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(1797) (Aug. 22)
Narro, Valentin Garcia and
to Bishop Luis Penalver y Cardenas The Chapter of the Metropolitan Church of Mexico, desiring to promote the cause of the canonization of the Protomartyr of the Indies, Blessed Philip of Jesus, principal patron of this city, his native land, which has been delayed for almost two centuries, has sent letters to the Viceroy and to the Archbishop who have agreed as Penalver will see by the enclosed answers: (Copy) "1796 Feb. 18
(Haro y Peralta), Alonso The desire expressed by the chapter) in their letter of the 16th of the month is good. (Haro) is ready to cooperate, addressing his petitions to the king and to Pope Pius VI just as he did in obtaining the Mass and Office for the Blessed. He gives permission for the collection of alms in the whole archbishopric to help with the expense preceding that of the Royal jurisdiction as given in the Royal order of November 13, 1795." (Copy) "1796 Feb. 23
Branciforte, Marques de
to The Dean and Chapter of This Holy Church The zeal expressed in the letter of the 16th of the month is laudable. Branciforte has given his permission in a decree of yesterday, for a public collection in the whole district of his viceroyship by those subjects selected by the chapter. Therefore today Branciforte has sent his letter of recommendation to the Royal Tribunals of the Consulate and Ministry as requested and also sent one to the King so that the request may be placed before the Apostolic See." Does Penalver know that their fellow countryman was beatified by Pope Urban VIII in 1727 and that the bull left the judgment open so that canonization can be promoted at any time? It will be hard to find in another Blessed, one so venerated, since besides being the principal patron of this city, he has a public church, that of the Capuchines and an Office and Mass of the first class. All this and the universal joy the canonization would bring in America will move Penalver to give his permission to collect alms in his diocese. This will be facilitated by Penalver's recommendation to the pastors of those commissioned by the Chapter. They also ask that Penalver notify the king so that he may add his petition to the Holy See. L.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas), Luis, Bishop of
to The Dean and Chapter of the Metropolitan Church of Mexico Penalver's heart has felt great joy in receiving the letter of May 3 with the enclosed permission given by the Viceroy of Spain and the Archbishop of the Metropolitan Church of Mexico. He is sad to have to tell them of his small hope of collecting much among his parishioners whose customs are not Spanish and their means scarce, their parishes endowed by the king with 30 pesos a month, their bishop with 1,000. However, if they wish to commission someone, Penalver will united his plea with the other diocesans. As a native of the Indies and as one of its bishops, he glories in their zeal. L.S. Draft (Spanish)
V-1-c L.S., and Draft 10pp. 4to. (Spanish)