pg 341 by the Bishop's own hand, who must have forgotten. Here it is in full: "Vincennes, March 22/58 "Bro. Lawrence, Steward. "The money for the orphans arrived here yesterday by express. Accept my sincere thanks and believe me always. "Your devoted "+ Maurice, Bp. of Vincennes." The letter in question mentions also another complaint, namely: that F. Sorin had his subjects ordained by visiting Bishops, and that one of those ordinations he left the Bishop of the diocese two months without informing him. Having no remembrance of this delay of two months, F. Sorin can only humble himself for it and say, that it could only happen through forgetfulness on his part. If, however, the good Bishop did not bestow holy orders on all that were ordained at Notre Dame, it is because he authorized this proceeding, as appears by a permission signed by himself on Nov 14/49 and worded thus: "We humbly beg of Mgr. the Bishop of Vincennes the following permissions: