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1796 May. 24 Landry, Eduardo Proceedings for the dispensation asked by Eduardo Landry in order to marry Elisa Landry.
Landry, Eduardo
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas Landry, a resident of Ascension parish at LaFourche, asks Penalver to receive information about the dispensation and to receive the witnesses he will present. They are to state under oath whether it is true or not that Landry is a son of Rosa Duga and Fran(cis)co Landry, son of Carlos Landry, son of Abraham Landry; that Elisa Landry is the daughter of Margarita Alen and Pedro Landry, son of Abraham Landry, son of Abraham Landry mentioned above, whereby they are related in the third degree; that Elisa's father is not wealthy and has nine children; that most of his parishioners are related; that Landry has been frequenting Pedro Landry's house for a long time with the purpose of marrying his daughter. Father (Isidro) Quintero certifies that Eduardo Landry presented himself before hi. A.D.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop The information and witnesses are to be received. Quintero certifies the decree and adds in a note that he notified Landry of it. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Quintero, Father Isidro Landry appeared and swore that he is the son of Fran(cis)co Landry and Rosa Douga, that he is 21 years old and single, has given his word to marry no one but Elisa and that there is no other impediment to their marriage but that of relationship in the third degree. Quintero certifies and signs as Pro-Secretary. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Quintero, Father Isidro Anselmo Belila appears as a witness and swears (to the truth of the statements contained in the first document, adding that) most of the parishioners are Acadians. Belila is 57. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Quintero, Father Isidro Pedro Rich appears as a witness and swears (to the truth of the statements contained in the first document). Rich is 60. A.D.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop Penalver, in Assumption parish of Valenzuela, having see these proceedings and the request made by Landry of the Parish of the Assumption of LaFourche, grants the dispensation under the following conditions. they must live separately, make a general confession, say the three parts of the Rosary for 15 consecutive days, give twelve pesos to the church. Father Fran(cis)co Notario, (O.P.), pastor of the above mentioned parish is to be notified of the decree and is to perform the marriage only after all conditions have been fulfilled, paternal consent granted and banns published. Quintero signs as Pro-Secretary, and in two added notes states that he notified Landry of the above decree as ordered (to Notario).
D.S. (Spanish)
IV-5-j D.S., A.D.S. 10pp. 4to. (Spanish) 1796 May 24
Las Casas, Luis de
to Bishop Louis Penalver y Cardenas In a letter of March 31, the Archbishop of Santo Domingo sent Las Casas the enclosed answer, (no enclosure) to Penalver's plea for priest for his diocese. Since Las Casas thinks that the Archbishop will give the reasons which prevent him from carrying out this pious design, Las Casas does not think it necessary to send a copy of the Archbishop's letter to him (Las Casas).
IV-5-j L.S. 2pp. 8vo. (Spanish)