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1796 Mar. 31
(Carroll), John, Bishop of
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas Carroll will send through Joseph Jaudenez, a full answer to Penalver's letters of January 13 and 27. There are special reasons for not sending that answer at present. He send this by Father Paul (de) St. Pierre to whom he has also delivered Penalver's letter for Father (James) Maxwell that Maxwell may be authorized to replace Father Paul once more in his parish. After examining his papers he found nothing to justify withholding from him Penalver's intentions. Carroll appreciates the confidence place in him. (P.S.) Carroll proposes the building of a cathedral in Baltimore. The members of his church are generally poor and he would appreciate any charitable recommendations Penalver might secure.
IV-5-h A.L.S. 2pp. 4to. 1796 Mar. 31
(Penalver y Cardenas), Luis, Bishop of
to Baron (Francisco Luis Hector) de Carondelet Penalver has acknowledged Carondelet's letter of March 19 in an official one of the same date. Penalver agrees to come to terms about the disagreement on pre(?)cedences in the Cathedral. There are still some points unsettled and Penalver writes this official answer as a document in the petition to His Majesty, who will give a decision. Rules for the etiquette of honoring officials in the cathedral are given. Penalver and the lieutenant governor have agreed to ask his Majesty's opinion on these points.
IV-5-h L. (Draft) 2pp. 4to. 1796 Mar. 31
Ximenez, Carlos Ximenez as a notary, (cites the wills executed) before Rafael Perdomo, (giving the names of the testators and executors and the amounts left for Masses and religious purposes for the years 1790 and 1794; the same information for the wills executed by himself (Ximenez) for the years 1790, 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794, 1795). (The dates on which examination was made appear in the margin). Ximenez gives three certifications in compliance with the Bishop's decree supported by the Governor General. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Broutin, Fran(cis)co Broutin, a notary, (cites the wills executed before him, giving the names of the testators and executors and in some cases the heirs, and the amounts left for Masses and religious purposes, for the years 1790, 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794, 1795. The dates of inspection are given in the margin). Broutin thus fulfills the decree of the Bishop supported by the Governor. He adds in a note that 150 reales are owed him for his search and copying. A.D.S.
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop of Since the proceedings concerning the inspection of wills have been many days in the possession of Pedro Pedesclaux, notary, they are to be turned in even if the certifications have not been made. This is certified by Rivas who adds in a note that he notified Pedesclaux of the decree. Pedesclaux replied that he had been working on the certifications and would probably turn them in the following day. A.D.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis). Bishop of The documents mentioned above are to be picked up. Rivas certifies that in obedience to the above decree he went to the home of Pedesclaux who was still working on the certifications. D.S. (Spanish)
Penalver y Cardenas, Luis Bishop of Although he intends to demand the certifications from Pedesclaux, since they have those of Ximenez and Broutin, the secretary will draw up a list of the testators and executors and bring it so that what is suitable may be decided. Rivas certifies this decree. D.S. (Spanish)
Rivas J(ose)ph M(ari)a de A list of the testators and executors contained in the certifications of Ximenez; a list of the testators and executors contained in the certifications of Broutin written down in compliance with the above decree. (This is Folio 22). A.D.S. (Spanish)
Penalver y Card(ena)s, Luis, Bishop Since, in spite of the decree, the wills have not been presented for inspection and since according to the certifications of Ximenez and Brutein, it seems that most of the wills refer to Masses and pious bequests, the executors whose names are given in Folio 22 are asked to carry out the bequests within fifteen days and give documentary proof that they have fulfilled them. Rivas certified this decree and in notes that follow he certifies that he made known the decree to each one of the executors named in Folio 22. D.S. (Spanish)
Pedesclaux, Pedro Pedesclaux certified that in the wills coming before him since January 1, 1790 up to the present time there are records of Masses and pious bequests and appointments of executors and heirs as follows: (Pedesclaux gives the above information for the years 1790-95. The last marginal note of inspection is dated July 29, 1801). This carries out the decree of August 27, 1795 issued by Penalver and supported by Carondelet.
A.D.S. (Spanish)
IV-5-h D.S., A.D.S. 62pp. 4to. (Spanish) 1796 Mar. 31
(Carroll), John, Bishop of
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas Carroll will send through Joseph Jaudenez, a full answer to Penalver's letters of January 13 and 27. There are special reasons for not sending that answer at present. He send this by Father Paul (de) St. Pierre to whom he has also delivered Penalver's letter for Father (James) Maxwell that Maxwell may be authorized to replace Father Paul once more in his parish. After examining his papers he found nothing to justify withholding from him Penalver's intentions. Carroll appreciates the confidence place in him. (P.S.) Carroll proposes the building of a cathedral in Baltimore. The members of his church are generally poor and he would appreciate any charitable recommendations Penalver might secure.
IV-5-h A.L.S. 2pp. 4to. 1796 Mar. 31
(Penalver y Cardenas), Luis, Bishop of
to Baron (Francisco Luis Hector) de Carondelet Penalver has acknowledged Carondelet's letter of March 19 in an official one of the same date. Penalver agrees to come to terms about the disagreement on pre(?)cedences in the Cathedral. There are still some points unsettled and Penalver writes this official answer as a document in the petition to His Majesty, who will give a decision. Rules for the etiquette of honoring officials in the cathedral are given. Penalver and the lieutenant governor have agreed to ask his Majesty's opinion on these points.
IV-5-h L. (Draft) 2pp. 4to.