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1802 (Jun. 30) Hassett, Father Thomas Proceedings for the transfer of Father Domingo (Joaquin) Solana to the parish of Galvestown.
Morales, Juan Ventura
to Father Thomas Hassett Morales returns the license for Solana, having registered it as Hassett asked in his letter of the 28th. L.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas The parish of Galvestown is vacant since the departure of Father Pablo de San Pedro who had ministered there and at Iberville so that it was left destitute of spiritual aid because the closest pastors each have two parishes. On June 23, Hassett sent a letter to the governor to install Solana there and having received his consent on the 25th, Hassett orders the license sent to Solana. Fran(cis)co Bermudes signs as notary. D.S. (Spanish)
Hasset(t), Father Thomas
to Manuel de Salcedo The death of Father Constantine MacKenna, pastor of New Feliciana, left a vacancy which Hassett has entrusted to S(a)n Pedro, pastor of Pointe Coupee, taking him from the parishes of Iberville and Galvestown also vacant. The neighboring pastors each have two parishes; one has Pointe Coupee and New Feliciana, the other LaFourche and Iberville. Hassett appoints Solana, assistant at the Cathedral, for this vacancy where he will be much more useful as he knows only Spanish and this parish is primarily Spanish. The fear of an epidemic of small pox and the heat at this season are circumstances which make necessary the immediate provision of a priest. Hassett asks for Salcedo's approval. L.S. Copy (Spanish)
Salcedo, Manuel de
to Father thomas Hasset(t) Salcedo has no objection to Solana's going to Galvestown. L.S. Copy (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas Hassett appoints Solana and gives him the necessary faculties with all the obligations according to the Council of Trent and the instructions of December 21, 1795 which govern the diocese. Copy (Spanish)
-------- Hasset(t), Father thomas New Orleans, (Louisiana)
to Juan Ventura Morales Hassett asks that the attached license of Solana be registered in the treasury. Copy (Spanish) V-3-j L.S., D.S., Copies (Spanish) 8pp. 4to.