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(1801) (Apr. 9)
Gomez, Juan Nepomuceno Gomez, a native of Havana, Notary Public in St. Augustine and Master of the Royal Schools of reading and writing, appears and states that he wishes to embrace the ecclesiastical career as a secular cleric. He asks that the testimony of his three witnesses be heard and that two official witnesses be appointed, who will declare whether he is the son of Joseph Maria Gomez and Ines Francisca Mendez, the purity of his blood, his way of living and habits and frequenting of the Sacraments or any impediments to the priestly ministry. Since one of the witnesses is the Commandant of the battalion the aid of the governor of the place is to be asked. Copy (Spanish)
O'Reilly, Father (Miguel) The witnesses are to be heard and two others named. Josef Antonio de Iguiniz and Fernando de la Maza Arredond certify that O'Reilly, vicar and ecclesiastical judge of St. Augustine signed the above decree. Copy (Spanish)
White, (Enrique) Bartolome Morales, Colonel in the Royal Army and commandant of the 3rd Battalion of the Infantry of Cuba gives his testimony. Copy (Spanish)
Iguiniz, Jose Antonio de Francisco Xavier Sanchez appeared and swore that Gomez's paternal grandparents were Pedro Gomez and Gertrudis Rodriguez; the maternal grandparents were Catalina (Ruiz) del Canto and Pedro Mendez and (also gave his testimony on the other points required). Sanchez is 76. Copy (Spanish)
Ortega, Josef de Ortega, lawyer of the Royal Council of the Indies, deputy governor, Judge Advocate, and assessor of St. Augustine, in deference to the letter from O'Reilly of the 7th, testifies that he has known Gomez since he arrived here in March, 1793, adn (answers the six questions about Gomez). Copy (Spanish)
Iguiniz, Jose Antonio de Gomez presented as a witness, Father Miguel Crosby, officially appointed, who testified that he had known Gomez since 1791 when he arrived. Crosby (gives his answers to the six questions about Gomez). Crosby is 35. Copy (Spanish)
Iguiniz, Josef Antonio de O'Reilly declares the testimony sufficient and orders Gomez's baptismal certificate and that of his parents and proof of their marriage to be collected and that announcements (about impediments) be made on three feast days. Copy (Spanish) ( )
Gomez, Juan Nepomuceno Gomez's baptismal certificate, being from abroad, is not in the right form but there are those in the parish who know Father Fran(cis)co Fern(ande)z Quintana, of Guardian Angel Church of Havana who wrote it and will certify: Juan de los Remedios, Captain of the Artillery and commandant of the picket of this place, Gines de Oliva, Captain of the grenadiers, and Fern(an)d de la Fuente, First Lieutenant of the Third Battalion. Gomez asks that an order be given to carry this out. Copy (Spanish)
White, (Enrique) It is to be done as petitioned. Copy (Spanish)
Quintana, Father Francisco Fernandez Quintana certifies that in the baptismal register there is the following: On June 4, 1777, Father Nicolas Ambrosio Mancebo y Vetancurt baptized a boy the first of the month and gave him the name of Juan Nepomuceno Epifaneo; the godmother was Nicolosa Gomez. Copy (Spanish)
De los Remedios, Juan They certify that the above is in Quintana's hand. Copy (Spanish)
Zubizarreta, Jose de Zubizarreta certifies that the signatures of Remedios, Oliva, and Puente are in their own hand. Copy (Spanish)
Herrera y Moya, Father Nicolas de Herrera of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Havana, certifies that in the baptismal records in St. Augustine there is the following entry: On August 20, 1744, Father Francisco Xavier Arturo, of St. Augustine, baptized a boy born on the 15th, son of Pedro Gomez, a native of the See of Seville and Maria Gertrudis Rodriguez, native of this city, and gave him the name of Jose Maria Nacinto; the godfather was Domingo Herrera. Copy (Spanish)
Herrera y Moya, Father Nicolas de Herrera certifies that in the baptismal register of St. Augustine there is the following; On January 26, 1753, Father Juan de Paredez of St. Augustine baptized Ines, born the 20th; the godfather was Nicolas Mendez. Copy (Spanish)
Mancebo y Vetancurt, Father Nicolas Ambrosio Father Jose Domingo Sanchez y Fleites, of Guardian Angel Church, certifies that in the matrimonial register there is the following item: In Havana, on December 21, 1772, the banns having been published and with the license from the vicar general, Father Miguel de Castro Palomino married Jose Maria Gomez and Ines Mendez of Florida. The witnesses were Francisco Galvez and Ignacio Luna; the groomsmen, Luis Otero and Soledad Gomez. The enclosed was placed in the Church of the Holy spirit on September 11, 1773. Copy (Spanish)
O'Reilly, Father Miguel de If anyone knows of any impediment, he is to let O'Reilly know. O'Reilly certifies that this proclamation having been read three times in the parish church, there were no impediments revealed. Therefore since it seems suitable and in consequence of the decree of the 10th, O'Reilly puts this in the proceedings which Gomez has executed. Copy (Spanish)
-------- Iguiniz, Jose Antonio de
Iguiniz, Jose Antonio de They testify that (the above) is a true copy of the original. Copy (Spanish)
Zubizarreto, Jose de Zubuzarreta certifies that the signatures of Iguiniz and Arredondo are authentic; both are well known, the first as an official of the treasury and the second, a deputy in the postal service. They certify in fulfillment of the decree of Enrique White, Colonel of the Royal Army and governor of this city. A.D.S. (Spanish)
White, (Enrique) Gomez, at the instance of many residents on September 30, 1797, and mainly because of information from O'Reilly on September 27, was appointed as schoolmaster with a salary of 30 pesos a month. In his absence his father will substitute for his son. Ortega acts as the lawyer. Gonzalo Zamorano certifies that this is a tru copy made April 5, 1799. Copy (Spanish)
V-2-m Copies (Spanish) 29pp. folio