Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1993/1994 Academic Year
Mark Pilkinton (Acting Chair),
Bruce Auerbach (Associate Chair),
Reginald F. Bain,
Thomas M. Barkes,
James Collins,
Richard E. Donnelly,
Kevin Dreyer,
Vincent Friedewald,
Rev. David A. Garrick, C.S.C.,
Jill Godmilow,
Karen Heisler,
Carol MacLeod,
Theodore E. Mandell,
Hilary Radner,
Randolph L. Rutsky,
Jeffrey Sconce,
Gary Sieber,
Rev. Arthur S. Harvey, C.S.C. (Emeritus),
Frederic Syburg (Emeritus)
Mary Mitchell (Secretary),
Diane Pribbernow (Secretary)
Play: Dancing at Lughnasa
Author: Brian Friel
Dates Performed: Oct. 13 - 17, 1993
Venue: Washington Hall
Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Type: Mainstage Production
Artistic Staff
Director: Reginald Bain
Set Designer: Kevin Dreyer
Lighting Designer: Bruce Auerbach
Costume Designer: Richard E. Donnelly
Wig Designer: Nancy Casalino-Hopkins
Stage Manager: Rachel Prouty*
Ballroom Choreographer: Loretta Spencer
Irish Choreographer: Julie Showalter
Dance Captain: Tom Barkes
Agnes: Kathleen J. Campbell*
Michael: Pete Dillard*
Father Jack: Josh Hartman*
Chris: Christina M. Saracino*
Gerry: Michael Scarsella*
Kate: Stacey Stewart*
Rose: Kathryn H. Telesca
Maggie: Megan R. Thomas*
*Communication and Theatre major
Production Staff
Department Technical Director: Kevin Dreyer
Production Technical Director: Bruce Auerbach
Costume Shop Manager: Richard E. Donnelly
Assistant Director: Tricia Nolan*
Asst to Light Designer: Michael Kersey*
Asst Stage Manager: Marty Sprunck*
Graphic Designer: Marten Schalm
Costume Construction: Jane Paunicka, Supervisor
Sean Brady*, Karen Carr, Lisa Johnson, Tricia Nolan*
Properties Manager: Erin Klimko*
Asst Properties Manager: Kate Hillman
Makeup Prosthetic
Construction: Sean Brady*, Pete Dillard,Jill Harris*, Ryan Leahy*,Tricia Nolan*,
Jane Paunicka, Shayla Richards
Makeup and Wig Crew: Pam O'Rourke, Supervisor
Rix Benson
Wardrobe Crew: JanePaunicka, Supervisor
Deana Hogan
Light Board Operator: Jon Copeland
Lighting Crew: Marielle Boneau, E.L. Chaffee, Jeff Dodson, Jill Harris*, Sarah Kahler,
Michael Kersey*, Rachel Prouty*
Publicity: Doug Metz, Monica Secord, Jama Williamson, Adam Weiler
Sound Board Operator: Graham Wingenfeld
Set Construction Crew: David Bangert, Marielle Boneau, Jill Harris*, Ben Huser, Sarah Kahler,Michael Kersey*, Rob O'Neil, Stephen Pope*, Rachel Prouty*,
Christina Saracino*, Michael Scarsella*, Monica Secord*
Notes:Dancing at Lughnasa premiered in Dublin in 1990 with productions in London in 1991 and New York City in 1992.
Source: Program, Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Play: Hamlet
Author: William Shakespeare
Dates: Nov. 4 - 6, 1993
Venue: Washington Hall
Director: Ensemble
Artistic Director: Homer Swander
Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre hosts Actors From the London Stage
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Fortinbras, Prince of Norway
Barnardo, a Guard
A Messenger
Another Messenger: Sam Dale
Horatio, friend to Hamlet
Laertes, Son of Polonius
Rosencrantz, a friend of Hamlet
Guildenstern, a friend of Hamlet
Third Player: Jonathan Donne
Gertrude, Queen of Denmark
Ophelia, Daughter of Polonius
Second Player
A Sailor: Miranda Foster
Claudius, King of Denmark
The Ghost of Hamlet's Father
Player King
Reynaldo, Servant to Polonius
Francisco, a Guard
Second Gravedigger: David Howey
Polonius, Lord Chamberlain
First Gravedigger
Orsic, a Courtier
Marcellus, a Guard
A Priest: William Russell
Source(s) Original Program - Notre Dame Communication and Theatre Dept. Files
Play: A Raisin in The Sun
Author: Lorraine Hansberry
Dates: Feb. 23 - 27, 1994
Venue: Washington Hall
Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Type: Mainstage Production
Artistic Staff
Guest Director: Kym Moore
Set Designer: Bruce Auerbach
Lighting Designer: Kevin Dreyer
Costume Designer: Richard E. Donnelly
Opening Montage: Kevin Dreyer
Stage Manager: Yvette Zaród*
Ruth Younger: Sunny Cummings
Travis Younger: Eugene H. Johnson III
Walter Lee Younger: Stephen Pope *
Beneatha Younger: Elisabeth J. Heard
Lena Younger (Mama): Stephane Dunn
Joseph Asagai: Owen Smith
George Murchison: Thomas Steele
Bobo: Floyd T. Ewing III
Karl Lindner: Michael Kersey *
Mrs. Johnson: Juliana Newbill
Communication and Theatre major
Production Staff
Dept Technical Director: Kevin Dreyer
Raisin Technical Director: Bruce Auerbach
Costume Shop Manager: Richard E. Donnelly
Assistant Director: Tricia Nolan*
Asst to the Set Designer: Rachel Prouty*
Asst to the Sound Designer: Michael Byron
Asst Stage Manager: Michelle Thornton, Kendra Washington
Graphic Designer: Jim Manifold
Costume Construction: Jane Paunicka, Supervisor, Sean Brady*, Karen Carr, Ruth Diemer*, Jill Harris*,
Francis Kelly*, Molly Lajoie*, Elena Maene*, Tricia Nolan*,
Michael O'Hara*, Marty Sprunck, Kay Zolkowski*
Properties Manager: Marielle Boneau*
Set and Properties Crew: Matt Freeman, Christine Swoboda
Makeup and Wig Crew: Pam O'Rourke, Supervisor
Deana Hogan
Wardrobe Crew: Jane Paunicka, Supervisor
Celine Gomez, Anthony Swiney
Light Board Operator: Marty Sprunck*
Lighting Crew: Marielle Boneau*
Jeff Dodson*, Michael Kersey*, Rachel Prouty*
Music Compiled by: Kevin Dreyer, Michael Byron
Sound Board Operator: Michael Byron
Set Construction Crew: David Banger, Bridget Batill, Marielle Boneau*, Fernando Carreira, Jill Harris*, Michael Kersey*, Sue Mignanelli*, Erin O'Malley*,
Michale J. Ortiz, Melissa Pasteris, Rachel Prouty*, Andy Ruppert*,
Monica Secord, Randy Swatland
Communication and Theatre major
Notes:This production was made possible through grants from the Lilly Endowment and the College of Arts and Letters and with the generous assistance of the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs. Guest artist and director Kym Moore participated in this project through the courtesy of the Indiana State University Department of Theatre.
Source: Program, Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Play: You Can't Take It With You
Author: George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart
Dates: April 13-17, 1994
Venue: Washington Hall
Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Type: Mainstage Production
Artistic Staff
Director: Rev. David Garrick, C.S.C.
Lighting Designer: Kevin Dreyer
Costume Designer: Richard E. Donnelly
Set Designer: Bruce Auerbach
Stage Manager: Marty Sprunck*
Grandpa: Frederic Syburg
Penny Sycamore: Erin O'Malley*
Paul Sycamore: Mike Kersey*
Alice Sycamore: Megan Thomas*
Essie Carmichael: Cara Conway
Ed Carmichael: Stephen Susco*
Mr. DePinna: Francis Kelly*
Bridget: Jama M. Williamson*
Donald: Bill Wade
Kolenkhov: Peter McGillicuddy
The Grand Duchess: Shannon M. Schwarz*
Gay Wellington: Christina M. Saracino*
Mr. Kirby: Chris Kudlacz
Mrs. Kirby: Jennifer Andre*
Tony Kirby: Pete Dillard*
Henderson (IRS Agent): Sean Horner
The Man (FBI): Adam C. Hicks
Mac (FBI): Jon Thorn*
Jim (FBI; Cab Driver): Michael O'Hara*
Production Staff
Department Technical Director: Kevin Dreyer
Production Technical Director: Bruce Auerbach
Costume Shop Manager: Richard E. Donnelly
Asst to Lighting Designer: Marielle Boneau*
Asst to Costume Designer: Kay Zolkowski*
Assistant to Set Designer: Rachel Prouty*
Assistant Stage Managers: Brian Lewis, Suzanne Mignanelli*, Gena Saracino*
Portrait Artist: Andrew Horn
Graphic Designers: Kevin Peschke, Marten Schalm
Costume Construction: Jane Paunicka, Supervisor, Sean Brady*, Karen Carr, Ruth Diemer*, Jill Harris*, Francis Kelly*, Molly Lajoie*, Elena Maene*, Tricia Nolan*,
Michael O'Hara*, Marty Sprunck*
Properties Manager: Suzanne Mignanelli*
Set and Properties Crew: Nicole Murray, Brenda Wonder
Makeup and Hair Crew: Pam O'Rourke, Supervisor, Deana Hogan
Wardrobe Crew: Jane Paunicka, Supervisor, Sean Brady*, Karen Carr, Debbie Malloy,
Molly McLaughlin, Sarah Sawicki
Light Board Operator: Michael Scarsella*
Lighting Crew: Marielle Boneau*, Jeff Dodson*, Jerry Lavin, Elena Maene, Michael O'Hara*,
Erin O'Malley*, Rachel Prouty*, Christina Saracino*
Music Compiled by: Rev. David Garrick, C.S.C., Kevin Dreyer
Sound Board Operator: Chris Pollina
Set Construction Crew: David Bangert, Marielle Boneau*, Fernando Carreira*, Christian Dallavis,
Jill Harris*, Michael Kersey*, Suzanne Mignanelli*, Erin O'Malley*,
Melissa Pasteris, Rachel Prouty*, Andy Ruppert*, Monica Secord,
Randy Swatland
*Communication and Theatre major
Source(s) Original program, Communication and Theatre files
Play: The Happy Journey
Author: Thorton Wilder
Dates: December 10, 1993
Director: Chris Ferrer
Stage Manager: Yvette Zarod
Producing Organization: ND COTH Dept. Lab Theatre
Cast List
The Stage Manager: Jim Hogan
Ma Kirby: Kathryn O'Donnell
Arthur: Andrew-Kain Miller
Caroline: Collin Shaughnessy
Pa Kirby: Kevin Kaufman
Beulah: Jennifer Andre
Notes: This was a reqirement for the 344 Directing Process course
Source(s) Play Program - Dr. Reginald Bain
Play Title: Present Tense
Author: John Mcnamara
Dates Performed: December 10, 1993
Venue: Washington Hall Laboratory Theatre
Director: Michele Avalos
Stage Manager: Pete Dillard
Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Norm Prescott: Marc Hedahl
Ann Allen: Amberly Hershberger
Jerry Meinicker: Adam Weiler
The Girls: Amy McIntrye, Rachel Prouty
Margie Eaton: Rachel Prouty
Doug Willard: Scott Johnson
Mother's Voice: Rachel Prouty
Notes: This was a reqirement for the 344 Directing Process course
Source(s) Play Program - Dr. Reginald Bain
Play Title: Naomi in the Living Room
Author: Christpher Durang
Dates Performed: December 10, 1993
Director: Caimien Quigley
Stage Manager: Mike Scarsella
Tachnical Assistant: Rosella Guerrero
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND COTH Dept. Lab Theatre
Cast List
Naomi: Amanda Rafuse
John: Peter McGillicuddy
Johnna: Bridgete Weizer
Notes: This was a reqirement for the 344 Directing Process course
Source(s) Play Program - Dr. Reginald Bain
Play Title: implosion
Author: Tony Leonardo
Dates Performed: December 10, 1993
Director: Tony Leonardo
Stage Manager: Colleen Bannister
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND COTH Dept. Lab Theatre
Cast List
Tobit: Stephen Susco
Maureen: Megan Thomas
Thurston: Rix Benson
Karros: Shannon Schwarz
Jade: Josh Hartman
Notes: This was a reqirement for the 344 Directing Process course
Source(s) Play Program - Dr. Reginald Bain
Play Title: The Death of King Philip
Author: Romulus Linney
Dates Performed: December 10, 1993
Director: Amy R. Miller
Stage Manager: Stacey Stewart
Assit. S.M.: Monica Secord
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND COTH Dept. Lab Theatre
Cast List
Mary Rowlandson (age 60): Kathryn Telesca
Rev. Rowlandson: Graham Wingenfeld
Mary Rowlandson (age 30): Jama Williamson
King Philip: Tadhg O'Gara
Based on the autobiographical captivity narrative of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, 1675.
Notes: This was a reqirement for the 344 Directing Process course
Source(s) Play Program - Dr. Reginald Bain
Play Title: Macbeth
Author: William Shakespeare
Dates Performed: Spring, 1994
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre In the Laboratory Theatre
Artistic Staff
Director: Pete Dillard
Stage Manager: Erin O'Malley
Asst. Stage Manager: Christina Saracino
Light Board Operator: Rachel Prouty
Costume Designer: Tricia Nolan
Make-up Designers: Laura Makowski, Rix Benson
Lighting Designer: Erin O'Malley
Fightmaster: A.L. Soens
Cast List
First Witch, Gentlewoman: Cara Conway
Malcolm: Francis Kelly
Second Witch, Fleance: Frani McLaughlin
Thane of Ross: Jerry Lavin
Third Witch, Seyton: Kathryn O'Donnell
Macbeth: Michael Scarsella
Banquo, Sargeant, Porter: Chris Ferrer
Lady Macbeth: Megan Thomas
Duncan, Macduff: Peter McGillicuddy
First Murderer, Siward: Tyler Hower
Second Murderer, Young Siward: Kevin Kaufman
Source(s) Play Program - Dr. Reginald Bain
Play Title: The Baltimore Waltz
Author: Paula Vogel
Dates Performed: Spring, 1994
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre In the Laboratory Theatre
Artistic Staff
Director: Tricia Nolan
Stage Manager: Yvette Zarod
Lighting Designer: Stephen Pope
Props: Pete Dillard
Slides: Eric Sterbank, Ann Stirling
Cast List
Anna: Lidija Mitrius
Carl: Jim Hogan
Third Man/ Doctor/ Others: Chris Ferrer
Notes: This play is presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements of COTH 444, Directing: Practicum.
Source(s) Play Program - Dr. Reginald Bain
Play Title: Wings
Author: Arthur Kopit
Dates Performed: Spring, 1994
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre in the laboratory theatre
Artistic Staff
Director: Shannon Schwarz
Stage Manager: Rebecca Schmucker
Lighting Designer: Jill Naughton
Light Board Operator: Deirdre Chervenka
Make-up Artist: Rix Benson
Sound Operator: Nicole Schuster
Costumes: Roberta Himes
Art Design: Rebecca Schmucker
Cast List
Emily Stilson: Amy Van De Kerckhove
Dr. Beth Rogans: Peter McGillicuddy
Nurse Marge: Jeanne Boyle
Dr. Marty Freedman: Mike Kersey
Nurse Gloria: Amanda Abdo
Amy: Dani Molaison
Mr. Brownstein: Kevin J. Kaufman
Billy: Scott Johnson
Notes: This was a reqirement for Miss Schwarz to complete her advanced directing class with professor Bain.
Source(s) Play Program - Dr. Reginald Bain
Play Title: The Conquest of Everest
Author: Arthur Kopit
Dates Performed: April 26 1994
Director: Graham Wingenfeld
Stage Manager: Tobi Paul
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND COTH Dept. Lab Theatre
Cast List
Almanstar: Marc Hedahl
Almenside: Charity Rieck
Soldier: Mark Poisella
Notes: This was a reqirement for the 344 Directing Process course
Source(s) Play Program - Dr. Reginald Bain
Play Title: The Great Nebula in Orion
Author: Lanford Wilson
Dates Performed: April 26, 1994
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND COTH Dept. Lab Theatre
Cast List
Louise: Erin O'Malley
Carrie: Bridie O'Shaughnessy
Notes: This was a reqirement for the 321 Acting Character course
Source(s) Play Program - Dr. Reginald Bain
Play Title: The Duck Variations
Author: David Mamet
Dates Performed: April 26, 1994
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND COTH Dept. Lab Theatre
Cast List
Emile: Francis Kelly
George: Michael Scarsella
Notes: This was a reqirement for the 321 Acting Character course
Source(s) Play Program - Dr. Reginald Bain
Play: Laundry and Bourbon
Author: James Mclure
Dates: April 26, 1994
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall Laboratory Theatre
Elizabeth: Cara Conway
Hattie: Frani McLaughlin
Amy Lee: Jen Andre
Notes: This was a reqirement for the 321 Acting Character course
Source: Program, Reginald Bain private collection
1994 Catherine Hicks Award: Patricia Mary Nolan
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