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1802 Jun. 25
Hidalgo, Jose Fran(cis)co
to The Bishop of
Hidalgo sends an affidavit of the royal cedulas of April, 1784 and
November 20, 1801 in which His Majesty warns that ecclesiastical courts
cannot try cases of validation of wills, inventories, or trust funds.
He wishes to be notified of their receipt. V-3-j L.S. (Spanish) 1p.
4to. 1802 Jun. 25
Salcedo, Manuel de
to Father Thomas Hasset(t) Salcedo has no objection to the appointment of Father Domingo Joaquin Solana as pastor of Galveztown, (Louisiana). L.S. (Spanish) With this is folded:
Hassett, Father Thomas
to Manuel de Salcedo By the death of Father Constantino Mackenna, former pastor of New Feliciana, the parish is vacant and Hassett is obliged to charge Father Pablo de San Pedro, pastor of Pointe Coupee to assist there, taking him from his charge to administer to Iberville and Galvestown [Galveztown], also vacant, leaving the latter entirely destitute. the neighboring pastors each have two parishes, one with Pointe Coupee and New Feliciana and the other with La Fourche and Iberville making it almost impossible to serve Galvestown. Hassett wishes to appoint Solana, now assistant at the Cathedral and more useful in Galvestown as he knows only Spanish and that parish is purely Spanish. the fear of smallpox now raging in the province and also the terrible heat at this time of year are circumstances which call for immediate provision. Hassett asks Salcedo's consent. A. Copy S. (Spanish)
V-3-j L.S., A. Copy S. (Spanish) 6pp. 8vo. 1802 Jun. 25
Salcedo, Manuel de
to Father Thomas Hasset(t) He has asked the Commandant of Opelusas to use his influence to have the inhabitants under his jurisdiction pay the small quota imposed on them for the support of the sacristan, Andres Phauron, as Hassett asked in his letter of the 16th. L.S. (Spanish) With this is folded:
Hassett, Father Thomas
to Man(ue)l de Salcedo Father Luis Buhot, pastor of St. Landry of Opelusas has informed Hassett that the sacristan of his church has left because the people do not help him with the monthly or annual assessment which belongs to the office and he must go from place to place to ask from each one his quota. But a sacristan cannot be absent from his church and he cannot live on air. Hassett asks Salcedo to give an order to the Commandant to aid the sacristan. A. Copy S. (Spanish)
V-3-j L.S., A. Copy S. (Spanish) 5pp. 8vo.