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1801 (Mar. 10) Gonzales, Ramon Proceedings about the marriage of Gonzales and Catalina Hiberni.
Colman, Father Santiago
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas) Colman obtained the proofs of Gonzales' celibacy and of the spurious engagement supposedly contracted in his native country and they clearly show the falsity of this engagement revealed to the governor as having been contracted in order to exempt himself from supplying the lime. As (Penalver) will see from the enclosed copy of the letter, the governor answered that the same causes still exist. A copy of this is also enclosed in order to acquaint (Penalver) with all that has happened. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Colman, Father Santiago
to Vicente Folch and Juan The bishop has commissioned Colman to hear the testimony. It has been proved plainly the falsity of the engagement which Gonzales incautiously revealed to Folch. Copy (Spanish)
Folch, Vicente
to Father Santiago Colman Folch can only say in answer to yesterday's letter that having asked permission for Gonzales to marry Catalina, since they have no relatives in this province, Folch bears in mind that Gonzales had contracted an engagement in spain since he revealed it judicially. A. Copy S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas), Bishop (Luis)
to Father Santiago Colman Because of the letter of November 17 and the documents about Gonzales, (Penalver) sends Colman a copy of the petition sent him. A. Draft S. (Spanish)
Colman, Father Santiago
to Bishop Luis Penalver y Cardenas Colman encloses the certified copy of Gonzales' brief, the decree and punishment. A.L.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas), Bishop (Luis)
to Father Santiago Colman The arbitration taken, by the decree of October 1 and Gonzales proving his celibacy and the falsity of his engagement was not considered sufficient by his Acting-relative of Pensacola as stated in his letter of November 1. Colman is to investigate and send the results and (Penalver) will see what is just. A. Draft S. (Spanish)
Rodriguez, Gaspar
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas) Gonzales, a native of Galicia, coming to Pensacola about 15 years ago explains that having been engaged in his native country, about 21 years ago, since some time has passed, he wishes to marry Catalina, daughter of Jose (Hiberni), deceased, and Catalina Guerra. He asked for a license from the governor, who after the first banns, imposed the impediment of the obligation of the engagement and suspended the rest and so he would be obliged to fulfill the marriage. He begs that knowing Gonzales' freedom (Penalver) will commission the parish priest to perform the marriage. Copy (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas), Bishop (Luis) This party applied to Colman, pastor at Pensacola, to prove his celibacy and the falsity of his engagement. If this is proved and shown to his Vice-relative, the marriage is to be celebrated. Father Isidro Quintero acts as secretary. Copy (Spanish)
Colman, Father Sant(iag)o On receipt of the above, Colman asked the assistance of Ant(oni)o (de) Castro, a pilot of the Royal Navy and Juan Marin (y Pizarro), an official of the auditor's office. They consented. Copy (Spanish)
Marin y Pizarro, Juan and Ant(oni)o de Castro Gonzales appeared and corroborated his statement of July 27. Copy (Spanish)
Colman, Father Sant(iag)o Gonzales appeared before Colman and swore that he was the son of Fran(cis)co (Gonzales) and Fran(cisc)a Torrente, of Lorenzana in Galica, that he was 31 and that he had become engaged to Catalina two years ago and that he was not engaged to anyone else. Asked whether he had not, in a petition to the governor of (Pensacola), when he wanted to get out of supplying the lime for fortifications at St. Charles of Barrancas, stated that he was prevented by his word of engagement in his country, he answered that to Fran(cis)co Navarro, guard at the storehouse for the artillery who made out a petition to get out of it, to add force to the petition. He offered as witnesses Fran(cis)co Duart and Francisco Somosa who declared they had nothing to add. Copy (Spanish)
Colman, Father Sant(iag)o Fran(cis)co Xavier Navarro appeared and swore that having asked him to make out the petition, Gonzales added the pretext of the engagement to add force. Copy (Spanish)
Colman, Father Sant(iag)o Somoza, a carpenter, appeared and swore that he had known Gonzales for twenty years, that he worked as a baker. He had never heard it said that Gonzales had been engaged to anyone else. Copy (Spanish)
Colman, Father Sant(iag)o Fran(cis)co Tuard appeared and swore that he had known Gonzales for 16 years; that he had never heard that Gonzales had been engaged in Europe and that he had put the false engagement in his petition. Copy (Spanish)
Colman, Father Santiago Colman, pastor of St. Michael's certifies that the above proceedings are true copies. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Quintero, Father (Isidro) Gonzales appeared and asked that the proceedings be turned over to him. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Penalver y Cardenas, Bishop Luis The proceedings are to be given him. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Vidal, Nicolas Maria As explained by Nicolas Forstall, mayor of this city, Gonzales has no relatives in this province who could give permission for him to marry. Vidal gives his consent. Gonzales is to be given a certified copy of the proceedings. Chavez Echavarry de Madrigal y Valdes, acting governor, issues this for Vidal. Pedro Pedesclaux acts as notary. (Estevan) Quinones informs Gonzales. Copy (Spanish)
Quintero, Father (Isidro) Gonzales appeared and stated that from the proceedings he was single in his fatherland. (He repeats the evidence of his witnesses). He asks that the license be sent to the pastor of Pensacola so that he may marry. Penalver signs this. A.D. (Spanish)
Penalver y Cardenas, Bishop Luis The banns are to be published and if there are no impediments, the nuptial blessing is to be given. D.S. (Spanish)
V-2-m A.L.S., Copies, Draft S. (Spanish) 24pp. folio