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1797 Feb. 9 Lacour, Zenon Colin Documents concerning the dispensation asked by Zenon Colin Lacour to marry Marg(ari)ta.
Lacour, Zenon Colin
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas Lacour of the parish of Punta Cortada, Louisiana wishes to marry Margarita Frederic of the same parish. He asks Penalver to receive information about the following matters: that Lacour is the son of Nicolas Colin Lacour and Magdalena Armand; that Margarita Frederic is the daughter of Joseph Frederic and Isabel Roy, daughter of Carlos Roy and Petrona Colin Lacour; that his father, Nicolas Colin Lacour and Petrona Colin Lacour, his fiancee's grandmother are the children of Nicolas Colin Lacour and Petrona Bret, therefore related in the second and third degree; that their families were among the first to settle in Punta Cortada; that all the inhabitants are related in some degree. His fiancee is very poor. D.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop of Penalver will receive the information as asked. Father Isidro Quintero certifies this decree and adds in a note that he notified Lacour of it. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Quintero, Father Isidro Lacour appeared before Penalver and swore that he is the son of Nicolas Colin Lacour and Magdalena Armand, that he is 21 years old, single and engaged to Margarita Frederic. Lacour signs, Penalver signs with his flourish and Quintero certifies the document. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Quintero, Father Isidro Lacour presented as a witness Gil Guillermo de Labarry who swore to the truth of the statements (as given in the first document); and that he (Labarry) is 34 years old. This is signed by Labarry as Gill Guilliaume de Labarry; marked with the bishop's flourish, and certified by Isidro Quintero as Pro-Secretary.
Quintero, Father Isidro Lacour presents as witness Valerio Boisdoret who swears to (the same statements as above) and that he is 31 years old. This is signed by Ballerio Boisdore, marked with the Bishop's flourish and certified by Quintero as Pro-Secretary. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Penalver y Cardenas, Luis, Bishop Penalver grants the dispensation under the following conditions: that they cease living under the same roof for the present, that they make a general confession and also confess every 15 days during two months; that they contribute forty pesos to their parish. The decree is to be sent to the parish priest of Punta Cortada, who, with parental consent, and after the publication of the banns, may marry them. Quintero also signs as Pro-Secretary and in notes states that Lacour was notified of the decree and that the decree was sent as ordered. D.S. (Spanish)
IV-5-n D.S., A.D.S, 12pp. 4to. (Spanish)