University of Notre Dame

Diocese of Louisiana and the Floridas 1799/09/24





















1799 Sep. 24

Ladnaire, Domingo

Dispensation from the third degree of relationship asked by Ladnaire to marry Genoveva Ladnaire.

1799 Sep. 24

Ladnaire, Dominico
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas)
(New Orleans, Louisiana)

Dominico, native of this province, in the Isle of Venadas, appeared before (Penalver) and having contracted to marry Genoveva Ladnaire of the same nationality and having made all arrangements, he was notified by the pastor that they could not marry because of the impediment of third degree relationship from which he asks dispensation. He is the son of M(ari)a Carco and Santiago Ladnaire, son of another M(ari)a Carco and Santiago Ladnaire, son of another M(ari)a Carco and Maturino Ladnaire, son of a Mr. Ladnaire whose name he does not know as he died in France. Genoveva Ladnaire is the daughter of Marianna Paquet and Nicolas Ladnaire, son of Nicolas Ladnaire, son of Mr. Ladnaire who died in Europe. Genoveva's father is dead and her mother is very poor with 8 unmarried children.

L.S. (Spanish)

1799 Sep. 24

Penalver y Cardenas, Bishop Luis
(New Orleans), Louisiana

The testimony is to be received. Father Isidro Quintero certifies as secretary and notifies Ladnaire.

D.S. (Spanish)

1799 Sep. 24

Quintero, Father Isidro
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Ladnaire appeared and swore (to information already given) and that he is 25 and single.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1799 Sep. 24

Quintero, Father Isidro
(New Orleans, Louisiana)

Estevan Perache, resident of the land next to the Isle of Venados, who swore (to information already given with the addition that) Nicolas, Genoveva's father, is the son of another Nicolas Ladnaire and a German woman whose name Perache does not remember. He is 60 and signs as Etienne Perrache.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1799 Sep. 24

Quintero, Father Isidro
(New Orleans, Louisiana)

Juan Bautista Carmuche appeared and swore to (information given above with the addition that) Genoveva's mother had eight unmarried children and three married. Carmuche is 69.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1799 Sep. 24

Penalver y Cardenas, Bishop Luis
New Orleans, Louisiana

Penalver grants the dispensation under certain conditions of prayers and fast. Quintero certifies the decree and notified the pastor of the Cathedral and Ladnaire.

D.S. (Spanish)

V-2-f L.S., D.S., A.D.S., (Spanish) 1pp. 4to

1799 Sep. 24

1798 Dec. 15

Rincon, Father Manuel Ripolles Gazull del
Granada, (Spain)

to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas)
(New Orleans), Louisiana

The Confraternity of the Slaves of the Most Holy Sacrament and Our Lady of Exile canonically erected on July 29, 1798 in the Monastery of St. Basil and united with the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament of the Forty Hours devotion in the churches of this city, asks (Penalver) to concede the corresponding indulgences to the faithful who enroll in the confraternity. Rincon signs as Director.

A.L.S. (Spanish)

Enclosure: Summary of the indulgences granted to the Confraternity by Pius VI and predecessors.

D. Printed (Spanish)

1799 Sep. 24

(Penalver y Cardenas), Bishop Luis
New Orleans, Louisiana

to Father Manuel Ripolles Gazull Lopez del Rincon
Granada, (Spain)

(Penalver) grants any indulgences in his power and asks to be enrolled in the Confraternity.

Draft S. (Spanish)

V-2-f A.L.S., D. Printed, Draft S. (Spanish) 10pp. 4to.

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