Astrik L. Gabriel: Manuscripts
- CALG 7/25.12 Letter : Horváth Tibor to ALG 1990/1101
Tibor encloses the program of the Immaculate Conception ceremony in the Hungarian parish of Toronto. He inquires about Pázmány Péter and other Hungarians scholastics from the Middle Ages who left behind theological or philosophical tracts in Latin. Hungarian
- CALG 7/25.13 Document : Memorandum
By the Secretary General for the board meeting of the International Society for Encyclopedia of Church History in Hungary ( Published for the founders and board members only). Hungarian
- CALG 7/25.14 Document : Minutes 1990/0917
From the board meeting of the Society for Encyclopedia of Church History in Budapest, Dr. Bishop Várszegi Asztrik as president of the society. Hungarian
- CALG 7/25.15 Letter : Dr. Eördögh István to ALG 1990/0323
István received ALG's document that appoints him to be the Vatican Secretary, in Rome, of the Society for Encyclopedia of Church History in Hungary. He is is happy to represent the Society together with its findings on future Conferences on Church History. István makes several proposals for the establishment of a secretarial office in Rome. He also makes an appeal for financial support to the International Society for Encyclopedia of Church History in Hungary. He encloses the receipts of his prior expenses and asks for reimbursement. He intends to microfilm the unique source material from the Propaganda Fide Archives. It contains first source materials having to do with the history of Transylvanian Hungarians, which is little known among the Hungarian historians. István fears that if they don't act fast, the whole microfilm project might fail because the material will be soon transferred to the Secret Archives of the Vatican. István would need 9,000 Canadian dollars for the project. Hungarian
- CALG 7/25.16 Letter : ALG to Dr. Eördögh István 1990/0403
ALG sends his congratulations for István's scientific work and for the upcoming publication of his two books. It would be a good idea for István to contact Canon Msgr. Michele Maccarrone in the Vatican. István will soon receive an answer concerning reimbursement and future subsidy from Father Horváth Tibor, the General Secretary from Canada. Hungarian
- CALG 7/25.17 Document : Minutes 1989/1106
From the 2nd year meeting held by METEM - International Society of Toronto for Hungarian Church History. The meeting was summoned by the President of the Society, ALG. Since ALG could not be present, he asked the new bishop of Hungarians living abroad to formally open the meeting. Hungarian
- CALG 7/25.18 Letter : Somorjai Ádám to Father Horváth Tibor 1989/1123
Ádám sends information concerning the conference and the member meeting of the Society held on November 21st. While brainstorming, Ádám sends a list of possible ideas that would make the work of the Society more efficient in the future. He has done some propaganda work too. The success of the meeting held on the 21st of November is Tibor's success. Ádám sends his congratulations. Hungarian
- CALG 7/25.19 Document : List of donors supporting the METEM Foundation
Including the amount of support. All donors are charter members as well. Hungarian
- CALG 7/25.20 Document : Announcement of the new magazine : Essays in Church History in Hungary
It elaborates on and publicly discusses the thousand year old history of the Hungarian Church. It is published by METEM -- the International Society for Encyclopedia for Church History in Hungary -- ALG being the President of the Society. Hungarian
- CALG 7/25.21 Document : 1989/0630 Newsletter of the METEM
It lists the accompishments of the Society. Starting this year it is an incorporated Research Institute, in Canada, promoting research in Hungarian Church History. Hungarian
- CALG 7/25.22 Letter : Érszegi Géza to ALG 1989/0310
Géza wanted to write sooner to introduce himself but he has been hoping for an opportunity to meet ALG in person. Since ten years, Géza has been trying to restart the Vatican Research in Hungary. Géza intends to research all the medieval material in the Vatican, microfilm the documents with Hungarian pertinence, and make it available for research in the Hungarian Public Archives in Budapest. This project, however, is very costly. Now Géza plans to publish the "Essays in Church History" in Hungary. Should ALG want to publish one of his essays in Hungarian in this area of research, he is to send it to Géza as soon as possible. He wishes happy Easter. Hungarian
- CALG 7/25.23 Document : Article from the Hungarian Catholic Weekly, "Uj ember" 1989/0115
Title: What is METEM's new direction? Hungarian
- CALG 7/25.24 Letter : ALG to Dr. Érszegi Géza 1989/0405
ALG just received Géza's letter. When he was a university student, ALG recalls analyzing King St. Stephen's documents in Greek. Now ALG is happy to keep them. He forwarded Géza's letter to Father Horváth Tibor, the General Secretary of the Society. Tibor deals with the finances and has recently wire-transferred money to the Hungarian office of METEM. ALG advises Géza to turn to Tibor in all matters concerning research and money. ALG is very busy these days with the proof-reading of his upcoming book. Thus he fails to correspond with many people in Hungary. ALG is afraid that many Hungarians are offended at this, however, they don't see that the pressure to work hard in America is very high. Hungarian
- CALG 7/25.25 Letter : Horváth Tibor to ALG 1989/0130
As the president of the International Society for Encyclopedia for Church History in Hungary, ALG is the appropriate person to appoint Dr. Eördögh István for Vatican representative. Per István's and his request, ALG is to formulate the appointment both in Hungarian and in English. István's credentials are an assurance that, as a future METEM's Vatican representative, he will be a great benefactor of the Society. Tibor received a letter from Archbishop Dankó, Hungary, advising him about István's appointment. Hungarian
- CALG 7/25.26 Document : 1988/1218 Plans
Concerning the establishment of a Vatican and Western-European General Secretariat under the auspicies of the Society, seated in Rome. Prepared for the International Secretariat in Toronto, for consideration, by Dr. Eördögh István. It includes the scope of the activities performed by such a cultural cheritable trust, Italian legal procedures, location, cost, and personnel. Hungarian
- CALG 7/25.27 Letter : Dr. Eördögh István to Horváth Tibor 1988/1218
István encloses an insert to his detailed layout of the cheritable trust located in Rome. The magazine "Vázlatok" is to publish the first source material pertinent to Hungarian Church History found in various archives of the Vatican. For years, this material has been carefully reserached and documented by István and he plans to be publishing it soon. Hungarian
- CALG 7/26 Folder : Encyclopedia of Church History in Hungary 1987-1992
- CALG 7/26.01 Letter : Uzsoki András to Dr. Horváth Tibor 1989/0116
There are more and more successful activities and fundraising events organized by the International Society for Encyclopedia for Church History in Hungary. There are clear signs that this Society is becoming the most fruitful and successful movement in Hungarian church history ever. Hungarian
- CALG 7/26.02 Letter : Dr. Eördögh István to Dr. Horváth Tibor 1988/1218
István agrees with Tibor that his mandate to initiate a Vatican and West-European Secretariat, seated in Rome, needs to be issued and conceived by the President of the International Society for Encyclopedia for Church History, and that is ALG. István suggests four items his nomination for Vatican representative should include. Hungarian
- CALG 7/26.03 Document : Article written by Kostya Sándor
On December 1st, 1988, the International Society for Encyclopedia for Church History in Hungary held its first assembly meeting in Toronto. By way of introduction the president, ALG, presented the main events in Hungarian and international church history. He also talked about the important role the association has in the lives of Hungarians. Research publications cover Hungary's lost territories too with their scattered 6,000 Hungarian parishes.(February 1989) Hungarian
- CALG 7/26.04 Letter : Szántó Konrád to Dr. Horváth Tibor 1989/0206
Konrád sends information about the associaton's Hungarian Secretariat in Budapest and their board meeting that took place couple of days before. Konrád thanks Tibor for his stroke of genius initiating this association and for his foregoing support. Hungarian
- CALG 7/26.05 Letter : Szántó Konrád to Dr. Horváth Tibor 1989/0208
Konrád informs Tibor about Proconsul Father Morlin Imre, donations given by various charter members, publications, and the budget of the Hungarian Branch of the Society. Hungarian
- CALG 7/26.06 Document : Memorandum of Association
Declaring the establishment of the Hungarian Church History Endowment on 1988/1212. Hungarian
- CALG 7/26.07 Letter : Uzsoki András to Dr. Horváth Tibor 1989/0120
András sends good news from Hungary concerning METEM's board members, their financial contributions, and the publications of the society. Hungarian
- CALG 7/26.08 Letter : Uzsoki András to Dr. Horváth Tibor 1989/0213
András has distributed the membership cards to the board members. He sends one membership card to Tibor and another one to the president, ALG. The minimum donation is 500 Hungarian Forints for the members. But both ALG and Tibor are excluded from paying the membership fees. Instead they deserve recognition and indebted thanks for their hard work, which is worth more than any fee. András encloses a copy of the Associations' board meeting proceedings and a memorandum to the members. Hungarian
- CALG 7/26.09 Letter : ALG to Dr. Kostya Sándor 1989/0216
On the Association's behalf, ALG thanks Sándor for his article in Kronika that reflected very well both the proceedings of the Toronto meeting and the objectives of the International Society for Encyclopedia for Church History. Hungarian
- CALG 7/26.10 Document : Proceedings of the International Society for Encyclopedia for Church History, Toronto 1988/1201
From the first strategic board meeting, Regis College. The association has 110 members and has received the first $5,000 pledge. Hungarian
- CALG 7/26.11 Letter : Prof. Horváth Tibor to ALG 1988/1104
Tibor sends information about the first strategic board meeting and encloses a copy of the invitation that they will send out. 15 people will be invited only. The aim of the meeting is to organize the Board of Directors with 60 trustees. Should ALG attend the meeting, he is to say the inaugural. Tibor encloses a recent article in "Uj Ember", the Hungarian Catholic Weekly, about METEM (Hungarian abbreviation for the International Society for Encyclopedia for Church History in Hungary). Hungarian
- CALG 7/26.12 Document : Draft Proposal for Publication of Essays in Church History
Concerning its themes, publicity, editorial desk, and publisher. Hungarian
- CALG 7/26.13 Letter : Hölvényi György to Somorjai Ádám 1988/0629
György sends his suggestions for and ideas about the METEM formation meeting at the end of August. Hungarian
- CALG 7/26.14 Letter : Somorjai Ádám sends the preliminary report about the METEM formation meeting held in August. Hungarian 1988/0718
- CALG 7/26.15 Letter : ALG to Dr. Somorjai Ádám 1988/0712
ALG thanks Ádám for his two letters. Unfortunately, ALG will not be able to attend the formation meeting due to another conference he has to attend on the 28th of August. He tried to postpone this to another date but to no avail. Today, ALG talked to Dr. Horváth Tibor about a long letter they plan to be sending to Dr. Tilly Károly. ALG sends his regards to Dr. Várszegi Asztrik. Hungarian
- CALG 7/26.16 Letter : Dr. Somorjai Ádám to ALG 1988/0516
Ádám has coordinated his efforts with Father Horváth Tibor to send out the enclosed invitation on behalf of ALG and Archbishop Dankó László from Kalocsa. The invitation is for the formation meeting/Opening Ceremony of the International Society for Encyclopedia for Church History in Hungary. Ádám is glad to help the association and ALG by being on the advisory board. The meeting will be in August. Hungarian
- CALG 7/26.17 Letter : Dr. Somorjai Ádám to ALG 1988/0620
Ádám sends the second report on the preliminary steps of the opening meeting. ALG's personal presence is of prime importance. Hungarian
- CALG 7/26.18 Letter : Dr. Szántó Konrád to ALG 1988/0701
Konrád would be obliged if ALG would attend the formation meeting in August because this event would be incomplete without the presence of the president of the association. ALG's considerable international fame will give authority both to the meeting and to the International Society for Encyclopedia for Church History in Hungary. Hungarian
- CALG 7/26.19 Letter : Dr. Tilly Károly to Dr. Horváth Tibor 1988/0612
Károly received the invitation to the formation meeting in August. He is sad to hear that there will be no member of the association, who live abroad, attending the conference. But Károly was also dissapointed both by the appearance and by the content of the invitation. He thinks, by reading the program, that the International Society for Encyclopedia for Church History in Hungary's independence is in danger. Károly also thinks that both clerical and secular historians should be involved in research on Church history. A syndicate, seated in Hungary, would be useful for the Hungarian operation of the association. It will, however, operate under the auspices of the Toronto seat. Károly, along with other members in Budapest, inquires more information concerning the independence of the association. Hungarian
- CALG 7/26.20 Letter : Dr. Horváth Tibor to Dr. Dankó László, Archbishop 1988/0225
Per László's suggestion, ALG is the temporary president of the International Society for Encyclopedia for Church History in Hungary. Both ALG and Tibor think that the association's formation meeting in August should be organized in Hungary by members living in Budapest. Tibor sends information about the association. Hungarian
- CALG 7/26.21 Letter : Dr. Horváth Tibor to ALG 1987/1229
Tibor encloses an annexed list of the members of the Association. Also he plans to be organizing a pilgrimige to visit Hungary's old Churches on the 19th of August. He would like ALG to take part at least in the opening meeting held on the 28th as it is desirable for Hungarians from the Unites States to participate along with Hungarians from Canada. The manuscript of the first issue of "Vázlatok" has been sent to the Verlag Publisher in Vienna, Austria. Hungarian
- CALG 7/26.22 Document : Bulletin on the Pilgrimage to Primaeval Churches of Hungary 1988
In 1988, which is the year of King St. Stephen. The pamphlet urges association members to participate in this unique field-trip. Hungarian
- CALG 7/26.23 Letter : Dr. Horváth Tibor to ALG 1987/1004
Tibor plans to have the association's first meeting organized next August in Hungary. The theme of the meeting would be the methodology of parish church history. Possibly elections would take place too. Tibor would be obliged if ALG would attend and preside the meeting. ALG could possibly do some fundraising in order to get financial support. Hungarian
- CALG 7/26.24 Document : Press Release
About a new association of Church historians, ALG being president and Prof. Horváth Tibor being General Secretary. Hungarian
- CALG 7/26.25 Document : List of Hungarian Church Historians 1987/0524
- CALG 7/26.26 Document : Newsletter
About the tasks of the association, plans for publication, and a future register of Hungarian parishes. Hungarian
- CALG 7/26.27 Document : Manuscript of the first issue of "Vázlatok"
By no means definitive: calls for suggestions and ideas. Hungarian
- CALG 7/26.28 Letter : Szántó Konrád to Dr. Horváth Tibor 1987/0101
Prof. Tilly informed Konrád that Tibor needs suggestions concerning the tasks of the association. Konrád lists his ideas and hopes that they will be useful. He suggests possible topics to be included in the 1st and 2nd issue of "Vázlatok". He also thinks that the association's Hungarian Secretariat should be seated at Pannonhalma. Members in Hungary rely on scientific collaboration with Hungarians living abroad. Hungarian
- CALG 7/26.29 Letter : Dr. Horváth Tibor to Dr. Paskai László, Suffragan Bishop 1987/0115
Tibor informs the Suffragan Bishop about the establishment of the church histrian's association in Toronto. Cardinal Dean, Lékai László, supported the idea before he passed away. ALG undertook the temporary presidency and presides until the association's rules along with election and nomination of the board members become final. Hungarian
- CALG 7/26.30 Letter : Horváth Tibor to ALG 1986/0422
Tibor encloses the invitation to subscribe to the Hungarian Church History Assiciation. He asks ALG for his comments and ideas how to explore best the 1000 year old history of the Hungarian Church. Hungarian
- CALG 7/26.31 Letter : Horváth Tibor to ALG 1986/0606
Tibor thanks ALG for his phone call. He suggests the formation of an interim board of directors and two names the association should be called. President: ALG. Vice-President: Bogyay Tamás, Germany, and Gereral Secretary: Prof. Horváth Tibor, Canada. Tibor reccommends the association to be advertised in the American Historical Review. He asks ALG to send his advise and his instructions as soon as possible. Hungarian
- CALG 7/27 Folder : French Academy of Sciences 1991-1992
- CALG 7/28 Folder : Dr. A. L. Gabriel: Personal 1951-1994
- CALG 7/28.01 Letter : Fehér Holló Publisher to ALG 1979/1014
They agree with ALG that they did not enclose, with the order form, a correction form as well concerning the new, fat volume of Prominent Hungarians. They just mentioned that ALG's biography is listed in it. Should ALG find any mistake in his biography, he is to send the correction as soon as possible. Hungarian
- CALG 7/28.02 Letter : Jaschkó Balázs to ALG 1977/0927
Balázs thanks ALG for his note concerning the newspaper article. He also asks ALG to deliver a talk on St. Elizabeth ceremony on November 20th, 1977, after the dinner at the Parish Hall. Hungarian
- CALG 7/28.03 Letter : Horváth Ernö to ALG 1977/0420
Ernö congratulates ALG for his notable collection he put together for the Hungarian posterity. He encloses an article from the Newspaper of californian Hungarians "Napnyugat". The article describes the microfilm collection of the Central Geneology Library in Salt Lake City. Ernö thinks that it might contain information concerning Hungarian families in the United States. Hungarian
- CALG 7/28.04 Letter : Deniflee Katalin to ALG 1976/1125
Katalin's beloved aunt, Juci, just informed her that she can ask ALG for help because ALG might be of assistance to her. Her son, Ferenc, would like to apply to the Notre Dame Law School, after graduating from Columbia University. She would be obliged if ALG would help her son get in to the Notre Dame Law school by pulling some strings. She wishes happy Christmas. Hungarian
- CALG 7/29 Folder : Dr. A. L. Gabriel: Personal 1951-1994
- CALG 7/29.01 Letter : Márton Hugó to ALG 1973/1222
Hugó wishes merry Christmas and a happy new year. The General informed Hugó, by phone, about ALG's Papal decoration. Hugó and the General have not met since January. The General will send it to Hugó so that he can forward it to ALG. Hugó congratulates ALG for his Papal distinction. Hungarian
- CALG 7/29.02 Letter : ALG to Márton Hugó 1974/0307
ALG encloses another letter to Hugó written in English language that Hugó can show to the General when he sees him. The letter promulgates ALG's extreme dissapointment in the everything that has to do with the General's power. ALG also thanks Hugó for his time and effort in sending ALG's decoration and Diploma. But it was not Hugó whose obligation was forwarding the decoration to him: it was the Curia which was supposed to send such documents. ALG is sad to note that the General handled this case very poorly. He sent a note to Rome, to the most responsible quarters, that such documents are to be sent either to the episcopate, where ALG belongs to, or to the President of the Catholic University, Fr. Hesburgh. From this mishandling, it seems that the General is worth a litte, being envious of the recognitions his fellow Confreres receive. Hungarian
- CALG 7/30 Folder : [Research for Munich Lecture]
- CALG 7/31 Folder : Personal File 1953-1988
- CALG 7/31.01 Letter : Pályi György to ALG 1987/0522
György's fundraising attempt has been successful. He is glad to note that $400 was collected for the project. He would like to research and document in full detail the battle at Letkés. In 1944 he was there the commanding officer of his Hungarian regiment. György encloses the letter he recieved from the pastor of the Letké parish. Having spent his whole life writing up the history of his Repülö Lövész regiment, György now would like to travel home hoping to complete his mission. He thanks ALG for his encouraging words. Hungarian
- CALG 7/31.02 Letter : Puchovszky István to Pályi György 1987
István sends information concerning the parish, the cemetry with the name of the soldiers killed in action during the WWII, and the Institute for Disabled Children, which he founded. István is glad to be the priest of not one but two surrounding congregations next to Letkés. Upon György's travel, he advises György to obtain the Chehoslovakian visa in the United States. Hungarian
- CALG 7/31.03 Letter : Fin Róbert to ALG 1987/0412
Róbert thanks ALG for his letter and for the article that appeared in the "Hungarian Catholics Sunday". He is glad to note that ALG is the most recognized and distinguished Hungarian scholar abroad. Like ALG, Róbert constantly teaches and publishes. Lately he received the "Russian teacher extraordinaire" award. Róbert hopes that ALG, too, is happy and contented with his life in this vale of tears. Hungarian
- CALG 7/31.04 Letter : Dr. Eszterhás István to ALG 1987/0303
István received a letter from Mrs. Angela Bront, ALG's secretary, questioning István's payments for the ads. He finds her lines reproachful and her attitude annoying. Thus István sends a long letter explaining to ALG the situation in order to clarify the misunderstanding. During his 26 years as an editor and writer he has never accepted money for his reviews. Now István wrote ALG's book review, still for free. But ALG's secretary confuses the money ALG sent for advertising his book with the review István wrote for the same magazins. Yet it was ALG's belated idea to advertise his book at the first place. István forwarded all the money he received from ALG to the newspaper for paying the charges for the ad. István feels that his strong-backed journalistic integrity is objected to in the secretary's letter and sends ALG's money back. He encloses a check for $70. István thinks that ALG would have done the same thing in his place. Hungarian
- CALG 7/31.05 Letter : Vida István to ALG 1986/1030
István sends ALG the manuscript of his article. The content has the aspect of a model. Being a beginner writer, he asks ALG to help him publish this work in the "International Catholic Review Communio", which is printed at the University of Notre Dame. Hungarian
- CALG 7/31.06 Letter : Szabó Júlia to ALG 1984/0329
Júlia has worked for years on her article about cedars. Finally it appeared in the Acta Historial Artium. Júlia thanks ALG for reading and commenting the text. She would have written sooner but she received ALG's letter, posted in October, late in February. Júlia sends her husband's new book about early gothic architecture in Hungary in gratitude for ALG's kindness. Her husband, Marosi Ernő, too, sends his regards. Hungarian
- CALG 7/31.07 Letter : Lazar Andre to ALG 1986/0219
Andre received ALG's letter from February 3rd. ALG can subscribe to The Hungarian Digest through the Kultura Co., Budapest, just like the other books. Or else he could order books through the famous Püski Publisher of New York. Upon ALG's visit in October, Andre will give ALG a copy each of his two books: Ego Sum Gallicus Captivus and the Arpadine. He congratulates ALG for publishing, in English, his new book that deals with Hungarian-French themes. Hungarian
- CALG 7/31.08 Letter : Jákli István to ALG 1986/0129
István sends a short introduction of himself since ALG does yet know him yet. Doing research in the field of Hungarian Medieval History, specifically on the first written Hungarian poem ever, István is now stuck with his research. He kindly asks ALG, the expert on Parisian Universities in the Middle Ages, to name references on this topic, in German or in Hungarian if possible. Hungarian
- CALG 7/31.09 Letter : Joseph St. Claire to ALG 1980/0813
Joe did not write sooner because he has received ALG's letter very late. He sends a sketchy memoir, including his retirement in 1978, and invites ALG for a visit. Still having a piece of the hand grenade in his leg, he is at times reminded of this terrible incident. Hungarian
- CALG 7/31.10 Letter : Ili to ALG 1984/1114
Ili is happy to hear that ALG will visit Toronto soon and invites him for a dinner. He asks ALG to inform her of the dates he will be able to come. She congratulates ALG for yet another distinction he received in Hungary. Hungarian
- CALG 7/31.11 Letter : Gál Gedeon to ALG 1983/0809
Gedeon and his research team has received a fellowship prize from the National Endowment for the Humanities. $117,576 is outright but the remaining $102,000 would double their own funds. Gedeon inquires information as to where he could apply for $51,000 funding. He would like to know whether ALG knows somebody personally in higher circles to fund such a theoretical project and whether ALG will give advice concerning fundraising. Hungarian
- CALG 7/31.12 Letter : Emil to ALG 1982/0304
Emil received ALG's letter and the enclosed article about the movie "Four Friends" and about the success of their common friend, Simon Miklós. He will make arrangements at the literary news section of "New Europe", Münich, to announce this. Emil's is glad to note that the German language translation of his book on the 1956 revolution has just appeared. He hopes to meet ALG soon in Germany. Hungarian
- CALG 7/31.13 Letter : Hutás Pongrác Zoltán to ALG 1981/0817
36 years have passed away since they last met in Budapest, Hungary. Then ALG showed him the letter written to the Canadian prime minister in which the provost authorizes ALG's departure for 6 months. Pongrác waived good bye to ALG and to those few lucky ones who left. Often Pongrác and ALG's old friend from Paris, Dr. Penkert Miska, have commemorated ALG. They recalled his supreme and unique intelligence, astuteness, and sense of humor. Lately Miska described ALG's world-wide fame by quoting him "I teach at the same university as Einstein". Pongrác still keeps the nice souvenir he received from ALG in Rome in 1942: a picture of St. Pongrac. Unfortunately he had to stay in Romania and has lived his life in Nagyvárad (Oradea) where he was getting nowhere. The monastic quarters is slowly dying out with only two guardians remaining: Suta Evermód and him. Moreover the provostship of Váradhegyfok has no legal status neither in front of the Romanian authorities nor in front of the General. Unfortunately nobody cares about their existence. Pongrác hears the toll of their funeral bell. He is sorry to note that Miska recently passed away. Hungarian
- CALG 7/31.14 Letter : Székely Dávid to ALG 1981/0201
Recently "Elet es Irodalom" run a short article on ALG in Budapest. Dávid received ALG's address from Ottó and sends a copy of the article. He is happy to know ALG as there are very few people he met who are both scholars and man of the world at the same time. He is to look for a meeting with ALG if he visits the United States. Hungarian
- CALG 7/31.15 Letter : Kohári József to ALG 1981/0202
After 16 years, József now returns the St. Elisabeth picture and the related documents. He received these from ALG when they planned to decorate the church in Toronto. József agrees with ALG on the importance of Hungarian marriages, namely Hungarians marrying only Hungarians. Their biological subsistence could depend on it. He asks ALG to spread this idea among his many young friends. Hungarian
- CALG 7/31.16 Letter : Dr. Gilbert Mihályi to ALG 1979/1228
Dr. Gilbert Mihályi is writing the first Hungarian biography of Pope John the 2nd. He would be obliged if ALG would send the reference of his eminent work about Hungarian students at Cracow University. Dr. Gilbert Mihályi plans to make reference to this relevant book. Hungarian
- CALG 7/32 Folder : Personal File 1953-1988
- CALG 7/32.01 Letter : Gábriel Ottóné, Eszter, to ALG 1979/0429
Eszter is happy to note that she is pregnant and that they expect the baby in October. Ottó, her husband, travels a lot throughout Europe thus he needs his own car. But in Hungary it is hard to come by any car, new or used. Eszter, after long deliberations, now asks ALG to help them to a Fiat 127 through Konsumex Bank. Eszter's family would cover all the costs. Hungarian
- CALG 7/32.02 Letter : Gábriel Ottó to ALG 1979/0505
Ottó encloses a handout about donating cars through Konsumex that Eszter forgot to attach to her letter. He agrees with Eszter that it is impossible to buy a car in Hungary paying with Hungarian Forints. Even though Ottó paid half of the price as downpayment, he needs to wait 4-5 years to obtain a car. Having dollars, ALG is in a better position to help the young couple to a Fiat. If ALG is not willing to help, or has no means, he is to inform Eszter honestly as soon as possible. Ottó hopes to meet ALG in person this year in Koper, Yugoslavia. Hungarian
- CALG 7/32.03 Letter : Kohári József to ALG 1979/0830
Due to the meager resources the United Hungarian Fund in Toronto has, they will not be able to cover ALG's travel expenses when he comes to give a talk. József hopes that ALG will visit Toronto for another occasion. Then they will make arrangements for him to give a lecture. Perhaps he could visit and meet Alföldi András from Princeton at the beginning of next year. Hungarian
- CALG 7/32.04 Letter : Dr. Udvardy Tibor to ALG 1979/0104
Tibor is sad to note that ALG will not attend the celebration held in memory of Michael Kováts. Tibor thinks it will be a historical moment. Therefore he asks ALG to send a picture of himself and to give his consent for his name to be used as the symbol of this Hungarian endeavor. Hungarian
- CALG 7/32.05 Letter : Dr. Hubay Ilona to ALG 1978/0502
Realizing that ALG is a "redivivus" at Notre Dame, Ilona was able to find his address and send this letter. ALG's postcard was a nice surprise. Ilona works on a B42 project that will perhaps end at the end of this year. Now she regrets that she agreed to participate in it because it is not profitable. She will be at home, in Münich, at the beginning of July. ALG is to visit the wonderful "Erwerbungen von 30 Jahren" exhibition upon his visit in July. Hungarian
- CALG 7/32.06 Letter : Dr. Várdy Huszár Ágnes to ALG 1978/0408
The Hungarian Academy of Sciences plans to publish a Hungarian Literary Cyclopaedia. This letter is sent at the request of the editors who would like to include ALG's name in this work. Ágnes encloses a guide for ALG according to which he is to compile and send his personal data by May 15th. Hungarian
- CALG 7/32.07 Letter : Dr. Hubay Ilona to ALG 1977/0426
Ilona spent two months resting in a small mountain village. Upon her return, she found ALG's postcard. Keresztury Dezsö paid a visit to her in Münich, Germany, and informed her about the situation in Hungary. After enduring 9 years at Csorvás due to the communist eviction, Ilona is glad to be in München. She invites ALG to visit her since she knows that she will never get to the United States. Hungarian
- CALG 7/32.08 Letter : Jaschkó Balázs to ALG 1977/0217
Balázs invites ALG to be the honor guest at their anniversary celebration at St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church in Toronto. The event will take place on the 20th of March at 6 p.m.. Hungarian
- CALG 7/32.09 Letter : Kalniczky György to ALG 1977/0122
György is sorry for not writing sooner, but he was very busy. He thanks ALG for the information concerning his distinction, which was published in the Fall issue. The aim of the Catholic Hungarian University Movement is to spead the news about the achievements of Hungarian scholars living abroad. He invites ALG to visit him on his next trip to Münich, Germany. Hungarian
- CALG 7/32.10 Letter : Jakab Miklós to ALG 1976/1210
Recently Cardinal Lékay from Hungary has visited South Bend. Miklós encloses an article about this visit, which duly commemorates the Hungarian Library at the University of Notre Dame and its founder, ALG. Hungarian
- CALG 7/32.11 Letter : Bakay Lajos to ALG 1976/1031
Lajos sends an inquiry for information concerning possible interships for her daughter, Stephanie. She is a history of art major and would like to obtain her masters degree. Lajos would like to know whether ALG has some connections in variuos Art Departments and whether his daughter would be welcome at Notre Dame or not. Hungarian
- CALG 7/32.12 Letter : Lester László Stark to ALG 1976/1126
Finally Laci is ready with the printouts he made from the slides. As far as the reunion is concerned, Laci waits for ALG's promise to attend or not and he will go by that. He informs ALG about their trip through the West Coast to Florida. Hungarian
- CALG 7/32.13 Letter : William Graff, Kajci, to ALG 1976
Kajci encloses an article about the character of John Dean. She was happy to meet ALG in Washington. Hungarian
- CALG 7/33 Folder : Personal File 1953-1988
- CALG 7/33.01 Letter : Eckhardt Sándor to ALG 1967/0919
Sándor thanks ALG for the seals, including the Ambrosiana seal. Looking at the photos, he can now imagine ALG's institute. Sándor asks ALG to inquire in the Vatican Archives about Balassi Bálint and the controversy on the christening of his son. ALG is to look into the documents of the Jesuits as well. Sándor informs ALG about who among his professors retired and who is still alive. Hungarian
- CALG 7/33.02 Letter : Végh István to ALG 1966/0428
István thanks ALG for his letter. István remembers meeting ALG 25 years ago in Pécs, Hungary. Now the city has changed to better and István would not be able to leave from there. He will also organize the 40th class reunion and would like to know whether ALG intends to attend. They will all comply with ALG's schedule. There are few classmates who died already and a couple of them are missing. István sends information concerning the whereabouts of his classmates living in Hungary. He still keeps a photo, which was taken in ALG's vineyard long time ago while there were singing as he was playing the violin. Hungarian
- CALG 7/33.03 Letter : Mimi to ALG 1973/0209
Mimi is concerned about ALG. It seems that they lost contact. She inquires about ALG and about a possible visit to Cambridge in the future. She just came across the History of the Eotvos Loránd University, published recently by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. But she was sorry for seeing that it contained erroneous facts. Also Mimi would like to know whether ALG has decided to stay in Canada or not. Hungarian
- CALG 7/33.04 Letter : Köszeghy Gyuláné Gizella to ALG 1970/1205
Months ago Gizella received a letter from Monostory Károly from Pécs, Hungary, asking her to forward it to ALG. She did not forwarded it sooner because she was busy earning her bread and was sick too. Moreover she feels uncomfortable forwarding this letter to ALG but she can't do otherwise. In 1957, ALG called Gizella after her husband's, Gyuszi's, death, offering words of encouragement. She has heard it from her husband that ALG has a brilliant memory and thus she thinks that ALG still remembers Mr. Monostory. Gizella's husband and Raszlaviszy Iván were good friends. Hungarian
- CALG 7/33.05 Letter : Dr. Gogolák Lajos to ALG 1961/1204
Lajos still remembers when ALG and him momentarily met three years ago in Vienna, Austria. He is happy to learn that a common friend, Bődy Pál, lives in Vienna as well. He met Pál, ALG's former student and protégé, just couple of months ago. Lajos is glad to near that ALG still supports and advises Pál after so many years. Pál, to his detriment, is too good and too shy person, and thus needs ALG's advocacy. Pál, having known ALG for long, has been reassuring in Lajos' decision to write this letter. Lajos finds Austria's intellectual atmosphere cascading, dull, and not challenging enough. Thus this letter is also an inquiry concerning information about possibilities to be guest lecturer in the United States. His field is Central European Affairs. Should ALG have any suggestion as to who to contact first, he is to inform him, time permitting, and he will send his CV to the appropriate person. Lajos' move to America would only be temporary as he desires to teach at a university for one year only, preserving his residency in Austria. He would be very happy to see ALG again and invites him to visit him and his wife. Hungarian
- CALG 7/33.06 Letter : Z.A. Thoma to ALG 1955/0305
Z.A. Thoma would be happy if ALG would write a letter of recommendation on his behalf, in English or Hungarian, and send it directly to the head of the Hungarian Department at the Headquarters Army Language School in Monterey, California. Hungarian
- CALG 7/33.07 Letter : Woracziczky Piri and Anti to ALG 1956/0621
They are happy to note that they received the American emigrant visa and will move to America in October the latest. Anti wrote a letter with the good news to Lichy Czikan too. They hope to meet ALG soon in America. Hungarian
- CALG 8/01 Folder : International Research and Exchange Board - IREX 1985-1989
- CALG 8/01.01 Letter : R. Várkonyi Ágnes to ALG 1988/0503
Ágnes is happy to learn that ALG has funding for his trip to Budapest, Hungary, including airfair. Both Prof. Székely and her think that the best time for ALG to visit the Eötvös Lóránd University would be in June. ALG would have the opportunity to attend the St. Stephen academic conference on June 20. Hungarian
- CALG 8/01.02 Letter : ALG to Dr.R. Várkonyi Ágnes 1988/1001
ALG thanks Prof. Várkonyi for the invitation to Hungary. ALG's visit gave him the opportunity to catch up with the current research done at home and to visit many exhibitions. In addition ALG thanks her for her time and effort to share her publications and research with ALG. ALG thanks and appreciates Prof. Várkonyi's outstanding book, "The hiding Venus of Murány". ALG sends his regards to Prof. Várkonyi's husband. Hungarian