pg 342 "1. To have our own subjects ordained by another Bishop during his absence from the diocese, or when it would be difficult to send them to Vincennes. "2. To invite any Bishop that may honor us with a visit to officiate pontifically, and even to administer confirmation and receive a profession. "Signed, Maurice, Bp. of Vincennes." Moreover, having received from the same worthy Bishop the faculties of Vicar General for all his mission, amongst others, that of giving jurisdiction to every priest ordained at Notre Dame for the society, it does not appear that there was matter for a serious reprimand as for a grave fault. In terminating this review of the first fifteen years of Notre Dame du Lac, let it be permitted us to add here that in this country the community has hardly found real and permanent sympathy except from the illustrious Archbishop Purcell. It was doubtless the will of heaven that one part of its trials should consist in