Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1997/1998 School Year
Donald Crafton (Chair),
Bruce Auerbach (Associate Chair),
Reginald Bain,
Thomas M. Barkes,
Robert Cagle,
James Collins,
Richard E. Donnelly,
Kevin Dreyer,
Vincent Friedewald,
Rev. David A. Garrick, C.S.C.,
Jill Godmilow,
Karen Heisler,
Theodore E. Mandell,
Mark Pilkinton,
Hilary Radner,
Randolph L. Rutsky,
Siiri Scott,
Gary Sieber,
William Wilson
Rev. Arthur S. Harvey, C.S.C.,
Harry Kevorkian,
Frederic Syburg
Staff: Mary Mitchell, Jane Paunicka, Joshua White
Play Title: Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead
Author: Tom Stoppard
Dates Performed: October 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1997
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND Communication and Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Director: Siiri Scott
Asst. Director: Laura Weiler
Costume Design: Richard E. Donnelly
Set Design: Bruce Auerbach Lighting Design: Kevin Dreyer
Stage Manager: Dan Smith
Cast List
Rosencrantz: Dan Sullivan
Hamlet: Chris Kudlacz
Gildenstern: Drew Rausch
Ophelia: Greta Marie Zandstra
The Player: Louise Edwards
Claudius: Luis H. Matos
Alfred: Rebekah Go
Gertrude: Elaine Bonifield
Tragedians: Sean Dwyer, Laurie Lodewyck, Michèle Roanhouse, Leanne Robinson, Quincy Starnes
Horatio: Brian Starr
Polonius: Steven D. Bartman
Soldier/Ambassador: Jeff Nammour
Production Staff
Technical Director: Kevin Dreyer
Costume Shop Supervisor: Jane Paunicka
Graphic Designer: Patrick Ryan
Assistant Lighting Designer: Andrew Reuland
Assistant Stage Managers: Pat Caraher, Anthony Castellino, Sara Morand
Light Crew: Ann David, Anthony Castellino, Jeff Cloninger,
Michael Haarlander, Meghan Halper, Andrew Reuland
Light Board Operator: Salvadora Hernandez
Sound Board Operator: Kristen Waller
Costume Crew: Diane Hren, Andrea Oess, Leanne Robinson
Wardorbe and Makeup Crew: Jane Paunicka (Supervisor), John Area,
Denise Generally, Adam Lewis, Wendy Pasillas
Stage Crew: Caroline Rea
Set Construction Crew: Elizabeth Barkett, Christopher Brown,
Anthony Castellino, Jeff Cloninger, Michael Haarlander, Meghan Halper,
Alison Hodrick, Catherine Kennedy, Sara Morand, Andrew Reuland, Jennie Wellman, Adam Witmer
Publicity: Stephanie Staub
Play Title: The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)
Author: Adam Long, Daniel Singer, Jess Winfield
Dates Performed: November 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 1997
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND Communication and Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Director: Mark Seamon
Stage Manager: Andrea Oess
Set Designer: Kevin Dreyer:
Lighting Designer: Andrew J. Reuland
Costume Designer: Richard E. Donnelly
Cast List
Mathew Holmes
Brian McChesney
Kimberly Megna
Mia Montagna
Mick Swiney
Production Staff
Technical Director: Bruce Auerbach
Costume Shop Supervisor: Jane Paunicka
Graphic Designer: Paul Wieber
Assistant Stage Managers: Lisa McDonald, Pat Wackerly
Light Crew: Ann David, Tim Brick, Pat Caraher, Anthony
Castellino, Jeff Cloninger, Michael Haarlander, Meghan Halper, Alison
Hodrick, Kristine Howard, Andrew Reuland
Light Board Operator: Rebekah Go
Sound Board Operator: Anthony Castellino
Costume Crew: Diane Hren, Andrea Oess, Leanne Robinson
Wardrobe and Makeup Crew: Jane Paunicka (Supervisor), Kevin
Larkin, Vince O'Connor, Daniella Papi, Brian Sykes, Brant Ust
Stage Crew: Kelly Kingsbury, Luke Levandoski
Set Construction Crew: Liz Barkett, Tim Brick, Christopher
Brown, Julian Bryant, Anthony Castellino, Jeff Cloniger, Michael
Haarlander, Meghan Halper, Alison Hodrick, Catherine Kennedy, Sara Morand, Andrew Reuland, Jennie Wellman, Adam Witmer
Publicity: Stephanie Staub
Fall Semester COTH 444 Directing Final
Play Title: The Colored Museum
Author: George C. Wolfe
Dates Performed: November 7, 8, 1997
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND Communication and Theatre
Venue: Laboratory Theatre--Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Director: Joseph Rolón
Stage Manager: Ricky Ramón
Cast List
Tenelle Cadogan
Laura DiNardo
Danjuma Gaskin
Charlyn Henderson
Alika Hope
Kevin Huie
Rachel Jones
Joseph Joy
Quiana Lillard
Patrick Parks
Robert Sudduth
Larrice Woods
Production Staff
Assistant Stage Managers: Rebekah Go, Kristina Kleszyk
Musical Director: Alika Hope
Costume Designers: Leanne Robinson, Diane Hren
Light Designer: Lisa McDonald
Make-Up Designer: Therese Youngblood
Set Designer: Meghan Halper
Sound Designer: Gabrielle Bond
Properties: Meghan Halper
Running Crew: Kristina Kleszyk, Quincy Starnes, John Area IV, Shannon Vieth
Costume and Make-Up Crew: Francesca Miles-Dave, Anna Lou Tirol, Therese Youngblood
Light Board Operator: Rebekah Go
Sound Operator: Gabrielle Bond
Fall Semester COTH 344 Directing Final
Play Title: You Can't Trust The Male
Author: Randy Noojin
Dates Performed: December 10, 1997
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND Communication and Theatre
Venue: Laboratory Theatre--Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Director: Kimberly McGhay
Stage Manager: Laura Weiler
Asst. Stage Manager: Brian Starr
Cast List
Harvey Kessel: Brian Chesney
Laura Spivey: Adrienne Franco
Play Title: Rats
Author: Israel Horovitz
Dates Performed: December 10, 1997
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND Communication and Theatre
Venue: Laboratory Theatre--Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Director: Kimberly Megna
Stage Manager: Patrick Wackerly
Cast List
Jebbie: Daniel O'Brien
Bobby: Matthew Holmes
Baby: Quincy Starnes
Play Title: Paper Toilet
Author: Miguel Piñero
Dates Performed: December 10, 1997
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND Communication and Theatre
Venue: Laboratory Theatre--Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Director: Ricky Ramón
Stage Manager: Raúl Gutierrez
Asst. Stage Manager: Denise Rivera
Cast List
Man 1: Joseph Rolón
Boy 2: Marisa Marqués
Man 2: John Area, IV
Woman: Rachel Jones
Man 3: Charlie Ashbrook
Cop 1: Kevin Carrigan
Man 4: Adam Lewis
Cop 2: Joseph Joy
Boy 1: Robert Sudduth
Production Staff
Light Board Operator: Rebekah Go
Play Title: A Midsummer Night's Dream
Author: William Shakespeare
Dates Performed: February 5, 6, 7, 1998
Performing Group: Actors From The London Stage
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND Communication and Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall
Cast List
Puck, Theseus, Snout: David Acton
Hermia, Titania, Snug,: Henrietta Bess
Bottom, Demetrius, Egeus,: Peter Forbes
Oberon, Lysander, Flute: Peter Lindford
Second Fairy
Helena, Hippolyta, Quince,: Biddy Wells
First Fairy
Production Staff
Technical Director: Kevin Dreyer
Stage Manager: Andrew Rausch
Light Board Operator: Tony Castellino
Stage Crew: Jeff Cloninger, Michael Haarlander, Andrew Reuland, Patrick Caraher
Graphic Design: Paul Wieber
Play Title: The Escape of Kropotkin
Author: David A. Garrick, Jr.
Dates Performed: February 12, 13, 14, 1998
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND Communication and Theatre
Venue: Room 110, Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Director: Fr. David Garrick, C.S.C
Stage Manager: Dan Chambliss
Asst. Director: Chris Kudlacz
Cast List
Peter Kropotkin: Mick Swiney
Dmitri: John Schmiederer
Commandant, Corps of Pages: Joseph Rolon
Nikolai Chaikovski: John Sample
Eduard, the music director: David A. Garrick, Jr.
Sophia Lavrova: Sarah Coffey
Colonel: Louise Edwards
Mikhail, assasin wantabe: Chris Kudlacz
Prince Alexander Kropotkin: Brad Charron
1st Worker: Kelly Morgan
Makar: John Schmiederer
2nd Worker: Joseph Rolon
The Father: John Sample
3rd Worker: Kay Bokowy
Dr. Veimar: Chris Kudlacz
4th Worker: Brad Charron
Czar Alexander II: Brad Charron
5th Worker: Kathy Koch
Ist Minister: Kelly Morgan
Voice of the Chairman: Chris Kudlacz
2nd Minister: Kathy Koch
The Guard: John Schmiederer
Inspector Duvnik: Sean Dwyer
Lidia: Louise Edwards
Grand Duke: John Sample
Stenographer: Kelly Morgan
"Oldest Man in Russia": John Schmiederer
The Orderly: Kelly Morgan
Fedotik: Kathy Koch
Serghei: Joseph Rolon
Poliakov: Kay Bokowy
Irena Kukel: Louise Edwards
The Eagle: John Schmiederer
General Kukel: Brad Charron
Light Bearers, Soldiers, Czar's Procession, Guards, The Dream of the Guns: The Company
Sentries, Escape Committee Auxillaries: The Company
Spring Semester COTH 444, Directing: Practicum
New Playwrights Workshop [1998; first year]
Dates: Friday, March 27 and- Saturday, March 28, 1998, at 7:30 P.M.
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall Laboratory Theatre
Production Staff
Founding Director: Mark Pilkinton
Faculty Assistance: ?
Costumes: ?
Technical Direction: ?
Play: Choosing Rick world premiere of the one-act play
Author: Amy Crawford
Artistic Staff
Director: Mark Pilkinton
Stage Manager: ?
Cast List
Alison: Daniela Papi
Brett, Alison's brother
: Michael Haarlander
Melissa, Alison's best friend
: Tamera Miyasato
Walter, Melissa's fiance: Joseph Weiler
Waiter: Kevin Rini
Choosing Rick was written in partial fulfillment of requirements for COTH 351:Playwriting and Screenwriting, fall 1997.
Play Title: The Actor's Nightmare & Other Shorts
Author: Christopher Durang
Dates Performed: April 7,8, 1998
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND Communication and Theatre
Venue: Laboratory Theatre--Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Director: Jason Zimbler
Cast Lists
Mrs. Sorken
Mrs. Sorken: Sarah Ryan
Business Lunch in the Russian Tea Room
Margaret: Kristina Kleszyk
Christopher: Mike Seeley
Waiter: Brian Hamilton
Melissa Stearn: Kristen Ohlenforst
Naomi in the Living Room
Naomi: Kristina Kleszyk
John: Mike Seeley
Johnna: Kristen Ohlenforst
Actor's Nightmare:
George Spelvin: Scott Bishop
Meg: Kristina Kleszyk
Sarah Siddons: Sarah Ryan
Dame Ellen Terry: Kristen Ohlenforst
Henry Irving: James Sevier
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Katie Maturi
Lighting Designer: Brian Bauersfeld
Light Board Operator: Anthony Castellino
Set Designer: Jeff Cloninger
Sound Operator: Judi Zimbler
Program Designer: Kristen Ohlenforst
Stage Crew: J.J. Area, Michael Angtuaco, Jeff Holmes, James Sevier
Play Title: As You Like It
Author: William Shakespeare
Dates Performed: April 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 1998
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND Communication and
Venue: Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Director: Reginald Bain
Asst. Director: Mark Seamon
Set Designer: Bruce Auerbach
Costume Designer: Richard E. Donnelly
Lighting Designer: Kevin Dreyer
Original Music: Reginald F. Bain, Jr.
Choreographer: Julie Hoel
Stage Manager: Patrick Wackerly
Cast List
Rosalind: Louise Edwards
Celia: Alicia Scheidler
Orlando: Matthew Holmes
Oliver: Mick Swiney
Touchstone: Drew Rausch
Duke Senior: Joseph Rolón
Duke Frederick: Adam Witmer
Amiens: Leanne Robinson
Jaques: Chris Kudlacz
Corin: Quincy Starnes
Silvius: Brian McChesney
Phebe: Greta Marie Zandstra
LeBeau: John Sample
Adam: Dan Smith
Audrey: Andrea Oess
Charles: Brad Charron
William: Rich Janor
Sir Oliver Martext: Mark Seamon
Hisperia: Diane Hren
Gentlewoman: Lisa McDonald
Dance Ensemble: Katharine Bardenheier, Elaine Bonifield,
Cassie Carrigan, Kelly C. Kingsbury,
Kathy Koch, Christina Kolski,
Laurie Lodewyck, Kimberly McGhay,
Kelly Morgan, Kelly Steele
Production Staff
Assistant Stage Managers: Jen Johnson, Kay Bokowy
Assistant Lighting Designer: Rebekah Go
Graphic Design: Marten Schalm
Sound: David Go
Costume Shop Supervisor: Jane Paunicka
Light Crew: Pat Caraher, Jeff Cloninger, Rebekah Go
Light Board Operator: Sara Morand
Follow Spot Operator: Erin McMurrough
Sound Board Operator: Ricky Ramon
Costume Construction Crew: Louise Edwards, Jennifer Farrell, Denise Generally, Rebekah Go,
Diane Hren, K.C. Nocero, Andrea Oess, Gerry Olinger, Ricky Ramon,
Drew Rausch, Leanne Robinson, Alicia Scheidler, Mark Seamon
Kelly Steele:
Wardrobe Crew: Jane Paunicka, Head
Kari Connolly, Erin Donahue, Ryan Gendreau, Jill Grisham, Stacey Szanto
Makeup Coordination: Denise Generally
Stage Crew: Chris Araman, Dave Hartwig
Set Construction Crew: Chris Araman, Mike Buyske, Pat Caraher, Anthony Castellino,
Jeff Cloninger, James Crinion, Mike Haarlander, John Kuczynski, Andrew Reuland, Adam Royer, Scott Stender
Spring Semester COTH 344 Directing Finals
Play Title: Trying to Find Chinatown
Author: David Henry Hwang:
Date Performed: April 28, 1998
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND Communication and Theatre
Venue: Laboratory Theatre--Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Director: Patrick Caraher
Stage Manager: Rebekah Go
Cast List
Ronnie: David Go
Benjamin: Brad Charron
Play Title: The St. Valentine's Day Massacre
Author: Allan Knee:
Date Performed: April 28, 1998
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Venue: Laboratory Theatre--Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Director: Sean Dwyer
Stage Manager: Katie Maturi
Cast List
Kenny: Jason Zimbler
Sheryl: Kelly Cooney
Directing Finals Production Staff
Lighting Design: Andrea Oess, Laurie Lodewyck,
Patrick Wackerly, Quincy Starnes
Lighting Board Operator: Adam Witmer
last edited by Mark Pilkinton, January 20, 2012
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