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1792 Jul. 30
Quinones, Estevan de, notary public these (copies which follow in Quinones' hand) correspond to the originals.
Maria Josefa, slave negress She states that she is the slave of Father Josef de Xerez, (O.M.Cap.) who told her that she and her child Maria Justa were free and that Don Josef (de) Ocon, pharmacist of the Royal Hospital, had the deed of liberty. She asks that this deed be given to her. Before Quinones. Request of Maria Josefa granted by (Father) Theodoro Tirso Henrique Henriquez, (vicar and ecclesiastical judge of Louisiana).
Xerez, O.M.Cap., Father Josef de He frees his slave Maria Josefa which he had bought from Jose de Ortega as also her child Maria Justa. But he still has need of her services so he does not tell the negress of her freedom nor issue this document with the necessary legal formalities but leaves it with his friend Jose Ocon.
Maria Josefa
to (Father) Theodoro Tirso Henrique Henriquez She asks that Henrique order that the signature on the above document be compared to the records of the parish in order to show that the signature is indeed that of Father Xerez. Before Quinones--
Quinones, Estevan de Henriquez orders that the assistant priests of the Church of St Louis must swear to the truth of their decision in the identification asked of them.
Quintanilla, O.M.Cap. Father Luis de They, assistant priests in the parish of St. Louis, New Orleans, swear that it seems that the signature on the deed presented by Maria Josefa is identical with that of Father Xerez appearing on the books of the parish. Before Quinones.
Henriquez, (Father) Theodoro Tirso Henrique Let the royal paymaster of the army (Don Jose de Orue y Gioruca) declare whether Father Xerez had an entry in his books; also let Jose de Ocon declare whether Father Xerez gave him the papers personally or sent them to him from Havana. Quinones the undersigned notary will enclose a note which Henriquez ordered to be appended to the inventory of the goods of Fathers Xerez and Antonio de Sedella, O.M.Cap.. Before Quinones who informed Maria Josefa and (Francisco Luis Hector) Baron de Carondelet, governor of Louisiana of this decree.
Orue y Gioruca, Don Jose de At the request of Henriquez and Carondelet he certifies that following a decree of July 3, 1785 made by Martin Navarro at that time intendant general, Father Xerez received a monthly stipend for an assistantship in the parish of St. Louis, New Orleans, till December 20, 1785 when the salary was raised for occupying the chaplaincy of the Ursuline Convent.
Quinones, Estevan de He certifies that on this day Jose de Ocon appeared before Father Henriquez and swore that Father Xerez had given him the deed personally.
Henriquez, (Father) Theodore T(h)irso Henrique To this inventory there is added a negress and her two children. (A note by Quinones certifies that this corresponds to the original).
Ortega y Diaz, Don Jose de Ortega sells to Xerez a negress of about twenty years and named Victoria which he bought from Don Franc(isc)o Badillo. The slave has been free from illness as far as Ortega knows, etc. The price is set. Witnessing the contract are Don Manuel Monrrey, Don Ant(oni)o Rodriq(ue)z and Francisco Carcares. Before Rafael Ferdomo, notary. (Note of authentication by Henriquez. Signed also by) Carlos Ximenes.
Janqui, Vincent, assessor In compliance with the order of the auxiliary provisor of Havana he assesses the negress, Maria Victoria, age about twenty- five and her children Maria aged five and a six months old infant at 430 pesos. (The copy in the original French is followed by a translation into Spanish by Quinones).
Henriquez, (Father) Theodoro Tirso Henrique
Quinones, Estevan de In accordance with the above decree he handed over to the alferez real, Don Andres Almonester y Rojas the negress Maria Josefa and her children Maria Justa and Francisca.
IV-4-i A.D.S. 35pp. 8vo. (Spanish)