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(1801) (Jun. 5) Gomez, Juan Nepomoceno Proceedings by Juan Nepomuceno Gomez for procuring papers necessary to be ordained a priest. ( ) Gomez, of Havana, a notary public in St. Augustine, Florida, and master of the royal schools of reading and writing, desires to be a priest. He asks that the testimony of his three witnesses be heard and that two officials be appointed to judge the information on the following points: whether he is the son of Josef M(ari)a (Jacinto) Gomez and Inez Fran(cis)ca Mendez, natives of St. Augustine, white, without any mixture of mulatto, negro, Jewish, or other blood forbidden by law; whether he frequents the sacraments; if he attends parties, or carries arms, if he is a gambler, Quarrelsome, or goes to suspicious houses, and whether he is inclined toward the Church; whether he was in any office in which he contracted any obligations; whether he had any spiritual or corporal defects, whether he had contracted any betrothal. P.S. If one of the witnesses is the Commandant of the Battalion the aid of the governor will have to be solicited. A.L.S. (Spanish)
O'Reilly, Father (Miguel) The witnesses are to be heard and two others are to be named. Fern(an)do de la Maza Arredondo and Jose Antonio deIguiniz sign. A.D.S. (Spanish)
White, (Enrique) The petition is to be granted. Signed also by (Josef de) Ortega (y Diaz) and certified by Jose de Zubizarreta as secretary to the governor. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Morales, Bartolome Morales gives his testimony as a witness. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Gonzales Hernandez y Guevara, Ipolito Gonzales, in minor orders, gives his testimony. He is 57. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Sanchez, Fran(cis)co Xavier Sanchez gives his testimony. Gomez's grandparents are Pedro Gomez and Getrudis Rodriguez and Catarina (Ruiz) del Canto and Pedro Mendez. D.S. (Spanish)
Ortega y Diaz, Josef de Ortega, lieutenant governor, in reply to O'Reylly's invitation of the 7th, testifies that since arriving in St. Augustine at the beginning of March of '93 he has known Gomez. Ortega gives his testimony. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Crosby, Father Miguel Crosby gives his testimony. He has know Gomez since 1791 when he arrived in St. Augustine. Crosby is 35. D.S. (Spanish)
O'Reilly, Father Miguel O'Reilly approves all the testimony and orders that Gomez's baptismal certificate, that of his parents and their marriage certificate be presented. D.S. (Spanish)
Gomez, Juan Nepom(uce)no The accompanying baptismal certificate is not certified as it should be but there are citizens here who know Father Fran(cis)co Fernandez Quintana of the Angel Guardian Church of Havana who signed the document. They are Captain Juan de los Remedios, and Captain Gines de Oliva and Lieutenant Fernando de la F(uen)te, both of the Third Cuban Battalion. Gomez asks that their certification of the signature be accepted because of the critical state of war and the urgency of the case. A.D.S. (Spanish) On the same paper:
White, (Enrique) The petition is granted. Ortega also signs. A.D.S. (Spanish) 1787(?) Mar. 24
Quintana, Father Fran(cis)co Fernandez Quintana certifies that the following entry is in the baptismal register for Spaniards: On June 4, 1977 Father Nicolas Ambrosio Mancebo y Vetancurt baptized the son of Josef Maria Gomez and Inez Fran(cis)co Mendez born on June 1, giving him the name of Juan Nepomuceno. His godmother was Nicolosa Gomez. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Remedios, Juan de los They certify that the above is in Quintana's hand. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Zubizarreta, Jose de Zubizarreta, royal secretary, certifies that the three above signatures are authentic. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Herrera y Moya, Father Nicolas de Herrera of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception certifies that in the book of baptisms of Spaniards in St. Augustine, Florida, there is the following item: On August 20, 1744, Father Fran(cis)co Xav(i)er Arturo, pastor of St. Augustine, baptized the son of Pedro Gomez, native of Seville and of M(ari)a Getrudis Rodriguez of this city, born on August 15, giving him the name of Jose M(ari)a Jacinto. The godfather was Domingo Ferrera. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Herrera y Moya, Father Nicolas de Herrera certifies that in the register of baptisms of Spaniards in St. Augustine there is the following item: On January 26, 1752, Father Juan de Paredes, pastor at St. Augustine, baptized Ines, born January 20, daughter of Pedro Mendez and Catarina Ruiz del Canto. The godfather was Nicolas Mendez. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Sanchez y Fleytes, Father Josef Domingo Sanchez of the Church of the Guardian Angel certifies that in the matrimonial register for Spaniards there is the following item: In the city of Havana on December 21, 1772, with the permission of the Vicar General, Father Juan Mig(ue)l de Castro Palomino, Mancebo married Jose Maria Gomez and Inez Mendez. Witnesses were Fran(cis)co Galbes and Ign(ati)o Luna and the groomsmen Luis Otero and Soledad Gomez. A.D.S. (Spanish)
-------- (O'Reilly, Father Miguel)
-------- (O'Reilly, Father Miguel) Gomez wishes to become a priest. If anyone knows of any impediment, let it be made known. Draft(?) (Spanish)
O'Reilly, Father Miguel O'Reilly certifies that having read the proclamation on the reverse side on three festival days in the parish church under his charge, no impediment has been noted. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Iguiniz, (Jose Antonio de) On this date testimony was taken from these proceedings for the witnesses and given to Gomez. A.D.S. (Spanish)
O'Reilly, Father Miguel
to (Bishop Luis Penalver y Cardenas) (The ms. is water stained at the beginning; it seems to read): When on September 26, 1797, O'Reilly informed Penalver on the same subject as on the 3rd of last month, he preferred Zubizarreta whom Penalver appointed as schoolmaster. But Zubizarreta not being agreeable, O'Reilly judged Gomez more suitable than Felipe Aguirre and Juan Entralgo, not only because of his exemplary conduct but because of his knowledge of Latin. Only his age made O'Reilly consider him inferior to Zubizarreta. O'Reilly does not wish to overshadow with his praise of Gomez the merits of Aguirre and Entralgo. About the first O'Reilly must say what he did in his first report; the second cannot speak with the precision necessary. D. (Copy) S. (Spanish)
Fernandez, Joseph They certify that they know Gomez, born June 1, 1777 and that at the age of 5 he received the Sacrament of Confirmation in the convent of Our Lady of Belen in this city. Fernandez was a sponsor and Puente assisted him with a boy named Manuel on the same day. Gonzalo Zamorano and Zubizarreta certify that the signatures of Fernandez and Puente are genuine. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Zamorano, Gonzalo In accordance with the fitness of Gomez attested to by many on September 30, 1797, and principally by reports of O'Reilly on September 26 and the first of the month, Zamora appointed gomez as schoolmaster with a salary of 30 pesos a month. In regard to Gomez's temporary absence which his father spoke of in his letter of April 1, Gomez is not to receive his salary until his return. Signed by White and Ortega. This is a copy of the decree occasioned by the letter of Jose Gomez about the school for his son Juan Nepomocene. D.S. (Spanish)
O'Reilly, Father Miguel
to Bishop Luis Penalver y Cardenas In obedience to Penalver's letter of July 2, O'Reilly assures Penalver that there is no exaggeration in the answers to the questionnaire (about Gomez). Gomez's application in college in Havana merited very satisfactory certificates. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Penalver y Cardenas, Bishop Luis Having seen the preceding papers about Gomez sent by the Vicar General O'Reilly asking for papers necessary for Gomez's ordination by the Bishop of Havana, because of difficult access to this city because of the war, Penalver grants the petition and copies of this decree are to be made. Father (Isidro) Quintero signs as secretary. D.S. (Spanish)
Penalver y Cardenas, Bishop Luis Penalver sends the papers necessary for the ordination of Gomez in Havana. D.S. (Spanish)
V-3-a A.L.S., A.D.S., D.S., and copy and draft (Spanish) 39pp.
4to. 1801 (Jun. 5)
(Penalver y Cardenas, Bishop Luis) Proceedings for the placing of Father Luis Buhot in charge of the parish of Opel(o)usas and for Father Pedro de Zamora, (O.M.Cap.) to serve as an assistant at the Cathedral.
Lopez y Angulo, Ramon de
to Bishop Luis de Penalver y Cardenas Having registered the two patents of Buhot and Zamora in the royal treasury, the first as pastor of St. Landry at Opelousas and the second as assistant at the Cathedral, they send them back as requested in Penalver's letter of the first of this month. (A note in the bishop's hand) orders this kept with the case. L.S. (Spanish)
Buhot, Father Luis
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas Buhot, assistant at the Cathedral of New Orleans, having suffered ill health during the last summers and knowing the climate is not agreeable, asks for a parish in the country. A.L.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas), Bishop (Luis) Zamora having asked to be transferred to the city, the petition is granted and a letter is to be sent to the vice Royal Patron. Father Isidro Quintero acts as secretary. D.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas), Bishop (Luis)
(Penalver y Cardenas), Bishop (Luis)
to Nicolas Maria Vidal Zamora of Opelousas is to occupy one of the assistantships and Buhot is to be transferred to that parish. To put an end to any controversy with the Commandant Martin Duralde, (Penalver) asks that a notice be sent. This is a copy of the letter sent. A. Copy S. (Spanish)
Vidal, Nicolas M(ari)a
to Bishop Luis de Penalver y Cardenas Vidal approves what Penalver informed him of in his letter of the 27th in order to cut short the arguments which frequently occur between Duralde and Zamora by giving him the assistantship in this city now served by Buhot, giving each what he wants. Therefore he gives his consent and Penalver can order the patents sent to the interested parties. L.S. (Spanish) On the same paper:
(Penalver y Cardenas), Bishop (Luis) (The above) is to be added to the file and the appointments of Buhot and Zamora are to be sent; copies are to be sent with a letter to the Intendant. D.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas), Bishop Luis Since Buhot, because of bad health, wishes to continue his services in a rural parish; and since Zamora has repeatedly asked to come to the city, (Penalver) consented and proposed it in a letter of May 27 to Vidal who consented in his reply of the 29th. (Penalver) gives Buhot the necessary faculties according to the Instructions of December 21, 1795. Copy (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas), Bishop Luis Since Zamora has repeatedly signified his wishes to be in this city, and Buhot wishes to serve in the country to mend his broken health, Penalver consented and proposed it in his letter of the 27th to Vidal who consented in his letter of the 29th. (Penalver) gives Zamora the necessary faculties according to the instruction of December 21, 1795. Copy (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas), Bishop Luis
to Ramon de Lopez y Angulo (Penalver) sends the licenses of Buhot and Zamora to be registered and returned. Copy (Spanish)
V-3-a L.S., A.L.S., D.S., A. Copy S. Copies (Spanish) 10pp. folio