Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1995-1996 Academic Year
Department of Communication and Theatre
Mark Pilkinton (Chair),
Bruce Auerbach (Associate Chair),
Reginald Bain,
Thomas M. Barkes,
James Collins,
Richard E. Donnelly,
Kevin Dreyer,
Vincent Friedewald,
Rev. David A. Garrick, C.S.C.,
Jill Godmilow,
Karen Heisler,
Carol MacLeod,
Theodore E. Mandell,
Hilary Radner,
Randolph L. Rutsky,
Hank Sartin,
Gary Sieber,
Rev. Arthur S. Harvey, C.S.C. (Emeritus),
Frederic Syburg (Emeritus),
Mary Mitchell (Secretary),
Diane Pribbernow (Secretary),
Washington Hall Staff:
Facility Manager: Tom Barkes
House Managers: Kevin Cunningham, Scott Haugh, John Kilgore, Nicole Lewis, Benjie Robinson
Housekeepers: Roger Allee, Becky Luchowski
Play: The Imaginary Invalid
Author: Molière
Dates: October 4-8, 1995
Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Artistic Staff
Director: Rev. David Garrick, C.S.C.
Lighting Designer: Kevin Dreyer
Costume Designer: Richard E. Donnelly
Set Designer: Bruce Auerbach
Stage Manager: Sean Brady*
Assistant Director: Kathryn Zolkowski*
Argan: Scott Paradine*
Toinette: Lara Walters*
Angelique: Jennifer Stokes
Beline: Stephanie Bickel
Notary: Amy Mapother
Cleante: Jeff Nichols
Doctor DiArea: Brian Uetz
Thomas DiArea: Jon Thorn*
Louise: Mia Montangna
Beralde: Chris Kudlacz
Monsieur Odeur: Michael O'Hara*
Doctor Purgatif: Andrew Rausch*
Presider: Michael O'Hara*
Messenger: Mia Montagna
Production Staff
Costume Shop Manager: Richard E. Donnelly
Technical Director: Kevin Dreyer
Graphic Designer: Paul Wieber
Music Consultant: Rev. Patrick Maloney, C.S.C.
Assistant Stage Managers: Andrew Reuland,* Mark J. Seamon*
Costume Construction: Jane Paunicka, Supervisor
Sean Brady*, Karen Carr, Kimberly Megna, Andrea Oess*
Wig Masters: Sean Brady*, Kara L. Brandenburger, Ruth Diemer*, Michael O'Hara*,
Jane Paunicka
Wardrobe and Wig Crew: Jane Paunicka, Supervisor
Amanda Epstein, George Holloway, Daniel O'Brien, Ricky Ramon
Makeup: Pam O'Rourke
Props: Jamie Berzai
Lighting Crew: Marielle Boneau*, Brad Fitzgerald, Rebekah Go*, Michael O'Hara*, Andrew Reuland*, Lara Walters*, Kathryn Zolkowski*
Lighting Board Operator: Brad Fitzgerald
Sound Technician: Adam Ortega
Set Construction Crew: Marielle Boneau*, Sean Brady*, Joseph Bryan*, Joe Cavataio*, Eric Christiansen, Ruth Diemer*, K.C. Dugal, Jennifer Ehren,
Maria Eidietis, Rebekah Go*, John Kilgore, Gregg Kuzma,
Danielle Molaison, Michael O'Hara*, Andrew Reuland*, Amy Sromek,
Rachel Wacker, Lara Walters*, Kathryn Zolkowski*
*Communication and Theatre major
Source: Program, Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Play: Six Degrees of Separation
Author: John Guare
Dates: November 15-19, 1995
Venue: Washington Hall
Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Artistic Staff
Director: Reginald Bain
Lighting Designer: Kevin Dreyer
Costume Designer: Richard E. Donnelly
Set Designer: Marielle Boneau*
Stage Manager: Ruth Diemer*
Ouisa: Kristy Zloch*
Flan: Drew Rausch*
Geoffrey: Scott Paradine*
Paul: Ramadan I. Ameen
Doorman: Sean B. Geary*
Hustler: Charlie Kranz
Kitty: Amy Mapother
Larkin: Craig Pinza
Detective: Andrea Oess*
Tess: Kathryn H. Telesca*
Woody: John Menghini
Ben: Steven D. Bartman
Dr. Fine: James Boyle
Doug: William Lajoie*
Policeman: Joseph A. Marchal
Trent: Daniel O'Brien
Rick: Adam C. Hicks*
Elizabeth: Jama M. Williamson*
Production Staff
Technical Director: Kevin Dreyer
Costume Shop Manager: Richard E. Donnelly
Graphic Designer: Marty Schalm
Assistant Stage Managers: Maria Thieneman*
Laura A. Weiler*
Lighting Crew: Marielle Boneau*, John Kilgore, Lisa McDonald, Michael O'Hara*,
Andrew Reuland*, Lara Walters*, Kathryn Zolkowski*
Lighting Board Operator: Sean Brady*
Costume Construction Crew: Jane Paunicka, Supervisor
Sean Brady*, Karen Carr, Kimberly Megna, Andrea Oess*
Wardrobe and Makeup Crew: Jane Paunicka, Supervisor
Catherine Hess, Sarah Johnson, Kimberly McGhay, Melissa Radey
Props Master: Mark Seamon*
Props Running Crew: Susan Christie
Sound Technician.: Michael O'Hara*
Set Construction Crew: Marielle Boneau*, Sean Brady*, Joseph Bryan*, Joe Cavataio*,
Eric Christiansen, Ruth Diemer*, K.C. Dugal, Jennifer Ehren, Maria Eidietis, Rebekah Go*, John Kilgore, Gregg Kuzma, Danielle Molaison, Michael O'Hara*, Andrew Reuland*, Amy Sromek
Rachel Wacker, Lara Walters*, Kathryn Zolkowski*
*Communication and Theatre major
Source: Program, Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Play: Macbeth
Author: William Shakespeare
Dates: February 22-24
Venue: Washington Hall
Performed by: Actors From The London Stage
Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Macbeth, Bloody Captain, Lady Macbeth, Ross,
Old Man, Lord Fleance, Donalbain, Third Murderer: Gareth Armstrong
Witch, Young Siward: Sarah Berger
Macduff, Duncan, Angus: Malcolm, Lady Macduff, First
Second Murderer, Seyton: Witch, First Murderer
Young Macduff, Second Witch: Sam Dale
Gentlewoman: Joanna Foster
Banquo, Lennox, Porter: Messengers
Hecate, Doctor(s): Servants
Old Siward: Phillip Joseph
Thanes: company members
Source: Program, Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Play: Christ's Passion: Medieval Mystery Plays
Author: Derived from the Medieval Civic Religious Drama of Chester, N-Town, Wakefield, and Cornwall, plus the Quem Quaeritis trope
Dates: April 17-21, 1996
Venue: Washington Hall
Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Artistic Staff
Editor and Director: Mark Pilkinton
Lighting Designer: Kevin Dreyer
Costume Designer: Richard E. Donnelly
Set Designer: Bruce Auerbach
Stage Manager: Michael O'Hara*
Prologus, Joseph, John the Baptist, Matthew, First Soldier: Joseph Rolon
God: Frederic Syburg
Lucifer: Jonathan Thorn
Lightborn, Satan, Serpent: Kathleen McCann
Prudence, First White Dove, Thomas: Sara Dolezal
Justice, Second White Dove, Jude: Jennifer Michalec
Faith, Eve, James the Greater: Rana Aea*
Charity, First Angel, Philip: Therese Youngblood
Hope, Mary Mother of God: Suzanne Mignanelli*
Fortitude, Peter: Paul Maloney:
Temperance, Bartholomew: Kelly Duffy
Gabriel, First Son's Wife, First Citizen, Mary Jacobi: Melanie Garman
Michael Archangel: Ricky Ramon
Pride, Beelzebub, Smith's Wife, Damned Queen: Laurie Stride
Wrath, First Doctor, Ribald: Monica Secord:
Envy, Second Doctor: Larice Woods:
Lechery, Secord Shepherd, First Torturer, Second Soldier: Adam Weiler*
Gluttony, Raven, Second Torturer: Juliana Vodicka
Sloth, Mak, Third Torturer, Damned Merchant: Brian Uetz*
Covetousness, Fourth Torturer: Rachel Wacker
Adam, Caiaphas, Damned Emperor: Kevin Carrigan
Noah, Centurion, Moses, Saved Pope: Sean Geary*
Noah's Wife, Saved Queen: Kathryn Zolkowski*
First Son, Andrew, David, Saved Emperor: Scott Ware
Second Son, James the Less, Isaiah, Saved King, Trumpeter: Peter Rufa
Third Son, Pauper, John the Evangelist, Abel: Matthew Holmes
Second Son's Wife, Second Citizen, Mary Magdalene: Stephanie Thomas
Third Son's Wife, Third Citizen, Mary Salome: Denise Generally
Third Shepherd, Longinus, Third Soldier: Dan Sullivan
Jill, Damned Lawyer: Amy Crawford*
Jesus: Michael O'Malley
First Shepherd, Annas, Damned Pope: Charles Camosy*
Simon the Canaanite, Simon the Leper, Smith, Damned King: Rich Janor
Judas Iscariot: Chris Kudlacz
Pilate: Jason Dorwart
Pianist: Sara Schrider
Percussionists: Kimberly McGhay, Greta Zandstra
Production Staff
Costume Shop Manager: Richard E. Donnelly
Technical Director: Kevin Dreyer
Graphic Designer: Paul Wieber
Assistant Set Designer: Marielle Boneau*
Assistant Lighting Designer: Jeff Dodson*
Assistant Stage Managers: Amy Firstenberger, Meghan Halper, Kimberly McGhay, Greta Zandstra
Scenic Artist: Kate Ferrucci
Costume Construction: Jane Paunicka, Supervisor
Marielle Boneau*, Sean Brady*, Joe Bryan*, Tenelle Cadogan, Karen Carr, Tiana Collins, K.C. Nocero, Andrea Oess*, Leanne Robinson, Adam Weiler*
Wardrobe and Makeup: Jane Paunicka, Supervisor
Shannon Berry, Sean Brady*, Sarah Ducheman, Eric Esquibel, Jessica Grom, Paul Kessler, Andrea Oess*, Dave Reidy, Ben Wright
Set Construction: Marielle Boneau*, Josh Akers, Christine Debevec, Jeff Dodson*,
Kevin Dunne, Erica Espinola, Ron Fiesta, Justin Gleichowski, Andrew Hardie,
John Kilgore, Mike Knecht, Cheryce McDonald, Jessica Maloney,
Dave Monahan, Carlo Odicino, Michael O'Hara*, Andrew Reuland*,
Jeff Smarrella, Pete VandeVen, Kathryn Zolkowski*
Lighting Crew: Scott Baker, Joe Bryan*, Joe Cavataio*, Jon Copeland, Ruth Diemer*,
Sean B. Geary*, John Kilgore, Michael O'Hara*, Andrew Rausch*,
Kathryn Zolkowski*
Lighting Board Operator: Andrew Reuland*
Note: "Mind the devils, especially if and when they make you laugh."
Source: Program, Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
1st Semester Advanced Directing
Play: For Emily
Author: Graham Wingenfeld
Director: Graham Wingenfeld
Dates: December, 1995
Stage Manager: Michael O'Hara
Emily: Charity Rieck
Parker: Charlie Kranz
Jessica: Kay Zolkowski
Ken: Jack Macleod
Abert: Chip Bent
Prosecutor: Kimberly Megna
Judge: Larice Woods
Defender: John Haigh
Baliffs: Jack Macleod, Chip Bent
Waitress: Kay Zolkowski
Production Staff
Set and Lighting Designer: Lara Walters
Costume Designer: Sean Brady
1st Semester Character Class Finals
Laboratory Theatre: Fall (December), 1995
Play: Ariel Bright
Author: Katherine Long
Hiley: Drew Rausch
Ariel: Jama Williamson
Play: A Way With Words
Author: Frank Gilroy
Fred: William Lajoie
Artie: Joe Cavataio
Louise: Kay Zolkowski
Play: Spittin' Image
Author: Stephen Metcalfe
Bucky: Mike O'Hara
Megs: Adam Hicks
Play: Penguin Blues
Author: Ethan Phillips
Angelita: Kate Hillman
Gordon: Brian Uetz
Play: Chocolate Cake
Author: Mary Gallagher
Annmarie: Stephanie Bickel
Delia: Lara Walters
Light Board Operator: Rebekah Go
Each of these plays is a complete play and has been self-directed by
the actors in partial fulfillment of the requirements of COTH 322,
Acting Character--Reg Bain, Instructor
2nd Semester Advanced Directing
Play: On the Verge
Author: Eric Overmyer
Director: Ruth Diemer
Dates: April, 1996
Mary: Andrea Oess
Fanny: Kimberly Megna
Alexandra: Lakeya Cook
Alphonse: Andrew Rausch
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Michael O'Hara
Lights and Sound: Marielle Boneau
Set: Erik Christensen
Costumes: Sean Brady
Light Board Operator: Lisa McDonald
Soud Board Operator: Tom Mastrobuoni
Dresser: Kathy Hoffman:
Ushers: Andrew Reuland, Mark J. Seamon
2nd Semester Directing Finals
May 1, 1996
Play: Date With a Stranger
Author: Cherie Vogelstein
Director: Kathryn Zolkowski
Cast: Bill Kelly, Suzanne Mignanelli, Adam Weiler
Stage Manager: Jon Copeland
Play: Blind Date
Author: Horton Foote
Director: Joseph Bryan
Cast: Stephanie Bickel, Dennis Borgerding
Denise Campbell, Ben Aspero
Play: It's Our Town, Too
Author: Susan Miller
Director: Mark J. Seamon
Cast: Andrea Oess, Lisa McDonald, Kimberly Megna,
Ramadan Ameen, Lakeya Cook, Jeff Dodson,
Joseph A. Marchal, Brian Uetz
Stage Manager: Sean Geary
Play: No Good-Byes
Author: Scott M. Paradine
Director: Scott M. Paradine
Cast: Mark Poisella, Carrie Gulick, Chris Kudlacz
Stage Manager: Ellyn Craven
Light Board Operator: Scott Baker
1996 Catherine Hicks Award: Marielle Nicole Boneau
last edited by Mark C. Pilkinton, December 2, 2012
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