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1801 (Sep. 4)
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop of Proceedings for the inspection of the will of Zenon Falladas; Benito Alon and Salvador Molas, executors.
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop In the will of Falladas, made before Pedro Pedesclaux on June 28, 1790, it was stipulated that three masses be said for him, that 2 reales be given to each of the legal bequests, 1000 pesos to the parish of Arenas del Mar named Santa Maria en Cataluna for a mass every week and if there was anything remaining it was to be divided between the same parish and the Capuchin Convent of that place for Masses. Also 1000 pesos for Masses for the souls of his parents, naming as executors Alon and Molas, and as heirs, his brothers and sister, Fran(cis)co, Manuel and Getrudis Falladas, and his nieces and nephews. Father Isidro Quintero signs as secretary. D.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop of Alom is to be informed that Falladas' pious bequests are to be carried out. D.S. (Spanish)
Alom, Benito Alom appeared and swore that Falladas died in the province, leaving the city, ill, in a pirogue for up the river, that he could not give the exact day nor the parish but that when he received notice of his death, Alom had had a Mass said and this would be found in the book of fees on July 16, 1790. He did not draw up papers because when Falladas left he told Alom, if he died, to see the grocery store and add it to the money which made a total of 2500 pesos. Those who went up with him in the pirogue told of his death. Alom knew them by sight but now after more than 10 years he could not remember them. Alom turned the 2500 pesos over to Mariano Ton to be sent to Jose Pruna(?) y Culler. Alom lost Pruna's reply upon receiving the will but he had no receipt for the money. Ton had not written and Alom does not know if he turned the money over to Cullere but he is convinced that he carried out the will. Ton arrived here by boat from Cadiz but Alom does not know if he reached Cataluna. When Ton received the money he wrote that he explained to a brother here named Ramon (Font) that he had received it. Molas left this city more than 5 years ago and one of his sons said he had died since. Molas concurred in the sale of Falladas' assets but Alom has no documents of this except that they called in two appraisers who verbally gave a value to the goods of the grocery store. Although Alom knew one he could not remember who it was. Alom is 44. D.S. (Spanish)
Penalver y Cardenas, Bishop Luis The testimony is to be given over to the prosecutor general; Father Juan de Dios Valdes is appointed. Quintero adds in a note that he accepted and signed. D.S. (Spanish)
Valdes, Father Juan de
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas) The lack of information about Falladas' death and lack of inventories indicate a malicious obscurity. The legal bequests, the three Masses, the paper of the 27th and that of January 17, 1792, in which Mariano Ton received from Benito 2500 pesos to be turned over in Arenas to Jose Pruna y Cuellar is another cloud as confusing as the first. The pious works do not seem to have been fulfilled nor the heirs to have their share. This last concerns the Royal Judge, the first (Penalver). It seems to Valdes that the pastor of the Cathedral should certify whether he buried Falladas and if necessary the same should be done in other parishes with any news they can ascertain about his death. The notary Pedesclaux should certify also and the aid of the Royal Judge is enlisted. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Penalver y Cardenas, Bishop Luis The pastor of the cathedral and Pedesclaux are to testify; royal aid is to be asked. D.S. (Spanish)
Caiserquer It is to be done as the Bishop requests. D.S. (Spanish)
Sedella, (O.M.Cap.), Father Antonio de Sedella, pastor of the Cathedral, certifies that he did not bury Falladas nor do the registers show his burial in the parish. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Pedesclaux, Pedro Falladas, a resident of this city, son of Fran(cis)co Falladas and Tejtrudis(?) Mauiri, both dead, being ill, of sound mind makes his will as follows: He is to be buried in the parish and place chosen by his executor. Three Masses are to be said for his soul. 2 reales are to be given for each legal bequest. He is single. In the church of Arenas del Mar, an anniversary Mass is to be said every week. If the amount necessary for this does not reach 1000 pesos the amount left over shall be equally divided between the Capuchin Convent and the parish named. He gives to the same parish of Santa Maria an equal amount of 1000 pesos for the souls of his father and mother. If there are any debts, his executor is to pay them. His executors are to collect various debts for him. He has about 2,200 pesos in money and several small businesses with a store situated opposite the levee beside the New Exchange(?) and a house in Arena del Mar in Cataluna. To the negress, Maria Francisca, slave of Juan Bautista Mersier he gives 250 pesos for many services; 50 of this to be used as she wishes, the 200 to be given to someone she trusts so that together with the interest she may purchase her freedom. He names as executors Alom and Molas to whom he extends the time of one year or longer. He names as heirs his brothers and sister, Francisco, Manuel and Tertrudis Falladas and all his nieces and nephews in equal parts. All other wills are void except this one made in New Orleans on June 28, 1790. He signs before the witnesses, Pedro Gonz(ale)s de la Galea y Villas-amil, Isidro Illa, and Santiago Lemayre. Signed Seno(n) Falladas, Pedro Gonz(ale)s de la Galea y Villas-amil, Isidro Illa, and J(ames) Lemaire before Pedro Pedesclaus. This conforms with the original. D.S. (Spanish)
Pedesclaux, Pedro Pedesclaux certifies that in the archives in his charge there are no documents on the death of Falladas neither is it clear that Alom and Molas carried out the orders of the will. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Valdes, Father Juan de Dios
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas) Valdes has examined the testimony in Falladas' will and (Sedella's) certification. The date, parish and ones who saw him die are not known and yet Alon took over his property, sold it, and disposed of the proceeds. Valdes thinks a circular order should be sent to the pastors of St. Charles, St. John, Santiago, Valenzuela and Iberville which are those on the river, and to those adjoining for certifying whether from June 28, 1790 to July 16, 1801 Falladas had died in their district or whether there were any entries in their books or knowledge of him. Alon should be ready to prove whether Mariano Font, who it seems signed the receipt on January 11, 1792 that he had collected 2500 pesos to deliver in Arenas del Mar to Pruna Culler, really did so, if Culler did so with 1000 pesos to be given to the acting pastor of the parish of St. Mary of Arenas to fulfill the memento of Masses, and another 1000 for Masses for the souls of his parents, all with certified documents. Since this executor by his informal proceedings and negligence has created suspicion, for safeguard of the pious works, a mortgage should be placed on his goods at St. Bernard of New Galvez. An order should be given to the commandant so that the aid of the governor may be asked until Alon proves himself. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Penalver y Cardenas, Luis, Bishop (The above) is to be done. Quintero adds in a note that he tried to notify Alom but he was at St. Bernard, his residence. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Penalver y Cardenas, Bishop Luis Letters are to be sent to the pastors of St. Charles, St. John Baptist, St. James of Caabanose, la Fourche, Valenzuela and Iberville to ascertain whether the burial of Falladas is entered in their registers from June 28, 1790 to July 16, 1790 or if they have news of his whereabouts. Alon is to be notified that within one year the 2000 pesos are to be turned over to the parish to fulfill clauses 4 and 5 of Falladas' will. Copies are to be made of these, of the statement of the 12th and of this decree so that the attorney may investigate the validity of the conveyance and the executor may draw up the necessary papers and send to the Commandant of St. Bernard of New Galvez, having previously obtained the aid of the governor. D.S. (Spanish)
Salcedo, Manuel de It is to be done as the Bishop asks. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Mangan, Father Patrick
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas) Mangan certifies that there is no entry in the register of the burial of Zenon Falladas nor any information of his whereabouts. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Maguire, Father John
to Bishop Luis Penalver (y Cardenas) Maguire did not find Falladas' name in the register nor did he get any information from the old inhabitants and employees of the church. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Saintpierre, Father Paul de Saintpierre found no entry of the burial of Falladas in the register of St. Gabriel's. The inhabitants say they have no knowledge that he ever lived in the neighborhood. A.L.S. (French)
V-3-d D.S., A.D.S., A.L.S. (Spanish and French) 32pp. 4to. &