Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
2004/2005 School Year
Department of Film, Television, and Theatre
* Denotes Film, Television, and Theatre major
** Denotes Guest Artist
Faculty: Peter Holland (Chair), James Collins (Associate Chair), Kevin Dreyer
(Director of Theatre), Wendy Arons, Christine Becker, Jessica Chalmers,
Don Crafton, Ken Cole, William Donaruma, Richard E. Donnelly, Vincent
Friedewald Jr., Jill Godmilow, Karen Heisler, Anton Juan, Aaron
Magnan-Park, Theodore E. Mandell, Susan Ohmer, Emily Phillips, Mark
Pilkinton, Siiri Scott, Gary Sieber, Christopher Sieving, Jay
Skelton(Visiting), John Welle, Pamela Robertson Wojcik
Emeriti: Reginald Bain, Rev. Arthur S. Harvey, C.S.C., Harry Kevorkian, Frederic Syburg
Staff: Jane Zusman, Christina Ries, Christine Sopczynski, Jackie Wyatt
Play Title: Avanti: A Postindustrial Ghost Story
Author: Jessica Chalmers
Dates Performed: September 24-27, 30, October 1-3
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: FTT
Venue: Deluxe Sheet Metal Factory, South Bend
Additional funding by: the Rockefeller Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, the
City of South Bend, the Boehnen Fund for Excellence in the Arts, and
the Indiana Arts Commission.
Play Title: A Midsummer Night's Dream, featuring the Actors from the London Stage**
Author: William Shakespeare
Dates Performed: November 3 & 6, 2004
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: FTT
Venue: Leighton Concert Hall, DeBartolo Performing Arts Center
Cast List
Lysander, Francis Flute, Oberon, Cobweb: Christopher Staines
Hermia, Snug, Titania, Philostrate: Caroline Devlin
Hippolyta, Helena, Peter Quince, First Fairy, Mustardseed: Jan Shepard
Theseus, Tom Snout, Puck, Peaseblossom: Guy Burgess
Egeus, Demetrius, Nick Bottom, Moth: Nick Tigg
Play title: Fortinbras
Author: Lee Blessing
Dates Performed: November 3-7, 9-13
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: FTT
Venue: Philbin Studio Theatre
Cast List
Hamlet: Andrew McElligott
Horatio: TJ McNally*
Fortinbras: Mike Dolson*
Osric: Conor Woods*
English Ambassador: Patrick Vassel
Captain, Norwegian Army: Tom Degnan
Marcellas: Brandon McGirr
Barnardo: Matthew Solarski*
Polonius: Bryce Cooper
Polish maiden #1: Molly Kealy
Polish maiden #2: Molly Topper
Ophelia: Kaila Crowley
Gertrude: Caitlin Rohn
Claudius: Michael Redding
Laertes: Peter Gaffney
Artistic Staff
Director: Jay Skelton
Assistant Director: Hallie Taylor*
Set Designer: Kevin Dreyer
Costume Designer: Richard E. Donnelly
Lighting Designer: Kevin Dreyer
Sound Designer: Josh Schmidt
Video Designer: Nicholas "Deacon" Bruno*
Fight Choreographer: Nick Sandys
Stage Manager: Elise DeBroeck
Production Staff
Technical Director: C. Kenneth Cole
Assistant Technical Director: Steve Hoeplinger*
Assistant Stage Managers: Talia Goldman*, Ishira Humar*
Scene Shop Foreman: Garrett Hohimer
Scene Shop Staff: Brandon Colpitts, Jennifer Connelly, Maura Galbraith, Steve Hoeplinger*, Elizabeth Grams, Thomas Mucchetti
Additional Scenery Work: Michael Burke, James Costanzo, Phil Drendall, Barbara Galle, Ashley
Garber, Kendall Hannon, Liz Kelley, Kyle LeClere, Daniel Lockhart,
Andrea Mayus, Rob O'Brien, Erin O'Shea*, Austin Peiffer, Sara Snider,
Steve Tortorello, JustinWeissert
Assistant Costume Designer: Christina Holmstrom
Costume Shop Supervisor: Jane Zusman
Costume Construction Crew: AnaMarie Ortiz*, Meghann Tabor*, Emily Ungerer, Ashley Kelly*, Julie
Adamczyk, Maureen Lakin, Patrisha Rockwell, Eileen Sweeney, Silva
Schuster, Ellen Kennedy*, Jocelyn Burum*, Molly Topper*, Katrina
Gossett*, Elizabeth Slattery*, April Flores*
Costume Running Crew: Jane Zusman, Head; Bridget Higgins, Jessica Badger
Lighting Board Operator: Michael Bogdan
Sound Board Operator: Genevieve Moran*
Stage Crew: Joanna Farris, Danielle Truskowski
FTT Outreach Specialist: Christine Sopczynski
Play Title: Othello, performed by the Actors from the London Stage**
Author: William Shakespeare
Dates Performed: February 11 & 12, 2005
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: FTT
Venue: Leighton Concert Hall, DeBartolo Performing Arts Center
Cast List
Othello, Clown, Gentleman: Andrew Dennis
Desdemona, Bianca, Montano, Second Senator, Officer: Gemma Larke
Cassio, Brabantio, Lodovico. Officer: George Mayfield
Iago, Duke: Paul McCleary
Emilia, Roderigo, Gratiano, First Senator: Julia Watson
Production Staff
Brian Hart, Paul Schlarman
Spring Artsfest: Tolerance & Reconciliation
Play Title: The Laramie Project
Author: Moises Kaufman
Dates Performed: February 22-March 3, 2005
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: FTT
Venue: Decio Mainstage Theatre, DeBartolo Performing Arts Center
Acting Ensemble: Brendan Bates*, Jennifer Betancourt, Mairead Case, Natalie Conneely*,
Peter Gaffney, Ashley Garber, Annie Hollenbeck*, Brett J. Janecek,
Louis Jordan, Peter Lavorini, Ian Novick, James Osborne*, Molly Topper*
Artistic Staff
Director: Anton Juan
Set Designer: Emily Phillips
Costume Designer: Richard E. Donnelly
Lighting Designer: C. Kenneth Cole
Stage Manager: Lizett Martinez*
Dramaturg: Dolores J. Diaz
Video Designer: Cheuk Yan "Spider" Kwok*
Production Staff
Technical Director: Steve Hoeplinger*
Assistant Stage Managers: Alyssa Brauweiler, Aine Richards
Assistant to the Costume Designer: Christina Holmstrom
Scene Shop Foreman: Garrett Hohimer
Scene Shop Staff: Jennifer Connelly, Brandon Colpitts, James Dolson*, Maura Galbraith,
Steve Hoeplinger*, Thomas Mucchetti, Theresa Rutherford, Justin Weissert
Additional Scenery Construction: Elizabeth Clouse*, Michael D'Agostino, Alexander Ferrello, James Gates,
Brian Golish, Brian Hart, Michael Maggio, Elizabeth Mims, Cameron
Rains*, Ryan Retartha*
Costume Shop Supervisor: Jane Zusman
Cutter/Draper: Aimee Cole
Costume Construction Crew: Ashley Kelly*, Maureen lakin, AnaMarie Ortiz*, Meghann Tabor*, Tricia Rockwell, Emily Ungerer
Costume Running Crew: Jane Zusman, Head, Emily Ungerer, Joshua Talley, Yadira Huerta
Light Board Operator: Tiffanie Spencer
Sound Engineer/Operator: Alyssa Brauweiler
Video Operator: Joseph Lucero
Stage Hands: Wihyun(Brian) Lee, Elizabeth Lohmuller
Play Title: Dead Man Walking
Author: Sister Helen Prejean, Adapted by Tim Robbins
Dates Performed: February 26-27, March 1-2, 2005
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: FTT
Venue: Philbin Studio Theatre
Directed by: Siiri Scott and Jay Skelton
Play Title: Arcadia
Author: Tom Stoppard
Dates Performed: April 12-17, 19-23, 2005
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: FTT
Venue: Decio Mainstage Theatre, DeBartolo Performing Arts Center
Cast List
Thomasina Coverly: Caroline Askew
Septimus Hodge: Drew McElligott
Jellaby: Tim Stawicki
Ezra Chater: Conor Woods*
Richard Noakes: Steve Hoeplinger*
Lady Croom: Sarah Loveland*
Captain Brice, RN: Luke Cieslewicz*
Hannah Jarvis: Caitlin Rohn
Chloe Coverly: Lena Caligiuri*
Bernard Nightingale: John Schwenkler
Valentine Coverly: TJ McNally
Augustus/Gus Coverly: Jason Wittenbach
Artistic Staff
Director: Jay Paul Skelton
Assistant Director: Cameron Rains*
Set Designer: Emily Phillips
Costume Designer: Richard E. Donnelly
Lighting Designer: Kevin Dreyer
Sound Designer/Composer: Robert Steel
Wigmaster: Tami Lee
Dialect Coach: Siiri Scott
Movement Coach: Erin Porvaznik*
Stage Manager: Elizabeth "Cricket" Slattery*
Dramaturg: Ellen Kennedy*
Production Staff
Technical Director: C. Kenneth Cole
Assistant Stage Managers: Ellen Kennedy*, Mark Ross
Assistant to the Costume Designer: Christina Holmstrom
Light Board Operator: Rachel Manley*
Sound Operator: Ryan Retartha*
Wardrobe Crew: Jane Zusman, Head, Ashley Kelly*, AnaMarie Ortiz*, Tricia Rockwell, Meghann Tabor*, Emily Ungerer
Stage Hand: Maura Galbraith
Scene Shop Foreman: Garret Hohimer
Scene Shop Staff: Brandon Colpitts, Jennifer Connelly, James Dolson*, Maura Galbraith,
James Gates, Steve Hoeplinger*, Thomas Mucchetti, Theresa Rutherford,
Scenery Construction Crew: Joseph Blatt,
Elizabeth Clouse*, Steven Crowe, Michael D'Agostino, Alexander
Ferrello, Alexander Fortunato, Brian Golish, Jacob Granatino, Brian
Hart, Michael Maggio, Elizabeth Mims, Sean Murphy, Cameron Rains*, Ryan
Retartha*, Jessica Rodriguez, Paul Schlarman, James Tito
Costume Shop Supervisor: Jane Zusman
Cutter/Draper: Aimee Cole
Costume Construction Crew: Ashley Kelly*, AnaMarie Ortiz*, Tricia Rockwell, Meghann Tabor*, Emily Ungerer
Outreach Specialists: Kassie Misiewicz, Emily Petkewich
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