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1792 Aug. 11
Henriquez, (Father) Theodoro Tirso Henrique, vicar and
ecclesiastical judge of Louisiana Seeing by the above certification that Father Estevan (Alexandro) Viel (of the congregation of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri) is incapable of occupying the parish of St. Martin at Attacapas, (Louisiana) which was made vacant by the removal of Father Bernard de Deva, O.M.Cap., the said Father Viel is denied the curacy of the parish of Attacapas which has been requested for him by his cousin Juan Baptista Darby, commandant at New Iberia, (Louisiana). (Note at end of document states that Estevan de Quinones, notary public, was informed by (______) Danican, a relative of Viel that the latter had already departed for Attacapas.
Viel, Father Estevan Alexandro
to (Father) Theodoro Tirso Henrique Henriquez He presents royal documents permitting him to exercise his ecclesiastical ministry in Louisiana and he asks for the curacy of Attacapas, which it was the intention of Governor Estevan Miro to give to him. (Note shows that Henrique ordered this matter to receive attention in due time).
Miro, Estevan de, governor of Louisiana
to Antonio Porlier (Marquis of Bajamar) Don Joseph Pontalba, captain of the infantry regiment of this province has given Miro the following memorandum: Father (Francisco de) Gace, a cousin of Pontalba, has come to Louisiana to obtain a curacy. Likewise Father (Estevan) Alexandro Viel who is a cousin of Captain Juan Darby. Father Gace would be very useful if appointed to the parish of St. charles, German Coast (Louisiana). He begs Porlier to petition the king that he order (Felipe Joseph De Tres-Palacios) bishop (of Havana, Cuba) to appoint the two priests to curacies in Louisiana. Copy made by Andres Lopez Armesto on Jan. 24, 1792.
(Antonio Porlier), Marquis of Bajamar
to (Estevan Miro), governor of Louisiana The king allows that Fathers Gace and Viel be appointed to curacies in Louisiana. Copied from the original by Andres Lopes Armesto on Jan. 23, 1792.
Henriquez, (Father) Theodoro tirso Henrique He orders that Father Joachin de Portillo (O.M.Cap.), pastor of the parish of St. Louis in New Orleans certify the result of the examination he has made of the ability of (Father Estevan Alexandro) Viel to hold one of the curacies of this province.
Portillo, Father Joachin de
IV-4-i A.D.S. 18pp. 8vo. (Spanish)