University of Notre Dame

Diocese of Louisiana and the Floridas 1801/05/18





1801 May 18

Quintero, Father Isidro
New Orleans, Louisiana

Copy of a petition of Father Constantine (McKenna) MahKenna asking to be named as pastor of Bayou Sara and the decree in answer to his petition.

1801 May 16

M'Kenna, Father Constantino
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas
New Orleans, Louisiana

Copy. On his leaving the parish at Mobile, McKenan became very ill and (Penalver) gave him permission to go to Baton rouge to convalesce. Having inspected Bayou Sara on this trip, he is persuaded that this climate is agreeable to him so he asks Penalver to give him that parish served now as best they can from Pointe Coupee and Baton Rouge, and which would be easy for him as nearly all the congregation speaks English.

D.S. Copy (Spanish)

1801 May 18

(Penalver y Cardenas), Bishop (Luis)
New Orleans, Louisiana

(Penalver) consents to M'Kennan's request. He is to administer the sacraments; reduce the number of sectarians by his zeal; take a census of the parish; bless one or more cemeteries as those are insufficient which were established by Father Fran(cis)co Lennan, who served that parish; to celebrate Mass; take care of the altar, vestments, and sacred vessels in the care of Lennan who will turn them over together with the registry books; to help out when he can at Point Coupee until their pastor, Father Pablo de San Pedro, returns, and also the Catholics of Natchez who came to him, without excessive expense of his own obligations, exercising the same functions as for this diocese as requested by the Bishop of Baltimore, (John Carroll) in a letter of February 7, 1801; and give a report of all in opportune time.

D.S. Copies (Spanish)

V-2-m A.D.S. (Spanish) 3pp. 4to.

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