Organization: Notre Dame/Saint Mary's Theatre in a Little Theatre Repertory Company production
Date: Summer 1969
Venue: Little Theatre at St. Mary's
Artistic Staff
Director: Reginald Bain
Designed by: William T. Byrd, Jr.
"Tchaik": Lance Davis
Ted: Ron Greene
Doreen: Margaret Millen
Christoforou: Lance Davis
Charles: Douglas S.C. Kline
Belinda: Donna Haley
Production Staff
Technical Director/Designer: William T. Byrd, Jr.
Stage Manager: Stephen R. Way
Public Relations: John R. Sheehan, Jr.
Costumer: Delores B. Blicher
Master of Apprentices: Donna J. Haley
Master of Voice/Movement: Lance Davis
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play: Widow Toodle's Journey
Author: Philip Balestrino
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame/Saint Mary's Theatre
Venue: Little Theatre at St. Mary's
Artistic Staff
Director: William T. Byrd, Jr.
Designed by: David R. Dague
Butler: Ron Greene
Hillary: Mary Toll
Rudy: John Polk
Penelope: Maureen Rohan
Widow Toodle: Pat Moran
Major Toodle: Dan Diggles
Harvey: Dick Riehle
Angela: Bridget Hamill
First Professor: David Dague
Second Professor: Martha Moo
Third Professor: John-Paul Mustone
Mirror Girl: Maria Costello
Handmaidens: Candy Bullard, Rosemary Doherty, Theresa Stewart
Production Staff
Tech Director/Designer: Stephen R. Way
Stage Manager: Sr. Rita Costello, H.M.
Asst. Stage Manager: Bro. Thomas Patrick, C.S.C.
Costume Coordination: Jan Way
Make-up/Costume: Jan Way, Chrm., Chere Dickerson, Peg Gaffney
Lights: Don Dilg, Chrm., Catherine Lukens, Shirley Tribble
Construction and Painting: David Dague, Chrm., Rosemary Doherty, A. C. Eskew, Doris Flynn, Martha Moo,
Michele Parnell, Mary Toll, Maureen Rohan, Theresa Stewart
Stage Properties: Bill Zanner, Chrm., Candy Bullard, Maria Costello, Bridget Hamill
Sound: John Colton, Chrm., Pat Kane, Linda Setzer
Program Cover: David Dague
Notes: A Children's theatre presentation of the Little Theatre Repertory Company
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Backstagers 1969
Play: The Ugly Duckling
Author: A. A. Milne
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame/Saint Mary's Theatre
Venue: unknown
Artistic Staff
Director: John R. Sheehan, Jr.
Chancellor: Bill McGlinn
King: John Sheehan
Queen: Pamela Jean Schumaker
Princess Camilla: Kim Beach
Dulcibella: Elizabeth Kurman
Prince Simon: Jim Fox
Carlo, Servant: Steve Nowicki:
Cards: Janelle Seale, Jane Thorsen
Birds: Posy Doherty, Peg Gaffney, Julie Godollei, Rachel Godollei,
Oliver Wade, Barbara Walker
Production Staff
House Manager: Maria Costello
Stage Manager: Shirley Tribble
Lights: Candy Bullard, James Hawthorne
Notes: Backstagers is a group of high school students
devoted to increasing the knowledge and: theatrical experience of its
members. Open to any interested high school student.
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
last edited 9 November 2014 by MCP
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