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1799 Apr. 16
White, Father Gregory
to The R(oyal) P(atrons) of H(is) M(ajesty) White, a native of Ireland, went to the College at Seville where he completed his studies as he was already a priest before leaving his native land. He was assigned to this province, arriving in August, 1787 and serving Colescreek and Natchez where he remained up to the present. But because of his age, and continued ill health, certified by the accompanying statements of physicians, he asks permission to go to Bilboa with a pension, and assistance from the city for the voyage. L. Copy (Spanish)
Pel(l)egrue, Stephen Fouignet de Stephen Fouignet de Pelegrue and Dow certify that White needs to leave this region to regain his health. Pedro Pedesclaux, Fran(cis)co Brutin and Carlos Ximenez certify the signatures of this letter on June 22, 1796. L. Copy (Latin)
White, Father Gregory
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas) White asks (Penalver) to lend his influence with the accompanying document asking the royal favor to return to Bilboa. L. Copy (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas), Luis, Bishop of
to the King (of Spain) White has given (Penalver) the enclosed petition. He has served the province as he states but before (Penalver)'s arrival, he had been removed for immoderate use of liquor. L. Copy (Spanish)
Cerda, Fran(cis)co
to (Bishop Luis Penalver y Cardenas) The king(?) received White's letter of June 17 and (Penalver)'s of July 12, of last year. They have not yielded to his request and have left the matter to (Penalver)'s discretion(?). L. Copy (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop of There are copies of the five documents sent to (Penalver). A.D.S. (Spanish)
V-2-d L. Copy, A.D.S. (Spanish and Latin) 4pp. 4to.