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1796 Jun. 8 Valoria, O.M.Cap., Father Estavan de Proceedings concerning the application of Father Valoria for permission to retire to his Province.
Valoria, O.M.Cap., Father Estavan de Valoria of the Mission of Castile, (Spain) and former pastor of (Pensacola, Florida) Panzacola, appears before Walsh and states that: on November 23, 1793, he received a letter in which Walsh ordered him to give over the parish to the Irish priest, Father Francis Lennan, and to come promptly to New Orleans, in order to take over the parish of Natchitochez. the reasons for this unexpected change were taken from a letter written by Valoria about a year ago to the former Vicar General in which it was never his idea to ask for the removal but to emphasize the necessity of sending to Panzacola a priest who knew English and Spanish; for almost 9 years he had always been alone in Pensacola and there were so many people they could not all attend the only Mass celebrated. Valoria knew that six Irish priests had arrived for this province and he desired to have one as a companion. Many English and Irish had come in from Tensa(s), Louisiana and other places and Valoria could not help them because he did not know English. These reasons no longer exist because an Irish priest is located at (Tombigbee, Alabama) Tombeche and another at Mobile, (Alabama). Besides serving the parish, Valoria helped out at the Royal Hospital and was chaplain of the Third Battalion; he applied about 500 pesos of his assignment from the king to the upkeep of the church and since the place lacked an elementary school, he taught the children. Yet he had been assigned to a far distant parish where he would have to go sixty leagues to Confession and where his apportionment would be 20 pesos while in Pensacola he received 25 and the prebend. However, he obeyed and gave over his parish as ordered. He would either have to go to Natchitoches or ask for retirement to Spain. As to the first, he would not willingly do so, as to the second, there is Law 16, Title 12, Book 1 of the Recopilacion de Indias which grants the privilege of returning to Spain to those who have fulfilled the time designated. He is respected and loved in his parish and has never incurred any correction. Last October he completed the 10 years necessary and asks that Penalver give him formal release from his appointment to Natchitoches, (Louisiana) and from any other duties so that he may apply to the governor for a passport to Spain. In a note at the beginning of the letter, Estevan Quinones, as notary, states that one copy was returned for additions and the other kept in the case. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Walsh, Father (Patrick) Patricio Because of the scarcity of priests owing to the present war, Walsh, Vicar Forane, cannot grant Valoria's request. In accord with the Governor, Valoria is appointed assistant pastor of the Church of St. Luis, (New Orleans, Louisiana) instead of to Natchitoches. Father Joaq(ui)n de Portillo, O.M.Cap., Superior of the Capuchine Mission, is to be notified. This is certified by Quinones who adds in two notes that he notified Valoria and Portillo of the decree. D.S. (Spanish)
Valoria, O.M.Cap., Father Estevan de
to (Father Patrick Walsh On December 23, 1793, Valoria asked for release from the pastorate of Natchitoches in order to apply for the passport necessary for his retiring (to Spain) asking at the same time for certification of the copy which he sent in. When Walsh made the decision on January 4, the notary certified the first copy but not the duplicate and Valoria asks that this be done. He sends two copies (of this letter) so that one may be certified and returned. Quinones adds on the same page that two copies were presented. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Walsh, Father (Patrick) The original and copy (are to be certified) as requested. Quinones certifies this decree and adds in two notes that Valoria was notified of the decree and that the former petition was certified. D.S. (Spanish)
Valoria, O.M.Cap., Father Estevan de
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas) In June 1785, Valoria was appointed by Havana to Pensacola where he spent eight and one-half years not only as pastor and at the Royal Hospital but also as chaplain of the Third Battalion except for the time that Father Fran(cis)co Notario, O.P., was chaplain. He did all this extra work without any pay because he had the love and confidence of his people from whom he would desire to be separated only by death. On November 23, 1793, he received a letter from Father Patrick Walsh, Vicar Forane of the Province, ordering him to give over his parish to Father Fran(cis)co Lennan and to come to (New Orleans) in order to go to take over the parish of Natchitoches. He obeyed. On December 23 of the same year he appeared before the tribunal with the petition, of which a copy is attached, so that Penalver may see that he had no hope of returning to his parish but asked to be released from Natchitoches and from any other assignment because he had completed his ten years. The Vicar General did not grant his petition but appointed him, with the accord of the Governor, as assistant pastor of this parish of St. Luis. Valoria's health suffers in (New Orleans) and he asks that Penalver grant him his release since there is no chance to go back to Pensacola and he has completed eleven years of residence in America. A.L.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis) Bishop of All proceedings in the case are to be brought to Penalver for review. J(ose)ph M(ari)a de Rivas certifies this decree which is signed with the bishop's flourish and de Rivas adds in a note that he notified Valoria of the decree. D.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop of There is no chance of Valoria's returning to Pensacola; he will be allowed to go back to his province as soon as the new priest arrives. In the meantime, if the climate of (New Orleans) is not good for his health, he will be assigned to another more suitable. De Rivas certifies as secretary and adds in a note that he notified Valoria of the decree. D.S. (Spanish)
Valoria, O.M.Cap., Father Estevan de
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas Valoria, formerly pastor of St. Michael's at Pensacola, (restates his case as given in letters above). But he was not released when Father Notario arrived and daily he felt worse and begged Penalver to send him to Mobile or to appoint him temporary chaplain of the Third Battalion at Pensacola. As none of these petitions was answered, he again asks to return to his convent in Havana. D.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis, Bishop of Penalver has the power to grant the petition but has no priest to take his place. Rivas certifies this decree and adds in a note that he notified Valoria of the decree on the same date and in another note adds that on March 2 he sent the affidavits Valoria asked for. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Valoria, O.M.Cap., Father Estevan de
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas Valoria had gone, by Penalver's order, to serve as temporary pastor of St. Bernard's Church in New Galvez during the absence of Father Jose de Villaprovedo, O.M.Cap.. Upon Villaprovedo's return Valoria returned to New Orleans where his health again became bad. Since he has served not only the required ten years but two and one-half years more and there is in New Orleans a French priest who could take his place, he begs permission to retire to his province. A.L.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop of The case is to be studied and a letter sent to the Governor. The bishop signs with his flourish and Father Isidro Quintero certifies as pro-secretary and adds in a note that he sent the letter as ordered. A.D.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas), Luis, Bishop of
to Baron (Francisco Luis Hector) de Carondelet Valoria had asked for his return to Havana, having completed his ten years. While Penalver would not consider this reason because he needs priests, yet Valoria's health is bad and if Carondelet finds no impediment, Penalver asks that Carondelet grant him the permission he asks. Quintero certifies that this is a copy of the letter sent to Carondelet. L.S. Copy (Spanish)
Carondelet, (Francisco Luis Hector), Baron
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas (The manuscript is almost illegible). Carondelet finds no impediment.
L.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop of The decree is to be sent accordingly. Penalver signs with his flourish and Quintero certifies. A.D.S. (Spanish) Since Valoria has asked to return to Havana to the College of his order, having completed ten years, and his health suffers, Penalver grants the permission. Quintero adds that this is a copy of the original permission given by order of the bishop. D.S. Copy (Spanish)
IV-5-j D.S., L.S., A.D.S., A.L.S. and copies 23pp. 4to.
(2 8vo.) (Spanish).