Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1976/1977 School Year
Chairman, Reginald Bain
Directing: Reginald Bain
Speech/Costumer: Dee Hawfield
Acting/Mime: Charles Ballinger
Speech Communication: Leonard Sommers
Broadcasting: James Baxter
Dramatic Literature: Frederic Syburg
Theatre/Film Hist., Crit.: Miles Coiner
Hist., Theory, Scenography: David Weber
Dance: Marilyn Fields
Communications: Frank Zink
Emeritus: Rev. Arthur S. Harvey, C.S.C.
Departmental Secretary: Marjory Mickelsen
Play Title: Heartbreak House
Author: George Bernard Shaw
Dates Performed: October 1, 2, 7, 8, 9
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: unknown
Artistic Staff
Director: Frederic Syburg
Costumes: Diana Hawfield
Scenography: David Weber
Cast List
Ellie Dunn: Bridget Ragan
Nurse Guiness: Lou St. Ville
Captain Shotover: Daniel Daily
Lady Utterword: Celeste Volz
Hesione Hushabye: Michele Roberge
Mazzini Dunn: Mark Amenta
Hector Hushabye: Matt McKenzie
Boss Mangan: Stephen Hudock
Randall Utterword: Steve Rodgers
Burglar: John P. Walker
The Amadeans: Melody Owens, John Walker, Sheila Balthrop, Mark Amenta
Flautist: Beth Reeve
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Sharon Carr
Assistant Stage Manager: Melodie Owens
Assistant to Scenographer: Michael Feord
Stage Supervisor: Cyndy VanWynsberghe
Shop Supervisor: Terrence William Dwyer
Property Mistress: Mary Ann Ferguson
Asst. to Property Mistress: Joe Langenfeld
Chief Electrician: Laurie McCarthy
Asst. to Chief Electrician: James Casurella
Sound Supervisor: Brenda Wolfenberger
Asst. to Sound Supervisor: Joseph Szedula
Wardrobe Mistress: Lisa Turco
Wardrobe Crew: Sue Turcotte, Marie Birou
Make-up Crew: Sheradi Cannon, Connie Lisowsky, Nancy Monyak
Costume Construction: Barb Howald, Bridget Ragan, Sue Turcotte, Connie Lisowsky,
Nancy Monyak, Marie Birou, Sheradi Cannon, Lisa Turco
Floor Cable Crew: James Casurella, Laurie McCarthy, Cyndi VanWynsberghe
Floor Crew: Mark Harris, Luigi Jannuzzi, Donna Noonan, Peggie Farrell
Fly Crew: Karen Chiames, Gina Jung
Hand Prop Crew: Patti Frawley, Cynthia Florman
Set Prop Crew: Mary Ann Ferguson, Sheila Balthrop, Maureen Moore,
Mort Freen, Mary Nebrensky, Kathy Kelly, Karen Hooper,
Michael Mercadante
Light Crew: James Casurella, Cyndi VanWynsberghe, Luigi Jannuzzi, Joe Martin,
Michael Desmond
Light Board Operators: Cathy Hurst, Laurie McCarthy, Debby Darko, Renny Ward,
Rosie Eslinger, James Casurella, Cyndi VanWynsberghe
Mounting Crews: Students of the INTRO. TO THEATRE and STAGECRAFT Classes
Source(s): 1977 Dome, pp. 206, 211; Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play Title: A Delicate Balance
Author: Edward Albee
Dates Performed: December
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: unknown
Artistic Staff
Director: Diana Hawfield
Scenography: David Weber
Costumes: Sheradi Collins Cannon
Cast List
Tobias: Matt McKenzie
Agnes: Anne Christine Massulo
Julia: Ann Kenney
Claire: Shevawn O'Connor
Harry: Gary Aumiller
Edna: Lou St. Ville
Production Staff
Stage Manager: James Casurella
Assistant Stage Manager: Jeannine Senft
Assistant to Scenographer: Debra Darko
Set Construction & Painting: Terry Dwyer, Rosie Eslinger, Karen Chiames Debra Darko,
Michael Manier, John Newcomer, Tom Goldsworthy,
Joe Langenfeld, Donna Noonan, Colleen Cannon
Light Crew: Laurie McCarthy, Matt Brunyansky, Rick Duffer, Anne Dumas,
Kevin McClean, Cyndi Van Wynsberghe, Bob Zajac
Properties: Mary Ann Ferguson, Gina Jung, Joe Martin, Louise Purcell,
Karen Hooper, Kathy Hurst, Kathy Kelly, Martha McClean,
Leo McCormick, Patty Ruocco
Costumes: Barbara Howald, Connie Lisowski, Lisa Turco, Bridget Ragan,
Sue Turcotte, Lou St. Ville
Production Assistants: SPDR 135 INTRO TO THEATRE
Light Board Operators: Colleen Cannon, Joe Martin, Tom Goldsworthy, Louise Purcell,
Cyndi VanWynsberghe
Wardrobe: Debbie Stackow
Make-up Coordination: Sheradi Cannon
Sound: Brenda Wolfenberger
House Manager: Ray Berndt
Box Office Manager: Barbara Cullom Bondi
Box Office Assistants: Pam Gibson, Cissy Kerrigan
Head Ushers: Jeanne Ritter, Lori Zalewski
Source(s): 1977 Dome, pp. 206, 211; Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play Title: They
Author: Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz
Dates Performed: February 25, 26, March 3, 4, 5, 1977
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: O'Laughlin Auditorium, SMC
Artistic Staff
Director: Miles Coiner
Costumes: Diana Hawfield
Scenography: David Weber
Cast List
Spika, Countess Tremendosa: Ellen-Marie Flach
Callisto Balandash: Michael Feord
Marianna Splendorek: Joan Skelly
Fitty: Katherine Lawrence
First Footman: Robert VanTornhout
Second Footman: Oscar Perez-Zabala
Seraskier Banga Tefuan: Matt McKenzie
Fermen Puberstoop: Michael Manier
First Soldier: Xavier Garcia
Second Soldier: Kevin Paulson
Third Soldier: John Ferrick
Melchior Fondoloff: Jack Campbell
Protruda Ballafresco: Brooke Waling
Halucina Bleichertowa: Mary Jo Hicks
Rosika Pillory: Mary Pinard
Solomon Pillory: Eddie Bryan
Count Peter Snorbray: Glenn Killoren
Baron Rupert Baehrenklotz: R. Dee Duffer
Marquis Fibroma da Mijoma: James Houle
First Beautiful Lady: Sheila Ann Balthrop
Second Beautiful Lady: Patricia O'Brien
Third Beautiful Lady: Peggy McDaniel:
Bamblioni: Mark Amenta
Nifishtinka: Ann Cahill
Ursula Budinski: Debbie Stackow
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Laurie McCarthy
Assistant Stage Manager: Joseph Martin
Master Carpenter: Terrence Dwyer
Master Electrician: James Casurella
Light Crew: Charlie Moran, Anne Duffy, Sheradi Cannon, Susan Oliver
Colleen Cannon, Donna Noonan
Property Mistress: Maureen Sajbel
Set, Props and Lights: Jerry Brems and the students of INTRO TO
Properties: Debbie Brucker, Moira Faney, Elizabeth Conley
Costumes: Connie Lisowski, Lisa Turco, Bridget Ragan, Barbara Howald,
Sue Turcotte, Lou St. Ville, Mary Ann Ferguson, Angie Cloyd,
Mary Clare Davis, students of INTRO TO COSTUMING
Wardrobe Mistress: Barbara Howald
Wardrobe and Make-up Crew: Karen Ursetti, Mary Clare Davis, Angie Cloyd
Make-up Mistress: Lou St. Ville
Sound: Mary Ann Ferguson
House Manager: Ray Berndt
Box Office Manager: Barbara Bondi
Box Office Assistants: Pam Gibson, Ann Cahill
Head Ushers: Jeanne Ritter, Lori Zalewski
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play Title: Fiddler on the Roof
Based on Sholem Aleichem's Stories
Book: Joseph Stein
Music by: Jerry Bock
Lyrics by: Sheldon Harnick
Dates Performed: April 29, 30, May 5, 6, 7, 1977
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: O'Laughlin Auditorium, SMC
Artistic Staff
Director: Reginald Bain
Design: David Weber
Costumes: Diana Hawfield
Musical Director: Adrian Brytann
Choreographer: Mim Sparks Field
Fiddler Mime: Charles Ballinger
Cast List
The Fiddler: Stacy Weaver
Tevye: Daniel Daily
Golde: Lisa Colaluca
Tzeitel: Maura Murrihy
Hodel: Joan Martel
Chava: Mary T. Oliphant
Shprintze: Pam Gay
Bielke: Theresa Richeson
Yente, the matchmaker: Shevawn O'Connor
Motel, the tailor: Sean Coleman
Perchik, the student: Michael King
Lazar Wolf, the butcher: Gary Aumiller
Mordcha, the innkeeper: Ed Schwallie
Rabbi: Louis Spisto
Mendel, his son: Steve Rodgers
Avrahm, the bookseller: Byron Maltez
Nachum, the beggar: Mark Amenta
Grandma Tzeitel: Celeste Volz
Fruma-Sarah: Carolyn Popp
Constable: Matt McKenzie
Fyedka: John Walker
Sasha: Tim Keogh
Yussel: Xavier Garcia
Shaindel, Motel's mother: Lou Anne Catarinella
The Villagers: Marty Brauweiler, Maria Brown, Gemma Capozzoli, Joseph Ceci,
John Clapp, Dan Cole, Patty Dondanville, Bob Ebel, Brad Engelland,
Mark Ferring, William Carrick, Susan Groeschel, Dorothy Hanrahan,
Cathy Heisler, Michael Hudock, Steve Hudock, Lisa Jaquez,
Patricia Kirk, Mike McCord, Ray McGrath, Lisa Murray,
Theresa Rebeck, Michele Roberge, Joan Skelly, Ed Tagge, Lisa Turco,
Cyndi Van Wynsberghe, Kevin Witasick, Joseph Zilvinskis
Orchestra: Julia Smiley, Linda Brelin, Louise Gish, Bill Nielsen, Paul Wall,
Mike Marusak, Bruce Morrow, Randy Meert, Nancy Pierson,
Matt Kennelly, Cathy Brittain, Jane Swihart, Eugene Yang,
Jerome Whipkey, Diane Butterfield, Lisa Mahoney, John Manry,
John Hassiepen, Melissa Bohl, Jordan Young, Mark Stoneburger,
Paul Hickner, Steve Grise, Deloss Schertz, Joe Hickner, Jim Catalano
Rehearsal Pianists: Sharon Pocus, Lisa Murray, Franz Lanzinger
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Terrence Dwyer
Assistant Stage Managers: Sheradi Collins Cannon, Mary Ann Ferguson
Coordinators: Joan Skelly, Steve Hudock
Master Electrician: Laurie McCarthy
Master Carpenters: Terrence Dwyer, Joseph Martin
Asst. to the Designer: James Casurella
Painting Crew: Tracy Herman, Pam Gay, Ed Caldwell
Light Crew: Sarah McDonald, Ken Lamb, Mary McNeany, Kathy Shea,
Kathy LaBarge, Joe Burinskas, Jack Campbell, Mary Via,
Charlie Moran, Missy Henneberger, Angela Walker, James Casurella
Property Mistress: Maureen Sajbel
Costumes: Bridget Ragan, Barbara Howald, Lisa Turco, Lou St. Ville,
Mary Ann Ferguson, Patty Ruocco, Carol Shuback,
Wardrobe Mistress: Marie Birou
Make-up Mistress: Lou St. Ville
House Manager: Ray Berndt
Box Office Manager: Barbara Cullom
Box Office Assistants: Pam Gibson, Ann Cahill
Head Ushers: Jeanne Ritter, Lori Zalewski
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play Title: Walk Together Children
The Black scene in prose, poetry and song
By: Vinie Burrows
Dates Performed: October 30, 1976
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre and
The ND Black Studies Program
Venue: O'Laughlin Auditorium, SMC
Source(s): Insert in Heartbreak House program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play Title: The Telephone (opera)
Chabrier (ballet)
A Special Evening of Opera and Dance
THE TELEPHONE: Words and Music by
Gian-Carlo Menotti
(opera): Dates Performed
March 4, 5, 6, 1977
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Musical Director: David Clark Isele
Stage Director: Charles Ballinger
Costumes: Bridget Ragan
Cast List
Ben: Jim Foster
Lucy: Sheila O'Brien
Pianist: Denise Taliaferro
Emmanuel Chabrier
(ballet): Dates Performed
March 4, 5, 6, 1977
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Choreographer: Marilyn Field
Costumes: Bridget Ragan
Mime Arrangement: Charles Ballinger
The Company
The Little Fellow: Sean Coleman
Donald Borchers Mim Sparks Field (Marilyn)
Michael Hudock Patricia Kirk
Steve Hudock Stacy Weaver
Edward Tagge Kate Elsey
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Melody Owens
Light Crew: Cyndi Van Wynsberghe, Terry Dwyer
Properties: Melody Owens
Crew: Greg Young, Steve Fantano, Joe Skovira, Donald Borchers
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
The San Quentin Drama Workshop
Play Title: Waiting for Godot
Author: Samuel Beckett
Dates Performed: January 30, 1977
Director: Rick Cluchey
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre and
St. Mary's Performing Arts Series Sponsors
The San Quentin Prison Players
Venue: Unknown
Cast List
Source(s): 1977 Dome, p. 213; Reference in program of A Delicate Balance courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play Title: A Streetcar Named Desire
Author: Tennessee Williams
Dates Performed: October 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28
Director: not found
Stage Manager: not found
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall
Cast List
Source(s): 1977 Dome, p. 193; Original preview insert courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Our Second Scene, Laboratory Theatre
Play Title: Clarence Darrow
Author: David Rintels
Dates Performed: March 24, 25, 26, 1977
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Probably Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Director: Reginald Bain
Cast List
Clarence Darrow: Daniel Daily
Production Staff
Production Assistant: Jeannie Ritter
Production Staff: Laura Michelle Bain, Sharon Lyn Bain
House Staff: Ray Berndt, Lori Zalewski
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play Title: What's to be Done After the Sexual Revolution
A Reader's Theatre presentation
Author: Benjamin De Mott
Dates Performed: April 1, 2, 1977
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Adapted and Directed by: Frederic Syburg
The Company
Ann Cahill Nora Jordan
Jack Campbell P. J. Jordan
Sharon Carr Glenn Killoren
R. Dee Duffer Katherine Lawrence
Michael Foerd Theresa Rebeck
Buffie Fritz Frederic Syburg
John Walker
Production Staff
Assistant to Director: John Walker
House Staff: Jeannie Ritter, Lori Zalewski
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play Title: Camille and Perdican
Author: Alfred de Musset
Dates Performed: April 3, 4, 1977
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Director: Bridget Ragan
Sets and Lights: Patrick Gleason
Cast List
The Baron: Mark Amenta
Perdican: John Santos
Father Blazius: Joseph Zilvinskis
Father Bridaine: Ed Schwallie
Camille: Lisa Colaluca
Dame Pluche: Lou St. Ville
Rosette: Connal McGee
Chorus: James Daly
Peasant: Sean Coleman
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Marilee Smith
Assistant Stage Manager: Mark Clark
House Staff: Jeannie Ritter, Lori Zalewski
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play Title: Ravenswood
Author: Terrence McNally
Dates Performed: unknown
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: unknown
Artistic Staff
Director: Stephen Hudock
Source(s): Reference in program for They courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play Title: Mother Courage
Author: Bertolt Brecht
Dates Performed: April 25, 26, 1977
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: the Vegetable Buddies
Artistic Staff
Director: Liz Karl
Cast List
Mother Courage: Melody Owens
Eilif: Eddie Byran
Swiss Cheese: Peter Richards
Kattrin: Connal McGee
Yvette: Ann Kenney
Cook: Peter Reiher
Chaplain: Michael Feord:
Soldiers: Phil Mancini, Jack Campbell, Tom Walrath,
Terry McConville, James Houle
Peasants: Ann Cahill, Brenda Wolfenberger, Mary Pinard, James Houle
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Mary Jo Hicks
Set and Lights: Dan Duncheon
Costumes: Julie Martin
Acknowledgements: Elizabeth Lamping, Michael Whalen, Mary Gerber, Sue Stevens
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Theatre for Youth
Play Title: Little Red Riding Hood
Modern Adaptation by: Virginia and Janet Wilson
Dates Performed: Summer 1977
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Unknown
Artistic Staff
Director: Janet Wilson
Costumes by: Lisa Durso
Cast List
Red: Pam Gay
Feleece: Brooke Waling
Mama: Katherine Lawrence
Reginald Rabbit: Aubrey Payne
Depiddy Bear: Steve Rodgers
Grandmama: Katherine Lawrence
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Lisa Colaluca
Technical Director: Terrence Dwyer
Master Electrician: Donna Noonan
Asst. to Master Electrician: John Walker
Properties: Lisa Colaluca
Notes: Presented on a special summer festival stage designed
by resident scenographer David Weber; location, however, is not
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play Title: Androcles and the Lion
Author: Aurand Harris
Dates Performed: July 5, 7, 12, 14, 1977
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Unknown
Artistic Staff
Director: Bridget Ragan
Costumes: Lisa Durso
Cast List
Androcles: Brooke Waling
Pantalone: Mark Amenta
Isabella: Pam Gay
Lelio: Steve Rodgers
The Captain: Aubrey Payne
Lion and Prologue: Nick Durso
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Lou St. Ville
Technical Director: Terrence Dwyer
Set Construction: Lisa Colaluca, Lisa Durso
Light Crew: Donna Noonan, Matt McKenzie
Make-up: Lou St. VIlle
House Manager: Lisa Colaluca
Notes: Presented on a special summer festival stage designed
by resident scenographer David Weber; location, however, is not
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play Title: Rumpelstiltskin and the Witches
Author: Hal and Jo Todd
Dates Performed: July 19, 21, 28, 30, 1977
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Unknown
Artistic Staff
Director: Janet Wilson
Set Design: Lisa Colaluca
Costumes: Lisa Durso
Musical Director: Steve Rodgers
Additional Lyrics: Aubrey Payne
Cast List
Wanda Witch: Brooke Waling
Hazel Witch: Pam Gay
Rumpelstiltskin: John Walker
Princess Petunia: Lou St. Ville
Soldiers: Dave Link, Joe Griesinger, Scott Peterson
Prince: David Simkins
Miller: Mark Amenta
Miller's Wife: Katherine Lawrence
Bobby: Ted Manier
Serena: Lisa Colaluca
King Gomar: Matt McKenzie
Prime Minister: Aubrey Payne
Queen Pompus: Bridget Ragan
Lady-in-Waiting: Mary Grande
Nurse: Lyn Pusztai
Music Man: Steve Rodgers
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Donna Noonan
Technical Director: Terrence Dwyer
Special Effects: Scott Peterson
Spinning Wheel Design: Dan Duncheon
Make-up: Lou St. Ville
Master Electrician: Donna Noonan
Asst. to Master Electrician: Mary Walker
Follow Spot Operator: Aaron Zent
Program Design: Lyn Pusztai
Notes: Presented on a special summer festival stage designed
by resident scenographer David Weber; location, however, is not
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Summer Theatre
Play Title: Kiss Me Kate
Book: Sam & Bella Spewack
Music and Lyrics: Cole Porter
Dates Performed: Summer 1977
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Unknown
Artistic Staff
Director: Reginald Bain
Scenography: David Weber
Costumes: Lou St. Ville
Musical Direction: Ruth Fischer
Choreography: Mim Sparks Field
Cast List
Fred Graham: Daniel Daily
Harry Trevor: Mark Amenta
Lois Lane: Lisa Colaluca
Stage Manager: Bridget Ragan
Lilli Vanessi: Susan Stevens
Bill Calhoun: Aubrey Payne
First Gunman: Matt McKenzie
Second Gunman: John Walker
Harrison Howell: Charles Ballinger
Steve (Gremio): Steve Rodgers
Sean (Hortensio): Sean Coleman
Pam (Gregory): Pam Gay
Brooke (Nathaniel): Brooke Waling
Lisa (Haberdasher): Lisa Durso
Pianist: Ruth Fischer
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Katherine Lawrence
Technical Director: Terrence Dwyer
Set Construction: Daniel Daily, Linda Mais, Matt McKenzie, Charles Moran
Master Electrician: Donna Noonan
Light Crew: John Walker, Brooke Waling, Mary Walker
Follow Spot Operator: Dan Duncheon
Properties: Brooke Waling
Costumes: Lisa Durso, Katherine Lawrence, Bridget Ragan
Notes: Presented on a special summer festival stage designed
by resident scenographer David Weber; location, however, is not
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play Title: The Prisoner of Second Avenue
Author: Neil Simon
Dates Performed: Summer 1977
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: unknown
Artistic Staff
Director: Michael Rehak
Scenography: David Weber
Costumes: Lou St. Ville
Cast List
Mel Edison: Matt McKenzie
Edna Edison: Katherine Lawrence
Harry Edison: Daniel Daily
Jessie: Bridget Ragan
Pauline: Lisa Colaluca
Pearl: Brooke Waling
Production Staff
Stage Manager: JIll Stover
Asst. Stage Manager: Aubrey Payne
Technical Director: Terrence Dwyer
Set Construction: Sean Coleman, Daniel Daily, Matt McKenzie, Steve Rodgers,
Laura Stover, Pam Gay, Donna Noonan, Mary Walker
Master Electrician: Donna Noonan
Light Crew: John Walker, Mary Walker
Light Board Operator: Mary Walker
Properties: Aubrey Payne, Pam Gay
Costumes: Lisa Durso, Lou St. Ville
Sound and Video: John Walker
Graphics for Video: Laura Stover
House Staff: Ray Berndt, Bob VanTornhout, Cindy VanWynsberghe, Sean Coleman
Box Office Staff: Barbara Cullom, Mark Amenta, Lisa Durso
Notes: Presented on a special summer festival stage designed
by resident scenographer David Weber; location, however, is not
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play Title: The Imaginary Invalid
Author: Molière
Dates Performed: July 15, 16, 22, 23, 1977
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: unknown
Artistic Staff
Director: Charles Ballinger
Scenography: David Weber
Additional Costumes: Bridget Ragan
Cast List
Argan: John Walker
Toinette: Katherine Lawrence
Angelique: Pam Gay
Beline: LIsa Colaluca
Stickloyal: Ray Berndt
Cleante: Steve Rodgers
Bonebinder: Matt McKenzie
Thomas Bonebinder: Sean Coleman
Beralde: Daniel Daily
Louison: Brooke Waling
Bottlestopper: Scott Peterson
Dr. Cathartic: Aubrey Payne
Doctors: Dave Link, Colleen Matthews, Rachael Patterson, Scott Peterson
Harpsichordist: Dr. Bruce Gustafson
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Brooke Waling
Technical Director: Terrence Dwyer
Costume Coordinator: Bridget Ragan
Painting Crew: Daniel Daily, Terry Dwyer, Bridget Ragan, Matt McKenzie
Master Electrician: Donna Noonan
Light Crew: Lisa Durso, Mary Walker
Properties: Mark Amenta
Costumes: Lou St. VIlle, Lisa Durso
Make-up: Lou St. Ville
House Staff: Bob VanTornhout, Cindy VanWynsberghe, Mark Amenta, Donna Noonan
Box Office Staff: Barbara Cullom, Lou St. Ville
Notes: Presented on a special summer festival stage designed
by resident scenographer David Weber; location, however, is not
mentioned. The majority of the costumes used in this production have
been procured courtesy of THEATRE IUSB and were designed by Warren
Pepperdine and executed by Dolores Blicher.
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play Title: Death of a Salesman
Author: Arthur Miller
Dates Performed: July 29, 30, August 5, 6, 1977
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Unknown
Artistic Staff
Director: Rev. Arthur S. Harvey, C.S.C.
Scenography: David Weber
Costumes: Lou St. Ville
Music composed by: Alex North
Cast List
Willy Loman: Daniel Daily
Linda: Bridget Ragan
Happy: John Walker
Biff: Matt McKenzie
Bernard: Steve Rodgers
The Woman: Lisa Colaluca
Charley: Charles Ballinger
Uncle Ben: Fred Syburg
Howard Wagner: Mark Amenta
Jenny: Lou St. Ville
Stanley: Sean Coleman
Waiter: Terrence Dwyer
Miss Forsythe: Donna Noonan
Letta: Lisa Durso
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Lisa Durso
Technical Director: Terrence Dwyer
Technical Crew: Aubrey Payne, Steve Rodgers, Lisa Colaluca, Aaron Zent,
Ted Manier, Pam Gay, Brooke Waling, Mary Walker
Master Electrician: Donna Noonan
Light Crew: Pam Gay, Mary Walker
Properties: Sean Coleman, Brooke Waling
Costumes: Kathy Lawrence, Lou St. Ville
Make-up: Lou St. Ville
Sound Technician: Mark Amenta
House Staff: Ray Berndt, Robert Van Tornhout
Box Office Staff: Barbara Cullom, Brooke Waling
Notes: Presented on a special summer festival stage designed
by resident scenographer David Weber; location, however, is not
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
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