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1796 Jun. 1
Colman, Father (James) Santiago
to Bishop Luis Penalver y Cardenas Colman sends the census and the list of those who have not made their Easter duty. Since the number of these is large, he has not listed all. Enclosures:
Colman, Father (James) Santiago
to (Bishop Luis Penalver y Cardenas A list of names of those who have not made their Easter duty for 1796. Many others have not done so, including those of the troops and their families.
Colman, Father (James) Santiago
to (Bishop Luis Penalver y Cardenas The census of St. Michael's parish of Panzacola for the year 1796 shows a total of 1145 souls, Catholics and non-Catholics, a fixed income of 50 pesos; 37 pesos, 7 reales. incidental income, they need albs and amices; an assistant pastor would be needed; William Paulon (?) and 64 dependents, included among the Protestants, are British subjects, allowed by His Majesty for trade with the Indians.
IV-5-j A.D.S 5pp. 8vo. (Spanish) 1796 Jun. 1 Janin, Father (Pierre) Pedro Documents concerning the erection of a parish for Arcanzas (Arkansas).
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop of Collection is to be made of the certification of Father (Pierre Janin) Pedro Jannin of the See of Angers: the commission given him on May 17 to the coast of the Arcas; the receipt for the vestments and other goods he took, the letter to the Commandant of the place, Carlos Bilmont; the official letter, dated yesterday, to the governor General, Baron (Francisco Luis Hector de) Carondelet, concerning the necessity of establishing a parish in that place and the suitability of Father Jennin for the place; his answer of the same day accepting both suggestions; all these must be brought in to be examined and decision made. This is signed by Father Isidro Quintero as Pro-Secretary. D.S. (Spanish)
Quintero, Father Isidro Quintero certifies that, having examined the documents presented by Father Pedro Jannin of Angers, France, it seems that by testimony of Bishop Antonio Pinuela of Zamora, (Spain), dated October 30, 1792, he is a priest with permission to say Mass by the authority of Archbishop Carrera of Santiago (given) on July 27, 1794, repeated on August 18 of the same year. It seems also that Father Villeneuve, Vicar-General of Angers, by order of the bishop, on August 26, 1794, sent Father Jannin letters of recommendation showing that he had incurred no censure and that his conduct was good while in Santiago. On August 30, 1794, with a permit from Fran(cis)co Pacheco, Captain General of Galicia he went to Philadelphia, and on October 24, 1794, Bishop John Car(r)ol(l) of Baltimore allowed him to say Mass and on January 25, 1795 ordered him to change, recommending the parish of (Kaskaskia) Cascaquia in the Anglo-American Ilinueses; the said priest asked for his dimission(?) which was given on April 18, 1796, by Father (Michael Levadoux) Lavaduc, Vicar-General of that district,which latter document and his legitimate transfer to Spanish Ilinueses, confirms the testimony of the Commander of the district, Zenon (Trudeau) Troudeaux, and by order of Bishop Luis Penalver y Cardenas of this diocese and by the documents referred to Quintero presents this testimony. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Penalver y Cardenas, Luis, Bishop Since Father Pedro Llenin's papers are in order and the people on the Arcas River need spiritual assistance so urgently, Penalver authorizes him to act as pastor there, administering the sacraments according to the instructions of December 21, 1795, Janin is authorized with the accord of the Commandant of the place, to erect a small building in which to celebrate Mass; he must keep the prescribed records; the pro-secretary will give him some vestments and other things necessary for the service of the Church; the faithful are urged to assist their priest. Given during the visit to Natchez; signed by the bishop and certified by Quintero as pro- secretary and notary. Quintero adds a note that the above conforms with the original sent. D.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop To equip Father Jannin there is to be loaned from the church at Coleswi(c)k, (Coles Creek, Mississippi (?)), vestments and other articles, other things he lacks are to be supplied from the bishop's chapel. this is signed by the bishop and Quintero as secretary. There follows a formal receipt for the articles (from Coleswick) listed in the decree which is signed by Janin and the bishop's flourish. A.D.S. (Spanish) Copy
Janin, Father (Pierre) Pedro A receipt for a baptismal font, cruets, salt cellar and candlesticks from the bishop.
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop
to Carlos Bilmont Penalver notifies Bilmont that Jannin is to serve the faithful of Arcanzaz and that he has been outfitted from the church at Coleswick and the bishop's chapel with articles on the accompanying list. (Quintero) certifies with his flourish that this is a copy of the document sent. D.S. Copy (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas), Luis, Bishop of
to Baron (Francisco Luis Hector) de Carondelet Penalver had talked several times to Carondelet about the necessity of a priest along the banks of the Arcas. While he was in Natchez Father Pedro Jannin, French priest, came from Kascasquia (Kaskaskia, Illinois) asking to be stationed in this diocese. Penalver having examined his papers (given in the first document of these proceedings, dated May 17) and noting his conduct, determined to send him to the Arcas with a commission dated in Natchez on the 17th, providing him with church supplies and necessities for the journey, and a letter to the Commandant Carlos (Bilmont) Vilmon. Thus circumstances enabled Penalver to erect a parish where it was most necessary and since Jannin is ready to go with Mr. Soto, knows the Spanish language well enough for this parish, he deems it suitable to set it up formally as of now, assigning him to it provisionally. This is certified by Quintero who adds the note that it is a copy of the one sent. If Carondelet approves he is to tell Penalver and give the suitable orders and at least the necessities from the Royal Treasury as Jannin will have only the incidental fees. D.S. Copy (Spanish)
Carondelet, (Francisco Luis Hector) Baron de
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas Carondelet is pleased that Penalver has taken advantage of the opportunity of ministering to the people in the district of Arkansas and approves of the immediate formal erection of a parish. He has sent a copy of Penalver's letter to the Intendant so that Father Jannin may be listed from the 17th and the necessary ornaments be available from the Royal Treasury. Carondelet gives this answer to Penalver's letter of today. L.S. (Spanish)
IV-5-j D.S., L.S., A.D.S, and Copies 14pp. 4to. (3 8vo.)
(Spanish) 1796 Jun. 1
Villaprovedo, (O.M.Cap.), Father Joseph de
to Bishop Luis Penalver y Cardenas
Complying with Penalver's order of February 27, 1796,
Villaprovedo travelled the Lower Mississippi up to Valisa on both
sides of the river, beginning on March 4. During the trip, he
administered the Sacrament of Penance and Holy Communion, in
fulfillment of their Easter duty, to 93 of the troops and prisoners
in Fort Placaminos, to 14 in Valisa and others up to 109: 96
houses. Eight leagues from New Orleans he administered the last
Sacraments to a woman who died and was buried in her garden. Four
marriages were performed: Jose Fich and Moreta Arlu, free
mulattos; Domingo Magas and Lucia Victoria Bura, Pedro Bura
and Maria Theresa Colet, Joseph Soli and Maria Nivet; white.
He administered Baptism and Extreme Unction to 14 negroes, two of
them adults, and to 10 white boys; which items, as also those of
the four marriages are entered in the books of St. Luis parish to
which (the district) belongs at present. He also blessed two
cemeteries, both enclosed, one 8 leagues and the other 15 leagues
Villaprovedo, Father Joseph de
to (Bishop Luis Penalver y Cardenas The census of the coast of Lower Mississippi from three leagues from the town up to Valisa inclusive, belonging to the parish of the Cathedral of New Orleans for the year 1796; 516 men, 367 women; a total of 883 souls. 96 in this census have made their Easter duty; 93 in Placaminos.
IV-5-j A.L.S. 4pp. 8vo. (Spanish)