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(1799) (Apr. 20)
(Sabatier, Nicolas)
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas) J(ose)ph Nicolas Savatier, a business man, wishes to marry Eugenia Grima, asks to be dispensed from the calling of the third banns as his business requires him to leave the province for the city of Havana in the boat "El Misisipy" which is to sail next week. L. (Spanish)
Penalver y Cardenas, Bishop Luis Penalver dispenses from the third publication of the banns, provided there are no impediments resulting from the one published and the one to be published tomorrow morning. Father Isidro Quintero acts as secretary. A.D.S. (Spanish)
V-2-d L., A.D.S. (Spanish) 3pp. 4to.