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1797 Jan. 26
Villaprovedo, (O.M.Cap.), Father Joseph de (Most of this manuscript is illegible. It seems to concern) the accounts of the church of St. Bernard of New Galvez, presented by the pastor, Father Joseph de Villaprovedo and examined by Father Luis de Quintanilla, (O.M.Cap.). Baron (Francisco Luis Hector) de Carondelet and Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas) sign documents and Father Isidro Quintero, as (Penalver's) secretary, notarizes the bishop's decrees. (One letter is signed by Martin Palao (and the last paper is a letter addressed to) Palao and signed by Fran(cis)co Bouligny.
IV-5-n L.S., D.S. 10pp. 4to. and 8vo. (Spanish)