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1801 (Jun. 2) Hebert, Francisco Dispensation asked by Hebert in order to marry Celeste LeBlanc.
Hebert, Fran(cis)co
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas Hebert, of Valenzuela, asks (Penalver) to receive his evidence. He is the son of Juan B(autis)ta Hebert and Magdalena Duga, daughter of Pablo Duga and Magdalena Boudraut, daughter of Juan Boudraut. Celeste is the daughter of Rosalia Teriot and Maturino LeBlanc, son of Pedro LeBlanc and Maria Boudraut, daughter of the above Juan Boudraut. Hebert is an orphan and has lived in his fiancee's house. Her father is very poor with 5 children and only one negro. Hebert helps with the work as the only son is small. He asks for a dispensation. D. (Spanish)
Penalver y Cardenas, Bishop Luis The evidence is to be received. Father Isidro Quintero acts as secretary. D.S. (Spanish)
Quintero, Father Isidro Hebert appeared and swore (in addition to information already stated) that he is a resident of Assumption parish, is 20 and single. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Quintero, Father Isidro Hebert presented as a witness, J(ose)ph Malbru who swore (in addition to information already given above) that Hebert's uncle's only son is 10 or 11 and that Malbru is 32. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Quintero, Father Isidro Hebert presented as a witness, Juan Duga who swore (in addition to information given above) that he did not know the wife of Juan Boudreau as she had died. Duga is 26 and signs as Jan Dugas. A.D.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas), Bishop (Luis) Penalver grants the dispensation. A.D.S. (Spanish)
V-3-a D., D.S., A.D.S. (Spanish) 9pp. folio 1801 (Jun. 2)
(Penalver y Cardenas, Bishop Luis) A decree declaring the completion of the bequests of Marcos Olivares, for whom Basilio Xim(ene)z and Geronimo Lachapelle were executors, except for one bequest of 500 pesos.
(Penalver y cardenas), Bishop (Luis) Since Ximenez is absent from the city Lachapelle is to be notified to verify that the money for three masses has been paid, and the 100 more, the 500 given to Olivares' brother, Father Juan Albares, Augustinian of Ponferrada also for Masses, and 2000 pesos to be distributed to the poor by Father Fran(cis)co Caldes, (O.M.Cap.) as shown by the will prescribed before Pedro Pedesclaux on december 18, 1791. Father Isidro Quintero acts as secretary; he adds that he notified Lachapelle on May 23. D.S. (Spanish)
Quintero, Father Isidro Geronimo Lachapella appeared before (Penalver) and showed a receipt for 8 reales from Father Juan de Dios Valdez for a bequest, others for the three Masses, for the 100 Masses, one from Caldes for 2000 pesos to be distributed to the poor. The 500 pesos to be given to Albarez were taken by Ximenez, shown to Father Teodoro Tirzo (H)Enriquez, Vicar of the province on August 21, 1792 and a draft was drawn on the Bishop of Havana, Felipe Trespalacios so that (Penalver) could send it to Galicia, but since the first executor did not return to this colony and lives in Havana it is not known if it was received safely since the receipt was not found in the papers and time is asked proportionate to the difficulty of communication because of the war. Lachapella signs as Geromo LaChiapella. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Penalver y Cardenas, Bishop Luis The bequests are declared fulfilled except for the 500 pesos to be given to Albarez. Lachiapella is given 6 months to verify this. D.S. (Spanish)
V-3-a D.S., A.D.S. (Spanish) 5pp. folio