Documents Arranged Chronologically
- CZHN 3/04160 Document : Hillmain, Elizbeth 1980/0529
Minutes of the PEACE COMMITTEE MEETING, May 29, 1980. ~ Lists the agenda decided in meeting.
- CZHN 1/00017 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1980/0530
letter to Effie ~ Tells of watching the parade of the fall ships. Went to the horse races.
- CZHN 4/04856 Correspondence : Tsongas, Paul E. ; United States Senator 1980/0530
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ "Thank you for your recent correspondence concerning conscientious objectors. I have contacted the Selective Service System on your behalf. I will be back in touch with you when I receive a response. Please do not hesitate to contact me again if I can be of further assistance."
- CZHN 9/12238 Correspondence : Michael True - Letter to Gordon on behalf of Assumption College 1980/0603
He apologizes for taking so long to comment on "Tripping Day", states that it is entertaining and impressive, and continues to note areas in which he feels the work should be revised. ~ MA
- CZHN 4/04734 Correspondence : Drinan, Robert F., Member of Congress 1980/0604
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ Robert thanks Gordon for his fine letter about him in the BOSTON GLOBE of June 3. He also thanks Gordon for all the friendship and encouragement which he has given him through the years. He commends Gordon on his works and writings which he says are always outstanding.
- CZHN 4/04831 Correspondence : True, Mike 1980/0607
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ Mike informs Gordon that the $50 for payment on the film is unnecessary. He will be teaching with Carol Bly next month in Bemidji. He'll be doing an art exhibit at Worcester Art Museum on the 1930s in the fall and hopes that Gordon will be able to come.
- CZHN 4/04823 Correspondence : Giroux, Robert 1980/0609
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ "I'm glad you like the cloth-bound edition of THE NONVIOLENT ALTERNATIVE, which we published first in this form in the hope of obtaining reviews. I know there are at least two imminent biographies of Merton--one by Monica Furlong (Harper) due in late summer, and another by Michael Mott in 1981 (in lieu of John Howard Griffin's)."
- CZHN 8/11389 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to the TIAA/CREF association 1980/0609
He has changed his retirement plan and would like to readjust the date he begins receiving income from his two accounts to 01/01/82. ~ Boston, MA
- CZHN 4/05215 Letter : John MacCormack, Institute of Human Values 1980/0610
Letter to Gordon from John ~ John writes to tell Gordon that they will cover his extra travel expenses for having to leave the symposium early, that his paper is being typed up and will be sent, congratulates him on his Emeritus status, and asks Gordon if he will contribute to a volume of essays he is planning to publish about the interdependence of personal and social values in th development of freedom.
- CZHN 4/04852 Correspondence : Bond, James G. 1980/0611
A 2-page letter to The Honorable Paul E. Tsongas in the United States Senate. ~ James is writing in response to the letter written by Gordon requesting statistics relating to conscientious objectors and violators of the Military Selective Service Act. "Although certain statistics compiled during World War II identified the religious preference of conscientious objectors, we have no such data since that time." There are three enclosures that follow (documents 4853, 4854 and 4855).
- CZHN 3/04273 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1980/0611
A letter to John Moynihan. ~ Gordon is concerned that the lack of another full-time staff person has brought the Commission activities to a virtual standstill.
- CZHN 4/04731 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1980/0611
A letter to Ms. Dineen Saunders. ~ Gordon informs his student, Dineen, that he is willing to accept her understandably late submission on her take-home exam because her performance and class contributions have been of high quality. He states that the hospital evidence was not really necessary.
- CZHN 3/04164 Correspondence : Hollenbach, David 1980/0615
A letter to John Moynihan. ~ He has done a second draft of the letter from the Cardinal to the Peace Academy Commission. He hopes it is helpful. The draft is inlcuded in the letter.
- CZHN 1/00018 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1980/0617
letter possibly to Ruby ~ tells of horse races and fourth of July weekends on Long Island with the Whelans.
- CZHN 5/07249 Correspondence : Naomi Burton Stone - Letter to Gordon Zahn 1980/0617
A short repy to Zahn's letter in which she tell Zahn that she will be leaving for England in two weeks.
- CZHN 4/05137 Document : Gordon Zahn 1980/0617
Book review of Vatican Diplomacy and the Jews During the Holocaust by John Morley and By Words Alone: The Holocaust in Literature by Sidra DeKoven Ezrahi. Gordon also attached a note to the editor of WORLDVIEW apologizing for the lateness. ~ Gordon says that the book by Morely is a thorough review of the documentation pertaining to the Vatican's relationship with the countries of Romania, France, Slovakia, Germany, Poland, Croatia and Italy during Nazi reign, without much evaluation and interpretation. Ezrahi's work is much more interpretive and analytical, to the point of being too abstract at times, according to Gordon.
- CZHN 3/04245 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1980/0618
A letter to Mary Kiley. ~ Gordon is enclosing two suggested drafts of items to be completed and sent a. s. a. p. There is the Press Announcement and a letter to all the priests of the archdiocese and other such organizations regarding the counseling sessions for the youth regarding Draft legislation.
- CZHN 3/04165 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1980/0621
A letter to John Moynihan. ~ He apparently failed to persuade Joe Twarog from resigning the Commission. He assumes Dave will be responsible for the revision of his draft on the Peace Academy.
- CZHN 3/04170 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1980/0621
A letter to the Editor of IMPART. ~ He is happy to inform the editor that tensions have eased considerably since the rectifying actions required by the Commission have been taken and a concerted effort is now being made to bring the membership back to full strength.
- CZHN 4/04830 Correspondence : True, Mike 1980/0621
A letter to Gordon Zahn on an index card. ~ "Is there a published bibliography of your work? Or is it too much trouble for you to send me a copy of your vita and a bibliography? I would like to have a more authoritative list."
- CZHN 3/04169 Correspondence : Reverend Garrity, Paul V. 1980/0625
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ He is happy to received Gordon's second letter to the Editor of IMPART. He is happy to hear the Justice and Peace Commission is slowly returning to full activity and the tensions have lessened.
- CZHN 4/04829 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1980/0626
A letter to Michael. ~ Gordon enclosed the check for the NECPF. He's in a somewhat discouraged state after the meeting of the Justice and Peace Commission last night. His proposal for a call for volunteers to begin a Commission-sponsored archdiocesan counselling service is mired down with all sorts of concerns about how they are to go about selecting people and then training them.
- CZHN 4/04832 Correspondence : True, Mike 1980/0627
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ Mike thanks Gordon for the check and informs him that he's "already gotten requests for about 300 copies of Gumbleton's talk, and our Diocesan group, to be called Catholic Coalition for Peace and Justice: A Worcester Diocesan Group for Education and Action seems to be on its way. "
- CZHN 1/00020 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1980/0628
letter possibly to Ruby ~ tells of his house cleaning and being overweight. reminisces over old record.
- CZHN 4/04859 Correspondence : Tsongas, Paul E., United States Senator 1980/0630
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ "I have enclosed a copy of the letter I received from the Selective Service System regarding statistics on conscientious objectors. I hope this information is helpful. If I can be of any further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me at either my Boston or Washington office."
- CZHN 9/12425 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to his Eminence 1980/0702
He describes a bill to be signed by President Carter reviving the Selective Service registration, with the purpose of having an audience granted to him so that he may describe specific steps he feels could be taken to fulfill a pledge and assure young Catholic men of the archdiocese the spiritual and psychological support they need. ~ MA
- CZHN 4/04834 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1980/0702
A letter to the editor of THE BOSTON GLOBE. ~ Gordon is not surprised to note the GLOBE's displeasure over the Supreme Court's decision concerning public funding of abortions and comments on the fine rhetorical footwork displayed in their editorialist's phrase (July 1), "protecting the potential life of a fetus." He agrees that if the human fetus were not living and developing, there would be no reason for the "procedures" taken to destroy it.
- CZHN 1/00129 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1980/0702
letter ~ tells of Belva moving and ending up next to his apartment. she slipped a lot of letters under his door.
- CZHN 4/04844 Correspondence : Pawlikowski, Rev. John T. 1980/0702
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ "I write to you in my capacity as a member of the Archives Committee of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council recently appointed by President Carter. Our committee is trying to determine what, if any, materials on the Holocaust (primary materials) are housed in U.S. institutions. We would greatly appreciate their whereabouts."
- CZHN 8/11424 Correspondence : Harold B Stein - Letter to Irene Hollander 1980/0703
He represents George Maciosek, who requests the balance for his contracting work paid, threatening to place a contractor's lien on the home should they not pay. ~ WI
- CZHN 4/05360 Letter : Jim Wallis 1980/0708
Editor of Sojourners ~ 2-page letter to Gordon Zahn ~ Jim writes to Gordon to explain why Sojourners has not yet addressed the issue of abortion in its publication and that they have finally reached the conclusion that, as witnesses for peace and justice, their concern extends to all areas where life is threatened. He explains that Sojourners wants to dedicate an entire issue to the topic, and he asks Gordon to contribute an article summarizing his points put forth in other articles he has written about the subject.
- CZHN 4/04839 Correspondence : Dobkowski, Michael 1980/0711
Wallimann, Isidor ~ A letter to Professor Gordon C. Zalin. (This is an error on the letter, it should read Zahn. Refer to document 4838.) ~ Michael and Isidor are editing a book for Greenwood Press that focuses on different aspects of the Weimar Republic with a view towards understanding the rise of German Fascism and the unltimate consequences in genocide. They will be working from a Marxist perspective and would like to know if Gordon would be interested in contributing to this volume.
- CZHN 4/04835 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1980/0711
A letter to Mr. Michael McBride (or Dan Smith). ~ "The citation I promised to send you is the following: THE POWER OF THE PEOPLE, edited by Robert Cooney and Helen Michalowski. It was published by the Peace Press, Inc., 2928 Willat Ave., Culver City, CA 90230. I am also enclosing informational brochures of the books of mine I discussed over the telephone and a listing of religious statements on conscientious objection recently compiled by NiSBCO. "
- CZHN 9/12424 Correspondence : William Helmick - Letter to Gordon 1980/0711
he notes Gordon's concern about the draft registration and is enclosing information on the subject to comfort Gordon. They recommend that Gordon contact Fr. Michael Groden in the absence of the Cardinal. ~ MA
- CZHN 4/05329 Letter : Gordon Zahn ~ Letter to Jim Wallace, editor of SOROURNERS 1980/0714
Gordon tells Jim he is very glad the SOJOURNERS is doing an issue addressing the abortion issue and that he will be glad to contribute. He also mentions that he did a radio talk show and asks if Dr. McLaughlin was Nixon's former "in house" Jesuit.
- CZHN 3/04244 Document : Fahey, Joe 1980/0720
A Religious Call to Conscience ~ A statement to urge all young American people to consider seriously the moral implications of registering for the draft.
- CZHN 3/04162 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1980/0721
A letter to Rev. David Hollenbach. ~ He brings up some editorial changes for David's draft of the statement concerning the Peace Academy. He is glad to note that David agrees with him that the Steering Committee needs to add someone with a broader involvement.
- CZHN 4/04836 Correspondence : Hovda, Bob 1980/0725
A letter addressed to "Dear Friends, Colleagues, Correspondents--" from St. Joseph's Church in Greenwich Village. ~ Bob writes to inform everyone on an imminent change of address. He will be leaving his teaching post sooner than the next academic year. He got a call from St. Joseph's and they accepted his application, so he will be a pastoral associate there beginning in August 1980.
- CZHN 4/04842 Correspondence : Kennedy, Edward M. 1980/0730
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ "I am heartened and inspired by your encouragement and will continue to strive to bring my message to the American people. It is urgent that we continue to work together to meet the challenges facing America in this critical period of our proud history."
- CZHN 4/05147 Document : Fellowship of Reconciliation 1980/0731
General letter to members of FOR with a listing of the FOR Speakers Bureau attached. ~ The general letter says that they put together the included list and that they can update it any time. It will be made available to various organizations. The list is enclused and Gordon Zahn appears on it for Mass, "Morality of War; Thomas Merton on Nonviolence; Catholics and Conscientious Objection" are his topics.
- CZHN 4/04837 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1980/0801
A letter to Professor Rodger Van Allen. ~ "The issue you deal with in your essay is clearly important and I, too, am at a loss as to why none of the journals you mention recognized the fact. One would expect that the NCR would have been particularly interested in publishing your essay and then possibly carrying it on to some inquiries of their own."
- CZHN 1/00156 Correspondence : Jegen, Mary Evelyn, SND 1980/0801
National Coordinator, Pax Christi USA ~ Pax Christi International Catholic Movement For Peace ~ letter to Gordon Zahn, a response to his letter. ~ comments on his receiving the film. Talk of what is to be done about the events in Afghanistan and Iran, in the context of the Salt II debate. Upcoming Pax Christi meetings.
- CZHN 8/11423 Notice : Irene Hollander - Letter to Harold Stein 1980/0803
She is notifying him that the work they had done on their home was completed and paid as agreed, and that no arrangement was made with Mr George Macciosek. They request that he discontinue his halting of work on their home due to a disagreement with his business partner, whom they made all agreements with, and they will no further respond to his "Summons and Complaint" served to her.
- CZHN 3/04242 Correspondence : Evelyn, Mary 1980/0805
A memo to Members of the Executive Council. ~ At Joe Fahey's request she is sending you a copy of the Call to Conscience. It was drafted by Joe.
- CZHN 4/04824 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1980/0808
A letter to Mr. Robert Giroux. ~ Gordon thanks Robert for returning the copy of THOMAS MERTON ON PEACE because it will enable him to maintain the only complete collection of Zahn titles. He would also like to order about five copies of THE NONVIOLENT ALTERNATIVE. He also informs Robert of a number of German reviews of the re-issue of the Jaegerstaetter book which are most gratifying.
- CZHN 1/00026 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1980/0808
letter ~ tells of a birthday gift given him by a woman. Mrs. Haynes dies. talks more about the fight between Al and George. received a nice but general letter from Kennedy. more talk about the election.
- CZHN 5/07263 Correspondence : Rick Cassidy - letter to Gordon Zahn 1980/0808
Compliments Zahn on his article in America regarding conscience formation.
- CZHN 9/12871 Document : Article: Gordon Zahn - From America, "The Draft: An Occasion of Sin?" 1980/0809
Talks about President Carter once again registering young Americans and the heightening fears of impending war. Tells all Christians to be reminded of their duties as a part of the Church in order to carry on its teachings of peace and social justice.
- CZHN 3/04241 Correspondence : Moynihan, John 1980/0811
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ On July 16 and 18, 145 priests and sisters attended a seminar at the Pastoral Institute at St. John's Seminary sponsored by His Eminence and the Archdiocesan Justice and Peace Commission. The focus of the seminar was the Feb. 14 USCC Statement on Regisration and Conscription for Military Service.
- CZHN 7/09904 Correspondence : Tom - Letter to Gordon 1980/0812
Discusses his hopes for Draft Counslors' Training Program, that it becomes popular as his Unemployment compensation has run out. He states he loved clipping of Gordon's Article in America and that it ought to help their cause. ~ New York, NY
- CZHN 4/04850 Correspondence : Kelly, Rev. William E. 1980/0814
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ In connection with The Open University, Rev. William's field of study is: THE CONCEPT AND THE REALITY OF THE CHRISTIAN ORDAINED MINISTRY WITHIN THE ARMED SERVICES, WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO THE ROYAL AIR FORCE. He has been engaged in research on the Project since March of last year and is due to present his completed dissertation or thesis during the early part of 1981. He would like to enter into correspondence with Gordon in order to have responses to questions he has.
- CZHN 4/04838 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1980/0815
A letter to Mr. Michael Dobkowski. ~ Gordon is honored that Michael and Professor Walliman have included him among those invited to consider contributing to their projected volume. However, he does not think the areas which they will be stressing are those in which his own researches have been concentrated. Also, that his distinctly non-Marxist orientation would not be compatible with their approach.
- CZHN 3/04240 Document : Article: Hill, Theodore 1980/0817
Most Important Decision ~ A short article appearing in the GLOBE. ~ The regisration for the draft has become a political decision for virtually everyone his age.
- CZHN 4/04851 Correspondence : Tom 1980/0818
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ Tom informs Gordon about the progress of the Draft Counselors Training Program. The mailing would be out now were it not that Bryan Hehir flew off to South Korea without getting his letter off to me. However, everything else is at the printer.
- CZHN 5/07440 Correspondence : Patricia Juliana Smith - Letter to Pax Christi USA 1980/0820
Smith writes about her personal stand against the ideas of war in general giving personal experiences in her letter. She also refers to Gordon Zahn's article in "America."
- CZHN 4/05180 Letter : Anthony Simon 1980/0820
Secretary of American Maritain Association ~ Short letter to Gordon Zahn ~ Anthony writes that he likes Gordon's paper topic and gives him a deadline for it.
- CZHN 3/04230 Correspondence : Medeiros, Humberto 1980/0822
A letter to Michael F. Groden. ~ He is appointing some additional members to the Commission's committees. These include Robert Murphy, Sr. June Detterer, Sr. Jeanne LaFond, Antonia Bellalta, Carol Lee Pepi, Rev. Thomas Groome, Joseph McHugh, James Shine, Sr. Virginia, Mulhern, Daniel Fuss, Mary Troy, Ira Shimp, and Jeremiah O'Connor.
- CZHN 3/04229 Correspondence : Medeiros, Humberto 1980/0822
A letter to Ms. Pepi. ~ He is glad to appoint Ms. Pepi as a member of the Archdiocesan Justice and Peace Commission.
- CZHN 4/05118 Document : Pax Christi Committee 1980/0823
Gordon Zahn ~ Letter from Gordon to Joseph Fahey of Pax Christi saying that he did the editing and that the statement needs to get out soon, in time for the campaign. attached is the edited statements of Pax Christi. ~ The statement concerns Pax Christi's position on the arms race and the accompanying human cost, and is followed by action recommendations from the committee.
- CZHN 8/11807 Letter to the Editor : David Schorr - Letter to editors of America regarding an article of Gordon's 1980/0823
He and his son having spent many years in the army wish to respond to Gordon's suggestions that those in armed forces are sinners. He states his purpose for serving and argues specific points of Gordon's claims as to why he should not be considered a sinner for protecting his country, including thinkers like Gordon Zahn.
- CZHN 4/04847 Correspondence : Weaver, Mary Jo 1980/0824
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ She is inquiring about advice and help on structuring some reading on RC pacifism and non-violence. She'd like to know where to get information and which questions to ask. Also if there is a more recent book than the Jaegerstaetter book.
- CZHN 5/07251 Correspondence : Tom Gumbleton - Letter to Gordon Zahn 1980/0829
Would appreciate if Zahn could send a draft of the text he is working on for Bishop Gumbleton on a resolution to the arms race for him to take to the NCCB.
- CZHN 4/04848 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1980/0830
A letter to Mary Jo Weaver. ~ Gordon answers her questions from (document 4847) as well as he can. "I guess I have no humility at all, but you might be able to use my most recent article in the August 9 issue of AMERICA, "The Draft: An Occasion of Sin?"
- CZHN 5/07273 Correspondence : Bob - Letter to Gordon Zahn 1980/0902
Has read Eileen Egan's THE RIGHT TO REFUSE TO KILL and believes that it needs a tremendous amount of work.
- CZHN 4/04849 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1980/0902
A letter to Padre Kelly. ~ "I was pleased to receive your letter of August 14 and would indeed be interested in following the progress of your work. I will be more than happy to answer any questions you might have. I still believe this is a topic that requires study in depth--even more, the results of such study should be of considerable value to the chaplaincy itself once it rids itself of that pattern of excessive defensive caution."
- CZHN 4/04846 Correspondence : Runkel, Phillip M. 1980/0902
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ "Greetings from the Marquette University Archives. I was delighted to learn that Pax Christi will be meeting in Milwaukee this October, and look forward to attending the sessions. If your schedule should permit, please feel free to drop by for a 'guided tour' of the Dorothy Day - Catholic Worker Collection."
- CZHN 4/04843 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1980/0903
A letter to Rev. John T. Pawlikowski. ~ "I have checked with our library and also with the more extensive library on our Amherst campus and have been unable to locate any primary materials dealing with the Holocaust."
- CZHN 4/04861 Correspondence : Vree, Dr. Dale 1980/0903
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ "Your attention is directed to pp. 14-15 of the enclosed Sept. 1980 issue. We would be delighted to publish any reaction you might have in our Letters column. With best wishes."
- CZHN 9/12422 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Cardinal Medeiros 1980/0904
He is glad that the recipient is naming new members to their sadly depleted numbers, but regrets that other nominees at his consideration were not approved. He renews his request for a personal audience, to share what he has learned from his discussions with Archbishop Weakland. ~ MA
- CZHN 9/12423 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Michael Groden 1980/0904
He has spoken to Dr. Kamara who is willing to be considered for Commission member, and hopes that the recipient has the time to properly assess nominees for the positions. ~ MA
- CZHN 4/05200 Letter : Gordon Zahn 1980/0904
Letter to Patricia Smith ~ Gordon writes to Patricia saying that he was moved by her letter and that he welcomes her as a new member to Pax Christi.
- CZHN 5/07309 Correspondence : Denis O'Leary - Letter to Gordon Zahn 1980/0907
Would like to know if Zahn would like to write a piece for ANAWIM on war resistance by Christians.
- CZHN 5/07264 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Rick Cassidy 1980/0909
Thanks Rick for his letter and the favorable comments about his article
- CZHN 5/07253 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Thomas Gumbleton 1980/0909
Zahn discusses the Marykoll statement that he has revised for Bishop Gumbleton.
- CZHN 5/06186 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to the Editor 1980/0909
A letter to the editor of America in which he responds to those readers who criticized his article on the draft as an occasion of sin.
- CZHN 4/05117 Document : "Deperate Mothers and Wives of Carocoles" 1980/0909
Letter to Monsignor Jorge Manrique--in both English and Spanish ~ The letter tells of a brutal attack on the mining town, Carocoles. It describes how the town was descended upon by the Max Toledo regiment from Viacha. They killed the men, tied the children with cable, marched over youths, raped women and young girls, sacrificed all their animals and robbed their homes and stores. The letter is a plea for someone to come and testify to the acts of brutality.
- CZHN 4/04845 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1980/0911
A letter to Mr. Philip M. Runkel. ~ "I am afraid the location, the full program, and the additional meetings I will be expected to attend will leave little opportunity to take the "guided tour" on this visit. However, since I get to Milwaukee at least two or three times a year, I hope I can count on such a tour at some future date."
- CZHN 6/08735 Correspondence : Sister Mary Evelyn - Letter to Gordon 1980/0913
Clears up confusion on a meeting that was rumored to be teamed up with Maryknoll. ~ Chicago
- CZHN 4/04860 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1980/0915
A 2-page letter to Dr. Dale Vree. ~ Gordon is pleased to receive a copy of the REVIEW containing Michael E. Smith's review of his book, IN SOLITARY WITNESS. He comments on Michael's comparison of the Jaegerstaetter story with the Ellsberg-Berrigan demonstration. And points out that "to present these protests as contrasts obscures the fact that the divinity students may have been inspired, at least in part, by Jaegerstaetter's example."
- CZHN 4/04862 Correspondence : Oxenhandler, Jean 1980/0915
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ "Dick asked me to acknowledge your article on Vera Brittain. He finds it an excellent piece and may use it in the Oct/Nov issue, or possibly not until December. He had begun to explore other possibilities of articles that you and he had talked about but received few responses and hasn't had a chance to follow-up. Glenn Smiley will be writing something."
- CZHN 6/08736 Correspondence : Sister Mary Evelyn - Letter to Monsignor Furfey 1980/0915
Notifying him of PAX award he is to receive. ~ Chicago
- CZHN 4/04863 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1980/0917
A letter to the Editor of the GLOBE. ~ Gordon expresses to the editor that he shares Cardinal Medeiros' "opposition to abortion and sees nothing seriously wrong about a religious leader reminding his following of the moral teachings of their church as they prepared to perform the civic duty of voting and encouraging them to take those teachings into consideration."
- CZHN 3/04161 Correspondence : Hollenbach, David 1980/0917
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ He thanks Gordon for his letter on the draft counseling program. He agrees with Gordon regarding the Cardinal's decisions on new members. He wants Gordon to team up with Tom and himself to lead the program.
- CZHN 5/07282 Correspondence : Ross Neisuler, M.D. - Letter to Dr. Zahn 1980/0919
A letter from Zahn's doctor which states that he would like to put Zahn on medication to bring down the level of his uric acid.
- CZHN 4/04864 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1980/0922
A quote from a Boston newspaper entitled, "Arms also evil". ~ In conjunction with the item content in document 4863, Gordon adds, "I do wish, however, that he would have taken the same occasion to remind the faithful that the Vatican is on record as condemning the ongoing arms race as "an act of aggression which amounts to a crime, for even when they are not used, by their cost alone, armaments kill the poor by causing them to starve."
- CZHN 4/04866 Correspondence : Nelson, Ronald R. 1980/0923
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ Nelson is teaching a course, for which he has enclosed the syllabus, and would like to make use of pages 212 to 244 in Gordon's IN SOLITARY WITNESS. He requests permission to make 30 photocopies of this material for classroom distibution and directs Gordon's attention to page five of the syllabus for the context in which the Jaegerstaetter reading assignment would be used.
- CZHN 3/04228 Correspondence : Groden, Michael F. 1980/0924
A letter to Vicar. ~ The purpose of this letter is to ask Vicar to provide the Commission with a list of 5-10 people in his Vicariate that he would approve for attendance at the counseling workshop.
- CZHN 1/00022 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1980/0928
letter to Irene and Ruby ~ tells of high blood pressure and how he has to go for periodic checkups. Also was put on anti- gout medicine.
- CZHN 5/07560 Correspondence : Tom Cornell - Letter to Gordon Zahn and Mary Evelyn Jegen 1980/0928
Cornell asks Zahn and Jegen to concur that Thomas and Monica Cornell's home will be operated as a Catholic Peace Fellowship of Reconciliation.
- CZHN 4/05119 Document : Pax Christi 1980/0928
Gordon Zahn ~ Gordon revised and edited the statement ~ Letter to Joseph Fahey of Pax Christi with attached statement in its edited version as well as the original documents in their unedited version. ~ Gordon writes that he thinks prominent theologians should be the first signers of the statement and that they should try to get it published. The statement includes, "A Catholic Call to Conscience," "Questions for the Catholic Conscience," and recommendations for "What Catholics Can Do."
- CZHN 6/08738 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Sister Mary Evelyn 1980/1002
Hopes that she has received a copy of Call for Conscience, list other materials to be on display at the assembly. Attached is the letter he is responding to. ~ Boston
- CZHN 5/07274 Correspondence : J. F. Brogan - Letter to Gordon Zahn 1980/1002
Would like to purchase a copy of In Solitary Witness
- CZHN 6/08737 Correspondence : Joe - Letter to Gordon 1980/1002
Announcing his comfort with leaving the board. ~ Chicago
- CZHN 5/07308 Correspondence : Mike - Letter to Gordon Zahn 1980/1002
Would like to know if Zahn will be able to attend dinner and drinks when Carol Bly is in town.
- CZHN 4/05199 Letter : Gordon Zahn 1980/1003
Short letter to Philip Scharper of Orbis Books ~ Gordon writes to request more copies of the book War or Peace? of which he was a contributor and an hororee.
- CZHN 4/04865 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1980/1004
A letter to Professor Ronald R. Nelson. ~ Gordon is willing to grant permission to duplicate the material Ronald indicated for the specified purpose. He is also grateful for the material he enclosed, particularly the excellent bibliography. Gordon writes down a few additions to the bibliography that might interest Ronald.