University of Notre Dame

Diocese of Louisiana and the Floridas 1802/07/14





















1802 Jul. 14

Solana, Father Domingo Joachin

Denunciation by Father Dom(ing)o Joaquin Solana of statements in the catechism of Father (Geronimo de) Ripalda, (S.J.).

1802 May 6

Solana, Father Domingo Joachin
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

to (Father Thomas Hassett)
(New Orleans), Louisiana

Solana, assistant at the Cathedral of New Orleans, having read the catechism of Ripalda, printed in this city, saw that it did not conform with the author's original and that it contained blamable statements (of which he quotes five). He presents this to (Hassett) as vicar general for correction.

A.L.S. (Spanish)

1802 May 19

Hassett, Father (Thomas)
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

This paper is to be given to Father Antonio de Sedella, (O.M.Cap.), pastor of the Cathedral, to Father Pedro de Zamora, (O.M.Cap), assistant at the Cathedral and Father Ubaldo Delgado, (O.F.M.) for their opinions.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1802 Jun. 21

Hassett, Father Thomas
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

The opinions are to be collected and Solana is to be summoned to appear before Hassett and Father Sebastian Gili, named as notary, that they may be read and instruction given to prevent in the future the promotion of similar information so opposed to the spirit of the councils which would result in scandal especially in this province inhabited by people of all sects.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1802 Jun. 22

Gili, Father Sebastian
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Solana appeared and Gili read the opinions of Sedella, Zamora and the decision of the governor of the diocese.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1802 May 22

Sedella, Father Antonio de
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

to Father (Thomas Hassett)
(New Orleans, Louisiana)

Sedella gives his opinion on Solana's remarks on the catechism.

A.L.S. (Spanish)

1802 May 25

Zamora, Father Pedro de
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

to Father Thomas Hasset(t)
(New Orleans), Louisiana

Zamora gives his opinion on certain points held as erroneous in the catechism of Ripalda, ordered reprinted with the permission of Bishop Luis Penalver y Cardenas. The point on Confession during Lent was questioned by Francisco Reynoso, Bishop of Cordova, 50 years ago. Zamora read Ripalda's catechism printed in Barcelona by Jean Beguer in 1730 and reprinted with the royal permission at the press of Pedro de la Rosa in 1780.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1802 May 28

Delgado, Father Ubaldo
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

to father (Thomas Hassett)
(New Orleans, Louisiana)

Delgado gives his opinion on the catechism, reprinted, not printed, in New Orleans. The first proposition attacked was written in catechisms reprinted in Barcelona, Los Angeles and Havana. He cites the authority of Penalver and of Nicolas Maria Vidal, Consultor of the Holy Office of the Inquisition and deputy governor of this city. Had Solana seen the same catechism, written in prose, put into verse by Father Juan Almarza, S.J., printed in Barcelona and reprinted in Los Angeles? Doubtless there would also have been complaint against Almarza for so many variations and more against the Archbishop of Saragossa who granted 40 days indulgence for each quarter hour of teaching from this catechism. Therefore Delgado thinks Solana is unwise.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1802 Jun. 26

Solana, Father Domingo Joaq(ui)n
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Solana appeals from the decision that he abstain from similar accusations. He petitions that the appeal be heard freely, that the proceedings be given to him and that two copies of the catechism be sent so that the superior can annotate and return them with instructions.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1802 Jun. 28

Hassett, Father (Thomas)
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

This is to be turned over to Gili.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1802 Jul. 5

gili, Father Sebastian
New Orleans, Louisiana

The principal petition is to be granted and the testimony to be given to him as he asks. The first and second added petitions are granted with a warning that the delay in making a copy of the proceedings is not to serve as an excuse for absenting himself from his parish at Galveztown. Hassett signs this.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1802 Jul. 6

Gili, Father (Sebastian)
(New Orleans, Louisiana)

Gili notified Solana of the above decree.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1802 Jul. 14

Gili, Father Sebastian
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

to Father (Thomas Hassett)
(New Orleans, Louisiana)

Solana is about to leave and should pay the costs before he goes. Gili asks that (Hassett) order Juan de Losada to draw them up.

A.L.S. (Spanish)

1802 Jul. 14

Hassett, Father Thomas
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

The petition is granted.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

1802 Jul. 14

Losada, Juan
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Losada lists the costs of the case.

A.D.S. (Spanish)

V-3-j A.L.S., A.D.S., D.S. (Spanish) 23pp. folio

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